Will Biden provoke WWIII as a distraction from the Kabul meltdown? False flag against WNs coming?

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Very busy today getting ready to launch my movement.

My great fear now is either a false-flag attack on the US abroad to start WWII OR a false flag at home targeting American WNs as “terrorists.”

I feel at least one if not both are definitely coming — and before or on the 11th of September.

They like that day (days with 11 are good for getting away with murder):

— Pentagon began being built on that day in Arlington, Virginia kin 1941, and FDR on that day, across the Potomac in DC, issued an order that the US Navy depth-charge German u-boats (three months before Pearl H.)

— Bush I says n a speech to Congress that the goal of the invasion of Kuweit is a “New World Order” 1991

— WTC/Pentagon attacks of 2001, leading to the totalitarian Patriot Act and later (2010) to airport groping (illegal search)
All the jews ever do is false-flags or provoke war, over and over and over:

— Fort Sumter, 1860

— Sinking of USS Maine, 1898

— Sinking of Lusitania, 1915

Filled to the gills with bombs and ammunition by First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill and Assistant Navy Secretary Franklin Roosevelt

so it would explode and sink rapidly, killing as many Americans as possible


— Pearl Harbor 1941

— Lavon Affair 1954

— JFK murder 1963 (on 11.22)

— Near-murder of Ted Kennedy by plane crash 1965

USS Liberty attack 1967

— Murder of Robert Kennedy, 1967

As president, Robert Kennedy would 100% have ordered a true investigation of who killed his brother John.

— Murder of MLK 1967, blamed on a white Southerner who had nothing to do with it, as the King family itself stated

— Near-murder of Reagan, 1981

— Murder of JFK Jr via plane crash 1998

— Endless school mass shootings (either real and done by MK-ULTRAs or fake, but believed 1999-present)


Sandy Hooknose, in Jewtown, Connecticut

— WTC/Pentagon attacks in 2001, leading to totalitarian Patriot Act and (2010) to airport groping

— Fukushima nuclear reactor meltdown in 2010 (US/Israeli attack on Japan via HAARP), 10,000 died from tsunami and flooding

binary comment

— Endless “Syria’s-Assad-used-chemical-weapons-on-his-own-people” totally faked attacks 2012-2018

–Murder of SCOTUS Associate Justice Antonin Scalia by Obama to tip court liberal, 2016

— Biden stealection 2020 (CIA orchestrated the steal, while  media claimed voters rejected Trump, who won in a landslide)

— Covid-19 lockdowns 2020

— Fauci sends Covid-19 to Wuhan, China weapons lab for “gain of function”, 2019

— Car bomb murder of Harrison Deal to terrify Georgia’s governor Kemp and Georgia US Senator Kelly Loeffler

Deep State uses car bomb to murder young Georgian w/ties to governor and both senators; engine thrown 50 feet into the air

— mRNA death vaccines 2021


The next big false flags are coming, and they are designed to be the coup de grâce to whatever remains of our American freedom.


Next stop: gun seizures, economic collapse, embedded bio-money chip, forced vaccines, and death camps.


I can and I will stop it.


Deus vult.

You had better start believing in God, praying to God, and stop skipping over my oh-so-BORING 😉 content on God, angels, reincarnation and the afterlife.

You may be facing death soon, either as a disgusting, whining, crying coward (“why, God, why?” LOL!) or a magnificent, fighting hero. Either way, 90% of us are going to die.

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