Worcester (England) Nationalist Alliance (representing British Renaissance) does street action blasting Labour VIP paedophiles and tolerators of “grooming”

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Activist Nathan Reade and others have had it with paedo politicos who lie that they care about the working class.

White, native English children in Worcester about to make Christmas pudding with two chefs at Holland House, the retreat house of the Anglican Diocese of Worcester.

But here is a barely smiling Imam of Dudley, England with the simpering Bishop Inge of Worcester. Both care so much about the safety of English kids…..


The British Renaissance Policy Institute…

….teamed up with local patriots from the National Front (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Front_(UK)


…..and the British Resistance Party

for a day of unified protest against the paedophilia-promoting nature of the Labour Party.

“I was getting a bit pissed off with Labour, listening to lurid tales of more more of their elected councillors being convicted of sex offences against children, and had to do something. “ British Resistance leader Carl Mason told www.resistanceradio.tv founder Jack Sen.

Jack Sen and activist Carl Mason of British Renaissance

With the help of a half-dozen other local Worcester nationalists and supporters from as far afield as the West Midlands, the team got a banner made, and leaflets printed up.


Nathan Reade from West Midlands, a die-hard British nationalist and new arrival on the scene, told me:

“It was an honour to protest deviance alongside good men. I want to be stirring up the fire in people’s bellies, bringing people out from the shadows, planting seeds in people’s heads, pinging light bulbs when people relate to an issue I’ve raised, no matter how minor.

I want to be a face that people look at and think “he is normal.”

I want white British people to stop feeling so defeated, and stand up off of their knees. I want men to stick their chests out with pride of who they are.

Sam, Jim and Andy — on the street, not just online — saying paedophilia is not alright against our kids!

I want them to put down the gambling slips, stamp out the cigarettes, put down the pint and look past it, look beyond it, look at their fellow white man in a different way. Embrace their mothers, embrace their wives, feel solidarity with their indigenous British friends. Take back their norms, reject foreign qualities they have learned from mass media. I want to make people think and love and show empathy not just with their folk but with their soil.

If we speak of a cultural revival then we need to portray that at our demos. Smart, well-disciplined. organised men. The coverage will come in time but I just want people who look back at our video to see we was consistent and upstanding, not louts in suits. Nothing intimidates the opposition more than organisation and strong identity.”

And Nathan put his actions and presentation where his words were, dressing extremely smartly and representing the British Renaissance Policy Institute well. Nathan and Jack Sen are what nationalism, needs: young (under 40) physically fit and strong, presentable, well-dressed and heterosexual men (unlike far too many so-called Alt-Righters).

“Nathan is a top fellow and I feel will do big things for the British Renaissance Policy Institute and in British nationalism in the years to come,” Jack Sen commented when asked about him.

Although the group told no one of their plans, Carl was contacted by an amiable local police officer “ a Sergeant Jones “ 30 minutes before the event.

“It was odd that the cops just rang me out the blue. We know they read our Skype chats and emails, but this is the first time they’ve been that ‘proactive.’ The officer, who was very nice, asked me how many people were attending, what we were protesting, etc.

We met Sgt Jones at the rendezvous point. He read our leaflets, banner, in order to see we weren’t breaking any laws or ˜preaching hatred of any kind’ and signed off on our peaceful protest. I told him that unlike idiotic state agents like National Action, none of us had any intention of invoking Hitler’s name or inciting hatred.

In fact we were there for the good of the community, in the hope we would be able to expose Labour’s support of [child sexual] abuse.”

Jack Sen, who helped Carl organise the event from his home was thrilled.

“To see our logos on their banners, know that people in Worcester sick of the abuses perpetrated against their community and families by the paedophilic Labour Party will be visiting our site in search of truth gives me hope. Carl and the good men of Worcester he protested alongside should be commended. We expect a lot more action in the coming months. There’s lots to be done.”

The day went well with Carl and his associates.

