Within three weeks, this African from Kenya in Saskatchewan province, Canada will be locking white Covid resisters up in psychiatric hospitals, Soviet-style

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“Dr. Johnmark is a Medical Health Officer for Saskatchewan Health Authority – Saskatoon, and has several years of experience in public health – from reducing high rates of maternal mortality in three African countries, to a background in reproductive health.”


The old Soviet system was founded by the same jews who run North America today.  The USSR made ample use of psychiatric hospitals to deal with ‘difficult individuals’ or refuseniks [a person who refuses to follow orders or obey the law, especially as a protest.]

The official explanation back then was that no sane person would be against socialism, today: Covid mask/vaxx regulations.

The Saskatchewan Health Authority now says it is putting together a COVID Enforcement Team. The group will be made up of mostly retired police officers who have special constable status. [deputised KGB or Cheka]?

The information was conveyed in the most recent Physicians Town Hall Meeting. Medical Health Officer Dr. Johnmark Opondo says the purpose of the CET is to enforce public health measures, in particular proof of vaccination non-compliance at businesses that are not typically regulated by public health inspectors. They will also be charged with enforcing masking public health measures.

In addition to a COVID Enforcement Team and an on-line form or phone number to report on fellow citizens [making snitching a patriotic duty?], the government is also setting up a secure isolation site [psychiatric prison hospital?] for those deemed needing to be isolated by a medical health officer.

“Public Health Inspectors and police, once the Medical Health Officer has signed a form for secure isolation, will be involved in assisting and transporting and moving people into the secure isolation site [psychiatric prison hospital?].”

This site, expected to be ready in the next three weeks, is going to be located at the Saskatchewan Hospital in North Battleford [this is the largest psychiatric hospital in the province].

They refer to those sent to the secure isolation site as “clients,” not detainees [or prisoners].

However they will be there under a detention order.

It’s real.

The shit has been hitting the fan for months now. And this was a bucketful.

Read it:  https://www.620ckrm.com/2021/10/12/covid-enforcement-team-and-secure-location-for-covid-isolation/





  1. They can’t do that here. Our Constitution protects us against that sort of thing.

    If this program goes through in Canada, and people are swept up and confined against their will because they refuse to be injected with the Covid vaccine, I believe it will prove to be an embarrassment to the nation of Canada.
    Also, because Dr. Johnmark is a Negro, I believe it will prove to be an embarrassment to Americans of his race.

  2. If people are too stupid or weak to say “No, I don’t want this!”, then tough.

    Yes it’s wrong. But so is being forced to be vaccinated.

    • Right.

      If one thinks of reincarnation, then we are the 1930s people. And now our long-term karma is upon us.

      What did we do? We (Britons and Americans, Canadians, etc.) ignored the warnings by very distinguished and famous men — individuals of the highest achievement — about the danger of the jews.

      We either gobbled up the anti-German fear-mongering (“someone must stop this Hitler fellow before he overruns the world”)… or we shrugged our shoulders in cowardice and defeatism:

      “What can one man do?”

      This was lying to ourselves, since many, many brave men in Britain and America were organizing and giving speeches and interviews, parading, demonstrating and fighting desperately to stop WWII from breaking out.

      We simply refused to lift a finger, and we neither joined them nor did we at least help them with one penny in donations.

      Indeed, what can one man do if he does nothing? 😉

      Well, he can always drink. 😉

      And now here we are, seeing in Canada, “the true north, proud and free,” according to their anthem, where a negro from Kenya is about to start locking up Aryans for refusing a sterilization and death jab while a jew rubs his hands IN GLEE.

      So proud and so free… but you need government permission to breathe, leave your house, work, or go into a church, and you had better watch carefully what you say lest it offend some parasitical gimmegrant from Timbuktu.

      Same with the British song “Rule, Britannia!” with the line “Britons ne’er shall be slaves.” (Great song, btw., really splendid, and if it were only true!)

      Not slaves, eh?

      And the same goes for America. This song is extremely popular and incredibly delusional, too. Pat yourself on the back as your government stomps on you and cancels our career if you say one wrong word, lik the n-word, or refuse the jewish clot-shot.

