This is not just feel-good but true.
……I have let Trump get back in without making any waves — yet
Gotta love this girl, who speaks from all our hearts.
As Tom Luongo told the Duran a few months back, and he only just barely avoided using the j-word which he was itching to use (and I am paraphrasing him):
”The Deep State goal is for the America it controls to destroy Russia, and when Russia is broken up, then get China, and then the US itself is to collapse to justify creating a one-world government and a prison planet which they will control, which is their long-term dream.
Were I to say any more, then I would end up sounding like the Austrian painter.’
LOL – Clayton (who really cannot STAND the juze) actually said, dropping the broadest hint possible: “We COULD turn into Kramer [a blunt-speaking character on the 1990s comedy show “Seinfeld”] and say ‘YOU need a nose job!’ “
If Donald Trump is allowed at all to Make America Great Again — and the House and Senate are NOT controlled at all by his MAGA Republicans — then any resurgence of the USA will ONLY serve one juish purpose — to make America into a bludgeon to attack Russia and China.
You sure look tough until you meet a jew, Donald, and then you get down and suck his cock.
The Van Rensburg prophecy suggests Trump will cause WWIII.
My relative silence (except to my own small audience) is about over. If this man can be helped, which is not certain, I will help him. Otherwise, it will be Patton vs Hitler all over again.
I cannot stand how Trump swaggers about, all “triumph of the will,” while NOT slaying the real dragon snorting fire in the living room!
Ummm, YOU, Donald, with your ju Warp-Speed vaccine, have just KILLED 1.4 million Americans! Make America DEAD Again!
Tucker in a 2020 email about Trump:
I first began warning on April 20, 2017, after listening to Simon Roche of South Africa, that the woefully misinformed never-reader Donald Trump could stumble into a nuclear war. I was appalled.
April 20 is obviously an important date in national socialism. It was in my own family’s history in this life I live now…. (The Benedict Arnold named here was a friend of my ancestor in the 1630s, not the traitor in the American Revolution 140 years later.)
Providence, the name of the city which is the capital of Rhode Island, means of course Divine Providence, that is, God providing us refugees from Puritan Massachusetts with a fertile and peaceful place to settle and flourish.
In my last life, Providence (in German “die Vorsehung”) was one of my favorite ways to refer to God Almighty, who provides not success but the means to success if we grasp and use them.
Trump rejoins now the long list of Republican presidents who are either not very bright, or not very curious, or not very educated on the issues: Warren Harding, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, and Bush II, all men who barely would qualify in terms of IQ for a commission as a lieutenant in the US Army.
……Putin is now aching to say the word “jew”!
“Ukraine is governed by aliens or foreigners. They are bleeding the country dry — seeing them [the Slavic Ukrainians] as not being their own people. The relative of the ruling elite live abroad. They can just get on a plane and flee. They don’t really care about the country. They only hide behind nationalist slogans and deceive the [real Ukrainian] people!”
Donald J. Trump has said he will quickly release records relating to the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, his brother Robert F. Kennedy and the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as part of measures to restore confidence in government.
The assassinations, particularly that of the president, who was shot dead in Dallas in November 1963, have been the subject of decades of controversy as well as conspiracy theories. Mr. King was shot and killed in Memphis in April 1968, while Robert F. Kennedy was shot and killed in California that June, shortly after winning California’s Democratic primary. The three deaths shook America in different ways, and historians view each as a turning point in the tumultuous decade.
“As a first step toward restoring transparency and accountability to government, we will also reverse the over-classification of government documents,” Mr. Trump said at a rally on Sunday ahead of his inauguration, adding that documents related to other topics of “great public interest” would also be declassified. “It’s all going to be released, Uncle Sam,” he said.
Mr. Trump’s statement will likely generate particular interest among his supporters, given the fascination he has expressed with certain conspiracies and the fact that he survived an assassination attempt in July when he was shot and wounded while running for president.
…..The horrible watercolor painter who could say the word “jew”
I tried in this 1910 watercolor to make a special use of light and color to bring out the best feeling that the scene had to offer. I think my paintings were idealistic in some way. Sometimes they had strong and straight lines, and sometimes impressionistic blurs, but always a striving for a glorious dignity, for magnificence — sometimes softly, sometimes loudly — but always seeking the divine in nature, in architecture, and in ourselves.
……Proud of what we did in the real world with a real country
…Our incredible science and military
…..Hearing about this lie from 1943 on
….Duke of Portland, 1943, head of British Psychological Warfare: stories of German gas chambers a “grotesque lie” with “no evidence”
Head of British Psychological Warfare Executive (Propaganda), Victor Cavendish-Bentinck (,_9th_Duke_of_Portland) in a handwritten note, wrote on Aug 27th, 1943,
“We have had a good run for our money with this gas-chamber story we have been putting about, but don’t we run the risk eventually we are going to be found out — and that when we are found out, the collapse of that lie is going to bring the whole of our psychological warfare down with it?
So isn’t it rather time now to let it drift off by itself and concentrate on other lines that we are running?”–From the UK Public Record Office Document F0371/34551 (revealed by Stephen Mitford Goodson in his Inside the South African Reserve Bank).
I go along with what the earlier Mark Weber said. The (at that time honest and not yet gotten-to) Mark Weber of the IHR, then working for Willis Carto, IHR founder, testified at the first Ernst Zündel Holocaust trial in Toronto in 1988 that around 500,000 Jews died in WWII from the effects of the war. (( This would amount to about one European Jew in ten dying, whereas for the Germans it was double that — one in five.
Considering the jews started the war, it served them right and they should stop their whining.
Photo of revisionist luminaries at the 1994 IHR conference. many of them true heroes: Robert Faurisson (I have met and corresponded with), John Ball, Russ Granata (I have met and corresponded with him and he kindly lent me money once — repaid), Carlo Mattogno, Ernst Zündel (have met twice, in Toronto and in Tennessee, and I and Margi knew also his wife Ingrid Rimland), Friedrich Berg (know him well), Greg Raven (knew him — sneaky Scientologist), David Cole, Robert Countess, Tom Marcellus (knew him — also a sneaky Scientologist), Mark Weber (knew him as both a good man and as a turned traitor who now lies that the Holocaust did happen), David Irving (know him, both the very good and the not-so-good) and Jürgen Graf (he has tanslated some of my work, and I got him money from a Greek comrade when he was in bad shape financially while in exile in Moscow).
Btw, I raised funds for the IHR when it was Carto-run 1988-91, and interpreted at a moving speech by a Dutch speaker and heroine, Florentine Rost van Tonningen, in 1989.
Anyway, aside from typhus, some did starve, along with other Eastern Europeans, some died at the end of malnutrition or disease in some of the camps, and others were shot on the Eastern Front by the Wehrmacht or SS — but justifiably for being partisans or partisan supporters, which was allowed under the Hague and Geneva rules of warfare.
undertaking military actions without a uniform or wearing the uniform of another country is itself a war crime and persons caught performing such acts within a combat zone can be summarily executed.
My own father, Captain James Waddell Nugent, USMCR, wiped out most of a communist Korean village of “civilians” for being partisans, when despite two personal warnings, repeated mortar attacks were made by these “civilians” on his Marines.
