MASSIVELY UPDATED Watch out for dangerous aliens in US national parks? Even (LOL) Space Jews?? What does it say when blond aliens patronize and abduct white earthlings? Spiritual reading: where do you want to go?

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Check out Missing 411: The UFO Connection Get it Here:

Comments on the SecureTeam video:


David Paulides has literally dedicated his whole entire life to picking these cases apart and he’s no closer to finding out the truth behind these cometely strange disappearances than any of us would be, it’s absolutely bizzare the cases he has come across and it just blows my mind this isn’t bigger news. Everyone should check out his channel, he’s got TONS of content and totally mind blowing content, and his doc videos are amazing too.


108 replies
EinieN J
Can’t imagine anything more horrible, than a missing loved one.. the anxiety, desperation, hopelessness, sorrow… Heartbreaking..


Bill Smail
Dave Paulides is the best. A rare breed of former police officer, mufon and sasquatch investigator and now missing 411 researcher. He seems to be a man of great integrity and he is very open minded. He has a great youtube channel.


16 replies
Marc Le Starge
I wanted to stop by and wish SecureTeam10 Tyler and his Family and Wonderful Merry Christmas 🎅🏻 🎄 ❤️. Much love to you Tyler and for all the hard work you put in to keep us all informed. May God Bless You and Your Family. Thank you for everything you do!!! Respectfully, Marc R. LeStarge


Tom Skeens
I have been pushing Dave for some time now. Glad he has finally reached that comfort zone to come forward with the evidence


10 replies
Thanks Tyler, for what you have managed to give us throughout the year buddy. Peace from NZ.
Jocelyn Webb
A video from Secureteam10 was one of my Christmas gifts I wanted so thank you Tyler!!! There is a direct correlation between the people/animals disappearing as to the National Parks. They know the aliens use these areas to abduct that’s why they make those areas national parks… no extra investigation can be done unless it’s by a person. Then when they get wind of the peeping and snooping they shut it down immediately or falsely declare it as fiction, untrue, or by saying the person is crazy and don’t have a clue what they’re talking about. Making the source not credible. They think they know what they’re doing but a few of us know the real truth.
The government is allowing the abductions to occur because they made a deal with them and they can just write it off as population control. I wouldn’t be surprised if this comment gets deleted. So if you are reading this in 2023 and beyond give me a 👍 to let me know I’m not alone in knowing the truth and so others can see this. Also give this video a 👍 for the great work that Tyler and his team does to get this info out to the masses!!!
Trust Me
Please read those with similar experience. Couple of years ago when I was in my early twenties. I went to Yosemite national Park, with a couple of my friends. The second night at the park we were camping outside and I looked up. And this triangle shaped object was hovering past the tree line. Dead silent, each corner of the triangle had a light. But it seems like it was camouflaged because whatever it was it seems like it was projecting whatever was behind it. And the edges of the object look curved as it passed by us. I couldn’t really say how big the object was but it was pretty damn big. I’m wondering if anybody here in the community has had similar experience as I did.


Commander Lhaffinatu
I’ve lived in Southern California all my life and I can tell you the pigeons flying in circles is not a new thing. They’ve always done that as long as I can remember.
4 replies
Teresa P.
About a week ago, it was about 6:30 in the evening and already very dark. Many cars on the road, everybody out and about shopping for the coming holidays. I was driving up the route toward my town like I always do but I noticed a craft in the sky over the mountain to my right and the lights on it were very bright white but there were some red also. The thing that caught my eye was it didn’t seem to be moving and it didn’t seem very far up in the sky. You could see it plainly. We live very close to an airport. The airport was only about 2 mi from where this occurred. As I went further up the road towards my town around many sharp curves and bends the craft ended up being on the left side of the road and only up about maybe 100 to 150 ft and it was over wooded area and it seemed to be still not moving and the bright lights were very apparent and it looked circular. It did not look like any plane or helicopter I’ve ever seen here. It seemed to be right on a path that leads to the airport the way the planes fly in. No one ever seem to report on it or anything. I felt like I was the only one seeing it. It could have been some kind of aircraft heading to the airport, I don’t know. But I’ve never seen anything like this before.


