Will the white West Cape and Pretoria areas split off from South Africa?

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This map (taken from the 2011 South African census) immediately and clearly show how substantially different the Cape is from the rest of South Africa.

Secession Push Grows as South African Regime Plots Land Thefts

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[source: https://www.thenewamerican.com/world-news/africa/item/28577-secession-push-grows-as-south-african-regime-plots-land-thefts]

There is only one sensible solution to the escalating crisis in South Africa: Self-determination for the Western-minded, Afrikaans-speaking Christian majority in the Western Cape. At least, that is how a growing number of concerned people across the country and among South Africans abroad see the issue. Organized efforts to achieve independence for the Cape region are already underway. At least one local tribal leader, Khoebaha Calvin Cornelius III, whose formal title roughly translates into “king” in English, has already declared independence from the Communist-controlled South African regime. Other voices hope for Afrikaner self-determination in an interior region of the country where they once governed themselves within the Boer republics. And a growing number of embattled Afrikaners and Boers are making (peaceful) preparations in anticipation of what they believe is a looming civil war and societal collapse.

While not everyone agrees on the solution or what to do, the fact that there is a major problem can no longer be denied. As the world has finally started realizing in recent weeks, South Africa is coming apart at the seams amid an explosion of violence, tyranny, and hate — not to mention the “Second Phase” of a communist revolution. Most recently, the rapidly deteriorating situation was exposed in South Africa’s Parliament. Last month, lawmakers there voted in favor of a racist plot to confiscate property from European-descent South Africans without any compensation. The scheme to authorize mass theft, which requires a change to the Constitution, comes amid a growing tsunami of racist violence targeting Afrikaner farmers, often labeled Boers. There have been thousands of unimaginably brutal so-called “farm attacks” and “farm murders,” known as “plaasmoorde” in Afrikaans, since whites voted to surrender political power some 25 years ago in the face of a brutal communist terror campaign.

One non-political civil-rights organization, CapeXit, formerly known as the Afrikaner Society, has already put the South African government on notice that the people of the Cape are working to secede using a lawful, internationally recognized process. In a letter delivered to then-South African President Jacob Zuma, who proudly sang genocidal songs advocating the extermination of embattled Afrikaners, the group said the effort would comply with the South African Constitution and international law. The area in question is known as the Cape region, which includes the provinces of the Western Cape, the Northern Cape, and parts of the Eastern Cape. According to the latest census data, a majority of the region’s residents are Afrikaans-speaking Christians who are either white or what is known in South Africa as “coloured.”

Speaking to The New American after the latest developments involving the government’s land grabs, CapXit Co-President Hannes Louw said there was no other choice. “The Black Supremacist Government of South Africa have set a course towards Civil War, the writing is on the wall and all other options are exhausted,” explained Louw, adding that options such as mass emigration would be less preferable. “The only way to avert the next major humanitarian crisis is the creation of a safe haven for Afrikaners and other descendants of the aboriginal people of Southern Africa, those who currently identify as Khoi or San.” That safe haven, he said, should be in the Cape region, where Afrikaners and other marginalized people groups still constitute a numerical majority and have historically valid claims to the land.

All of the efforts are guided by, and in compliance with, South Africa’s Constitution and a variety of international treaties to which the central government is a party. “The right to secede is guaranteed by Section 235 of the South African Constitution, Article 1 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and Article 20 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights,” Louw explained, echoing the letter delivered to Zuma by the sheriff of Pretoria. “By supporting secession, the international community has an opportunity to help a whole nation. Granting refugee status should be the last resort.” Growing cries to grant refugee status to embattled Afrikaners come amid statements by top Australian officials warning of the dire plight facing Afrikaner farmers and vowing to explore possibilities for them to immigrate there.

“CapeXit is trying to avoid a potential conflict by proposing a peaceful, practical and long-term solution to the growing instability in South Africa,” Louw continued in a follow-up statement, noting that the name was derived from the successful “Brexit” movement. “Unfortunately, there are not many options left on the table for a peaceful solution. The issues in South Africa are fundamental, long-term, and deeply-rooted differences for which no solutions have been found in more than two decades of democratic rule. Perhaps the most concerning aspect is that these radical and racist policies enjoy widespread popular support among the black majority, and that the African National Congress and the Economic Freedom Fighters coalition easily commands the two-thirds majority required to make constitutional changes. Parties proposing unity and reconciliation are either stagnating or in decline.”

But, despite the difficulties surrounding the current situation, “the solution is simpler than what many people may realize,” said Louw. “There is a region in South Africa that is fundamentally different from the rest of the country. A region that was independent for almost 300 years until 1910, and by rights should never have been incorporated into South Africa. A region where the vast majority of the inhabitants are members of the oppressed brown and white minorities and speak the shared Afrikaans language. This region has for thousands of years belonged to the aboriginal Khoi and San tribes, who since 1652 have lived in peace with the early settlers from Europe.” That region is the Cape, consisting of the former Cape Colony, where the brown and white peoples are direct descendants of the “First Nations” and the early European settlers.

