Will the Caramel Monica become president in September and Walz the VP?

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In reading at length about how Frank Rosenfeld got us against our will in 1941 into WWII despite solemnly promising not to in 1940…..


…..the salient and ominous point was that as a closet jew, a Freemason, President of the United States, and thus as Commander-in-Chief of the US military establishment,as head of state, head of his Democrat party, and as an ally of the ruthless tyrant who ran the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover, Frank Rosenfeld was able to quietly take many hostile actions against NS Germany long before Pearl Harbor.

These actions were designed to so seriously endanger a Germany that was locked into a two-front war with the USSR and the UK that it would eventually be forced to declare war on the United States.

In a nutshell, the 1941 Lend-Lease allowed Rosenfeld to ship millions of tons of vital war supplies and weapons to both the USSR and the UK, which otherwise would have been defeated by Germany. I go into this here:

UPDATED Why Hitler declared war on the US — AFTER 2 months of the US Navy depth-charging German u-boats, and 9 months of the US arming Britain and the Soviets with eventually $800 BILLION DOLLARS of equipment via “Lend Lease”

The  point of my bringing this up is that as president, Caramel Monica will be able to order (or let) the Deep State carry out a massive false-flag terror attack on the US population in order to “justify” a declaration of martial law. In fact, one reasonable scenario is that the Deep States does successfully assassinate Donald Trump the next time around, and this could trigger what the jewsmedia itself calls a “redneck rebellion.” In other words, the MAGA gun-owners in their outrage resort to action directe, as the French say.

And then it is crushed, possibly using F-16s and other high-tech weapons, including inducing weather warfare. With ALL the MAGA  people literally locked up, Caramel wins in November in a landslide.

So for Biden to resign could lead to the nightmare we all fear

Here now is the article.


…..Joe Biden will resign in September with a power transfer to… President Kamala Harris

Daniel Baranowski

Sat Aug 10

[source: https://www.americaoutloud.news/joe-biden-will-resign-in-september-with-a-power-transfer-to-president-kamala-harris/]

Read, digest, and please share the Out Loud Truth!
0:00 / 5:53

If you haven’t been paying attention, I ask you to read what I will share with you right now. I predict the White House will very soon figuratively TASER you and incapacitate the American electorate, journalists, and political pundits across the globe.

Having closely observed the political behavior of Democratic Party bosses over the past Presidential election cycles, I believe we’re in for another “pre-election” stunner. It has the potential of standing as the most underhanded, sinister, and fiendishly calculating political stunt of all time. In short, I believe this event will occur in September of this year, well before election day on November 5, 2024.

I predict that Kamala Harris will become President of the United States sometime in September 2024. I believe this power transfer from Joe Biden to Kamala Harris will occur no later than September 9, 2024.

Yes, I am predicting that Joe Biden will resign as President and turn the mantle of the nation’s highest political office over to Kamala Harris before the Presidential election on November 5, 2024, some eight weeks before the conclusion of the Presidential race.

As for the Vice Presidency, which Kamala will vacate to become the 47th President of the United States, Section 2 of the 25th Amendment directs that “Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President (Kamala Harris), shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.”

President Harris will unquestionably nominate Governor Tim Walz, her current Vice-Presidential running mate.

Unquestionably, this will turn our political world and the current race for the Presidency upside down and inside out and explode the clock on Donald Trump’s campaign, possibly before his advisors can adjust Trump’s crusade to be elected President for the second time in three remarkable attempts.

Why? Why? Yes, Why would Joe Biden, who remains intensely bitter over how the Democrat bosses stopped cold his quest for a second term in office? Never before in American history has a major political party stripped a sitting President’s presumptive nomination this late in the election process for no other reason other than the appearance of possibly losing the race?

Most of us thought Joe would go, but for health reasons, he would withdraw from the race and immediately turn the Presidency over to his vice president. However, Joe did not withdraw, but unbelievably, he decided to remain President despite his undeniable appearance of advanced dementia.