Jews, you cannot boast you were partisans, claiming 500,000 Germans died on the Eastern Front due to you, and yet whine that the SS shot you and your womenfolk as partisans. Your females were certainly not neutral, but feeding, clothing and, yes, also sleeping as a morale-builder with the Jewish partisans — and giving them detailed information about German troop movements.
The BBC in 1942 was already putting out rumors of gas chambers. However, in 1943 the head of British Intelligence wrote a memo stating that:
“there was absolutely no evidence of anyone being gassed in gas chambers, or of Polish children being shot when their parents went to labour camps.”
This memo was signed by B. Cavendish-Bentinck, head of the British Psychological Warfare Executive, found in “Statement by Head of British Intelligence about gas-chamber stories: Public Record Office Document FO 371/34551.”
This Foreign Office document was declassified ages ago, after the 30 years period, and yet David Irving seems about the only British historian who has wanted to comment upon it.
JdN: I met Ursula in 2006 at the Ernst Zündel trial in Mannheim
The document dated 27th August, 1943 continues:
“In my opinion, it is incorrect to describe Polish information regarding German atrocities as trustworthy. The Poles, and to a far greater extent, the Jews, tend to exaggerate German atrocities in order to stoke us up. They seem to have succeeded.”
Mr. Allen and I have both followed German atrocities quite closely. I do not believe there is any evidence which would be accepted in a Law Court that Polish children have been killed on the spot by Germans when their parents were being deported to work in Germany, or that Polish children have been sold to German settlers.
Herman Rosenblat and his woman invented a totally fabricated Holocaust love story in a “Nazi death camp: The entire Holohoax now consists only of verbal sob stories by jews. The jews have totally given up trying to prove their massive criminal fraud in any other way, since (at the risk of their career, lives and freedom) the heroic men and women of revisionism have dismantled every single piece of Jewish fake “evidence.”
The whole Holohoax is just a bigger version of the lying “testimony ” of Christine Blasey Ford against Judge Kavanaugh — “I may have all the facts wrong, or I have no facts at all to support my claim, but I demand you believe me — or I will scream that you oppress women.”
……Any American who has also visited the best of Europe can feel this video’s message, which is how I felt as a European, incarnate here in the States from 1954 on, re how bleak, and deliberately lacking in beauty, modern Ju-ruled America has become
…..Keep donating for a HEROIC ARYAN RELIGION; Trump is not to be trusted
— 18 January 2025 400 Swiss francs from G in Zurich and 70 Australian dollars from T in Tasmania
John de Nugent
306 S.Steel St.
Ontonagon MI 49953
On Facebook: John De Nugent
On Skype: John de Nugent
…….As Trump is inaugurated, how ju LYNDON JOHNSON KILLED JOHN KENNEDY
……Robert Morrow’s article
Lyndon Johnson and the JFK Assassination
By Robert Morrow
On the night of New Year’s Eve Dec. 31st, 1963, at the Lyndon Johnson and Madeleine Brown, one of his longtime mistresses, had an interesting conversation.
Madeleine Brown
Madeleine asked LBJ if he had anything to do with the JFK assassination. Johnson got angry; he began pacing around and waving his arms. Then LBJ told her: it was Dallas, TX, oil executives and “renegade” intelligence agents who were behind the JFK assassination.1 LBJ later also told his chief of staff Marvin Watson that the CIA was involved in the murder of John Kennedy. 2
Lyndon Johnson would often stay at the Driskill (room #254 today) [in the Texas capital, Austin,] and LBJ is confirmed by his presidential schedule as being present at the Driskill Hotel the night of 12/31/63. 3
History is proving that Lyndon Johnson played a key role in the JFK assassination.
In Dallas, Texas, one hour before JFK’s death on 11/22/63, Johnson smirks at Kennedy
An important book is LBJ: The Mastermind of the JFK Assassination (2011) by Phillip Nelson. 4 Roger Stone, an aide to Richard Nixon, is writing a book pinning the JFK assassination on LBJ. Stone quotes Nixon as saying
“The difference between me and LBJ was, we both wanted to be President but I wouldn’t kill for it.”5
By 1973 Barry Goldwater privately telling people that he was convinced that LBJ was behind the JFK assassination. 6
Lyndon Johnson and the Kennedys hated each other. So why was LBJ even put on the 1960 Demo ticket in first place? The old wive’s tale is that it was to balance the ticket and win the electoral votes of Texas. The reality is that JFK was set to pick US Senator Stuart Symington of Missouri and had already had a deal with Symington to be VP that was “signed, sealed & delivered” according to Symington’s campaign manager Clark Clifford.7
US Senator Stuart Symington of Missouri
Then something strange happened on the night of July 13, 1960, in Los Angeles. According to Evelyn Lincoln, JFK’s longtime secretary, LBJ and Sam Rayburn were using some of Hoover’s blackmail information on John Kennedy to force JFK to put Johnson on the ticket in a hostile takeover of the vice presidency. 8
The part-black J. Edgar Hoover, who was being blackmailed himself by the Italian mafia for being a transgender
JFK told his friend Hy Raskin, “They threatened me with problems and I don’t need more problems. I’m going to have enough problems with Nixon.”9
LBJ & Hoover were very close and literally neighbors for 19 years in Washington, DC, from 1943-1961. Both men were also plugged in socially and professionally to Texas oil executives such as Clint Murchison, Sr, H.L. Hunt and D.H. Byrd.
From that point on, for the next 3 and 1/3 years the Kennedy brothers and LBJ were engaged in a deadly sub rosa war, even though they were ostensibly a political team. On the day of the ’61 inauguration, LBJ protégé Bobby Baker told Don Reynolds that JFK would never live out his term and that he would die a violent death. 10
JdN: This photo is called “the death stare”
For his part, Robert Kennedy spent the remainder of JFK’s term trying to figure out a way to get rid of the power-grasping LBJ. The first opportunity to do this was the Billie Sol Estes scandal of 1961. Estes was a cut out for LBJ doing business and had received $500,000 from LBJ (which tells us how important Estes was). 11 LBJ and his aide Cliff Carter manipulated the federal bureaucracy for Estes to ensure that he got exclusive grain storage contracts and numerous other special and highly lucrative favors. Estes says that he funneled Johnson over $10 million in kickbacks. 12
Henry Marshall was a US agricultural official who was investigating the corruption of Estes, particularly his abuse of a cotton allotment program. In January, 1961, LBJ, Cliff Carter, Estes and LBJ’s personal hit man Malcolm Wallace had a meeting about what to do about Henry Marshall. LBJ said, “It looks like we will just have to get rid of him.” 13
Side note: the first person I know who accused Lyndon Johnson of committing a murder was Gov. Allan Shivers who in 1956 personally accused LBJ of having Sam Smithwick murdered in prison in 1952. Smithwick was threatening to go public with information about the Box 13 ballot stuffing scandal of 1948 which gave LBJ the margin of victory over Coke Stevenson in the Democratic primary. 14
Allan Shivers of Texas, Governor 1949-1957
Gov. Shivers directly confronted LBJ over the Smithwick murder. “Shivers charged me with murder. Shivers said I was a murderer!” Johnson later told journalist Ronnie Dugger. 15
Henry Marshall was murdered on June 3, 1961. He was shot to death 5 times with a bolt action gun and his death was astoundingly ruled a suicide at the time. The Marshall murder & cover up shows the depth, breadth and absolute ruthlessness of the LBJ organization. Billie Sol Estes died recently on May 14, 2013.