It took more than a decade of research and planning, Louw continued, but now, the CapeXit movement is in a position to facilitate the peaceful secession of the Cape region. “Our goal is to create a safe haven for these marginalized minorities, thereby not only ensuring their safety but also providing an environment for them to thrive and enjoy their basic human rights without domination and oppression,” he said. “At the same time this solution will not infringe on the rights of the black majority in South Africa, since they will continue to have full access to their historical lands to implement whatever policies they see fit. It should be noted that there are still significant minority populations outside of the Cape region, but a mass migration of these people to the Cape is already underway, and undoubtedly this will rapidly accelerate as secession becomes a reality.”

South African scientist and scholar Harry Booyens, an Afrikaner who wrote the epic book AmaBhulu: The Birth and Death of the Second America exploring the fascinating history of his homeland, agreed that there are no more realistic options for dealing with the situation. “The world is witnessing the beginning of the end of South Africa as a viable country,” Booyens said after the parliamentary vote to steal land.

“The only possible means of long term survival for non-Blacks is formal secession. The world supported the split of the Sudan into two countries based on race; it is now inevitable in South Africa. The only question is how many will have to die before the inevitable happens.”

Dr. Booyens has been sounding the alarm for years. But now, he says, the situation is completely out of control.

Despite recent statements by Australian officials, Booyens does not believe Western governments “have the moral guts” to accept some five million white refugees from South Africa — especially considering the role many of those governments played in bringing about the current situation. Without gas chambers, he continued, it will be impossible to fully exterminate South Africa’s remaining European-descent population, which first settled the sparsely inhabited Cape region almost 400 years ago alongside small bands of nomadic tribesmen already living in the area. There is no way the regime will be able to make 4.5 million Western-minded Christians into “African subsistence farmers,” particularly when the government has stolen all their land. “So, the only possibility is secession,” Booyens told The New American.

But unfortunately, it is likely to get uglier before then, he fears. “I can only shudder at what will happen if the Formal Western Media continues its assault on the Afrikaner while as a nation he lies helpless on the ground, pummeled by that vile ANC government,” said Booyens, whose Afrikaner roots trace back to the earliest Europeans to arrive in South Africa in the 1600s. “No group of humans can take this present degree of abuse without ultimately reacting with violence. Is this what the West wants … a violent reaction to validate their prejudice against these folks?” Unfortunately, there are already voices on all sides in South Africa preparing for such an eventuality.

The constant beating up on the minority population “flies in the face of humanity, reason, and mathematics,” Booyens continued. “There is no way in heaven or on earth that one can keep murdering, literally and figuratively, one person to make nine others rich. This is NOT about land; it is about driving out the white man from his country.” Citing Dr. Pieter Groenwald, a member of Parliament with the Freedom Front Party, Booyens noted that virtually all of the “land restitution beneficiaries” preferred money and did not want land. The government is already sitting on thousands of farms, and virtually all those it has redistributed failed. Plus, the whole premise of it all — the notion that European-descent South Africans “stole” the land — is false. In short, the effort to rob South Africa’s embattled farmers is not about creating a new class of farmers — it’s about stealing. “The hubris of the ANC in this regard is now bordering on the psychotic,” he said.

Making matters worse, almost half a million blue collar Afrikaners are now living in squatter camps, Booyens said. With the total white Afrikaner population number just 2.7 million, that means more than one in every seven is now destitute and living in a squatter camp. “They are not just neglected; they are actively discriminated against,” Booyens explained, noting that the “Black Economic Empowerment Act” makes it practically illegal for them to be employed.

“The fact that they are herded together as whites is used by the government to refuse them aid. The actual truth is that these people are ‘dead man walking’ because they have nothing left that the government can steal from them. So they are left to rot and die.  The Poor-White problem of South Africa is an active design by the ANC government.”

All pretense at South Africa being a so-called “Rainbow Nation” is now “out the window,” Booyens continued. “The rainbow hath no color white,” he said. “To fail to appreciate this, is to be deaf, blind and devoid of enough intelligence to feed oneself.”

Of course, there is also the very real communist issue. In fact, after Nelson Mandela died, it was confirmed that he was a member of the Soviet-controlled South African Communist Party’s Central Committee. The ANC became practically a front for this murderous party, and Mandela led its terrorist wing, the MK, landing him on the U.S. government’s terrorist list until he was removed a few years before his death.

