World-class slandering of Lee Harvey Oswald, silenced and murdered by the CIA using the jew crook Jack Ruby, at Military-History-Fandom webpage

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First, they murder you, then they slander you so no one cares.
Another great truth mail by Alabama native and Texas resident Robert Morrow [with photos and commentary added by me, JdN]
After reading the below I wrote Morrow:
How heinous to kill both a great president and defame a loyal Marine and American who loved his Commander-In-Chief!
Btw, Bobby Kennedy Jr should know about your work. It seems he is open to the truth about both his uncle’s and his father’s murders:
Almost halfway down:
“David Nasaw [jew], a retired City University of New York history professor who has studied the family extensively, traces Kennedy’s rampant skepticism of government and science to the assassinations of his father and uncle — events that have inspired many tomes based on fanciful or baldly false claims [sic].

Nasaw said he interviewed Kennedy in 2011 for a book about his grandfather, Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. At the end of their meeting, Kennedy handed him a book titled “JFK and the Unspeakable,” which concludes that the president was murdered by his own security apparatus.

The assassination has been investigated time and again, and no killer other than Lee Harvey Oswald has ever been credibly identified.

“This type of thinking penetrated Kennedy early on and just built and built and built over the years into an almost uncontrolled paranoia that all authorities — the government, the scientists — are lying, always,” said Nasaw.”
Robert Morrow <>

Web link:

“Muh Fellow Americuns,” as LBJ would say, how many factually wrong or wildly distorted or selective use of facts can you find in this smashing slander-a-thon of Lee Harvey Oswald at Military History Fandom? 
I have closely studied the JFK assassination since spring, 2008 and over time I have pretty much concluded that the ENTIRE OFFICIAL NARRATIVE OF THE JFK ASSASSINATION IS GARBAGE FROM TOP TO BOTTOM.
And when I say “everything,” I mean EVERYTHING.
To start with:
Lee Harvey Oswald was not a Marxist, a communist or a pro-Castro supporter AT ALL.
Lee was a patriotic US Marine
His widow, Marina, and their baby
Marina later on
NEW YORK CITY – OCTOBER 12: Marina Oswald attends Marina Oswald Press Conference on October 12, 1977 at Harper and Row in New York City. (Photo by Ron Galella, Ltd./WireImage)
Oswald, based on an avalanche of evidence, was a fake defector and  fake “pro-Castro Marxist” who was working for the US government when he was set up for the JFK assassination.
Nor did Oswald shoot anyone at all on 11-22-63; nor did he try to shoot Gen. Edwin Walker in April, 1963.
These are all vicious slanders and defamations of a patriotic young man, Lee Oswald, who hated communism and who signed up with the CIA thinking thereby to be working for his country.
JdN:  Lee was ordered to run a “Fairness for [Castro] Cuba  Committee,” handing out pro-Castro leaflets with which he was in total disagreement. But being a good former Marine and a CIA asset, he followed orders. In reality,  the CIA was always planning to murder Kennedy and then blame on “a communist,” then shoot the innocent patsy to silence him forever so he could not refute the defamation. Oswald was viciously set up by his own employer, the murderous, traitorous, president-killing CIA.
The web page “Military History Fandom” forgets to mention that Oswald loved JFK,admired Herbert Philbrick — the commie ring-busting FBI informer, and that Oswald’s favorite movie star was super-patriot John Wayne
…..and his favorite movie was the 1949 Marine Corps classic “The Sands of Iwo Jima.”
*** This was a superb,  pro-American and pro-Marine Corps 1949 movie about the February 1945 battle of Iwo Jima, in which my own father fought. No communist sympathizer or traitor would EVER love this movie.
This is the entire movie, but “with ads.”  It captures well the harsh discipline in the Marine Corps — and its benefits when combat begins.

John Wayne speaks to the film’s technical advisors, Tarawa veteran and Medal of Honor recipient Colonel David M. Shoup (center), who later became the Commandant of the Marine Corps, and Battle of Iwo Jima commander General Graves B. Erskine (right).