Historian Douglas Brinkley has said that by 1963 JFK and his vice president LBJ had no relationship at all.16 That is not correct; in fact a sub rosa war was being waged between the Kennedys and LBJ. It was an adversarial, death struggle relationship.
In the fall of 1963, the Bobby Baker scandal exploded into the national media. Bobby Baker, who as the secretary of the Senate was a virtual son to Lyndon Johnson, was being investigated for a vending machine kick back scam and numerous shady deals.
Baker was known for providing booze & women to the senators. LBJ denied any relationship with Baker (who had named two of his kids after LBJ) while at the same time sending his personal lawyer Abe Fortas to run (control) Baker’s defense. JFK’s personal secretary Evelyn Lincoln told author Anthony Summers that the Kennedys were going to use the Bobby Baker scandal as the ammunition to get rid of LBJ. 17
JFK and Evelyn Lincoln, who served him for 12 years
Robert Kennedy had a two-track program to get rid of LBJ. Phil Brennan was in DC at the time: “Bobby Kennedy called five of Washington’s top reporters into his office and told them it was now open season on Lyndon Johnson. It’s OK, he told them, to go after the story they were ignoring out of deference to the administration.” 18 James Wagenvoord, who in 1963 was a 27-year old assistant to LIFE Magazine’s managing editor, says that based on information fed from Robert Kennedy and the Justice Dept., LIFE Magazine had been developing a major newsbreak piece concerning Johnson and Bobby Baker. This expose was set to run within a week of the JFK assassination. 19 LBJ aide George Reedy said that LBJ knew about the RFK-inspired media campaign against him and was obsessed with it. 20
RFK’s other “get rid of LBJ” program was an investigation by the Senate Rules Committee into LBJ’s kickbacks and other corruptions. Burkett Van Kirk was a counsel for that committee and he told Seymour Hersh that RFK had sent a lawyer to the committee to feed them damaging information about LBJ and his corrupt business dealings. The lawyer, Van Kirk said, “used to come up to the Senate and hang around me like a dark cloud. It took him about a week or ten days to, one, find out what I didn’t know, and two, give it to me.” The goal of the Kennedys was “To get rid of Johnson. To dump him. I am as sure of that the sun comes up in the east,” said Van Kirk to Hersh. 21
Literally at the very moment JFK was being assassinated in Dallas on 11-22-63, Don Reynolds was testifying in a closed session of the Senate Rules Committee about a suitcase of $100,000 given to LBJ for his role in securing a TFX fighter jet contract for Fort Worth’s General Dynamics. 22
Three days before the JFK assassination, JFK told Evelyn Lincoln that he was going to get a new running mate for 1964. “I was fascinated by this conversation and wrote it down verbatim in my diary. Now I asked, “Who is your choice as a running-mate.’ He looked straight ahead, and without hesitating he replied, ‘at this time I am thinking about Gov. Terry Sanford of North Carolina. But it will not be Lyndon.’” 23
JdN: President John F. Kennedy accepts a certificate awarding him a First Admiral designation in the “North Carolina Navy” from Gov. Terry Sanford (holding the promotion), on April 27, 1961.
At this point I should add that I think military intelligence/CIA murdered John Kennedy for Cold War reasons, particularly over Cuba policy. The fact that the Kennedys were within days of politically executing & personally destroying Lyndon Johnson could very well have been the tripwire for the JFK assassination.
The Russians immediately suspected that Texas oilmen were involved in the JFK assassination. They and Fidel Castro both feared they were going to be framed for it by US intelligence. By 1965 the KGB had internally determined that Lyndon Johnson was behind the JFK assassination.
Hoover wrote to LBJ about this in a memo that was not declassified by the US government until 1996:
“On September 16, 1965, this same source [an FBI spy in the KGB] reported that the KGB Residency in New York City received instructions approximately September 16, 1965, from KGB headquarters in Moscow to develop all possible information concerning President Lyndon B. Johnson’s character, background, personal friends, family, and from which quarters he derives his support in his position as President of the United States. Our source added that in the instructions from Moscow, it was indicated that “now” the KGB was in possession of data purporting to indicate President Johnson was responsible for the assassination of the late President John F. Kennedy. KGB headquarters indicated that in view of this information, it was necessary for the Soviet Government to know the existing personal relationship between President Johnson and the Kennedy family, particularly between President Johnson and Robert and “Ted” Kennedy.” 24
Robert Morrow, a political researcher and political activist, has an expertise in the JFK assassination. He can be reached at or 512-306-1510.
1) Brown, Madeleine Duncan. Texas in the Morning: The Love Story of Madeleine Brown and President Lyndon Baines Johnson. Conservatory Press, 1997. Page 189.
2) Schlesinger, Arthur. Robert Kennedy and His Times. Houghton Mifflin Company, 1978. Page 616.
3) Go to 12/31/63. It is listed on LBJ’s schedule as “White House Press” – a party that was going on at the Driskill Hotel.
4) Nelson, Phillip. LBJ: The Mastermind of the JFK Assassination. Skyhorse Publishing, 2011.
6) Jeffrey Hoff conversation with Barry Goldwater, October, 1973.
7) Dickerson, Nancy. Among Those Present: A Reporter’s View of 25 Years in Washington, p. 43.
8) Summers, Anthony. Official and Confidential: The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover, p. 272.
9) Hersh, Seymour. The Dark Side of Camelot. Back Bay Books, 1998. Page 126.
10) Epstein, Edward Jay. Esquire Magazine. December, 1966. Also, cited here:
11) Estes, Billie Sol. Billie Sol Estes: A Texas Legend. BS Productions, 2004. Page 43.
12) Russo, Gus. Live By the Sword: The Secret War Against Castro and the Death of JFK, p. 283.
14) Dallek, Robert. Lone Star Rising: Lyndon Johnson and His Times 1908-1960. Oxford Univesity Press USA, 1992. Page 347.
15) Woods, Randall. LBJ: Architect of American Ambition, p. 250.
16) Brinkley, Douglas. Speaking on Hardball with Chris Matthews, 2012.
17) Summers, Anthony. Official and Confidential: The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover, p. 272.
18) Brennan, Phil. “Some Relevant Facts about the JFK Assassination,” NewsMax, 11-19-2003.
19) Wagenvoord, James. Email to John Simkin dated 11-3-09. Web link:
20) 11) Reedy, George. Lyndon B. Johnson: A Memoir, p. 134.
21) Hersh, Seymour. The Dark Side of Camelot, p. 407.
23) Lincoln, Evelyn. Kennedy and Johnson, p. 205.
