Woman raped by Bill Clinton, Juanita Broaddrick, reveals how Hillary threatened her

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…..Reporter Who Broke Lewinsky Story Just Dropped A Hidden Tape BOMBSHELL

Juanita Broaddrick, one of the women who has come forward with her story about Bill Clinton raping her in a hotel room is now being backed by former NBC News journalist as he is calling on the network to release the unedited footage of Broaddrick’s interview. Michael Isikoff, who is credited with exposing the Monica Lewinsky/Bill Clinton sex scandal, says that the footage of Broaddrick’s “Dateline” interview was heavily edited, and a key point was intentionally edited out.

Isikoff says that the NBC footage of the “Dateline” interview between Broaddrick and Lisa Myers should have shown the part where Broaddrick revealed how Hillary intimidated her into staying quiet about what Bill had done to her. “Folks have made much of the fact that her claim about the conversation she had with Hillary wasn’t in the interview that run. Broaddrick said it got cut out; Lisa Myers has since agreed Broaddrick said this then ” and NBC chose to cut it out,” he said.

“We were sitting on my couch,” Broaddrick recently told Breitbart News of the “Dateline” interview. “All the cameras were behind me. [Myers] asked some question about whether I was intimidated or threatened by anyone, and I started right in with the meeting with Hillary while we were filming the interview. And almost as soon as I started to explain, one of the staffers, I believe he was a producer, came rushing in and said, ˜No, no. We can’t go there,'” she said.

When Myers asked the question again, Broaddrick says she complied with the demand to not discuss Hillary Clinton. “Did Bill Clinton or anyone near him ever threaten you, try to intimidate you, do anything to keep you silent?” Myers asked in the interview. “No,” Broaddrick said. Broaddrick did say in interviews conducted after the “Dateline” appearance that she believed Hillary Clinton attempted to intimidate her.

“She caught me and took my hand and said ˜I am so happy to meet you. I want you to know that we appreciate everything you do for Bill,'” Broaddrick said in an interview with The Drudge Report in Aug. 1999. “I started to turn away and she held onto my hand and reiterated her phrase ” looking less friendly and repeated her statement ” ˜Everything you do for Bill’. I said nothing. She wasn’t letting me get away until she made her point. She talked low, the smile faded on the second thank you. I just released her hand from mine and left the gathering.”

Isikoff noted that Broaddrick’s critics have questioned the claim that the former first lady made this threat to her because Broaddrick did not mention it in the “Dateline” interview. Now we know that there is much, much more to this story and it turns my stomach to think that this woman had to endure this type of treatment after everything she had to endure.

….Trump’s press conference before the 2nd debate with the four women, including Juanit, who have been abused by the pychopaths Bill and Hillary Clinton



….Robert Morrow on Bill Clinton, the professional rapist with special rape tricks so he can penetrate a resisting woman


Bill Clinton is alleged to have bitten the victim who described her ordeal to Roger Morris. According to Juanita Broaddrick, while Clinton assaulted her in 1978 he savagely bit, tore and bloodied her upper lip.

As my blog has revealed, biting the lip is a “professional rapist” trick. The pain is very bad. Think how the lips are sensitive, full of nerve endings, and that is why they are so erotic and using in kissing.

When the rapist shocks the woman by suddenly biting her lip very hard, the woman resisting a much bigger man by using her hands to protect her vagina area suddenly, instinctively, raises her hands up to her face and his, in order to protect her lip from being torn off, of course.

At that moment, the rapist penetrates her.


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