“Like good Communists the ANC comes ready-made with a revolutionary lexicon,” Booyens said. “They talk about Phase 1 and Phase 2. The white person understands the message of the ANC as ‘First we’ll abuse Democracy to make you helpless, then we’ll chase you out.’ They were made helpless just on a quarter century ago; now they are being chased out … but they have nowhere to go. Where are they supposed to go?”

“The Western World is in permanent debate about what to do about Black and Middle Eastern people who flee to Europe for a new life,” he said. “But those folks are fleeing their own leaders and nations who remain in command of their own countries. In South Africa we have a government that threatens its white population daily, refers to them as the source of all problems, and assails them morally morning, noon, and night. But the West will not view such people as refugees. Caucasian Christians are not allowed to be refugees even if they are being tortured to death.” And as more than a few experts have been warning for years, the prospect of a government-backed genocide against the Afrikaner is very real. Indeed, the ghastly farm murders, which often involve savage torture of even children and babies, may be just a preview of the future if current trends continue.

Booyens recounted comments made to him by a liberal Northern European professor, who told him that Afrikaners are a “sick anachronism” and a “blot on the name of Europe” who “should just die.” “He meant it,” Booyens recalled, adding that northern liberals and their media allies still believe this.

“We don’t expect balance from that media. It was the New York Times that said as far back as 1901 that Afrikaner women could play tennis all day in the British Concentration Camps,” he continued. “I never knew tennis was so dangerous that it could kill 30,000 women and children. The same media is now questioning whether there really are farm murders in South Africa. Some say these are robberies gone wrong. I never knew that robberies could go so wrong that ladies would end up burnt all over their bodies with clothes irons, yet others would be suffocated to death with plastic bags, elderly couples would have their feet destroyed in boiling water, and men would end up shot dead in an execution position with their torn Bibles on their bodies. What incredibly peculiar robberies these must be. How exactly does one accidentally kill a few thousand farmers? Apparently one robbery went so wrong that the farmer was tortured to death over five hours while his wife was forced to listen to his dying screams. I give you the Western Media.”

Booyens apologized for sounding “raw.” “But matters are out of hand,” he said. Booyens also believes that the only possible future for Afrikaners is in self-determination in the Cape.

Another independence movement led by Cor Ehlers, dubbed “Onafhanklike Afrikaner-selfbeskikkingsekspedisie” (OASE) or Independent Expedition for Afrikaner Self-determination in English, also seeks self-determination for Afrikaners, but not in the Cape area. Instead, Ehlers told The New American that he would like Afrikaners within a defined territory about the size of Austria in central South Africa, near the capital of Pretoria, where Afrikaners had the Boer Republics until the British brought them down, to vote on independence. There, they still retain a majority and would almost certainly vote for independence, he believes. And while his definition of who and what exactly constitutes an Afrikaner differs from others’ views, Ehlers, too, cites South Africa’s Constitution and international treaties as the legal basis for self-determination.

“Recognizing that approximately half of the total Afrikaner population in South Africa already reside permanently in the defined territory referred to above, with another half a million living immediately adjacent to the area, it is obvious where the true Afrikaner heimat is — not in the Western Cape,” he concluded. “Once materialized, self-determination for Afrikaners will naturally exclude racial discrimination of whatever kind, including Affirmative Action and Black Economic Empowerment. This will result in equal job opportunities for all. Many Afrikaners currently living outside the defined territory, including abroad, will naturally move into the area similar to what happened to the state of Israel.”

Considering the deteriorating situation, more than a few Afrikaner activists believe independence and self-government are inevitable over the long term. “The drive for self-determination for the Afrikaner Boer picked up speed, and the resolve for our own freedom away from a failed Marxist black nationalist state made us more determined,” explained Henri LeRiche, a prominent globe-trotting Afrikaner activist also working for independence. “Our drive for freedom and to rule ourselves will happen, and is hard-coded not just in past, or our DNA, but also our future. This is why the Afrikaner belongs to the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization [unpo.org] which clearly states, ‘defending our political, social and cultural rights, to preserve our environments and to promote a right to self-determination.'”

Another secession movement involving Afrikaners and Khoi native peoples actually declared independence on September 24 last year. Standing at the Castle of Good Hope flanked by supporters of various races and people groups, a Khoi tribal leader known as King Cornelius III outlined a list of grievances that prompted the declaration of independence. His supporters are referring to the new state they hope to build as the Sovereign State of Good Hope. Under their vision, the new government will share power between the various nations and people groups that inhabit the area, with the Goeb (roughly translated as king) overseeing the whole process.