24) Hoover, J. Edgar. Memo to Lyndon Johnson with FBI leadership carbon copied. 12-1-66. Web link:
From Robert Kennedy and His Times by Arthur Schlesinger (1978):
“In 1967 Marvin Watson of Lyndon Johnson’s White House staff told Cartha DeLoach of the FBI that Johnson “was now convinced there was a plot in connection with the assassination. Watson stated the President felt that CIA had had something to do with this plot.” (Washington Post, December 13, 1977)
Madeleine Duncan Brown was a mistress of Lyndon Johnson for 21 years and had a son with him named Steven Mark Brown in 1950. Madeleine mixed with the Texas elite and had many trysts with Lyndon Johnson over the years, including one at the Driskill Hotel in Austin, TX, on New Year’s Eve 12/31/63.
Late in the evening of 12/31/63, just 6 weeks after the JFK assassination, Madeleine asked Lyndon Johnson:
“Lyndon, you know that a lot of people believe you had something to do with President Kennedy’s assassination.” He shot up out of bed and began pacing and waving his arms screaming like a madman. I was scared! “That’s bullshit, Madeleine Brown!” he yelled. “Don’t tell me you believe that crap!” “Of course not.” I answered meekly, trying to cool his temper.
“It was Texas oil and those fucking renegade intelligence bastards in Washington.” [said Lyndon Johnson, the new president.] [Texas in the Morning, p. 189] [LBJ told this to Madeleine in the late night of 12/31/63 in the Driskill Hotel, Austin, TX in room #254. They spent New Year’s Eve ‘64 together here. Room #254 was the room that LBJ used to have rendevous’ with his girlfriends – today it is known as the “Blue Room” or “LBJ Suite” or the “Presidential room” and rents for $600-1,000/night as a Presidential suite at the Driskill; located on the Mezzanine Level.]
James Wagenvoord email to John Simkin, dated 11-3-2009:
Posted 04 November 2009 – 07:52 AM
I thought researchers would be interested in reading this email I received last night:
I’ve been reading through your web site and believe that I can add one of the final jigsaw puzzle pieces that affect the timing of JFK’s Dallas trip and the nervousness of LBJ during the weeks preceding the killing At the time I was the 27 year old Editorial business manager and assistant to Life Magazine’s Executive Editor. Beginning in later summer 1963 the magazine, based upon information fed from Bobby Kennedy and the Justice Department, had been developoing a major newsbreak piece concerning Johnson and Bobby Baker. On publication Johnson would have been finished and off the ’64 ticket (which was the real reason the material was fed to us) and would probably have been facing prison time.
At the time LIFE magazine was arguably the most important general news source in the US. The top management of Time Inc. was closely allied with the USA’s various intelligence agencies and we were used often by the Kennedy Justice Department as a conduit to the public. Life’s coverage of the Jimmy Hoffa prosecution, and involvement in paying off Justice Department Memphis witnesses, was a case in point.
The LBJ/Baker piece was in the final editing stages and was scheduled to break in the issue of the magazine due out the week of November 24 (and the magazine would have made it to the news stands on Nov.26th or 27th). It had been prepared in relative secrecy by a small, special editorial team. On Kennedy’s death research files and all numbered copies of the nearly print-ready draft were gathered up by my boss (he had been the top editor on the team) and shredded. The issue that was to expose LBJ instead featured the Zapruder film. Based upon our success in syndicating the Zapruder film I became Chief of Time/LIFE editorial services and remained in that job until 1968.
Evelyn Lincoln (JFK’s personal secretary for 12 years):
As Mr. Kennedy sat in the rocker in my office, his head resting on its back he placed his left leg across his right knee. He rocked slightly as he talked. In a slow, pensive voice he said to me, ‘You know if I am re-elected in [19]64, I am going to spend more and more time toward making government service an honorable career.
I would like to tailor the executive and legislative branches of government so that they can keep up with the tremendous strides and progress being made in other fields.’ ‘I am going to advocate changing some of the outmoded rules and regulations in the Congress, such as the seniority rule. To do this I will need as a running mate in sixty-four a man who believes as I do.’
Mrs. Lincoln went on to write “I was fascinated by this conversation and wrote it down verbatim in my diary. Now I asked, ‘Who is your choice as a running-mate?‘ ‘He looked straight ahead, and without hesitating he replied, ‘at this time I am thinking about Governor Terry Sanford of North Carolina. But it will not be Lyndon.’
At the 2012 Dallas JFK Lancer conference I ran into JFK researcher Jeffrey Hoff of Arizona. Jeffrey Hoff was a leadership position in the local Cochise County Democratic Club from 1980-1983. He used to be a member of [the haerd-leftist] SDS in the 1960’s. Now he installs “off-the-grid” solar systems. I briefly interviewed Hoff on Saturday, November 17, 2012 in Dallas, TX, at the JFK Lancer conference.
Jeffrey Hoff told me that in October, 1973 he met Barry Goldwater at a Republican political picnic in Willcox in Cochise County, AZ. I asked him how he ended up at a Republican picnic and he told me his friend, Louise Parker, a friend and “real estate lady” from an Arizona “pioneer” family, had invited him. She said do you want to meet Barry Goldwater? Hoff said yes.
hen Hoff met Sen. Barry Goldwater, Hoff, who had a keen interest in the JFK assassination, brought up that topic. Sen. Barry Goldwater told Hoff in October, 1973, that he (Goldwater) was convinced that Lyndon Johnson was behind the JFK assassination and that the Warren Commission was a complete cover up. Hoff got the impression that Goldwater had told others privately the same thing. I asked Hoff how confident was Goldwater when he was making these statements. Answer: Goldwater was very confident.
Jeffrey Hoff currently (2012) lives about 35 miles from Pierce, AZ. Lyndon Johnson died in January, 1973. J. Edgar Hoover had died in May, 1972. Allen Dulles died in January, 1969.
GEORGE REEDY [[Press Secretary to LBJ] ON LBJ:
This occurred when he was vice president and obsessed with the idea that Bobby Kennedy was directing an anti-LBJ campaign. His elevation to the presidency made absolutely no difference. Brush after brush took place with the journalists who, in the early days of his administration, accepted him as a miracle worker to be treated with downright reverence. Eventually, however, his conviction that they were opposed to him created an opposition- always the outcome of paranoia. He did not attribute this to his own shortcomings but to the machinations of the man he regarded as his arch foe. At this stage of the game, Bobby was helpless to do him much mischief but LBJ still believed that there was a plot for which the press was the principal instrument.” [Reedy, p. 70]
“In a very important sense, LBJ was a man who had been deprived of the normal joys of life. He knew how to struggle; he knew how to outfox political opponents; he knew how to make money; he knew how to swagger. But he did not know how to live. He had been programmed for business and for business only and outside of his programming he was lost.” [Reedy, p. 81]
“I never fully understood this or other similar episodes. In the back of his mind, it is possible that he believed these visits were inspired by Bobby Kennedy as part of a “plot” to delete the name LBJ from the ticket in 1964. This had become an obsession with him- a conviction that peopled the world with agents of the president’s brother all seeking to do him in. Someone — I never found out who- very actively fed this belief and kept him in a perpetual state of anxiety. This reached major proportions with the outbreak of the Billy Sol Estes and Bobby Baker scandals….
