Would the old-style NS of 1933-45 really save us? ..and a salute to an Australian

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An English supporter wrote me:
Hi, JdN.  I hope your BP is getting better.
I often think about how we could live better lives. I wonder how our lives would be if we weren’t controlled by the banksters….if we did as AH wanted to do by giving people a home and land to feed themselves.  We could provide our own electricity or gas from a hydrogen engine to run cars, fridges, lights and computers on. Grow our own fruit and vegetables….raise chickens, fish, pigs, have eggs, etc. No need for a job as such. No politics or religions, as they cause wars, but a certain code to live by..Total freedom of speech, and a community of whites-only that doesn’t need the consumer society.
Like the Amish or Quakers, yet without the religion. Then start to colonise White lands, thus boycotting the banks and diminishing the J-Team’s power. A modern-day NS…. .
Regards, C[]
I replied:
Hi, C[].
Yes, it would be a better world.
But it would need a religion — an authentic Aryan one. Whites would otherwise set to squabbling and fighting all over again, just as they did for millennia before any jew showed up.
Look at the Hundred Years War between a then jew-free, white England and a likewise jew-free, white France… or the blond, blue-eyed Vikings invading, raping, stealing from and slaughtering the Anglo-Saxons.
There can be no happiness on this earth until the ego-ridden souls of the earthlings are fixed.
John de Nugent

…..Recalling a big donation

Many thanks from us for a card from Australia and 50 Austr. dollars! (The delay came from US Postal Service forwarding SNAFU..)

Anyway, it just arrived yesterday….. 😉

It was kinda bouncing along for a while like this ‘roo — “No worries — be happy”

(Note also the little golden-haired girl at the very end)


I pay $1600 a month for my webhosting, a superb, IT-trained Russian webmaster, Pavel, and a monitor to watch the site for hackers.

Thanks for all your donations!

Another Aussie paid in January with a huge donation for my way, way-overdue webhost/webmaster bill via a PayPal to a friend.

Thanks go from me to our Aussie brothers!

This is how the Jewspapers took down the rising star of Aussie politics, Pauline Hanson, who fought Third World immigration —  publishing totally FAKED nude photos (with her face pasted on another woman’s body!!




The jewsmedia (Rupert Murdoch papers and tv) apologized — but only AFTER she had LOST her bid for reelection to the Senate in her arch-conservative, religious, all-white, yet oh-so-GULLIBLE Queensland !!!!

Pauline Hanson, pro-white Australian — slandered by the Murdoch newspapers with fake nude photos — and the gullible white masses voted her down

How naive and gullible our white people are — and in every country!

Did you know the adjective “blue-eyed” has the secondary meaning of NAIVE in Finnish, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian and German?

We project, to use a Carl Jung term, our own decency and lack of guile onto other races, and onto the white psychopaths who live among us — 33rd-degree Freemasons, leftists and Zionist stooges — all of them in league with the Jews!


Guileful Mitt Romney — his jew-given assignment was to lose in 2012 to Obama



White woman waits to welcome the aliens in “Independence Day” — before she is VAPORIZED 😉




White French police colonel Beltrame offered his life so a muslim terrorist would release a white woman hostage. The muslim then slit his throat as the woman escaped.

In the 2003 film “Manchurian Candidate,” this woman tells her ex-boyfriend something about him has radically changed, he is now weird and scary, and so they can never be a couple again…. This is one blue-eyed girl who is not totally naive.

French girl;  in another life, in WWI, I dated a girl like this – even had a love child with her, and her grandson is alive today. https://johndenugent.com/world-war-one-in-color-egoic-madness-my-french-girlfriend-then-and-who-she-is-now-my-grandson-today/

In order to win, first we whites must clearly see our own faults, and the worst one is refusing, out of an egoic sort of kindness that ends up being cruel, to see the obvious signs of grave racial danger!