This act of defiance on Joe’s part is a testament to his bitter feelings about the Democrat Party. Besides, the conventional wisdom is that Joe has to remain President as long as possible to pardon his son Hunter for his criminal convictions. However, in trade with Kamala for giving up the Presidency nearly 21 weeks before inauguration day on January 20, 2025, the end of Joe’s term in office, I believe that Kamala has promised Joe to pardon Hunter, no matter the outcome of Hunter’s tax evasion trial beginning sometime in September of 2024.

So what’s the big deal about Kamala becoming President in September?

Kamala would have eight weeks not only to appear as President but also to announce future policies as President instead of her current position as the Party’s nominee for President. Because of her position as US President, Kamala could issue “Executive Orders (EOs)” on various issues. Of course, if she loses the election to Donald Trump in November, her EOs would remain valid until January 20, 2025, and then expire. Nevertheless, the value of being President is that the electorate would see her taking action, albeit perhaps only symbolic, acting Presidential. On the other hand, should she win the election, she’s been given a 21-week head start on her Presidency.

Likewise, Governor Tim Walz would enjoy the same standing as the Vice-President, assuming Congress acted quickly to approve his nomination. Of course, given that Republicans control the House, quick approval may not be possible without some good old-fashioned “horse-trading.” And given the short time either of them would be in office, Kamala may attempt to keep Walz as her acting Vice President without forcing the nominating issue before November 5, 2024.

There’s also great value to the Harris-Walz team in shedding any stigma attached to the Biden-Harris of crushing and damaging policies.

So you ask, “What does Joe Biden get out of this play?” In short, the Democrat bosses have more money to play with, especially to manipulate their way to victory, than any political party should have at their disposal (not to mention dark money). Without going into specifics, I’m sure you can imagine what several million dollars, here or there, can do to persuade one Joe Biden to cooperate. If we have the best Congress money can buy, why not do the same for the Presidency?

Whatever happens, I believe the Trump team is well aware of the potential storyline of Joe resigning, Kamala becoming President, and Walz becoming Vice President.

I’m confident Donald Trump has contingent plans to attack this flagrantly underhanded stunt.

Nonetheless, should this scenario transpire or some other caper comes down the pike, you can always count on the Democrats to do whatever it takes to win, regardless of the harm it does to fair play. Democrats play to win, and they couldn’t care less if you think of them as underhanded scoundrels.

The lesson we’ve learned from prior elections is to expect the Democrats to do something skunkish and unexpected, like the signed letter by 51 former high-ranking intelligence officers concluding that the so-called Hunter Biden laptop was a Russian plant packed with Russian disinformation. 100% False!

My advice is never to forget that Kamala Harris is a sometimes closet Socialist but consistently radically Left. At the same time, her running mate, Tim Walz, is an authentic Socialist who is politically and demonstrably far Left of his potential boss, Kamala. They will gladly rearrange your freedom, liberty, and wealth (if you still have anything left to tax).

There is every reason to believe that they will enforce all of the Biden-Harris plans and policies while further packing them with outright Socialism and adding new, unbelievable, radically Socialist policies at great financial expense to the Middle Class.

I challenge you to think of other Democratic Party scenarios or plots. Who knows? Your guess could become a reality. But remember to think conspiratorially. Most of today’s conspiracies are for real!


Daniel Francis Baranowski is a lifelong Conservative. As Registered Respiratory Therapist, he directed departments of Respiratory Care at the Johns Hopkins Hospital and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia before joining Project HOPE as their Deputy Director of International Healthcare Education Programs. Daniel holds degrees from the University of Arizona, the University of Chicago, and Harvard University. Currently, he’s a retired Teaching Fellow from the Department of Health Policy and Management at the Harvard University School of Public Health.




  1. Kamala Harris did not attend the Netanyaho speech before Congress, I’ve read, but I believe she and Walz are both loyal to Israel, as is Trump.

    With a few exceptions, all our Congressmen and Senators are in need of Jewish money and media control to keep their positions.

    We need to change this. I think in previous times limits were imposed on the amount of money that could be spent on political campaigns. We need to go back to that.

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