There was absolutely nothing to keep Johnson’s name in the Billy Sol Estes story except the LBJ refusal to deal with the press. He covered up when there was nothing to cover and thereby created the suspicion that he was involved somehow. His reasoning was simple: The whole thing existed as a Bobby Kennedy plot and to talk about it to the press was to help Bobby Kennedy.
About the same thing happened in the Bobby Baker scandal except that in this instance he was really close to the central figure in the expose. He had considered Bobby as virtually a son and succeeded in promoting him to be secretary of the Senate Majority at an age when Bobby should have been in knee britches.”
[Reedy 134-135]
In this video screenshot, I was speaking from the site of the Kiskimere neighborhood near Apollo, Pennsylvania where Israel, using a company caled NUMEC, surreptitiously made uranium-235 for The Bomb, and dumped hundreds of tons of toxic, cancer-causing nuclear waste into the soil as children innocently played nearby and grew up, as innocent families in their homes slept, cooked, cut their lawns, barbecued in summertime, and breathed-in the cancerous air.
Cancer is 20% higher in this rural county of Armstrong, with a mere 80,000 population, than in far more industrialized counties to the south, such as Allegheny County, which contains the city of Pittsburgh! Nineteen-year-old boys here are getting testicular cancer and 24-year-old mothers of two are contracting thyroid cancer. Now the US taxpayer — not the Israelis — is paying out five hundred million dollars to clean up ISRAEL’s scandalous nuclear operations.
Israel’s NUMEC plant down the road from Kiskimere, in the town of Apollo, manufactured 590 pounds of nuclear fuel to make A-bombs, but US federal law mandates a cut-off of all US foreign aid or military support to any country that proliferates nuclear weapons. (Israel at no time, by the way, has EVER signed any legal document stating that it is an “ally” of the United States. “We” are just “their” ally, in an overt one-way street. Every agreement says “we” must help “them.” There is NO US-Israeli mutual defense treaty!)
Here are the facts about NUMEC – the “Nuclear Materials & Equipment Corporation” — created by the Jewish scientist Zalman Shapiro and his financier, David Loewenthal, in Apollo, western Pennsylvania, 35 miles NE of Pittsburgh, supposedly to make nuclear fuel for the US Navy.
Zalman Shapiro, just a kindly old, smiling great-grandpa — but also a mass killer, traitor and felon, and Zionist Organization of America chapter president
But in reality Shapiro and Loewenthal were illegally making 600 pounds of toxic, incredibly dangerous uranium-235, the main ingredient in the atomic bomb, and then smuggling it to Israel.
Here is that story, but also:
–CANCER EPIDEMIC …heart-rending testimonies of the cancer-doomed, trusting NUMEC workers revealing Shapiro’s callous, heartless neglect of safety for American workers. Thousands have died in the Apollo area due to NUMEC, and the vile mass murderer Zalman Shapiro is still alive and living the good life in his nineties in a wealthy Jewish neighborhood of Pittsburgh, receiving awards from Jewish groups and patenting new products such as artificial diamonds so as to make even more money.
Shapiro lives here, still unindicted, in wealthy Oakland at the address 6334 FORBES AVE, PITTSBURGH, PA 17521 (Allegheny County)
–KENNEDYS VERSUS ZIONISTS….my unparalleled exposé of how the Kennedy clan was profoundly anti-zionist, and especially opposed to Israel getting The Bomb
–CRYPTO-JEWISH VICE-PRESIDENT…. how Lyndon Baines Johnson was secretly, literally, a Jew via his mother, Rebekah Baines!
The young Lyndon Baines Johnson, jet-black-haired and, even more strikingly, jet-black-eyed, with his Cheshire Cat grin
LBJ’s White House portrait
–Once Kennedy made clear to Israeli prime minister David Ben Gurion that he would never permit Israel to get nuclear weapons, it became time for the Israelis to lead the large coalition (CIA, FBI director Hoover, rightwing US generals, rightwing exiled Cubans, double-crossed Italian Mafiosi, and southern Whites opposed to desegregation) that all wanted Kennedy dead……
And so , when New Orleans district attorney Jim Garrison famously said to the Kennedy assassination jury that the JFK murder was a “coup,” that is exactly what it was, the lethal termination of an anti-Israeli president in favor of a pro-Israeli president who was himself a fervent though closeted Jew.
First, the Wikipedia article (astonishingly) lays out truthfully the NUMEC story.
Zalman Shapiro [complete article except footnotes]
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [version as of May 27. 2013]
Zalman Mordecai Shapiro (born 12 May 1920, Canton, Ohio)[1] is an American chemist and inventor. He has received 15 patents, including a 2009 patent on a process to make commercial production of diamonds cheaper,[2] and played a key role in the development of the reactor that powered the world’s first nuclear powered submarine, the Nautilus.[3][4]
Shapiro was born in Canton, Ohio, to Abraham and Minnie (née Pinck) Shapiro.[1] He graduated from Passaic High School in New Jersey as the valedictorian in 1938.[5] He attended Johns Hopkins University, earning B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in 1942, 1945, and 1948, respectively.[1]
After completing his education, Shapiro moved to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and began a career in engineering and chemistry. He worked for Westinghouse Electric and the Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory, where he worked on developing the fuel for the first commercial nuclear power plant, the Shippingport Atomic Power Station.[4] He founded Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corp. (NUMEC) in Apollo, Pennsylvania in 1957 to develop improved methods of processing nuclear fuel.[1][4]
NUMEC began by doing consulting work for companies in the nuclear field, and it was the first company able to provide fuel that could be used for nuclear reactors.[4][6] After the company was awarded a contract to process enriched uranium, it was told to inventory its uranium.[7] The inventory came up short, and after a series of efforts to search and recover the material from the factory and its disposal site, the company paid $834,000 to the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) for the missing uranium.[7]
Shapiro is a long-time Zionist,[8][9][10] and he had business interests and contacts among high government officials in Israel, including a contract to build nuclear-powered generators for Israel.[11] He was suspected for many years of diverting some 269 kilograms (591 pounds) uranium of uranium to Israel, enough to make several nuclear weapons.[12][13] In September 1968, four Israeli intelligence agents visited NUMEC; among them was Rafi Eitan, who was listed as a defense ministry chemist.[14][15]
The missing uranium was investigated several times over two decades.[14] Both the AEC and the FBI examined the records and the plant; only a small portion of what was thought to be missing was located. Estimates of the missing amount have varied as well, from 200 pounds to almost 600 pounds.[14][16] […]
Later U.S. Department of Energy records show that NUMEC had the largest highly-enriched uranium inventory loss of all U.S. commercial sites, with a 269 kilograms (590 lb) inventory loss before 1968, and 76 kilograms (170 lb) thereafter.[18]
The US Army Corps of Engineers is overseeing a taxpayer funded $170 million cleanup of contaminated land at the site of NUMEC’s waste disposal, currently scheduled to be completed in 2015.[19]
Shapiro married Evelyn Greenberg in 1945, and they have three children: Joshua, Ezra, and Deborah.[1] He was formerly thepresident of the Pittsburgh chapter of the Zionist Organization of America.[9] Shapiro and his wife were honored in 2008 for their contributions to the Jewish community for over 60 years.[20] He lives in the Oakland section of Pittsburgh.[21]
The Apollo Affair
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [excerpts]
In 1965, the FBI investigated Zalman Shapiro, the company’s president, over the loss of 200 pounds of highly enriched uranium. After investigations by the Atomic Energy Commission, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, other government agencies, and inquiring reporters, no charges were ever filed.