Shoup and President Kennedy were very close, and both saw war as a necessary evil that should be avoided whenever possible.

In the script, Corporal Robert Dunne recounts the story of tough-as-nails career Marine Sergeant John Stryker. Initially he is greatly disliked by the men of his squad, particularly the combat replacements, for the rigorous training he puts them through. He is especially despised by PFC Peter “Pete” Conway, the arrogant, college-educated son of Colonel Sam Conway, whom Stryker served under and admired, and PFC Al Thomas who blames him for his demotion.

When Stryker leads his squad in the invasion of Tarawa, the men begin to appreciate his methods. The platoon leader, Lieutenant Baker, is killed seconds after he lands on the beach, and PFCs “Farmer” Soames and Choynski are wounded. The Marines are pinned down by a pillbox. Several more men are killed before Stryker is able to demolish the pillbox. Later on, Thomas stops for coffee when he goes to get ammunition for two comrades. As a result, he returns too late — the two Marines run out of ammunition, and Hellenopolis is killed, while Bass is badly wounded. On their first night, the squad is ordered to dig in and hold their positions. Alone and wounded, Bass begs for help. Conway considers Stryker brutal and unfeeling when he refuses to disobey orders and go to Bass’s rescue.After the battle, when Stryker discovers about Thomas’s dereliction, he gets into a fistfight with him. A passing officer spots this serious offense, but Thomas claims that Stryker was merely teaching him judo. Later, a guilt-ridden Thomas abjectly apologizes to Stryker for his dereliction of duty.

Back on leave, Stryker reveals a softer side while on leave in Honolulu. He picks up a bargirl and goes with her to her apartment. He becomes suspicious when he hears somebody in the next room, but upon investigation, finds only a hungry baby boy.

This a nice scene, around 1:14 — notice the little boy is platinum-blond.

Stryker gives the woman some money and leaves. Later, during a training exercise, McHugh, a replacement, drops a live hand grenade. Everybody drops to the ground, except Conway, who is distracted reading a letter from his wife. Stryker knocks him down, saving his life, and then proceeds to bawl him out in front of the platoon.

Stryker and his squad are deployed to the battle of Iwo Jima where they suffer heavy casualties within the first couple of hours. Stryker’s squad is selected to be a part of the 40-man patrol assigned to charge up Mount Suribachi. During the charge, Eddie Flynn, Stein, and Fowler are killed. While the men are resting during a lull in the fighting, Stryker is shot dead by a Japanese soldier emerging from a spider hole. The remaining squad members find a letter he wrote but never sent to his son. In it, Stryker expresses emotions he wanted to say to him but never did. Moments later, the surviving squad memebers witness the iconic flag raising on Iwa Jima.

The Lone Nutters weirdly leave out that Oswald was a huge fan of the James Bond series of books and read four of them in the summer of 1963 in New Orleans, along with a book by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, one of the most outspoken and famous critics of communism in world history. Oswald was also reading the Christian classic Ben Hur in summer, 1963 in New Orleans as he was publicly pretending to be a “pro-Castro Marxist.” Oswald also read JFK’s book Profiles in Courage!!
Whenever I read Lone Nutter material, the first thing I notice is that Lyndon Johnson does not even exist. Understanding LBJ’s longstanding sub rosa war with the Kennedys is one of the most important things to know about the JFK assassination. The Lone Nutters always conveniently leave out that at least three protegés of fired CIA chief Allen Dulles were involved in the JFK assassination: Gen. Edward Lansdale, E. Howard Hunt and CIA David Atlee Phillips. Hunt and Phillips were involved in the 1954 overthrow of the elected Guatemalan government because the president was taking some land from United Fruit company and giving it to impoverished farmers.
The Lone Nutters always leave out that the Murderers of JFK were the ones running the non-investigations and cover up into his death. You had Hoover corrupting the FBI investigation and pushing the ludicrous lone nutter narrative within hours and then you had fired CIA director Allen Dulles placed on the soon to be machine gun-riddled Warren Commission as he covered up and protected his proteges who had just murdered JFK.
The Lone Nutters leave out that Hoover hated the Kennedys and they were going to fire him when he would have hit the mandatory retirement age of 70 in January, 1965. They leave out that JFK fired CIA chief Allen Dulles — who hated JFK for that for the rest of his life, even saying just before he died, “That little Kennedy… he thought he was a god.”
And the no-holds-barred war between the Kennedys and Lyndon Johnson and the mountain of evidence that indicts him in the JFK assassination is just whitewashed away.
Nor do the Lone Nutters bring up the roles of LBJ-connected super lawyer/lobbyist criminal Ed Clark or D.H. Byrd in the JFK assassination. Or the role of H.L. Hunt in the murder of Oswald and the payoff of Marina Oswald after the JFK assassination.
How many factual inaccuracies and twisted facts can you find in the biography of Lee Harvey Oswald that is up at Military History Fandom?