“He told us where we can protest and what volume level we can use for our megaphone. We were there for 30 minutes giving out www.labour25.com [see below!] leaflets to the public. Two members of the public even helped us give out our leaflets.”

The patriots were menaced by a few paedo-supporting Labour Party members who uttered obscenities and abuse under their breath as they went passed, but quickly scurried away once they called them out on it.

Carl and co cranked up the volume o their megaphones and shouted

“Labour’s Shame for Crimes against Kids!”

The hostiles dispersed as the patriots’ rallying cry perforated their eardrums.  No one ever came back. Even the pro-refugee Bishop Inge of Worcester got a message three times he passed us at high speed, in a dither, I suspect. How dare those evil nationalists mention crimes against children?

200 leaflets were given out. But thousands heard us and saw our banner . Sgt Jones made sure everything went well — cheers for Sgt Jones. Why didn’t the police move as quick in Rotherham and many other cases?

Rest assured, Reds and “Labour,” we will return regularly as well as doing demos outside your homes.

British Resistance is coming for you.

Carl Mason


……Labour25 web site https://labour25.com/

Hull Labour party councillor Steven Bayes has been charged with making and hoarding rape images of children.

Labour Party city councillor Steven Bayes has been charged with making and hoarding rape images of children. The Labour councillor, who represents the Orchard Park and Greenwood ward, appeared at Hull Magistrates Court on the morning of Thursday 27 April.

The court heard the charges involved a “large number” of images. Dressed in a dark blue suit, the 55-year-old Labour politician who lives in Prospect Street in the city centre did not speak during the five-minute hearing. He was remanded on conditional bail until May 26 when the case will be heard at Hull Crown Court.

Deputy district judge Frank Appleyard said the charges he faces were “too serious” to be dealt with in the magistrates’ court.

Cllr Bayes is the city council’s cabinet portfolio holder for visitor destination with responsibility for overseeing long-term corrupt regeneration projects such as the Hull Venue and the cruise terminal development on the Humber.  He is also a board member of the City of Culture company and the joint venture company behind the regeneration of the Fruit Market.

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Fagan’s Hoard

david-faganLABOUR party councillor David Fagan has been arrested and charged with  possessing a hoard of child rape images.

Fagan has been a member for North Lanarkshire Council since 2003 and represents the Airdrie South ward.

Asked about the case, a Police spokesman said: “A 52-year-old man was arrested on Wednesday, September 7.

“He was released on an undertaking to appear at Airdrie Sheriff Court on Thursday, October 6.”

Dad-of-two Fagan was unavailable at his home but a woman who answered the door said: “David doesn’t want to speak to anybody.”

Fagan is considered a key player in the local party and was being primed for the role as Labour group leader.

He is currently a member of the council’s (((EDUCATION and SOCIAL WORK committees.)))

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Labour: PIE’s choice!

Tom Watson & Jeremy corbyn Paedophile futureLabour25 logo with transparent backgroundFollowing Jeremy Corbyn‘s election as party leader last September, homosexual Labour party Paedophile Tom O'Carroll with Labour party MP John Woodcockmember and former chairman of the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) Tom O’Carroll celebrated with fellow activists and Labour party MP John Woodcock at their Christmas party.

Parents Against Paedophiles (P.A.P) Outside the BBC Studios 2012After a series of complaints from anti-paedophile activists a Labour spokesman said they had suspended his membership only last Tuesday. However, another spokesman for the Labour party informed us that “He could not be expelled immediately because party rules require an investigation by officials.”

The Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) inquiryMr O’Carroll, 70, is the former chairman of the Paedophile Information Exchange, Pie, which was formed in 1974 to campaign for sex with children including decriminalising intercourse with those as young as four.

Labour party Paedophile Tom O'Carroll releasedIn 1981 he was sentenced to two years in jail for “conspiracy to corrupt public morals” after police had seized more than a quarter of a ton of child abuse images. Some showed pictures of a man raping a one-year-old boy.