David Turner
That was a great video, Tyler. I have listened to a couple of You Tube videos of interviews, with forest rangers, who have seen things that have terrified them, in our forests. I think the scariest one I heard, was of a tall wolf like creature; like a wolfman, about seven feet tall, that will smile at you if it knows it can’t take you out, if you have at least one other person with you. It will smile, then get on all fours and run away. I have decided it is dangerous for single families to go into our forests now. If I were to ever go into one again, I would go with a tour group. And even then, you don’t want to be the last person in the group. I heard another story of some sort of Moth Man type creature in our forests also. I suggest people carry a hunting rifle and a handgun with them at all times. The bigger the caliber of the pistol the better. Lord knows, people should never go into our forests alone.

…..The Paulides video

I finished watching this excellent video now, which costs $19.99 on Amazon:

I have run some Paulides videos before about missing people who disappear in Canadian and US national parks. Many VICTIMS were lifelong, highly experienced hunters, hikers and campers.

Paulides said in one video that YouTube had given him a strike for something “offensive.” Hmmm….

Maybe it was running montages showing that abductions in our national parks happen a lot, or almost only, to white people, and for stating that among the Whites abducted, an especially high number have, as Paulides puts it, German ancestry, German DNA, or are hikers and immigrants who literally come from Germany itself……

What I perceive, however, is that they are all more or less nordic — Northern European — if not exactly “German.”

They have English (Anglo-Saxon) names like “Higdon” or Scandinavian names such as “Gustafson.” Others do bear actual German surnames (from maybe a great-grandfather from Deutschland).

Maybe Paulides, whose ancestry, appearance and name are Modern Greek and thus racially Mediterranean, is just not “up” on the proper anthropological terminology. And/or he fears what YouTube would do if he used a perhaps forbidden word on videos on their platform such as “nordic,” “tall, blond and blue-eyed,” or, God forbid, the super-evil word “Aryan.” 😉

I have watched the Duran duo for two years now on the Google-owned, and thus jew-run YT. Having gotten at least one strike from JewTube for denouncing Zelensky, NATO, Joe Biden, and US neo-cons, and for praising the arch-demon himself, Vladimir Putin, they are terrified even to say the word “Nazi” or “Hitler.” They use a circumlocution for Hitler such as “the leader of German in the 1930s” and to avoid the word “Nazi” they actually spell out the letters (like parents avoiding the word “ice cream” in earshot of their kids), saying only “n-a-z-i”… 😉 )

So is Paulides saying “German” as a politically correct code word for “Aryan”?

In any case, in the Carl Higdon abduction, the aliens who abducted him are tall and blond, but bizarrely have a right hand that would at least seem to be without any fingers and shaped into a cone.

Are they the only species abducting or even killing humans, dropping their rifles, clothes and backpacks off willy-nilly — even their corpses — in total disrespect?

Certainly these blonds are not the only abductors.

The Greys, non-humans, are infamous for this, and they wickedly do not anesthetize humans (“knock them out”) when they perform medical procedures on them — just paralyze them.

Human abductees of the Greys are deeply terrified and traumatized by the cold and invasive contempt which the Greys show for them and their human dignity, such as when they impregnate a female earthling…. and then come a half-year later and remove the fetus. All this goes on without asking permission, without offering the slightest explanation, and proceeding via the total, rigid paralysis of the earthling.  She or he is wide awake during the abduction, which may go on for hours or days, and what these earthlings feel cannot be expressed by the mere word “fear.”

It is a bit chilling in this Paulides video how people, apparently all white folks, are snatched while out alone in the woods, hunting specifically elk, whom these other aliens, tall and blond, themselves clearly want and need.

But they also need nordic DNA, it seems, because after abducting Carl Higdon, who is extensively interviewed, once they realize he has had a vasectomy, they returned him — in time, and via another vehicle — to our earth, saying they “cannot use him.”

Also, the blond aliens generously cured him of a serious lung disease, as shown in the documentary by before-and-after x-rays of Higdon’s lungs.