Robert Morrow          512-306-1510     Austin, TX

Presidential Historian and Distinguished Fellow at theLyndon Baines Johnson Institute for the Study of Presidential Crime

The World’s Foremost Authority on the JFK Assassination

The Top Historian in the World on Lyndon Johnson

The Greatest Presidential Historian in American History

One of the top handful of the Greatest JFK Assassination Researchers of all time, superceded only by Joachim Joesten

Knows far more about the JFK assassination than Oliver Stone who can’t figure out that LBJ murdered JFK because “Vietnam” is Stone’s hammer and he thinks everything is a nail.

Nation’s #1 Opposition Researcher on the Clintons & the author of The Clintons’ War on Women (published 2015)

One of the World’s leading public intellectuals due to my sparkling expertise in the JFK assassination

Knows more about the JFK assassination than all the professors of history and politics who have ever taught at Princeton University combined.

Up and Coming Scholar on the USS Liberty Murders which were orchestrated by Lyndon Johnson and the leaders of Israel.

Smarter by a country-mile and generously better informed and less egotistical than the New Yorker’s (lone nutter) Lawrence Wright.

Knows more about the JFK assassination than all the professors at Princeton, Harvard , Yale, Stanford, the University of Texas at Austin and SMU and anyone who has ever written for the New York Times or Washington Post combined.

Can out-debate 40 Ivy League professors of history and politics on the topic of the JFK assassination at one time.

Runs the best blog on the internet on the many crimes of Lyndon Johnson and the topic of the JFK assassination at “Robert Morrow Political Research” blog

 A lot smarter than anyone who has ever written for Texas Monthly, the Texas Tribune, the Dallas Morning News, The New Yorker, The Daily Beast or the Washington Post; or who has ever reported for WFAA Dallas or KLBJ radio Austin

Far more accurate and knowledgeable than the Sixth Floor Museum on the topic of the JFK assassination. Executive director hilarious Nicola Langford and curator Steve Fagin do not know a tenth of a thimble compared to what I know.

Knows more about the JFK assassination than all the 8,000 scholars and scientists combined who have been fellows at the Princeton, NJ Institute for Advanced Study in its 90-year history

Knows far more about the JFK assassination than Ken Jennings (lone nutter), who won 74 consecutive Jeopardy contests and is the highest earning American game show contestant of all time.

Knows more about the JFK assassination than all the people who have ever been members and subject matter experts at the Council on Foreign Relations combined except for those members who were involved in the murder of JFK from their roles in U.S. intelligence

Knows more about the JFK assassination that all the people who have received MacArthur Fellow “genius grants” combined since the program began in 1981.

Knows more about the JFK assassination than all the people who have ever received a Whiting Writers’ Award or a Guggenheim Fellowship combined.

Knows more about the JFK assassination than any single person alive since 1963 who has a tested IQ score of 175 and above.

Knows more about the JFK assassination than the entire lot of the living 4,500 Rhodes Scholars who are in over 100 countries around the world.

Knows more about the JFK assassination than all 250 members of the Texas Philosophical Society combined.