A General Accounting Office study of the investigations declassified in May 2010 stated “We believe a timely, concerted effort on the part of these three agencies would have greatly aided and possibly solved the NUMEC diversion questions, if they desired to do so.”[1]
Some remain convinced that Israel received 200 pounds of enriched uranium from NUMEC,[2][3] particularly given the visit of Rafael Eitan, later revealed as an Israeli spy and who was later involved in the Jonathan Pollard incident.[4] In June 1986, analyst Anthony Cordesman told United Press International:
There is no conceivable reason for Eitan to have gone [to the Apollo plant] but for the nuclear material.”[4]
[…] At the prompting of Zalman Shapiro’s lawyer, senator Arlen Specter asked the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to clear him of any suspicion of diversion in August 2009. The NRC refused, stating it did “not have information that would allow it to unequivocally conclude that nuclear material was not diverted from the site…”[8]
The facts from John de Nugent about NUMEC – the “Nuclear Materials & Equipment Corporation” — created by the Jewish activists sts Zalman Shapiro and David Loewenthal to illegally make 600 pounds of uranium 235 and then smuggle it to Israel; testimonies of the cancer-doomed about NUMEC’s callous neglect of safety for American workers
On November 27, 2012 the US Army held a public meeting in a volunteer firehall, but illegally prohibited the US citizen, investigative online journalist, and 2016 presidential candidate John de Nugent from filming it!|
But we still captured all the fireworks on film as Israeli-paid goons at the public hearing tried to shout him down and failed to interrupt his exposé of the Israeli-caused cancer epidemic — and the half-billion dollar plutonium clean-up — while our servicemen, teachers, firemen, police and other citizens suffer nationwide budget cutbacks.
- NUMEC – the cancer epidemic killing young and old –
Thousands have died a slow, lingering death of cancer in our area from NUMEC. Armstrong County is far less industrialized than Westmoreland but has 20% more cancer!
Homeland Security police at the Parks Township site of NUMEC on River Road/Route 66. Tellingly, the site is called a “Shallow Land Disposal Area,” because the toxins were not buried deeply for safety, but near the surface. The DHS police — and a big new security gate — appeared after the NRC fled, citing the discovery of “complex nuclear materials”….
The neutral online encyclopedia Wikipedia makes it clear in two articles ( and that 1) Shapiro stole 600 pounds of American uranium and illegally gave it to Israel, 2) he dumped tons of radioactive waste around the area (24,300 cubic yards of uranium, plutonium, thorium and americium, says a US Army Corps of Engineers report), 3) Shapiro thus committed felony murder by giving cancer to thousands of Pennsylvanians. Wikipedia:
The felony murder rule says that one committing a felony may be guilty of murder if someone, including the felony victim, a bystander or a co-felon, DIES AS A RESULT OF HIS ACTS, regardless of his intent—or lack thereof—to kill….
And also (
The felony must be an inherently dangerous one, or one committed in an obviously dangerous manner. ….. As of August 2008, 46 states in the United States have a felony murder rule, under which felony murder is generally first degree murder. In 24 of those states, it is a capital offense [the death penalty].
This mass murderer Shapiro also 4) stomped on the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (, designed to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons, especially to the volatile Middle East, 5) he violated the Logan Act, which forbids American citizens from negotiating on their own with foreign governments ( and 6) Shapiro lied to federal officers from the FBI and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission about his massive theft, mass-murder by cancer, and incredible NUCLEAR TREASON!
What a way to die. (My grandfather Henry Norman Nugent died of cancer.)
Shapiro, Wikipedia says, was the president of the Pittsburgh chapter of the Zionist Organization of America, a wealthy pro-Israel pressure group, and he received an award in 2008 for “60 years of service to the Jewish community.” I wonder if Jewish clout is why he has never been indicted?
Where does this mindset come from, to kill thousands of people and betray your country, a nation called America that was good to the Jews, where they are incredibly rich and totally safe, in fact, where they can persecute OTHERS?
Quotes (WARNING – you will be unable to believe your eyes, but this is psychopathy on parade):
“If Gentiles [any non-Jew] refuse to live a life of inferiority, then this signals their rebellion and the unavoidable necessity of Jewish warfare against their very presence.”
– Cf. Mordechai Nisan, Kivunim (official publication of the World Zionist Organization), August, 1984, pp. 151-156
“We Jews regard our race as superior to all humanity, and look forward, not to its ultimate union with other races, but to its triumph over them.”
— Goldwin Smith, Jewish Professor of Modern History at Oxford University, October, 1981
“Why are Gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap; and we will sit like an effendi [“rich slave owner”] and eat. That is why Gentiles were created.”
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, October 18, 2010, spiritual mentor of the religious fundamentalist party, Shas, in Israel, and a former Chief Rabbi of Israel. He is seen here with the PRIME MINISTER of Israel (1999-2001), EHUD BARAK, now the Defense Minister and Deputy Prime Minister. Yosef is a major religious leader with hundreds of thousands of followers, and is a chief coalition partner in the current Israeli government.
“When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2,800 slaves.” – Simeon Haddarsen, Talmud, folio 56-D (photo of the Talmud below)
Below is a video of an Israel TV “comedy” show, and the hate-filled girl is nailing a “Jesus” monkey to a cross, and as he wails “No, no, no” she calls Jesus (“Yeshu” in Hebrew) a “Nazi” who should “stop whining over a few nails!” Find it on YouTube at “Insulting Jesus on Israeli TV – צליבת ישו – The Crucifixion of “Yeshu.”
But maybe you heard the recent claim in certain very modern churches – unlike past Christian teaching – that the Jews are (still) God’s Chosen People and we must support Israel.
Well, in the New Testament, in the Book of Romans, Paul did claim that the Jews were still God’s people even after murdering Christ, the Son of God. Paul, born Saul, was a Jewish militant who after persecuting Christians, and helping to stone to death St. Stephen, suddenly claimed to have seen a vision of Jesus “on the road to Damascus” – and then made himself an apostle – the only ”apostle” who never met Jesus, but somehow made himself into the Number One Apostle over Jesus’ original followers…… That’s pretty slick.
Well, here is another opinion whether the Jews are still God’s Chosen People, by a Christian named JESUS CHRIST. The Gospel of Matthew, in chapter 21, shows Jesus Christ clearly warning the Jewish leaders that if the Jews killed not only many of the prophets but now even the Son of God Himself, the covenant with the Jews (because of the faith of their distant ancestor Abraham) would be OVER. Verse 43
“Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people [the Gentiles or non-Jews] who will produce its fruit. 44 Anyone who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed.” And to fulfill this, in the year AD 70, the Romans burned Jerusalem and destroyed the Temple, the very Temple where Jesus had been tried and convicted, then sent to the Romans to be crucified. And remember Matthew 27: All the [Jewish] people answered, “Let His blood be on us and on our children! Crucify Him! Give us Barabbas!” (Yes, instead of releasing Jesus, release the murderer Barabbas.)