The rightwing, conservative, Christian Boers actually turned over in 1994 their powerful, advanced and safe country (which had nuclear weapons and a superb, huge, combat-hardened, victorious military) to Stone Age black communists





….a thank-you letter to an Aussie comrade


John de Nugent
306 S. Steel St.
Ontonagon MI 49953

7 February 2020

Collinsvale, Tasmania 7012

Dear comrade [],

I wish to thank you for your very generous support so my website could stay up. The Internet has caused huge progress, going around the MainStream Media.

But a site like mine is very expensive both because 1) I have to protect it from hackers, 2) I have thousands and thousands of photos on it, and dozens of my own videos (or those by others) where I fear censorship, that all are hosted on my own site.

Basically, my site is up today because of you!

I see from Wikipedia that your Collinsvale is a beautiful-looking town, and also that it once was known as Bismarck and was settled by Germans (and Danes).

Very sad how the Jews, via lying atrocity stories, successfully got the Aussies to hate their fellow whites from Germany.



Change of name[edit]
At the start of the First World War, Bismarck was renamed Collinsvale after a jingoistic letter-writing campaign.[9][10][11][12][13][14] (David Collins had been the Tasmanian colony’s first governor.)[3]

This name change had been opposed by “a number of Bismarck residents…[who] presented a lengthy petition setting forth reasons against the proposed name change.”[4] Opposing a previous petition that had instigated the called for the change, “Councillor G H Voss said [his] deputation, which comprised himself, Misters Alfred Totenhöfer, H J Smith, Levi Newman, Walter Neilsen, W Brockman, Fred Gall, and F and H Fehlberg, was composed entirely of residents in the postal area of Bismarck… The petition he had to present contained 120 names of settlers residing in the postal area… The petition opposed the proposal to alter the name on personal grounds, and the petitioners were practically all of Tasmanian birth, including descendants of the Danish and German settlers who had really founded the settlement… On general grounds it was urged that the change of name would create bad feeling amongst settlers who had hitherto dwelt in amity together... Mr Voss said that the produce of Bismarck would compare with any in the State and their [agricultural] shows had won a good reputation.

Referring to a statement made by a speaker of the previous deputation that the produce of the district might be prejudiced owing to its place of origin, Mr Voss contended that there was no foundation in that argument. On the contrary it would be a serious thing if the name were changed, seeing that the produce of Bismarck had an excellent reputation and always fetched top prices.

The petitioners were not infatuated with the name of Bismarck as such, and did not base their case on the fact that it had been borne by a German statesman, but the name was a reasonable one and was not difficult to pronounce like so many German names.

The settlers of Bismarck all spoke the British language and they had no differences on racial matters… Bismarck produce was branded with the name of the grower and the settlement and he had never heard of any objection on account of the name. As a tourist resort the name was an attraction and if the name were changed the traffic would suffer. Bismarck Shows had been famous for the quality of the produce exhibited… The deputation desired to retain a name under which they had built up a reputation for good produce.”[4][15]

As they predicted, the town’s reputation never recovered. “Collinsvale” was never to develop the reputation for quality produce that Bismarck had established — and the area went into decline.

This name change marked the beginning of the persecution of Tasmanians of German descent, who were the largest non-British national group in the local population. In one case Gustav Weindorfer was accused of being a German spy and using his chalet at Cradle Mountain as a radio station to contact German ships. He was expelled from the Ulverstone Club and his dog was poisoned.”[16]


The Germans are among the most honest, hard-working and valuable immigrants any area can receive! Thus, many countries actively sought to get immigrants from Germany!

And yet if the jewspapers start braying, as they did in WWI, that Germans were raping Belgian nuns, cutting off babies’ hands, crucifying Canadian officers, and turning dead POWs into soap, they believed it!

Generations of Canadians were taught the Germans had crucified one of their captured officers. It was a complete lie and a vile slander. But the Canadians believed it!



The real issue is the egoic mind, which, to paraphrase Voltaire, who was very antisemitic, makes us swallow the Jews’ absurdities so we can commit the Jews’ atrocities.