Since these aliens are blond humans themselves, something in our DNA must be helpful and kindred to their own genes.

It was, however, humiliating to see how they view us patronizingly, as, basically, white ngrs, as white trash, as the bad boys of th galaxy, and they just go and abduct us, even the blond aliens relatedto us, and they keep us for our DNA.

But look at our own white behavior on this sorry planet! Can you blame the nordic aliens who despise us?

Swedish soldiers during the Thirty Years War of 1618-48 torture a German farmer. For three decades, Protestants who worship “the Prince of Peace” killed Catholics who also worshipped “the Prince of Peace”… and vice versa. But also French whites invaded to kill German whites and Swedish whites poure dinto t massacre their fellow whites in Germany). The Swedes poured their own urine, heated over a fire, down a funnel into the throat of a German farmer who had refused to give them all his money or let them rape his wife and daughters — an atrocious crime by blond, blue-eyed germanic perps against blond, blue-eyed germanic victims.

Have you ever heard before how the Nordic Swedes savaged Germany — as bad or worse than any black, muslim or mongol could do? Yes, Protestant Swedes did this — not Slavs — during the chaos of the Thirty Years War of 1618-48! Sweden’s king, Gustavus Adolphus,  came down from Scandinavia and grabbed German territory. Swedish troops had a fun torture, called “the Swedish drink” (der Schwedentrunk).

It involved seizing a farmer’s wife or daughter, and when he protested, making the women watch as they held him down, jammed a funnel into his mouth, poured boiling urine from the soldiers down his gullet, and as he perished under incredible screams of agony, his women had to watch before they were raped.

No, the Swedes were not wooly-haired Zulus.

Nor Turks, Kurds or Arabs.

Nor were they gay or trans. 😉

They were heterosexual, tall Swedes — Viking stock —  with blond hair.

Mercenaries, many of them.

From Wikipedia:

The Schwedentrunk (English: Swedish drink) is a method of torture and execution. The name was invented by German victims of Swedish troops during the Thirty Years’ War. This method of torture was administered by other international troops, mercenaries, and marauders, and especially by civilians following the Swedish baggage train, who received no pay. It was used to force peasants or town citizens to hand over hidden money, food, animals, etc., or to extort sex from women.

Even though 15% to 20% (locally up to 60%) of the German population perished due to violence, famine, and disease during the war, the memory of the Schwedentrunk was preserved. The method was immortalized in one of the first widely read German books, the satirical Der abenteuerliche Simplicissimus, published by Hans Jakob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen in 1668.


Den Knecht legten sie gebunden auf die Erd’, steckten ihm ein Sperrholz ins Maul, und schütteten ihm einen Melkkübel voll garstig Mistlachenwasser in Leib. Das nannten sie einen Schwedischen Trunk.”

(Its English translation is: ” They laid the peasant out on the ground, stuck a wooden wedge into his mouth, and poured into his belly a bucketful of foul manure water, which they called a Swedish Drink.”)

Use of the Schwedentrunk is recorded in the histories of towns throughout Southern Germany. Though specific circumstances differed, in every case a restrained and gagged victim was forced to swallow (by means of a funnel) a large amount of unappetizing, sometimes boiling liquid. Substances such as urine, excrement, liquid manure, and swillage were used for this purpose.

Apart from disgust, illness, and the possibility of bacterial infection, the Schwedentrunk inflicted intense gastric pain. Because liquids are incompressible, the victim’s stomach and bowels must expand to painful proportions to accommodate the copious quantities of fluid.

The torturers then squeezed the distended belly with wooden boards or trampled the victim underfoot.

Now, having related these horrible truths about our own race, and about the best stock of our race, does this mean I have abandoned our cause? That I no longer love our race? That I no longer wish to see whites survive and thrive?

Perish the thought!

In fact, I just sold my house to finance the starting of my pro-white spiritual movement!


People cannot fathom that I am really, actually about to start my movement, which obviously cannot happen if I am flat-broke and at the mercy of, and begging, the Michigan Department of Human Services to pay my shut-off notices for heat, electricity and asking them to pretty-please give me, for God’s sake, food stamps!