Labour party Paedophile Tom O'Carroll's porn vaultIn 2006 he was sentenced to two and a half years in prison for distributing child rape images. The BBC reported: ˜Children, mainly boys and some as young as six, had been filmed and photographed being raped and tortured.’

He re-joined the Labour party after his release and wrote a disturbing piece about the role of child mascots at sporting events.

He said they ˜must look the part ¦ be lean, well-proportioned, athletic and good-looking’, with ˜every suggestion’ that they have ˜been favoured by the gods.’

Mr O’Carroll was on the NCCL gay rights subcommittee and had addressed its conferences. In 2014 he made headlines by revealing then Labour %22it's ok to have sex with 10yoLabour Deputy Leader Harriet Harman and former Cabinet minister Patricia Hewitt’s support for Pie by being affiliated to the National Council for Civil Liberties (NCCL) in the 1970s.

Harriet Harman & the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE)Ms Harman refused to apologise for NCCL’s connection to PIE and for putting recruitment adverts in PIE’s house magazine.

Mr O’Carroll told reporters he had no comment on his relationship with the Labour party.

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Posted in Civil Liberties, Harriet Harman, Homosexual, Jack Dromey, Labour Party, NCCL, Patricia Hewitt, The Paedophile Information Exchange | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Deputy Labour party leader Tom Watson’s paedophile uncle

Tom Watson & Jeremy corbyn Paedophile futureLabour25 logo with transparent backgroundIt has now been revealed that Deputy Labour Party leader Tom Watson, an intriguing choice given that the current Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn seems sympathetic to perpetrators of child sex crimes, is related to a convicted paedophilic scoutmaster.

Tom Watson & His Paedophile Uncle Peter HalliwellMr Watson’s homosexual uncle, Peter Halliwell (78) of Cheadle Hulme, Stockport, was jailed last March for the rape of a nine-year-old boy that took place in the mid 1960’s when he was a scout leader in the Manchester area.

At that time, Steve Hoolohan the Senior District Crown Prosecutor for CPS North West only comment on this heinous crime was: “Peter Halliwell used his role as a scout leader to target a young boy in his care. This was a gross abuse of his position of trust in the Scouts and in the local community whereby he persistently exploited the boy for his own gratification.”

It was Labour MP Tom Watson who first tried to manage the very real Westminster paedophile scandal in October 2012, when he told the Commons that he had evidence of a child abuse ring with links to parliament and Downing Street. It is also possible that Tom Watson may have made some bogus paedophile accusations against certain politicians in order to damage the credibility of the paedophile investigation. In fact critics have claimed that Watson has used his campaign to keep the scandal pointing to The one party statethe publicly perceived ˜right’ of the political spectrum. Indeed his name was conspicuously absent from a list of signatories calling for action against homosexual Jewish Labour peer Greville Janner in April 2015.

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Manchester Labour Party councillor David Royle arrested on suspicion of child rape

Labour25 logo with transparent backgroundLabour party Councillor David RoyleA veteran Manchester Labour councillor has been arrested on suspicion of child abuse.

David Royle, 49, who has represented Fallowfield for more than a decade is being investigated for homosexual activity with a young boy.

Greater Manchester Police confirmed the Labour party backbencher was arrested on July 27 on suspicion of rape of a young boy.

He has been bailed until the middle of next month.

It is understood senior local Labour figures were made aware of the allegation well before the council broke for the summer.

A Greater Manchester Police spokesman said: “On Monday, July 27 2015, a 49-year-old man from Fallowfield was arrested on suspicion of sexual activity with a child.

“He has now been bailed until October 14, pending further enquiries.”

Mr Royle has been a Labour councillor for 15 years, at one time serving as the town hall’s assistant executive member for the environment.

More recently, he has served on the council’s licensing and appeals and community scrutiny committees.

