With pliers Englishwoman must pull her own teeth while British money funds Ukraine; reaping what we sowed

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Englishwoman Carline Pursey, in great pain, age  63, was told to wait for THREE YEARS for a dentist, and then she would have to drive 50 miles to see him!

So she pulls her own teeth out with pliers — this while the British gov’t sends billions more to a now clearly lost war in Jewkraine. But, being now toothless, she finds no one will hire her for jobs dealing with the public. 🙁


Terrible, but as with so many of these white victims, they would never listen to our message. For them, trusting stubbornly the jewsmedia, we are the evil Nazis, white supremacists, etc.

So, respecting free will, our tough-love God lets them suffer.


…..Black girls brutalize little white girl


Also dismal to behold…. but in another life did this now little girl vote four times for Franklin Rosenfeld (1932, 1936, 1940 and 1944), who bombed Mannheim, Hamburg and Dresden?

Everything is connected.

German mother in Mannheim, her adult son and his daughter, are aided by a Hitler Youth after an Allied bombing. 


…….Jesus and the cheating wife

A great scene from Franco Zeffirelli’s “Life of Jesus.”

Note that Jesus both feels compassion but also is stern. In those days, marriages were arranged, and maybe her husband was nasty. We do not know, but probably Jesus did, being telepathic.

He loved the sinner, not the sin.



……..Girls raised right

I apologize for running this again, but it has fascinated me and millions of others. It is a top hit by the patriotic Russian music company “Children singing” (“Deti payut”).

It’s about a mischievous little girl who actually adores her big brother, a hero in her eyes, who is a Russian fighter pilot. And she sings how he ued to protect her from boys who bullied her.

The title of the song  is “The Strongest.”




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