And I most certainly cannot count on 99% of my readers to send one single dime.

And in America the FBI just seizes property, such as homes.

They just took the deed to the house of Sam Bankman-Fried’s parents, in fact, not that those jew crooks deserve any sympathy.

They also seized $482,000 from the bank account of the charismatic Christian WN Nick Fuentes.

He went to use his debit card at an ATM and withdraw cash — and his balance was zero.

He saw this entry online :

LEGAL ORDER  Debit -$482,000


So I sold my house to start my movement,

and then have withdrawn the money from the bank.

This rentor situation will now cause other problems — and also no one has responded to my invitation to come, live here, and be my assistant and guard my now-rented house. Of course not!

But life is full of problems on purpose; I call problems “challenges.” 😉

In the coming religion, we Whites will grow up and stop playing only the race card and moaning about our victim-hood every second, and claiming or at least implying that everything is the fault of the other races — the jews, blax, muzzies, Chinese …or the gays… or of secret societies — the Illuminati, the Freemasons, the Vatican insiders, the top Jesuits, the Rockefeller minions, the Rothschild human assets, the globalists, etc.

We have plenty of WHITE psychopaths and WHITE scum, yes, millions of two-legged turds, right in our own race.

What is America?

— 10% crooks,

— 80% cowards who refuse to even think about evil, or fight it at all, and

— just 10% heroes, no more than that.

Georgia Governor John Slaton in 1915 almost certainly took a fat bribe from the jews on almost his last day in office to get the Khazar rapist-strangler of Mary Phagan, Leo Frank off. There was not a drop of jewish blood in this WASP who was okay with Frank “walking”….


Face it — we could not have been corrupted by the jewsmedia, were we not already corruptible.

Our path back to power and freedom is through noble (“Aryan” in Sanskrit) thoughts, words and deeds. My friend, the heavily persecuted French revisionist historian, Vincent Reynouard, now languishing in a Scottish jail, ARRESTED BY WHITE COPS, once wrote that un-evolved people want to read their atrocity story “fix” every day:

— Black-guy-did-this,

— Jew-did-that,

— cop-got-brutal,

— Mexican-killed-prostitute,

— Muslim-raped-Swedish-girl, and

— fat-gays-jiggled-down-Main-Street-in-Speedos. 😉

But evolved people do not crave negativity. They have suffered so much for so long that they are searching very, very seriously for The Truth. 

NOT so much about the wogs, but about ourselves!

Some truths ARE glorious about white history….the beauty of our best women…such as the Swedish track star Carolina Kluft (photo)…

…or the valorous and the kind deeds of our ancestors….and the hard proof of our potential for greatness which was German national socialism.

Fighter-pilot ace Hans Marseille

Other truths, however, are about our own shortcomings as individuals, as nations and as a race of people.

As the Galilean said, the truth shall set us free, which means looking in the mirror, and not blaming others for everything that goes wrong. Actually, the main culprit — with his sins of both commission and omission, like never sending John de Nugent a penny and thus forcing him to sell his own house — is conveniently visible in this mirror every morning. 😉:

Getting back now to aliens, the jews were sent by their actual masters to conquer the earth for them, for reptilians. Says who? This major rabbi.


Haaretz newspaper in IsraHell hates me for this cartoon.




…..Spiritual reading: where do you want to go?

December 26

Doors are open (although perhaps not the ones you have been staring at) and the universe is beckoning. The challenge really is to pick your way.

When things are hard and the messages you receive when you attempt to move ahead are negative, it can be a challenge to remain hopeful and purposeful. Today the challenge for many of you is likely to lie more in determining through your core where you want to be going.

Because if you can know that, if you can point yourself in a direction that serves your soul’s growth, in one way or another the doors are going to be open this week!

We strongly suggest that you spend some time checking in with your inner knowing — soon, or even right now.

Because as you intend, so shall you move. And conscious intention or direction is going to be important due to the support you are going to receive. Let it be for that which you choose, not something random that has been floating around your awareness without examination.