Most shocking of all….. is the world-famous Christian prophecy in the Book of Revelation of the Antichrist (see the next page), saying that “NO ONE MAY BUY OR SELLexcept one who has the mark or name of the Beast, or the number of his name, and his number is 666.″ — Revelation 13:17-18 Hmmm, “no one may buy or sell” eh? Sounds like certain rich people control the whole economy! Gee, I wonder who could that be? Remember, the ONLY time Jesus Christ got violent was when he threw the MONEYCHANGERS out of the Jewish Temple.
Look up the longitude and latitude of modern Jerusalem for yourself — online at Wikipedia or at the library! It DOES add up to 666! In poker they say “Read’em and weep.”
The Reverend Billy Graham, the most famous evangelist in the world for 30 years, said by phone to President Richard Nixon on February 23, 1973 (Photo on right of the two men at a prayer rally in North Carolina) (
Well, you know, I told you one time that the Bible talks about two kinds of Jews. One is called `the synagogue of Satan.’ They’re the ones putting out the pornographic literature, they’re the ones putting out these obscene films…And the people [Bible-believing Christians] that have been the most pro-Israel are the ones that are being attacked now by the Jews.
(Nixon said in a later phone conversation with Reverend Graham that after he was re-elected in 1972 he wanted to “do something” about Jewish control of the US media. But “then came Watergate….” and the media hysteria against Nixon.
And I believe that President John Kennedy found out about the NUMEC plant, objected to the illegal goings-on there, and this was part of why the Israelis wanted him dead.
In Michael Collins Piper’s magisterial Final Judgment….
…of which a complete copy is found here: …. (or here: we learn of the growing rage in President John Kennedy, which he expressed to Israeli prime minister David Ben-Gurion, when Kennedy discovered the secret Israeli program to steal US uranium and introduce weapons of mass destruction, which could trigger World War III, into the volatile Middle East.
From the introductory pages, 10-11, of Final Judgment:
Pages 107-119 of Final Judgment: Detailed proof of the growing hatred and final rupture between David Ben-Gurion and John Kennedy over Israel acquiring nuclear weapons!
See also, as per the reference above, my “The Jewish War on the Kennedys”: Scroll almost halfway down here:
More evidence the Kennedys secretly were very anti-Jewish, pro-German and pro-Hitler: President Kennedy at the White House with highly decorated female WWII German test pilot Hanna Reitsch (to his right and our left)
(l) German rocket scientist Wernher von Braun, (c) Vice-President Lyndon Baines Johnson, (r) President John Kennedy
Johnson (c) was Jewish, albeit “in the closet,” through his mother, Rebekah Baines (who bore a well-known Texas-Jewish last name) (r), and he was married as well to a closet Jewess, “Lady Bird” (l).
Johnson eyeballs Kennedy in Dallas one hour before he is killed.
November 22, 1963, Air Force One: Johnson gets a happy wink from an aide after taking over the presidency; Lady Bird barely stifles a smile
……Rebekah Baines’ boy suddenly becomes president of the USA through the death of Kennedy
–The facts on Johnson’s Texas Jewish roots and those of his wife, “Lady Bird”
–“Operation Cyanide” — the plot by LBJ to help Israel take over the whole Middle East by arranging the intended massacre of 200 Americans on a US Navy ship …. and blaming it on “the Arabs”
For these facts, see
Karl Wilhelm Krause sagt: Adolf Hitler war mein zwoter (=zweiter) Vater.
Keine Silbe von irgendwelchen Gaskammern bei der Wiedergabe der Erinnerungen im Interview.
Ich war Hitlers Kammerdiener – Interview mit Karl Wilhelm Krause – Erstveröffentlichung
Ein Freund von mir kannte ihn in seinen letzten Jahren. Er erlebte AH wie alle anderen– als einen gütigen, rücksichtsvollen, netten Menschen.
I don’t have any sympathy for the Kennedys, why did christians keep letting jews back into our countries after their horrific crimes.
After kidnapping, torturing and sacrificing their children to baal, they should have wiped them out.
It’s because they say that their gods chosen people and people must do what they say, kicking them out of our countries and calling them satanic did not work out very well.
Most christans cannot condemm jews because that would be condemming their religion.
I think after all the horrendous enormous gigantic crimes the jews have comitted against the worlds people and animals and nature they need to be fully liquidated. It wouldn’t have taken all my life to work out that Lyndon Johnson killed J.F.K.
Ive always been very good at discerning the truth and working out when people are lying or hiding things.
It’s that christ worhipping way of thinking that blinds people from the truth.
Trump converted to Judaism in 2017:
The link and video do not prove this assertion of a conversion to judaism, which has just one single, marginal juish source.
I did note myself, however, that Trump did not put his hand on the Bible. Many were troubled by this.
My working theory at this time is Trump is an agnostic, bordering on atheist, not a Christian (and to the best of my knowledge has never said that he was one), so in his excitement he simply forgot to do it.
On my Facebook homepage:
John de Nugent
Guess what? The rumor was true — Trump did NOT place his hand on the Bible when he was sworn in as President. Whether a Christian, a Deist (like Washington, Adams and Jefferson), or an agnostic, for most Americans this symbolic act meant you recognized a Higher Power above you. When We the People entrust the presidency of the United States to a man, we do not want his power to go to his head and his ego. We are one nation UNDER GOD, Donald.
Charles Mousseau
Trump lives by the talmud, and personnifies gluttony , fornication, greed, wrath ,indifference, boasting
self-overestimation, arrogance, , narcissism and more …
Tim Pat
Charles Mousseau absolutely spot on.
Jeff Hunziker
Charles Mousseau He did put a stop to the mass murder in Gaza, that the satanic Biden regime was participating in.
Charles Mousseau
Jeff Hunziker It’s all a distraction, he’s directly implicated in the real estate development of the territories where they are presently killing everyone still living, he promised to do a new Monaco there, for the jews . He’s a sicko like the other ones , there is no way to get to this position if not completely compromised.
Charles Mousseau
Jeff Hunziker And they never stopped killing people
Dionysius de Assindia
Jeff Hunziker It is a pause, not a stop.
Viktoria Hiesberger
May be an image of 1 person and text
John De Nugent
Viktoria Hiesberger referring to Jonathan Greenblatt of the ADL?
Viktoria Hiesberger
John De Nugent kenne ich gar nicht, dachte nur, manche Angelegenheiten muss man mit Humor sehen
See translation
Rayn Owens
If he was a Christian, he wouldn’t make appointments like his Treasury Secretary.
Cristoforo T. Evaresti
He’s literally a Kabbalist. He has openly acknowledged that he studies Kabbalah. I knew this a decade ago. Why ANYONE thinks he’s Christian, I’ll never understand. His daughter and son-in-law and grandchildren are Chabad Lubavitchers (Kabbalists).
John De Nugent
Cristoforo T. Evaresti I do not think or demand he be a Christian but this is a very old and good tradition that shows humility.