      Sure, you ARE free to swill the fluoride-drenched beer of your choice, burp, and discuss sports and the weather.. Hey, this song IS noble and beautiful (and it gets even to me, who knows better, and who took an oath to this nation), BUT….

      Really? Same as with locked-down Canada, or police-state Australia — Whites in the anglosphere have NO rights at all now!

      What a delusional ego trip to say you are free, unlike the Germans under those horrid Nazis!

      I made vaccines optional, in fact! They were mandatory under the Weimar Republic, and I ended that”! I also increased GUN RIGHTS! It was Eisenhower who BANNED GUNS IN GERMANY!

      And any woman in OUR Germany was free to walk down her own street at 3 am and not be beaten, raped or killed!

      That is a pretty nifty, useful, BASIC kind of “freedom” — the freedom to be alive!

      The ways of the Lord are righteous altogether. The anglosphere needs to stop patting itself on the back NOW about how free we are, and instead get up, gun up, and take your freedoms back! Or back those who can and will!

  3. My comment above reflected a wish to make peace with American Blacks, who have lately wronged us Whites with their imprisonment of officer Chauvin for 20+ years.

    I have changed my mind. I no longer want peace with these people.

    They are fuzzy-heads from the African jungles. As such they are radically different from us Whites. They may have absorbed White culture to a significant degree, but still there is a racial difference that matters.

    Their riots that culminated in the life imprisonment of officer Chauvin, who did no wrong, is what we should judge them by. They are fuzzy-heads from the jungle, and they are very different from us Whites.

    • Yes, indeed, but many, many of them realize this also.

      I will never forget attending a major Farrakhan speech at the old Washington Convention Center where this high-yellow castigated his fellow Blacks for two hours as well as the Jews.

      “No wonder the white man can’t stand you when you always have your hand out!”

      The only kind of white man they will obey is a national socialist whose word they can trust and whose intentions are good. Blacks don’t trust themselves and want to be ruled.

      If the British Empire had not been in reality the greedy, exploitative Rothschild Empire, the Indians would have accepted the Raj forever, an outside force with every kind of superiority.

      In fact, the British created a united India and gave it the neutral outside language of English, which all the feuding ethnic and religious groups accepted.

      It was exploiting the country, the two idiotic world wars among the white men, and the British-caused starvation during WWII which ended their willingness to obey.

      The white man is visibly superior, but he must do superior deeds and truly be wise and noble to be obeyed.

      For this, the Jew must go, and our own ego as well.

  4. I think there is a contradiction between being a free people and ruling others. If freedom is our ideal we need a space that is our own therefore. It follows that we either need racial segregation or the Blacks must be removed from our shores if we are to maximize our freedom.

    • I understand.

      We will see what the future brings, but if you ask 40 million Blacks to go to Africa, which is a sh–hole continent and they know it, every single one of them will fight us to the death. We could lose if we take them all on, plus the government, plus the jews, plus 70 million Hispanics, etc., etc. etc.

      • In that case we are yielding to intimidation. To do that is to poison our souls, I submit. The more noble alternative is to prepare for war, I submit.

        • I basically agree but as both world wars proves to the Germans, quantity CAN defeat quality.

          Just moving 40 mio blacks and 70 mio Hispanics into the neutral column will increase our chances of victory tremendously.

  5. It is only in very recent years that the Jews have begun to be exposed in America. In his _Three Jews Accused_ (Beilis of the ritual murder of Yushchinsky in Kiev, the Jew accused of treason in France whom Margi has researched, and Leo Frank who coldly murdered Mary Phagan) Lindemann wrote that America was named “the exceptional nation” by Jews because there existed no anti-Semitism in its mainstream.

    Butz’s exposure of the Holocaust fraud in the late 1970s was what changed our national naivety and revealed the Jewish nation to the American mainstream for the first time. So awareness of the Jewish nation and its powerful influence is a recent development in America.

    Meanwhile the White population in the country which Whites founded, built materially and gave a distinctive culture to has declined from 88 percent in 1965 to less than 50 percent today; and in the final analysis it was the Jews who were responsible for the flooding of our country with non-Whites.

    The conditions are ripe today for American Whites to pull together and form a Jew-wise identity.

    Accomplishing this is step number one, I submit. Let us do that, I submit, then the Jew-wise unity we will have become will decide what to do with the Blacks and Mexicans in our midst.

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