We want to add that it is quite possible to set your sights on specific worldly outcomes during this time, but you might benefit even more from choosing to cultivate a particular quality such as open-heartedness, gratitude or patience or…. There are so many beautiful ways to expand your experience in the world.

So think on it: if you were told that you could indeed pick something to manifest over the next few days, and the only proviso was that it be aligned with your soul’s growth, what might it be?

And of course it is always, always successful when you ask only for your own and others’ highest good.

The energies available in this moment are strongly supportive, so please don’t miss out.

You will still need to make an effort. Nothing much will happen unless you are committed enough to walk toward that which you desire. But trust that the universe will be just ahead of you once you do start walking, opening gates and laying bridges across crevasses. In other words, you can go a lot farther this week than in many if you choose to work in concert with your higher purpose.

Of course, when we speak of walking forward, we are referring to any number of ways in which you might take some sort of positive action to further your intent. But we will mention that the energies favor going inward and the movement that arises naturally from becoming still.

The qualities of action that are most in tune with these energies are those of allowing, of surrendering, of embracing. This is a moment when water and earth stand as beautiful examples of how perfection is attained.

Try to connect with the essence of these elements if you need to touch into something more tangible to guide you. We urge you to open to what is here for you right now. Despite the fact that things may seem to be awry on the earthly plane, despite the fact that in many cases it is very difficult right now to affect the outcomes you desire in material and physical situations, there is a magnificent and bright expanse easily and bountifully available to those of you who would enter it.

It is simple to become bogged down and overwhelmed by challenges that you cannot seem to meet. Turn your attention within — where all is well, and all is a reflection of the divinity which is in fact in you and everywhere.

Allow yourself to focus on what is eternally important, and you will find yourself free of constraints and frustrations that tend to trouble, mislead and turn you from the truth.


A white toddler perhaps recognizes a stranger as being a loved one from another life, and hugs him fiercely — to the amazement of his parents. What a magic moment… to reconnect across the lifetimes.

Change your perspective, change your experience, and change your life. The doors are open, this incarnation is yours, and your path is unimpeded.

We send all our love!

The video with the toddler:


    • Thank you, Phil. I am honored and happy to read your encouraging praise. The day is nigh when, Deo volente, many will see me in a different way, and something mighty will finally arise again, and in the nick of time. 🙂

  1. “…among the Whites abducted, an especially high number have, as Paulides puts it, German ancestry, German DNA, or are hikers and immigrants who literally come from Germany itself……

    What I perceive, however, is that they are all more or less nordic — Northern European — if not exactly “German.”

    They have English (Anglo-Saxon) names like “Higdon” or Scandinavian names such as “Gustafson.” Others do bear actual German surnames (from maybe a great-grandfather from Deutschland).”

    This was something that also jumped out at me. Why would aliens specifically want to abduct people with Nordic DNA? To my mind, there are many possibilities:

    1) The abductors are actual aliens who need human DNA to perpetuate their species, and they view Nordic DNA as the best type.

    2) The abductors are satanic Jews who have been given top-secret black project “UFO” technology and are using it to fulfill their sick and evil fantasies of abducting, torturing and killing white people.

    3) The abductors are Germans from an off-world “Fourth Reich” established after WWII, who are abducting fellow Nordics to join their civilization.

    4) The abductors are paranormal, inter-dimensional, demonic entities who have been brought into our dimension by satanic Jews who have opened a portal for them via their Aleister Crowley-derived black magic rituals. Hence, Crowley’s drawing of “Lam,” an entity he supposedly contacted who looked very similar to a “grey” alien.

    5) The abductors are literal blood-drinking aliens who prefer human blood over the animal blood they normally consume. This could also explain why so many cattle and horses have been mutilated and drained of blood over the years. It may also explain why the U.S. government and military have kept such a tight lid on the UFO phenomenon for so long, and have tried to explain it away as swamp gas, etc. The public panic if this were the case would be unbelievable, as we would then all be like the helpless Eloi in H.G. Well’s 1895 “The Time Machine” novel, being feasted on at will by the cannibalistic, underground-dwelling Morlocks. This scenario, if true, could cause society to collapse.

