Will reading about the white tragedy in South Africa wake Americans up? NOT BY ITSELF!

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White prisoners such as this theology student greet supporters before going off to ten years prison for talking of overthowing the genocidal black government of South Africa

Millions of Afrikaners now live in grinding poverty in a black-ruled country that leads the world in AIDS, rape and murder 

A comrade up here in the UP of Michigan wrote me (https://johndenugent.com/english/pat-buchanan-there-is-no-going-back-to-the-1950s-for-white-americans-time-for-white-reserves-like-the-indians-have/#comment-616442):

Any naive White people who believe in diversity and the rest of the Cultural Marxist agenda should study what is happening in South Africa !

I replied (https://johndenugent.com/english/pat-buchanan-there-is-no-going-back-to-the-1950s-for-white-americans-time-for-white-reserves-like-the-indians-have/#comment-616443):

True, but humans need to then actually embrace that truth and act.

I remember my father once discussing a Rhode Island election with a friend. Rhode Island is almost a one-party state, run by the Demoncrats, and they really ruined the economy decades ago. The most amazing and irresponsible class-warfare thing the Demoncrats EVER did to destroy the jobs and factories in RI that the working man and woman needed was to pass a state law saying that strikers could collect unemployment.

In other words, the RI taxpayer was FUNDING THE STRIKE!

And so our textile factories moved en masse to North Carolina. (The excellent movie “Norma Rae” with Sally Field was about a NC textile factory, and trying to organize a union there.)


It is based on a true story, btw,

“Crystal Lee Sutton’s life as a textile worker in Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina, where the battle for the workers’ union took place against a J.P. Stevens Textiles mill. Her actual protest in the mill is the scene in the film where she writes the sign “UNION” and stands on her worktable until all machines are silent. Although Sutton was fired from her job, the mill was unionized, and she later went to work as an organizer for the textile union.[8]”


(Good movie except for the Jew co-hero 😉 )

So after my father and his friend, Dick Maguire, finished fuming about this law that made taxpayers fund strikes, and had factories closing left and right and moving south, throwing working-class breadwinners out of work and leading to foreclosed homes and destitute families, I asked:

“How can the public keep on voting for these liberal Democrats? They are HARMING the working people, NOT helping them!”

My father’s friend, Dick Maguire, sighed:

“People believe, John, whatever they WANT to believe.”

I was literally STUNNED that such a thing was possible — that harsh facts, reality, scientific evidence and the truth were meaningless to the masses!

I sure had a lot to learn.

But from that moment on I had doubts about the tempting myth of democracy, the so-called “rule of the people.”

You can always FOOL the PEOPLE by telling the what they want to hear.

And that is what “democratia” is, in Ancient Greek, the rule (cratia) of the average joe, the demos.

And soon these same folks will be gung-ho to go out and wage war on North Korea, Iran, and Russia for Trump.

And then they will be crying as the men die.

German woman bawls in Munich after a muslim massacred people in a McDonalds. (Now do you think she will stop voting for the Establishment political parties and vote instead for the rightwing, nationalist NPD, which wants to throw the muslims OUT? Oh, hell no! ) 😉

Adolf Hitler got rid of democracy because people are too morally and intellectually primitive for it to work. We wish it would work, but it just doesn’t. Will we ever be able to give the key to a sports car to a 12-year-old? Hell, no to that too.

What “democracy” really is, is this:

Millionaires using the Media to Manipulate the Masses


And this is why the word democracy is not found in the Declaration of Independence or the US Constitution!



…..Contact and support

If I taught you something, will you reciprocate so I can teach you and others more important things? 🙂

Contact/Supporting VIRTUS

¦ ¦.Actual donations

–26 April 2017 cash donation in the recommended aluminum foil and beautiful gift card from repeat donor M in Germany

Accompanying note in German

English translation

Hello, John!

I wish you a beautiful beginning of spring. Keep on fighting! Let me know when the card and content (20 euros) have arrived.

Germany awaken!

With comradely greetings,

Sebastian [XX]

–25 April 2017 Paypal to mhuffstickler@outlook.com from L in Scotland

“21 April 2017 cash donation by M in Oregon
“21 April 2017 Stripe donation by B in Denmark

–13 April 2017 check from G in Utah

—-13 April 2017 book from S in Idaho

–11 April 2017 cash from donor “Chad Bigly” 😉

“10 April 2017 book The Unseen Hand from an anonymous supporter

–5 April 2017 cash from S in Florida

–4 April 2017 donations via PayPal from C in Connecticut, cash from C in New Jersey, and via Stripe from J in Utah

–30 March donations via PayPal from S in Germany

–9 March 2017 donations via PayPal from M in Scotland and B in Alabama

–7 March 2017 Euros and a book (Boa, written by a courageous child psychiatrist who uncovered an epidemic of police-protected child molesting on the Dutch island of Aruba), sent by A in Holland

–3 March 2017 Euros from A in Germany


“Dear Mr. de Nugent,

A much belated Happy New Year to you.

I hope you are doing well (and enjoy good health). I wish I could do more to support you financially. Alas, it is not possible. 

Like many others I work full-time yet can barely make ends meet. 

This system sucks big-time. Frugality or outright poverty for working (!) Germans, luxury for invaders, who never worked a day in their useless parasite lives.


However, this cannot last and something’s got to give. 

Our lying, thieving political con men are not the solution. They are all part of the problem.

Divine intervention and retiribution, yes please!

I enjoyed your writing very much and learned a lot. Please be very vigilant and stay safe. All the best and ORION [Our race is our nation]. Down with ZOG!  [initials of the sender]”

–2 March 2017 gift t-shirt from the Bahamas from J in North Carolina

 photo t-shirt-jamie-freeport-bahamas_zpsz6obclpf.jpg

–1 March via Paypal from J in England to mhuffstickler@outlook.com

–28 February 2017 cash from a Haunebu base 😉


–24 February 2017 donation via Stripe from P in Connecticut
–21 February 2017 cash from C in California

–14 February 2017 via Stripe (like PayPal) from M

–14 February 2017 cash from S in Florida

–6 February 2017 $39 from M in Minnesota and $20 and patriotic newspapers from B in California

–18 January 2017 cash from G in Maine, wrapped in aluminum foil

–17 January 2017 donation via Stripe from the generous and courageous Jamie Anderson of North Carolina (his name is used with his explicit permission)

(Jamie was one of the two key funders of the entire  Captain Ramsay/Nameless War project

Stripe is just as easy as PayPal. Please use it!

–12 January 2017 cash from C in Arizona
–11 January 2017 donation via Paypal to mhuffstickler@outlook.com from M in Florida
–3 January 2017 $20 cash from M and $20 check from K, both from California





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