Wowowow — “Why Files” on the tragic Russian scientific genius Kozyrev and his forbidden discoveries

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Nikolai Aleksandrovich Kozyrev

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Kozyrev
Born 2 September 1908

Died 27 February 1983 (aged 74)

LeningradRussian SFSRSoviet Union (now Saint Petersburg, Russia)
Nationality Soviet
Scientific career
Fields Astrophysics

Nikolai Alexandrovich Kozyrev (RussianНикола́й Алекса́ндрович Ко́зырев; 2 September 1908 – 27 February 1983) was a Soviet Russian astronomer and astrophysicist.[1]


He was born in St. Petersburg, and by 1928 he had graduated from the Leningrad State University. In 1931 he began working at the Pulkovo Observatory, located to the south of Leningrad. He was considered to be one of the most promising astrophysicists in Russia. Kozyrev was a victim of the Stalinist purges of the Pulkovo Observatory. Started by the accusations of a disgruntled graduate student, most of the observatory staff died as a result. Kozyrev was arrested in November 1936 and sentenced to 10 years for counterrevolutionary activity. In January 1941, he was given another 10-year sentence for “hostile propaganda”. While incarcerated, he was allowed to work in engineering-type jobs. Due to the lobbying by his colleagues, he won an early release from detention in December 1946.[2] As a result of his imprisonment he was mentioned in The Gulag Archipelago by Alexandr Solzhenitsyn.[3]

During his imprisonment, Kozyrev attempted to continue working on purely theoretical physics. He considered the problem of the energy source of stars and formulated a theory.



……The hidden part

Bending Time: The Successful Time Travel Experiments using Kozyrev Mirrors.

In December 1990, in a remote village above the Arctic Circle, two Russian scientists embarked on a daring experiment. Their goal was to enhance human “super-perception” or ESP. They built a device that could shield subjects from electromagnetic interference and amplify their biological energy.

The device was a large tube of rolled aluminum with a chair inside. As soon as the device was built, strange phenomena occurred around the village. Disc-shaped lights hovered around the lab. Balls of energy appeared and disappeared. The Northern Lights became so bright and vivid that they seemed to take physical shape.

Inside the lab, anyone who approached the device felt an unexplainable sense of dread. It took a while to persuade anyone to try it. When the first subject finally sat in the chair, a flash of energy erupted that stunned everyone in the lab. The device worked. But it maybe worked a little too well. Not only did it boost people’s psychic abilities, it also enabled them to view any place in the world. And soon, they could view any place in time. In fact, these experiments confirmed a theory first proposed in the 1950s: that time, as we know it, doesn’t exist.

EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Gino Gentile, Jennifer Gentile, AJ Gentile

This was an amazing episode and AJ’s explanation of time as a river where upriver (the past) and downriver (the future) are both real at the same time as the present (where your raft is) finally helped me “get it.”

Btw, JewTube will not let me post any comment at all under any of the WF videos.


  1. I had a strange and frightening experience once, many years ago, when I was about 22 years old and still living with my Mom, my Dad having recently passed away. I was experimenting with meditation and visualization after reading a book called “Peak Performance,” which was about using meditation and visualization to improve athletic performance.

    Some of the more basic visualization techniques had worked really well for me. For example, prior to a softball game I was going to play in, I visualized myself hitting the ball out of the park every time, and catching every fly ball, etc., And it worked! I played the best softball game I’ve ever had, and hit multiple home runs, made spectacular catches in the outfield, etc. So, this encouraged me to try some of the more advanced techniques in the book.

    Following one of the more advanced instructions in the book, I sat down in a recliner chair in the basement with the lights off, closed my eyes, and visualized an orange ball.

    Suddenly, I felt the presence of something evil with me there in the dark basement, watching me, which terrified me, and I literally jumped out of the chair and walked quickly out of the basement.
    My feeling at the time was that I was possibly inviting evil spirits into my life by dabbling with such occult practices.

    I’ve never experimented with meditation or visualization since then, although I’ve wanted to. But the fear I experienced that one time has prevented me from doing so, possibly to my detriment, since it would probably help me achieve more success in many areas.

    • Funny, but I was just thinking of you and how you had not made a comment here for a good while, and, sure enough, here you are again. Thanks and welcome back. 🙂

      Btw, I have that book, Peak Performance.
      If one views all this meditation and visualization as mere techniques for personal success, and not for spiritual growth in love and eliminating the egoic mind, then no angel or deceased relative will be there to protect you, you are on our own, and then the fallen angels step in.
      Just once in my whole life did I have a negative supernatural experience. I’ve had many positive ones.
      And it happened just as a friend described it as having happened to him, and what he did and said at that time to the evil entity worked.
      Something like a huge, buzzing, black beetle with wings, over a foot long, came hovering and, as I say, buzzing audibly, right into his bedroom and headed for him.
      His mother had once told him: “If something demonic ever comes after you, call on the name of Jesus and say “In Jesus’ name, be gone!”

      So he did, and though he is anti-Christian, cannot stand his mother’s Born-Again Christian thing and her related support of Israel, by God it worked.
      (I met the lady, btw, and she is very nice, and is not flakey. She worked for decades in management for the Japanese automaker Honda in Ohio, where they make excellent vehicles for the US market.)

      My friend told me this story around 2011, and the same exact thing with the huge, hovering beetle happened to me around 2017.

      I did as he had recommended, and the thing absolutely did take off, went out of my bedroom, and was gone.

      Now, whether it was literally Jesus who banned this thing, or God simply was impressed by my heart and intentions, maybe by my admiration for Jesus, in any case that thing definitely left. And I felt calm the whole time,
      I would say “Be right with the Lord, because you never know when you might need His help.”



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