    There could also be a simpler explanation for the ethnicity of the people being abducted, in that the type of people who go hiking in national parks are usually of Nordic background. In other words, you won’t find Jacquarius Bibbs from the West Side of Chicago hiking in a national park, or Pedro Gonthalez from Meh-hee-co, or Wang Hung Lo from San Francisco, or Muhammad Qasaam al-Islam from Detroit. Those ethnic groups tend to not value the beauty of our national parks very much.

    Whatever is going on there, I will not be hiking in a national park anytime soon.

    • No, indeed.

      The late Maureen Guzek, here in Ontonagon, who for decades published the local weekly newspaper, the Ontonagon Herald, and she ran a number of my letters-to-the-editor, told me once how as a teenager she had gone camping with friends in the nearby Porcupine Mountains Park.

      It is so beautiful, so magical, both winter and summer….

      But, as she told me, “one night a giant white disk slowly rose out of the forest, about a hundred yards across,” she said. “The whole thing glowed white. It was 9 pm.

      “It then shot eastward in a flash.

      “I was always fascinated by the newspaper business, and so I would read the Sault Saint Marie paper from the other end of the UP, over on the border with Canada, when it got to our local library. [The name “Sault Saint Marie harkens back to the 1700s and to the great French explorers of the midwest and west of North America. The town connects Lake Superior and Lake Michigan — and America with Canada.]

      “When I got the Sault paper in a few days, there it was, a front-page story about ‘a fast-moving, bright object in the night sky.’ That thing was seen by half of Sault, and the paper said it was over the town at 9:02 pm Well, that was 250 miles away…. so it got there in two minutes.” And she looked at me.

      Well, let me put it this way:

      Any ETs like that — who can cruise at 7,000 mph, which is what I calculated — umm, gee, think maybe we should try to not regularly piss them off? 😉

      And so, in our own interest, maybe we should therefore stop behaving like the white trash of the galaxy. 😉 If there is one thing even earth cops hate, it is individuals who are constantly in trouble with the law. Well, what are earthlings?

      And why do t-h-e-y have such amazing technology while our cars still run on loud, hot, stinky 1890s Daimler-Benz gasoline engines?

      Because their minds enable them to cooperate instead of hating and killing each other, and pouring every new penny they make into weapons for killing.

      We can be like them.

      What does my religion seek for Aryans?

      …that we move ONWARD and UPWARD…

      At the Porcupine Mountains Visitor Center: “Right, wolfie?”


  2. you might be interested in the knowledge which is presented here:
    Odins Ahnenerbe – Wotans Conscious

    It seems as if Odin, Cernunnos, Tengri (Central Asian Himmerls god of the Aryan Scythians) and Viracocha have one and the same root and the swastika is always their divine sign of eternity. The snakes are also a very old symbol of eternity (Ouroboros = snake biting its tail and forming a ring = eternity = world snake/midgarch snake/Jörmungandr = DNA).

    Odin = Wodan = Godan (Gothic name) = God.
    Odin however is the first.
    In the Indo-European Russian language ODIN is called ONE until today.
    ODIN (=Godan = God) has breathed his breath (Odem = Odin) according to the Edda into an ash tree trunk (=life tree = DNA).
    Ziu = Zwo = Two (Two). (Example Twilight) = Deus = Zeus

    So the Germans are (according to legend, which always contains a grain of truth) descendants of God.

    In you lives the heritage of millions of ancestors, the blood of your whole people.
    Behind your 2 parents there are 4 grandparents, 8 great-grandparents and so on. With each previous ancestor sequence the number of your ancestors doubles. In the 25.
    Generation it is already more than 33 million. 25 generations, that is about
    600 years. From each of these 16 million men and 16 million women you are
    you are a part, a breath, a feeling, a thought. All of them still live in
    your form and your being immortally until today. 16 million men
    and 16 million women have woven on you, have bequeathed, strengthened or
    erased. All the people of that time are your ancestors, as they are the ancestors of all of us.
    So also the history of your people is your own history.
    Our common blood and our common history make us
    brothers. In this great community, your blood, your soul also lives on.
    It lives in your deeds and works, your thinking and dreams . and will
    one day be in your children and grandchildren.