Kay Ahlstrom
Cristoforo T. Evaresti he panders to Christians with wishful thinking
Charles Mousseau
Cristoforo T. Evaresti Himself converted to judaism
Cristoforo T. Evaresti
Charles Mousseau I would not be surprised.
Damien Townley
he talked about god in his speech. i thought it was pretty good. def very interesting
John De Nugent
Damien Townley I saw him on Gutfeld shortly after the second assassination attempt (on the golf course) and he kind of referred to God then by looking demonstratively upward. So then why this? Is this Bible boycott unconsciously the REAL Trump coming out, a “freudian slip”? I am 70 and never have I seen a president NOT put his hand on the Bible, not even the closet communist and homosexual Obama.
Kay Ahlstrom
Damien Townley sounded sincere, didn’t it. We’ll see
Jeff Hunziker
John De Nugent Biden put his hand on the Bible and then proceeded to commit war crimes and mass murder, proving that it didn’t mean squat.
Kay Ahlstrom
Should we be surprised?
John De Nugent
Kay Ahlstrom I kind-of am, because politicians usually keep up all the right appearances. It was a Trump supporter, actually, who PMed me about this, and he was upset. It seems ominous. I mean, the Bible was right there in Melania’s hands. It is not as if he had to do a backflip to place his hand on the Bible. He is boycotting it.
Kay Ahlstrom
Good point. Shouldn’t be disappointed. Should expect
Scottie Melton IV
It was said that he converted to Judaism in 2017.
John De Nugent
Scottie Melton IV I read that too in one single ju article….
Scottie Melton IV
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Stephen M B Knott
However, the oath started before Melania could get the chance even to walk up there. The Judge started it too quickly. However by the time the first 5 words were said it arrived as the central piece of the oath. There was an even worse garble at Obama’s oath and they had to do thing thing all over again in private. I don’t think this was intentional, the Bible did get the central piece in the oath nevertheless. Judge Robertson shouldn’t rush things as he does.
John De Nugent
Stephen M B Knott Well, it all seems to have had a bad energy. Trump has ben on tv for 40 years now so he should not have been overly jittery. I, in his place, would have insisted the oath be administered correctly. And placing his hand on the Bible when it was an inch from his bellybutton should not have been too strenuous. And I do remember when Roberts flubbed Obama’s oath. What is it with this Jumpy Jake, as we used to say in the Marines?
Stephen M B Knott
John De Nugent it was about 4 steps behind his back when the oath begun. So that’s not a fair statement. He is still president from the first term )
John De Nugent
Stephen M B Knott It is a fair statement. And he renounced the presidency; he conceded; he had two million troops under his command and yet wussed out in January 2021, as I wrote then and I mean it now. The oath should be performed correctly. Or has Trump never been on tv before? Obama insisted that the oath be re-administered, and it was a day or so later at the White House. Everyone calms down, gets silent, and serious, and the hoopla ends. This is the legal part, and the essential ritual. He becomes president of the United States with this act, with military and legal authority. I can say this, that the Marine Corps prepares you to handle stress. How hard is putting your hand on the Bible? And he could have said to Roberts: “One second; I need Melania to be here with the Bible.” ….Roberts could have waited three seconds. I suspect he is a blackmailed pedophile, btw. He voted in the SCOTUS for some very libtard things, among them ObamaCare and Gay Marriage.
Vance Landry
Catherine Maria
I thought I was watching it so carefully and I missed that
Erik Zabawa
In 2015 Trump said he didn’t need repentance because he doesn’t make mistakes…
John De Nugent
This is the video of the swearing-in.…/pastor-inauguration-trump-lorenzo…
Hear from pastor picked by Trump to pray at inauguration | CNN Politics
Hear from pastor picked by Trump to pray at inauguration | CNN Politics
Hear from pastor picked by Trump to pray at inauguration | CNN Politics
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Scottie Melton IV
Here’s what American “Christians” think about him. He’s been a Judas for his whole life. His daddy got his fortune from them.
May be an image of 1 person and text
Travis Carver
How much sense does it make to have a pastor and then a rabbi? This is totally incompatible and incoherent.
Ginger Patchin
He’s a crypt0, but nobody wants to hear it or believe it.
Louie D. Durrence
Ginger Patchin 100% nailed it.
Ginger Patchin
Louie D. Durrence
Donny Pierce
This picture looks photoshopped. What in hell is wrong with Ivanka’s neck.
John De Nugent
Donny Pierce it’s not I just enhanced the color a bit too much.
Donny Pierce
John De Nugent something wrong with Ivanka neck
Sascha Minj
shabbos goy ..converted to J by 2017
Susan Pohl
Let the games begin…
Kathy Perratore
So do you all think we should have voted democrat?
Les Ramacsa
Well that is a problem did u know Trump is a 33 Maison? Did any one new that , you know what that is ILLUMINATI
Dave T Walters
Les Ramacsa
Being a Mason is not a crime anymore than believing in a higher power that we are all connected to is.
Many of America’s founding fathers were Masons.
Americas first President was a Mason along with Thomas Jefferson, and many others.
You can often tell the ones who arnt.
Barak Obama, Clinton, FDR, Wilson, LBJ, etc etc etc. Many of the best among us are/were Masons, including many of the signers of the “Declaration of Independance”
Any group can be infiltrated from time to time by bad people.
Nations like America can as well.
Thsts why (((these people))) want open borders and the destruction [or control] of America’s valuable institutions, and our Republic.
Because of its secrecy, the Masons sometimes get a bad repore.
That alone does not negate the value of the entire group.
The Masons who influenced our founding documents of freedom from State, believed in a higher power that oversees us all. They purposely left out all connections to religion, as religion is devisive.
They never even used the words “spirit” or “spirtual” or “God” anywhere in all our founding documents of freedom and liberty.
They declared that our inalienable rights were endowed to us by the “creator”
Wouldnt be so swift to unfairly judge the Masons until you know a bit more about them, instead of soundbites by uninformed people
Les Ramacsa
Dave T Walters ok that’s fine , explain to me the father of the vaccine Donald Trump and explain to me why millions of people died ,ty
Dave T Walters
Les Ramacsa
You sure jump to a lot of conclusions loL
Les Ramacsa
I hear from his mouth he will take care of his friends the billionaire’s and they have to take care of him , are you peace sure this was the right move cause he doesn’t care about know one else but his friends!! So where is that leave the American people???
Robert Schmadtke
I watched the whole ceremony with Candace Owens, but that little detail I missed.
Toufik TR
But she had two books.
Dionysius de Assindia
The Trumpster would have gone up in flames if he had put his hand on the Bible.
WithGod WeRoll
It also means he’s lying when he takes the oath
Bjorn Conrad Fry
Sorry to break it to you all … like it or not but it’s just the way it is. I have rapidly waning respect for our excessively adulterated, tampered with, and indeed anti-Christian latter day and increasingly politicized Judeo-Christian Scriptures. This process started back in the first few decades and centuries of the rewriting our orig. Christian Bible into what started out as our first and original Bible into something that is a bastardized Judaic influenced and synagogue serving alternative that is not Christian at all anymore. So if I were Trump I probably wouldn’t have put my hand on the not so good book either. Think about it!