So far, no other governments have recognized the declaration of secession, South African authorities have ignored it, and few media outlets have reported it. A number of other secession movements have distanced themselves from that particular effort, saying a referendum should be held so that severing ties with the South African regime can enjoy full public legitimacy. But supporters of Cornelius and the effort say that, as the original inhabitants of the region, the Khoi and their leaders have the legal right to secede. Cornelius III was at the United Nations in New York City just last week. “We are now a sovereign state breaking away from South Africa, with 15 million people, … and we are ready to make our country a legal, official country — this is why I’m in New York,” he said in an interview. What happens next remains to be seen.

Of course, the South African government — an alliance of the Communist Party and its front groups such as the African National Congress and a coalition of labor unions — is unlikely to accept any move that would threaten its wealth, territory, power, or prestige. In fact, with the “Second Phase” of its revolution now underway, it intends to begin seizing wealth and property faster than ever before. That means all of the secession movements in South Africa face an uphill battle, to put it mildly. It also means that anyone who stands in the way is in jeopardy — farmers, business owners, taxpayers, and more, of all races and creeds. But with the South African Constitution recognizing and protecting “the right of self-determination of any community sharing a common cultural and language heritage,” the law may be on the side of the secessionists. And with essentially no acceptable options left, this may be literally a fight for survival.


Foreign Correspondent Alex Newman moved to South Africa on his 18th birthday and developed a deep love and respect for its peoples while living there in 2004-2005. Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU or on Facebook. He can be reached at anewman@thenewamerican.com.

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  1. Thanks to John for sending along this somber article. The world as a whole is in terrible turmoil and guess who is behind this all? C’mon, give us a guess. Who might be behind this rush toward tyranny and communism? Hazard a guess, will ya? You don’t suppose….nah, couldn’t be. But, who else but them?? Them….them. Yes, it’s them again.

  2. I forgot to mention that the above language/demographic map clearly shows that the Afrikaners are correct in stating that South Africa was almost completely uninhabited by blacks when the Afrikaners arrived in 1652. The only black inhabitants of South Africa in 1652 were small populations of Khoisan speakers – the foraging San (Bushmen) and the pastoral Khoikhoi (Hottentots). The Bantus of central Africa had pushed the Khoisan speakers out of central Africa in the so-called Bantu Expansion, forcing the remaining small population of Khoisan speakers southward towards the Cape:


    And of course, after the white Afrikaners has established a prosperous and stable South African nation, millions of Bantus from neighboring African countries (mainly Zimbabwe – the former Rhodesia) migrated into South Africa’s northeastern region, moving southwest, and this is clearly shown by the map.

  3. The real Andrew Anglin (a half-Filipino, pro-Jewish leftist radical) begins to show himself – on Easter Day, no less:



    Regarding the second article about “hot IDF girls,” Anglin conveniently failed to mention that many Israelis have a high percentage of Aryan DNA because of the many thousands of German war orphans from WWII whom the Jews kidnapped from war-wrecked Germany, took to Israel (still called Palestine at the time), and raised as Jews. Jews have also kidnapped many thousands of Ukrainian girls of Germanic descent and brought them to Israel, the sex trafficking capital of the world, as sex slaves. Jews do these things to improve their Neanderthal genetics and appearance, enabling them to more easily blend into Aryan societies and trick the “goyim.” Real Jewish women look more like Ruth Bader Ginsburg or Elena Kagan than those IDF girls, some of whom are obviously descendants of either German war orphans or Ukrainian sex slaves.

    Of course, Anglin will probably later say he was just trolling with these two articles, but I don’t think so, based on many other things I’ve read about him. First of all, Anglin is almost certainly half-Filipino – I would bet money that his mother is a Filipina, as evidenced by his sister’s dark-haired, dark-eyed, very Asiatic appearance (seen in a vid.me video before vid.me went out of business). Anglin also does have a black friend whom he’s talked positively about before, and it’s well-known that he loves Asian women, especially Filipinas, so these seem like his true beliefs to me. As I’ve said before, the Daily Stormer is one huge trolling operation, run by Jews. Apparently Anglin’s Jewish handlers have told him to start toning down his message and turning it to their favor, and he’s complying. Watch the Daily Stormer now slowly become Jew and black friendly, and irrelevant. Pretty soon Anglin will be calling for mass immigration of non-whites as a “good thing.” He’s already taken a big first step in that direction.

    • That is indeed a very strange article for DS to carry. The rest of the site has always been ferociously anti-Jewish since Day One.

      I note the date of publication of both articles — April Fool’s Day. So this may be just an Anglin joke.

      If he runs more articles announcing he has gone CivNat, and they seem to be serious in tone and intent, then please let me know.

  4. Apparently it was supposed to be an April Fool’s joke, even though Anglin hasn’t acknowledged it as such. But I think it was more likely an opportunity for Anglin and his Jew crew to say what they really think, and if anyone questioned it, to brush it off as just an April Fool’s joke. Although I usually like the site, I don’t trust it or Anglin at all, for reasons which I’ve posted here many times before.

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