Will the abortive “Reich coup” be used by the US Deep State’s minions in Germany to ban both the anti-WWIII parties, the rightist AfD and the leftist Die Linke?

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German government bonds regularly use this symbol of a German eagle caged inside a hexagon. And where else do you see a hexagon? Inside a Star of David, and buried into the Walmart logo, too.

Here is an excellent Duran discussion of the “Reich coup” and the likely ulterior motives.

My comment:

Alex Mercouris and Alex Christoforou are absolutely right that this “Reich coup” has all the hallmarks of an American-designed false flag, intended to result in something being banned and some person or party being demonized, turned into a pariah, and rendered “unfrequentable” (“infréquentable,” as the French would say)…… someone to avoid speaking with or even smile at for fear of punishment.
But this most certainly does not mean that all “involved” in the Reich coup were undercover agents and provocateurs.
There is genuine outrage and sincere alarm among at least 40% of the general German population. Germans are terrified of:
–yet another catastrophic war with Russia;
— they fear a thermonuclear WWIII on German soil;
— their economy is slowly dying;
— their heat and light bills are skyrocketing and supplies may even be shut off later this winter;
— and the cities of Germany are increasingly crime jungles due to migrants.
Not a week goes by without some grisly atrocity being committed by male muslim migrants upon white German women or girls. Just a few days ago, a muslim Eritrean stabbed two German school girls — one to DEATH — in a tiny town called Illersberg in Baden-Württemberg.
He did not know the girls at all; but they were white Germans, not wearing a veil and hence they were infidels — and that sufficed. Imagine a foreigner, a guest in Germany, arrogating unto himself this “right” to kill natives who do not follow his religion!
And now the world has witnessed the Nordstream pipeline destruction, a violent act of war by the US on Germany (and of course also on Russia!!!).
When the West Germans had the Basic Law imposed upon them in 1949 (which is NOT a “constitution,” for a constitution must voted on by the people to be truly legitimate), it had been cooked up in Illinois at the University of Chicago, an ultra-Deep State college founded and funded by oil trillionaire John D. Rockefeller.
Carlo Schmitt, a German expert on the Basic Law, stated baldly that this legal thing was “eine Modalität der Fremdherrschaft” — “a modality of foreign rule.” In other words, the Deep State in Washington and the high financiers of New York City intended henceforth to rule Germany via a puppet government.
Konrad Adenauer, the first West German chancellor, said: “We have been tasked by the Allies.” (“Wir haben Auftrag von den Alliierten.”)
For the very reason that the wartime enemy (in Washington, London and Paris) dictated the entire West German setup, this Basic Law itself states, in overt embarrassment, that when Germany is reunited, as it finally was in 1990, the German people “in full self-determination” must vote on a new constitution to REPLACE the Allied-imposed Basic Law.
And YET this was simply not done, in blatant breach of the Basic Law itself. The united German people have never once had any chance of vote for a constitution for their nation. There was never a Philadelphia moment.

So these “Reich coup” people have every right to think that Germany is not a free country, for it is not. President Trump’s ultra-obnoxious, neo-con ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, in a speech which the German media dared not report on word-for-word, made it clear that America views Germany as its “protectorate.” (This recalls how the now Czech Republic between 1938-45 was a “Reich Protectorate” of the Third Reich under SS general Reinhard Heydrich.)

Russian FM spokeswoman Zakharova said in 2019 that “American ambassadors to Germany, who are supposed to work there to improve bilateral relations, are giving orders to German officials.”

Richard Grenell, who was the US ambassador to Berlin 2018-20 during the Trump presidency (and held other very high positions under Trump), was “giving them orders literally every day on what to do on issues such as Nord Stream 2.”

Germany is being treated like “simply a protectorate” by the US, Zakharova said, adding that this doesn’t just take the form of financial leverage of threats, but is “backed up by 30,000 American boots on the ground.”

And the fact that Nordstream was blown up proves that Germany is indeed just a terrified, bullied US protectorate, and that the US Establishment — with its various germanophobic factions, among them both judeo- and anglo-philic lobbyists — is fundamentally hostile to the German people itself, even 77 years after the end of the Hitler regime.


…..Merkel admitted 2015 Minsk Accords were a sham so Ukraine could built up its military and attack Russia


Regarding the coup: If one wants to find angry revolutionary talk in any country, look no further than old-age homes and places where seniors discuss the politics of the day. Most of those involved appear to be pensioners angry about the current situation. The only interesting part of this story is how and why they chose Prince Heinrich XIII of Reuss to be their intended leader!

Regarding Frau Merkel: One aspect that hasn’t been discussed much regarding her recent “confession” in the major Hamburg newspaper “Die Zeit” is the fact that every year sanctions on Russia were maintained because Putin was blamed for no progress on Minsk and in resolving problems with Ukraine.

This major German newsmagazine was fawning all over “Mother Merkel” (as in “Mother Theresa”) for letting two million migrants into Germany in 2015.

But Germany cynically knew that Minsk was a sham and not only froze the conflict but also the sanctions regime placed on Russia.

It also must be remembered that when the EU offered Ukraine a pathway to enter the EU, they insisted that it also join NATO, an obvious attempt to poison Ukraine’s relationship with Russia.

Since Merkel was leader at that time she may have been behind that scheme as well.

Merkel was often portrayed as the woman who grew up in communist East Germany, who spoke Russian, and could hence be seen as a bridge to communicating with Russia, as one who could fairly play the part of an honest broker.

She also has some slavic blood via her paternal grandfather, a Pole named Kazmierczak who changed his name to the German-sounding “Kasner”…. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Family_of_Angela_Merkel#Marcus_Kasner). So she WOULD have been the perfect person to end the ancient germano-slavic rift.

She was obviously anything but the image created for her. My German aunt used to call her a “witch” years ago and how she was right about this seemingly feminine, stable, blue-eyed yet utterly treacherous she-devil.



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