Labour Councillor Royle refused to comment.

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Labour councillor Richard Smith faces prison after confessing to child pornogrophy offences

Labour25 logo with transparent backgroundRichard SmithA homosexual Labour councillor who confessed to child pornography offences is facing prison.

It emerged that Labour’s Richard Smith, who represented Nelson’s Clover Hill ward on Pendle Council, had been investigated over rape images of children

Smith, 32, of Waidshouse Road, appeared before Burnley magistrates and admitted to  making child rape photographs, on August 20 and July 24 last year..

Magistrates committed him on unconditional bail to appear for sentence at Burnley Crown Court on September 28.

A police spokesman said Smith was initially arrested on November 12 last year, on suspicion of downloading and viewing indecent images of little boys.

Smith, who also served as a Nelson town councillor and served on the borough’s licensing committee and scrutiny management team, was finally charged with the offences on July 27 and bailed to appear at court.

The councillor, who grew up in the Clover Hill area, also served for a period as Pendle Labour Party’s ˜Young Labour’ officer.

Smith, who has worked in the holiday cottages industry, won the seat for Labour from the Liberal Democrats in 2011, with more than 50 per cent of the vote.

In his 2010 election leaflet, he said: “I find working with younger people very rewarding and hope to help them develop various projects that will benefit both Clover Hill ward and Nelson.”

Under the sentencing powers of the crown court, the maximum prison sentence is 10 years, on conviction.

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Thurrock Labour councillor Terry Brookes arrested on suspicion of possession of child porn

Labour25 logo with transparent backgroundLabour councillor Terry BrookesLabour councillor Terry Brookes has been arrested on suspicion of possession of child rape images.

Mr.Brookes is a shop worker and is a member of the Marxist GMB union and Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers (Usdaw).

A statement from Essex police said: “Police have arrested a 58 year old man from Grays on suspicion of possession of indecent images.

“He was detained on July 20th and taken into police custody for questioning before being released on bail until December pending further investigations.”

Thurrock Labour councillor Terry BrookesA by-election for his ward of West Thurrock and South Stifford has been scheduled for 10 September.

Mr Brookes and his wife have now put the property in Grays up for sale.

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Ex-Labour party councillor hanged himself after being arrested for molesting a child.

Labour25 logo with transparent backgroundJonathan Burns with MP Jim DobbinAn Ex- Labour party councillor hanged himself after being arrested for molesting a child, an inquest heard.

IT training company manager and Ex-Labour party councilor Jonathan Burns, 33, drank large amounts of whiskey and wine before taking his own life.

A week earlier mr Burns had been questioned and bailed by police.

His lawyer was subsequently told by police that there was no need to re-interview him and he would be re-bailed “ but he was found dead in the kitchen of his company Pride Media Association, based at the Demesne Media Arts Centre in Middleton, Greater Manchester.

Earlier an inquest at Heywood was told Mr Burns, who lived with his mother, left school at the age of 16 and set up his own business the following year. It helped immigrints learn IT and media skills to become better integrated within the community.

Labour party councilor Jonathan Burns and Rochdale CouncilHe worked with local radio and later served on Rochdale Council, where he was chairman of the Middleton Township planning sub-committee and vice-chairman of Middleton Township.

He was arrested on January 16 and quizzed before being bailed pending further inquiries. On January 22 his lawyer was told he would be re-bailed the next day.

Jonathan Burns 3Tests showed Mr Burns had 97 microgrammes of alcohol in his blood. The legal drink-drive limit is 80mg. A bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey and a three-quarters full bottle of wine was found next to his body.

At the time of his death, Mr Burns’ nephew, Daniel Burns, said: ˜Jonathan was a very public figure, but he was also a very private person and he understood that such a severe allegation would be hugely detrimental and damaging and he wasn’t able to cope with it.”

