Winston Churchill’s greatest crime was knowing the full truth about jews, bolshevism, democracy, blacks, and Islam — and ignoring it all

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Churchill in 1899, a British Army officer and successful writer even back then.


Churchill on Islam, after fighting Muslims in Sudan, where the British defeated a fanatic islamic leader, the Mahdi. “River War” refers to the Nile. Every word was 100% true. I just made this two-part meme as part of my great outreach to those ten percent of the masses that can still be salvaged.

What is incredible is that he and I agreed on just about everything, but he sold his soul to the jews and violated all of  his convictions.



In 1932, Churchill, staying in a Munich hotel, sent me a message, since I would not meet with him, because in my eyes he was a pro-jewish political hack and has-been, which he actually was until 1939.

He communicated that my antisemitism might help me rise to power but it would also bring me down. ‘So, by all means, go save your beloved Germany, (and stop the Soviets, which would help England, of course), but you cannot possibly be serious about attacking the jewish cancer that is killing it.’

Ahah…. Just ignore that hairy 900-pound gorilla standing in the middle of the living room. 😉 By doing so, “Winnie,” you lost your empire.


The egoic mind was strong in this one. 

And now here we are. The jews run the whole shop.


And now, Winnie, we even see a “woke” prince of royal blood marrying a negress, fleeing to America to trash the royal family….

….and a royal uncle who is a pedophile.

Ego causes suffering, Winston. Suffering for your own people.

Negroes in 2012 force white Londoners to strip naked to humiliate them.

….. British activist arrested in 2014 for direct quote of Churchills view of Islam


…..Giant crop circle in shape of SS Black Sun

Ox Drove, near Bowerchalke, Wiltshire, United Kingdom. Reported 8th August.







In numerology 888 (August [eight month], 8, 2015 [2+1+5 = 8]; the symbol of Adolf Hitler is 88 [Heil Hitler = HH = eighth letter of the alphabet twice = 88]….

(Also, in the year 888, the first German-European Reich, created by Charlemagne, collapsed — see Wikipedia under “888”: )

This is definitely an exact SS-type, National Socialist, esoteric swastika wheel, as in the floor symbol at Wewelsburg castle, the spiritual home of the SS; see the Wikipedia article “Black Sun” (occult meaning) to see for yourself.


Since Adolf Hitler is the most defamed man who has ever lived, whose goal was to liberate mankind from the bloodsucking Zionist hydra,  this crop circle means that he will return and cleanse this suffering world — and successfully this time — before this planet becomes a miserable slave-world under a greedy, cruel, arrogant, Jewish master race.

Watch this…. from the horse’s mouth:





    • Yes, of course. And not only was Irving, whom I know personalLy, threatened but bankrupted in Britain via a Jewish lawsuit, and imprisoned in Austria for ten months in a horrible prison, and banned from many countries, including Australia.

      Germar Rudolf also quasi-“admitted” the Holocaust “happened” to get a lighter sentence in Germany. Even so, they gave him 2.5 years. (He could have gotten five years. In Austria he could have gotten TEN.)

      The video is purest drivel. Eric Hunt, with whom I corresponded, who debunked himself the gas-chambers-at-Treblinka lie in an extensive video, clearly was under some kind of dire threat to his life or freedom when he renounced his own views.

      Hunt accosted Elie Wiesel in February 2007 and tried to get him to show his arm where supposedly he had a concentration-camp-inmate SS tattoo. (It appears he did not, but later had one tattooed on. There were many other outright lies and contradictions in Elie Wiesel’s stories, and one of his books about his “memories” of Auschwitz had to be relabeled as a novel! Wiesel (whose family name, btw, means literally ” Weasel” in German and in Yiddish) even admitted that as the Soviets approached Auschwitz in 1945, coming through Poland, he and his father were given a choice to stay and await them or go with the SS. They chose to leave the camp WITH the SS — which supposedly had just gassed two million jews — and head westward WITH the SS into NS Germany!…..)

      The media reported:

      “In 2007, Hunt [of Pennsylvania] accosted Holocaust survivor and scholar Wiesel, 81, in a San Francisco hotel elevator in an alleged attempt to force Wiesel to recant his own recollections of the Holocaust. Hunt was convicted in 2008 of false imprisonment, battery and elder abuse. A judge sentenced him to two years in prison but gave him credit for time served and good behavior. The judge ordered Hunt to undergo psychological treatment. At sentencing, Hunt apologized and said he had suffered a “severe mental breakdown.”

      Hunt did apologize to Wiesel, and did say the Holocaust did happen…. so he has a history of retracting the truth under pressure.

      This, in any case. was his truly superb video debunking Treblinka as a death camp. (I and a comrade furnished it with German subtitles in 2014.)

      My only quibble is the video did not expose the “archeologist” Catherine Colls as a jewess…. or, as Mel Gibson once said to a jewish reporter, she “had a dog in the fight.”

      A transit camp is just a stopping-off place — a place to eat, sleep, take a shower, etc. – before prisoners are moved to another camp. The Jews lie, however, that a million of their people died in gas chambers at Treblinka, and want money for it.

      As I say, it was a superb video, but I feel it left out a very important detail.

      The supposedly impartial scientist/archeologist Caroline Sturdy Colls is almost certainly of Jewish background and thus would have a personal, ethnic and political interest in preserving the Holocaust fraud, the lies about Treblinka, and the financial gravy train from the US and Germany to modern Israel. This income flow is based on the culpabilization of both the American people (“You antisemitic Americans refused to stop Hitler in time — you only joined WWII two years after it erupted — and therefore six million innocent Jews died”) and of course of the German nation (“You Germans murdered six million people out of irrational judeophobia that went back to Martin Luther and the pogroms of the Crusades. This is why we need Israel as our safe haven and why you Germans need to be kept under US control and still have 50,000 US troops occupying your country.”)

      Colls’ jet-black hair and semitic, curved nose (photo) are two genetic traits which suggest she is Jewish and utterly partial, just as much as does her lying report.

      I was amazed that Hunt never even noticed her overtly neanderthalic-jewish-semitic features, which made her anything but impartial.

      Here is the truth. There were homicidal gas chambers.

      They were used in the heavily jewish-influenced United States and in the even more jewish Soviet Union!


      Soviet NKVD commander (((Isay Berg))) adapted vans with the storage compartment sealed and exhaust redirected inside it. These vans were used by the NKVD during the Great Purge under disguise of bread vans to poison the victims during their transportation to the execution.[19][20]

      How typical of the Allies, masters of accusatory inversion, to accuse us of THEIR OWN crimes!

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