Knows more about the JFK assassination than the collective knowledge of all pathologists, medical examiners and ballistic experts who have ever practiced in the history of the USA.

Knows more about the JFK assassination than the combined knowledge of the current and past members of the American Historical Association, the Society of American Historians or Organization of American Historians.

Knows more about the JFK assassination than the combined knowledge of everyone who has won a Pulitzer Prize.

Knows more about the JFK assassination and Lyndon Johnson than the combined knowledge of everyone who has ever won: a Century Association Archives medal, a National Book Foundation medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters, a Los Angeles Book Prize in Biography, a Plutarch Award from the Biographers International Organization, the Mark Lynton History Prize, the National Book Critics Circle Award, The New York Historical Society’s American History Book Prize, a Gold Medal for Distinguished Service to Humanity from the National Institute of Social Sciences, Norman Mailer Prize for Distinguished Biography, a Biographers International Organization Award for major contribution to the advancement of the art and craft of biography, a History Makers Medal (the highest honor of the New York Historical Society, a Bookend Award (the highest honor of the Texas Book Festival), a Gold Medal in Biography (awarded once every six years by the American Academy of Arts and Letters), the Ambassador Book Award for Distinguished Achievement from the English-Speaking Union, the John Steinbeck Award, Carl Sandburg Literary Award (from the Chicago Public Library Foundation), the National Book Award in Nonfiction, a Pulitzer Prize, a New School for Social Research – Doctor of Humane Letters, Lifetime Achievement Award for the Guild Hall Academy of Arts, a National Book Critics Circle Award, a Washington Monthly Political Book Award, an Award in Literature from the American Academy of Arts and Letters, H.L. Mencken Award for Best Book, an American Institute of Architects Special Citation, Francis Parkman Prize (awarded by the  Society of American Historians), a Carnegie Fellowship at the Columbia University School of Journalism, a Nieman Fellowship at Harvard University, a Deadline Club Award from the Society of Professional Journalists, a Society of Silurians Award for outstanding achievement in the field of public service or been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences or been inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Letters or been inducted into any state’s or country’s Writer’s hall of fame or who has been made an honorary member of the Texas Rangers or been named a Living Landmark by the New York Landmarks Conservancy.

Knows more about the JFK assassination than the combined knowledge of everyone who has received a Nobel Prize in any field.

Unlike Max Boot I have never written a biography which proves that Gen. Edward Lansdale murdered JFK (“The Road Not Taken: Edward Lansdale and the American Tragedy in Vietnam”) and then hollered at the top of my lungs that a lone nut commie killed JFK.

Unlike Texas Tribune editor Evan Smith, I was not personal friends with the wife of the murderer of JFK, Lyndon Johnson, nor did I ever chum up to her and call her “Mrs. J” and nor have I taken money from the daughter of Lyndon Johnson, Luci Baines Johnson. [“Mrs. J,” Evan Smith, Texas Monthly, September 2007 and Texas Tribune All Time List of donors: Luci Baines Johnson & her husband Ian Turpin – $149,097 as of 1/5/2022.

Unlike LBJ biographer Doris Kearns Goodwin, I have never had the man who murdered JFK – Lyndon Johnson – ask me to marry him (“A Tale of Hearts and Minds, Sally Quinn, Washington Post, 8-24-75)

Unlike LBJ biographer Robert Caro, I have was never co-opted by one of the men – LBJ crony Ed Clark – who murdered JFK (see “Blood, Money, and Power” by Barr McClellan, published 2003)

Unlike LBJ biographer Robert Dallek, I do not endorse the ludicrous, machine gun-riddled Warren Report fantasy that Lyndon Johnson, Robert Kennedy, Jackie Kennedy, the KGB, Gerald Ford, Sen. Richard Russell, Sen. John Sherman Cooper, Cong. Hale Boggs, Sen. Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon, CIA chief William Casey, JFK aides Kenny O’Donnell and Dave Powers, and LBJ’s inner circle mistress Madeleine Brown, LBJ kickbacks king Billie Sol Estes and and JFK’s longtime secretary Evelyn Lincoln never believed.

