Will Israel and Iran now go at it?…. and spiritual reading

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The obedient jewsmedia do not mention what triggered the Hamas attacks, which killed at least 100 Jews. A whopping 800 jews had stormed the Al Aksa mosque in Jerusalem, a very holy place for Muslims, from which, they believe, Allah’s prophet, Mohammed, ascended at death up to God. 


I would agree, after a lifetime of Arabs and Israelis going at it, with what French president Charles de Gaulle said to his assistant, Alain Peyrefitte: “Arabs and Jews — who can stand either of them?”


…….Will Israel go to war with Iran (a major oil supplier to China)?

Israel declares war on Iran: “It’s their fault”


They didn’t expect anything else

The Minister of War of the Israeli regime Yoav Gallant: “Iran has openly started a war against us and must expect harsh retaliation.”

The ambassador in Moscow of the Zionist regime: “Iran is responsible for what Hamas is doing.”

A friend speculates that the Mossad knew and let this happen, as a false flag. From the Jewish and Palestinian comments I tend to believe that the surprise was real. But that the actors were summoned to the place where the Last Battle will take place, Jerusalem and the Rock of Abraham.

As my friend Marletta wrote:

In reality, a crisis now serves everyone:

To the PALESTINIANS: now otherwise condemned to an inexorable and slow genocide.

To the ISRAELians who surely knew. A crisis of this kind brings together Zionist society which, until a few weeks ago, some defined as on the brink of civil war. Then, imagine if a missile accidentally fell on the Al Aqsa Mosque and “accidentally” destroyed it…

To IRAN which assumes a role of regional leader, burning all the others from the start (even if it risks retaliation from Israel which could even be nuclear).

To RUSSIA which is largely annoyed by the bombings on Syria (two days ago, 100 Syrian soldiers were killed by Israeli missiles) and Israel’s support for all Russia’s enemies; and who evidently knew and let it happen.

Everyone has their own interest and, as always, everyone is convinced that they can manage crises and not let them get totally out of hand. We will see.

In any case, as we know, the FINAL CRISIS OF OUR TIMES will not happen in Ukraine or Taiwan but in the Middle East. Now, in a month or in five years. Is written.


No one reported that two days before, on October 5, the Jews staged an arrogant final provocation:

October 5, 2023:

Over 800 Israeli settlers storm Al-Aqsa Mosque compound during the Jewish holiday of Sukkot


On Thursday morning, more than 800 Israeli settlers stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied East Jerusalem, under the protection of Israeli forces.

Far-right rabbis, heads of settlement associations and university professors were among 832 people who stormed the religious site compound, a source from the Department of Islamic Endowments in Jerusalem told The New Arab’s Arab sister site, Al -Araby Al-Jadeed.

Israeli forces have imposed severe restrictions on the entry of Muslim worshipers to Al-Aqsa and those under 60 have been barred from entering the site.

It occurs during the Jewish religious holiday of Sukkot, which begins September 29 and ends Friday. The holiday saw thousands of Israeli extremists storm the Al-Aqsa compound, with nearly 1,500 entering the site on Monday.

Israeli extremists continued to hold provocative marches both inside Jerusalem’s Old City and outside its walls on Thursday, attacking Palestinians and their property.

They also beat and spat on journalists in a market area near Al-Aqsa, where shops were forced to close for the sixth consecutive day.

The Old City is home to Al-Aqsa, the Western Wall and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
Israeli extremists continued to hold provocative marches both inside Jerusalem’s Old City and outside its walls on Thursday, attacking Palestinians and their property.

They also beat and spat on journalists in a market area near Al-Aqsa, where shops were forced to close for the sixth consecutive day.

The Old City is home to Al-Aqsa, the Western Wall and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.




….Spiritual reading for October 8

The open heart can be hard sometimes. It is not without a cost, for as you know, the open heart is a vulnerable heart. But remember that in so many of the wounds you receive (and certainly any that arise from being open) lie singular opportunities.

You rarely, if ever, grow in a state of comfort. Comfort, is to us, an odd concept. Or rather, that it is so ardently pursued by so many of you we find somewhat baffling.

For us, what might be called comfort lies in radiating, in resonating, in being aligned and in tune
with each moment. It is not restful, but it is joyous and truly, it IS.

But we digress. The point here is that many of you have a powerful fear of allowing yourselves to get hurt, as if injuries to your emotional self had the capacity to finish you off. So you tend to avoid them, to steer clear of the “dangerous” shoals. This is elementary, but the reason we raise it is this: when we say that it is time to open your heart without reservation, many of you are only too glad to do this. It does feel good and affirming in the doing, as you experience more love and clarity and lightness. But if you keep it open, inevitably the more subtle and deeper gifts begin to appear: the pains, the wounds, the slings and arrows.

And it is here that most of you tend to shut things down again, usually without even noticing that you are doing so.

We want to encourage you to try to open your heart again today, and to stay with it. In all likelihood, it will hurt from time to time, whether empathetically, universally or personally. Stay with it through that pain and discomfort—therein lies a true jewel. For you see, your heart is not an individual thing, but rather a small stitch in the most magnificent tapestry ever created. It is moreover a small but integral part of the most powerful force field around.

See what you can learn for yourself about the wisdom and the strength and form of the heart. Although many of you know well its beauty, few understand it sufficiently to make use of the unbelievable brilliance you have at your disposal. Keep opening as long as you can, and no matter what you do, try to stay conscious of what you are doing. Or not doing.

It would be good to start this today, but by no means stop tomorrow. We are talking about a lengthy process of exploration here, one which you have all undertaken in some form or another at one time or another.

It is our hope that you will set off again, into the wilds of your heart, armed with great courage and the absolute certainty that you are part of something loving and much larger than yourself. The territory is largely uncharted (which is remarkable considering how much time and space has been devoted to the vagaries of the human heart) and it is now time for many of you to begin to map its depths, to know its breadth and to use it to save your world. Simply put!

We do love you and send many blessings.


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