There is no point in churning out any more info on race and the Jews — if people are STILL accustomed to just rejecting truths they don’t like!

The thought occurred to me today:


Now I can proceed with my real mission: a religion that opens us, unfiltered, to every truth.

THEN we will actually fight, seeing with clarity the brutal truth that our very lives are at stake, and our governments are controlled by pedophilic, luciferian monsters.

Thank you again so much for your huge support, Mr. []! It was a huge relief when that bill was paid! It sure made our day, week and month! 🙂

Gratefully yours,

John de Nugent






  1. “At the start of the First World War, Bismarck was renamed Collinsvale after a jingoistic letter-writing campaign.”

    There is nothing more stupid than changing naturally evolved city and country names. Just think of Rhodesia and Salisbury and the communist name embellishers. After all, the US respects American Indian river names, etc. Instead of being proud of an evolved history, the fool simply erases the history (of the displaced).

    Regarding today’s articles on johndenugent.com about the disenfranchisement of native French: I love French culture. It bleeds one’s heart to see origin cultures being flattened in France. “But this time, it’s going to be terrible for both natives and newcomers […]” The backlash will come. When the white slave can no longer pay because everything has been taken from him, then the parasites will steal and murder even more unrestrainedly, and then the backlash will come. By the way, among the descendants of Africans who came in the 19th century, many are also horrified and voted for LePen.

    The flooding of foreigners continues unabated both at the U.S. border and in Germany, thanks to Mrs. Goldbergenstein[1] as well as the High Nobility and thanks to the White traitors. This dialogue from the border guards stuck with me:
    “You know what really gets me? These people put themselves and their families in danger […] to get here. But they can’t put half that effort into building up their own homes?”
    – “Leeches don’t have homes, they only have hosts!”


    [1] Teil 04: “[88] Murdoch Murdoch – Border Runners 4 The Caravan Crisis”,

    In German:

    Gewachsene Städtenamen zu ändern ist das dümmste, was es gibt

    “At the start of the First World War, Bismarck was renamed Collinsvale after a jingoistic letter-writing campaign.”

    Es gibt nichts dümmeres, als natürlich gewachsene Städte- und Ländernamen zu ändern. Man denke nur an Rhodesia und Salisbury sowie an die kommunistischen Namensverschönerer. Die US-Amerikaner respektieren ja auch amerikanisch-indianische Flußbezeichnungen usw. Anstatt stolz auf eine gewachsene Geschichte zu sein, radiert der Dummkopf die Geschichte (der Vertriebenen) einfach aus.

    Zu den heutigen Artikeln auf johndenugent.com über die Entrechtung der einheimischen Franzosen: Ich liebe französische Kultur. Es blutet einem im Herzen zu sehen, wie die Ursprungskulturen in Frankreich plattgewalzt werden. “Aber dieses Mal wird es sowohl für Einheimische als auch für Neuankömmlinge schrecklich, […]” Die Gegenreaktion wird kommen. Wenn der weiße Sklave nicht mehr zahlen kann, weil man ihm alles genommen hat, dann werden die Parasiten noch hemmungsloser stehlen und morden, und dann wird die Gegenreaktion kommen. Übrigens sind unter den Nachfahren der Afrikaner, die im 19. Jahrhundert kamen ebenfalls viele entsetzt und wählten LePen.

    Die Flutung mit Fremden wird sowohl an der US-Grenze als auch in Deutschland ununterbrochen fortgesetzt, dank Frau Goldbergenstein[1] sowie dem Hochadel und den weißen Verrätern. Dieser Dialog der Grenzschützer blieb bei mir hängen:
    “You know what really gets me? These people put themselves and their families in danger […] to get here. But they can’t put half that effort into building up their own homes?”
    – “Leeches don’t have homes, they only have hosts!”


    [1] Teil 04: “[88] Murdoch Murdoch – Border Runners 4 The Caravan Crisis”,

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