    You too, fight for the future of this blood! In the blood
    of your people you are immortal.
    -Hans Belstler “Du stehst im Volk”

    “If a people is led to its end by the means of governmental power, the resistance of each and every one of this people is not only a right but a duty.

    The struggle is therefore will be fought with “legal” means as long as the power to be uses such means; however, it will also use illegal means, if the oppressor also uses such means aswell.

    In general, however, it should never be forgotten that it is not the preservation of a state or even that of a government is the highest purpose of existence, but the preservation of its own kind.

    If, however, this species itself is in danger of being suppressed or even
    eliminated, then the question of legality plays only a subordinate role. It may then be
    that the ruling power will use a thousand times so-called “legal” means in their actions, nevertheless the self-preservation instinct of the oppressed is always the most
    noble justification for their struggle with all weapons.

    Only from the recognition of this proposition alone history provides us with gigantic examples of struggles for freedom against internal and external enslavement of peoples.

    Human right breaks state law.

    The world is not there for cowardly peoples.”

    Wotan is an archetype of the Germanic collective unconscious. In explaining the influence of psychic forms on humanity, Jung returned to the archetype of Wotan in a letter to his friend, the Chilean diplomat and writer Miguel Serrano. Jung when writing this in the 1960s was attempting to suggest remedies for the modern predicament of civilised man. While eschewing the mass society that was being accelerated by technology, Jung stated that modern man, or at least the Westerner, must try to find his individual identity without retreating into hyper-individualism: ‘He can only discover himself when he is deeply and unconditionally related to some, and generally related to a great many, individuals with whom he has a chance to compare, and from whom he is able to discriminate himself.’

    Of Wotan Jung stated to Serrano that:

    When, for instance, belief in the God Wotan vanished and nobody thought of him anymore, the phenomenon originally called Wotan remained; nothing changed but his name, as National Socialism has demonstrated on a grand scale. A collective movement consists of millions of individuals, each of whom shows the symptoms of Wotanism and proves thereby that Wotan in reality never died, but has retained his original vitality and autonomy.
    “With you it rests! Either to bring us to slavery, or, by securing our freedom, to be remembered by all future generations. For never since the time when we became a people have we faced so great a danger as now. If we bow our necks beneath the yokes of the enemy, the woes that we will have to suffer are already determined. If, on the other hand, we fight and overcome, the future is ours.”

    • Thanks for a very valuable comment.

      Wotan/Odin thus is like a Roman genius, meaning an intelligent energy being that watches over a clan, tribe, or folk. For the Greeks, it was the daimonioi, often famous heroes..and even Hyperboreans who have no karmic necessity to reincarnate, but help us earthlings out of love.

      The only addendum I would make to your comment is that we do NOT just live on through our DNA being in our descendants.

      We also literally live on in the interlife, watching over our friends and loved ones, and by reincarnating!

      As I said in a 1933 speech in the Sports Palace in Berlin, the line in the Horst Wessel song about our dead comrades being with us is meant very, very literally:

      Kameraden, die Rotfront und Reaktion erschossen, marschieren im Geist in unseren Reihen mit!

      Transl: “comrades shot by [free translation] both Antifa and patriotards are ghosts marching along in our ranks!

      So when at NS gatherings we recall our fallen comrades, and we say “Present!”, this is a very real thing.

      They ARE present.

      As Wotan/Odin is present!

      As I am, but in my case, via coming back as an Amerikaner in order to WIN this time! Without Amerika, the jews are nothing! With this gigantic Amerika, we are everything! Our race is safe!


    • I agree that our thought and our emotions are strongly influenced by our racial blood; and I suscribe to Rosenberg’s theory of Race Soul.

      But the White man also is born with the ideal of Freedom in his soul.

      Part of his genetics is that he is a free spirit that can break any force or rule.

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