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Posted in Labour 25, Labour Council, Labour Party, Labour25, Rochdale Council | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |14 Comments

Marxist Bury Labour Party councillor appears in court charged with 16 counts of making rape images of children

Labour25 logo with transparent backgroundLabour party Councillor Simon CarterSimon Carter, 53, represents the Tottington ward on Bury council.

A town hall Labour councillor has been charged with making rape images of children.

Simon Carter, who represents Labour in the Tottington ward for Bury Council, has appeared in court charged with 16 counts of making rape images of children, police have confirmed.

The charges he faces follow an investigation by a specialist police child abuse unit in Bury.

Coun Carter, 53, of Rosewood Avenue in Tottington, Bury, appeared before Manchester and Salford Magistrates Court on Saturday.

He was released on bail and is due to make a second appearance at the same court at a later date.

The charges cover a period of time between January 1, 2011 and April this year. He was arrested following an investigation by Greater Manchester Police’s Child Abuse Investigation Team based in Bury.

In a statement, the force confirmed the charges and that Labour party Councilor Carter had appeared in court.

Councilor Carter, who works as a self-employed IT trainer, was elected to Bury council in 2012, winning the seat from the Tories.

According to the council’s website, his term of office runs until 2016 and he sits on the overview and scrutiny committee, Ramsbottom, Tottington and North Manor township forum and on the council’s standards committee.

Labour Party officials have been made aware of the arrest and charges but have refused to make any further comment.

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…..My involvement from America for my ancestral Britain

I am very proud of my pure British-Isles ancestry as an American from New England, and have supported fully activist Mr. Jack Sen, and his British Renaissance Policy Institute.


Alexa, Natalie and Jack

When Jack ran for Parliament and did amazingly well — 13% –although loudly disavowed by Nigel Farage and his UKIP party… I dug deep to donate.



I also support the British Resistance Party, and the new www. Resistanceradio.tv, where I am one of the hosts.

My grandfather, John Thomas Colwell, was from Goole, Yorkshire, England

Grandfather Colwell with my grandmother, née Elizabeth Angell, who was also of pure English ancestry, in front of their home, built in the 1790s, and located in Glocester, in the state of Rhode Island in New England, USA


I have also known Nick Griffin, the longtime chairman (1999-2014) of the British National Party in its heyday, since 1985 and admire his brilliance, education, courage and achievements.

I first met Nick (second from right) in 1985 during his visit to Washington DC.


No-Fear Nick, a top boxer at Cambridge University, in the 1980s


A bodyguard protects Nick Griffin, who was being pelted by rocks from leftists


Nick outside Parliament (“the Palace of Westminster”) as the chairman of the BNP and member of the European Parliament 2009-14

Nearby this very year, a muslim ran over five people in his car on Westminster Bridge. Here you see both white American and white British victims, and both white Americans and Brits kneeling down to help and comfort them while Muslims and Chinese saunter on by.

White stranger comforts victim of the muslim car killer on Westminster Bridge, London
Muslim woman walks by heedlessly as whites gather around another victim 
Chinese woman also struts by
But an American woman is comforted by an English girl.

…..Strange, life-changing “encounter” with my beloved British grandfather — 15 years after he passed on!


Part 1 of 2

Part 2 of 2


Here is my experience in 1989 with my British grandfather, 15 years after the grandparents’ deaths in 1974.

It strengthened me for the divorce hell I was about to undergo just as I feared, and gave me a sense of a higher and loving power watching over me,but not babying me, in my subsequent career.

The seer, Ann Gehman, the subject of two HBO documentaries (https://www.facebook.com/B- Anne-Gehman-792310214169769/), described my grandfather to a “t” and said he was right in the room with me. It was scary, but in a good way, to realize I was being watched ¦.by a very strict but loving ancestor, whom I had revered during his life, and who had tried to talk to me about race despite my liberal Republican/country club upbringing. He planted seeds in the boy that sprouted in the man.




……Contact and support

Contact/Supporting VIRTUS

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