As a high UN official reports to the UN Security Council on the massacre of Gaza women and children, the Israeli ambassador, Gilad Erdan, makes rude remarks: “Shame on you! Shame on you, UN Women!” But the jewish man-child looks stunned that a mere goy, the Chinese ambassador, presiding over the UN SC, dares to criticize him, a high Chosenite, with the world’s cameras rolling.
Wake up, jew: China is sick of you, and it is now a superpower equal to the USA which always backs the jews because the jews control it.
(And China deserves to resume its former great-power status based on very hard work, education, family values, and — shhhh — secretly applying key features of OUR national socialism. In many ways, now that it has shed most of its communist ideas, it is becoming a force for good in the world.)
And this huge and powerful China, which will continue to grow rapidly, is now fully backed by the gigantic Russia…. and now also by the other important BRICS+ countries: Brazil, India, South Africa (with its gold, diamonds, titanium and other vital metals and minerals), and now the oil giant SAUDI ARABIA! ….
Current and proposed BRICS nations (but notice that, except for Russia, none is white (and Argentina under the new neo-con, pro-jew president is actually backing out).
The tragedy is that the world has accepted as a tragic reality that the jews completely dominate all the old white countries except for Russia, and they all grasp that this is the jews trying to destroy Russia via sanctions, war and regime change USING the United States.
Yes, the gloves are finally coming off around the world about the pipsqueak-sized, turd-shaped State of IsraHell, and its psychopathic, hook-nosed, sadistic, self-imagined master race.
Btw, what the non-white countries ALSO see is that ALL the top Israelis are white jews, Ashkenazim, and that Israel has its own racial apartheid system. The little jews in Israel are brownish, and the Gazans are very brown.
Non-white people SEE this JEWISH “white supremacism” with their own eyes, and their ideology is anti-imperialistic, anti-white-supremacist, and they hated the way their ancestors lived under white colonial empires — and this includes China itself!
Gilad Erdan and Satanyahu
This is is an older Wikipedia entry on one of the many powerful white jews:
Yes, China, presiding in rotation now over sessions of the UN Security Council, has publicly reprimanded Israel’s UN ambassador for rudeness to a UN expert, who was testifying that 67% of the 14,000 Gazans the jews have killed have been women and children.
The Chosenite sure looks shocked
451,062 views Nov 23, 2023
Chinese representative Zhang Jun, who is also the current president of the UN SC, politely told the Israeli envoy to be civil and respectful in his disagreement.
Se dobbiamo affondare come nel Diluvio…allora affonderemo con tutta Babilonia, con tutte le sue schifezze!
Sono stanca del suo Divide et Impera.
Dei Goim che cascano sempre nella sua trappola.
Delle accuse al Fuhrer..anche da chi si professa Fascista e nazionalista.
Non è mai esistito un Hitler Sionista!!!!
Quando tutta la propaganda mondiale, sino ai confini dell’Universo si muove contro di lui.
Questo è solo un punto a suo vantaggio!
Ma non ci arrivano.
Cosa bisogna fare per cambiare queste menti così stupide?!!!
If we have to sink as in the Flood…then we will sink with all of Babylon, with all its rubbish!
I’m tired of their Divide-and-Conquer, and the Goyim who always fall into their trap.
I read accusations against the Führer… even from those who profess to be fascists and nationalists!
There has never been a Zionist Hitler!!!!
When all the world’s propaganda to the ends of the universe marches against him..this is just one more point in his favor!
But they don’t get it. What needs to be done to change these stupid minds?!!!
I must show the world that their own mind is causing this misery, it can be ended, and that we proved from 1933-45 that people CAN be happy! 🙂
While ALL Americans “Fear the Jews”- The only people on Earth fighting them is???
Scott Ritter: “Lebanon will ENTER if Israel doesn’t listen! Palestine has played the right cards..”
Al Qassam Sharpshooter Attacks IDF Soldier; Israeli Armoured Vehicles Ripped Into Pieces
Good for the Chinese Ambassador, standing up against their usual lies.