Unlike LBJ biographer Michael Beschloss, I was never a personal friend of Lady Bird Johnson, the wife of the man Lyndon Johnson, who murdered JFK and I have never implied that Fidel Castro might be behind the JFK assassination.

Unlike LBJ biographer Randall Woods, I have never slandered completely innocent CIA patsy Lee Harvey Oswald for the JFK assassination which was orchestrated by Lyndon Johnson (Randall Woods, LBJ: Architect of American Ambition, p. 417-418)

Unlike LBJ biographer Julian Zelizer, I have never defamed Lee Harvey Oswald for the murder of JFK, a crime that Lyndon Johnson committed.

Unlike the LBJ Library, I have not erected museum exhibits that endorse the validity and accuracy of the truly bonkers Warren Report that not even Lyndon Johnson believed for one minute.

Has an IQ closer to 140 than 130

Princeton, A.B. – History, 1987

Univ. of Texas at Austin — MBA, 1990

Tuscaloosa Academy, graduated #3 out of 40 students. Recipient of TA’s highest academic honor, 1983

Star basketball player for Tuscaloosa Academy from 1980-1983, leading my teams to a 114-5 record over 4 years. The last years were an unblemished 90-0 with 3 consecutive private school state championships. I was my teams’ MVP as a freshman, junior and senior. I like losing less than Nick Saban, Vince Lombardi and Lyndon Johnson combined.


  1. Jack Ruby [real name: Rubinstein] was never married or had children because he was a homosexual and living with a man at the time of the shooting.

    The Warren Commission Report hid this fact.

    Was it to enhance the image of ‘Jack Ruby, all-American patriot, kills Commie murderer’ ?

    • Thanks, Carl!

      I did not know this this part.


      Ruby never married and had no children.[9] At the time of the assassination, Ruby was living with George Senator, who referred to Ruby as “my boyfriend” during the Warren Commission hearing, but denied the two being homosexual lovers. Warren Commission lawyer Burt Griffin later told author Gerald Posner: “I’m not sure if Senator was honest with us about his relationship with Ruby. People did not advertise their homosexuality in 1963”.[10]

      The truth? Lyndon Johnson was a closet jew via his mother, and had Kennedy murdered so his beloved IsraHell could get The Bomb, which John Kennedy fiercely opposed.

      …..The Jewish serial killing of the Kennedy family

      Crypto-Jew (via his mother Rachelle Baines) and US senator Lyndon Johnson meets with Robert and John Kennedy in 1960. He later had both men murdered.

      …..American Jews in Pennsylvania steal 500 pounds of plutonium for Israel, dumping radioactivity everywhere — and unleashing a cancer epidemic
      I confront the US ARMY and the local police over the lagging $500 million plutonium cleanup

      Ruby’s jew lawyer on his motives:

      From William Kunstlers 1995 My Life as a Radical Lawyer, where we learn that Kunstler represented the nightclub and striptease joint owner Jack Ruby, a Meyer Lansky ally, who silenced Lee Harvey Oswald. He got Ruby off death row:

      Now here is what Kunstler wrote about Ruby, with the sentence below about the Fair Play for Cuba Association as pure obfuscation and half-truth. Ruby was not afraid of any pro-Cuba association leading to a pogrom against the Jews!

      He was afraid that Oswald, unless gunned down, would prove his innocence, which would then shift the investigation to Kennedys real enemies. On orders of HIS boss, Meyer Lansky, Ruby silenced the totally innocent, set-up eccentric Oswald.

      Now watch Kunstler, a supposed liberal who nevertheless hated both Kennedys, blast this very Aryan-looking and antisemitic family:

      Awww, poor Castro, who himself was reported to be partially descended from sephardic Jews……

  2. Dorothy Kilgallen, the famous reporter of the day, was also killed in connection with the Kennedy assassination, I believe. She thought the mafia had done it, but she was questioning the case, which was dangerous to the Jews.

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