Wokie Trudeau re-elected in Canada

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Super analysis as always…. Of course, it was impolitic to mention the Grand Hyper-Demon who also had huge charisma and came to power entirely through peaceful and democratic means, via the ballot box.

His conclusion was that “democracy” was really a joke of the international plutocrats, with ruthless media moguls manipulating the clueless masses, and so — as he promised to the voters in his campaigns — he abolished the charade of Elections = People Power legally by a vote of the Reichstag.

And then his country rose like a rocket.

“Mankind will never progress until philosophers become kings.” — Some nutty Greek called, I think, Plato 😉


  1. I think Adolf’s and your conclusion needs to be emphasised. Democracy really is giving power to the ignorant.

    How can the people in the street know what is going on in the halls of power? I noticed this even with people of strong character, people who are not easily led on.

    They are more honest, but in addition to their lack of knowledge of the scheming that goes on behind the scenes in government, they are also lacking when it comes to just figuring things out.

    Too trusting?

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