Bust of the great Athenian playwright Sophocles in the Pushkin Museum, Moscow, Russia, located across from the Church of Christ the Savior, the main cathedral in Moscow
On Facebook someone is using AI (artificial intelligence) to generate mostly excellent videos on ancient Greece and Rome, but they are somewhat infected by the myth that the DNA of the old Hellenes and Romans, and their appearance and behavior, have not changed between then and the modern Greeks and Italians of today.
Well, very sadly, between the many fratricidal white wars, slavery, and the horribly violent muslim invasions (by both Arabs and Turks), the original Greek and Roman races have gone downhill, and both countries today reflect this.
Léon Degrelle liked and knew Benito Mussolini, but said that the modern Italians did not have enough of the genes of their ancestors, a DNA that Mussolini needed in order to restore the full glory of olden Rome, and it was not just about a racial decline. Degrelle also accurately blamed the Freemasons in the Italian officer corps for sabotaging the Italian military. They literally wanted to surrender and to see the Allies win. The Italian fascists fought very well in WWII, as did the Spanish fascists, by the way.
Margaret and I translated his autobiography into English.
This was the original and defiant title: “Hitler for a thousand years”
…Now, see, I did not know that — It was the blax who founded Egypt, which led to Greece and Rome, and when civilization petered out, it was the black Moors who reintroduced civilization via muslim Spain…
……Umm, no….
……So I found this video on Ancient Sparta on Facebook:
I commented:
John De Nugent
Good video, but the Ancient Spartans were very blond, like the Vikings of the Dark Ages and even many Scandinavians of today.
Penelope Haines
What an absolute load of cobblers. Sparta was never part of a Roman Empire. It was a slave owning, war mongering kingdom in its own right. It’s most famous fictional daughter was Helen – sometimes known as Helen of Troy
John De Nugent
Penelope Haines “Sparta was never part of a Roman Empire” !?
Women like you remind me why women in Rome and Greece, and for generations in our era, did not get the vote. You are immune to simple facts. All of Greece fell in the second century BC under the Roman Empire. And how do you know Helen was fictional? Heinrich Schliemann proved in 1873 that Troy had been a real city and that the city had been burned down. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinrich_Schliemann
A Serb wrote:
Ante Šerić
John De Nugent. They were same as modern day inhabitants of that area. Blonds never were numerous in most parts of southern Europe and those that existed were beige, not yellow.
John De Nugent
Ante Šerić Not true. You can see from the yellow paint on the hair of statues. and how do you explain the Greek word “xanth-,” meaning “blond” (or “flavius” in latin)?
Sophocles praises the Theban women. ‘ They are through their height, their walk, and their movements the most perfect of all the women in Greece. They have fair hair, which they wear tied in a knot on the top of the head.’
So Dikaiarchos 2 describes them— a writer of the second century B.C. Thebes, indeed, seems to have had the strongest Nordic strain of all, even more so than the Spartans.
John De Nugent
Playwright Sophocles — even the shape of the face, the very bone structure, looks Scandinavian, not Mediterranean, though the Ancient Greeks were indeed a mix of nordic and mediterranean (which explains the face of Socrates).
John De Nugent
Athene, was called‘ the blond, blue-eyed goddess,’ by Pindar in the tenth Nemean Ode. Homer, in the Iliad, calls Aphrodite (Venus for the Romans), Demeter, Rhadamanthus, Aurora, Agamede, Herakles, Harmonia, and Lykos blond (“xanth”) ; he calls Achilles, Menelaus, Meleager, Helen, and Briseis blond. Pindar’s gods and heroes are blond, as are Theocritus’ ; contemporary blonds are named by Theocritus, and Bacchylides. Euripides calls Herakles [Hercules] and Harmonia blond.
John De Nugent
Aphrodite, crouching, with yellow in her hair….
Aphrodite, always blonde
John De Nugent
The Spartans were very blond, and so were many other Ancient Greeks, not yet mixed with Arabs and Turks, and especially before the fratricidal Peloponnesian War wiped out much Indo-European DNA. And the gods were blond except for Zeus (Jupiter for the Romans), Poseidon (Neptune), and Hephaistos (Vulcan).
You can see yellow paint on the hair of Greek and Roman statues. Thus we find the word “xanth,” meaning “blond” (and “flav” in Latin).
Photo: Blonde Aphrodite (Venus) with her blond son Aeneas, fathered by a Trojan prince. Aeneas would move to Italy among the Etruscans (400 BC) and become the ancestor of Romulus and Remus, the twins who founded Rome. Yes, some of the nordic goddesses slept with mortal men.
Bree Bree
John De Nugent Not all of them, only some
Pichoun de Nissa
John De Nugent Hello Sir, finally we can ask ourselves that the ancient Greeks had Nordic origins?
John De Nugent
Pichoun de Nissa The original population, the Pelasgians, were Mediterranean, then very Nordic Proto-Greeks came from the North, the Balkans, in three waves of conquest, with the very blond Dorians being the final wave, whence the Spartans.
Pichoun de Nissa
John De Nugent Thank you for the details of your answer.
Kenyelle Rodgers
John De Nugent Sparta was asiatic The Greeks they looked Arab
John, what did you think about “Gladiator II”? — if you have seen it.
Personally, I think it is not nearly as good as the epic first film, but quite good. although the main actor didn’t reach Russell Crowe’s level. It is of course not easy to impress as much with gladiator scenes today when people are used to impressive CGI scenes. When “Gladiator” came in 2000, everybody applauded in the cinema and was aroused.
In the film, Caracalla is blond and Geta redheaded, but I believe that may not have been true in reality. The Flavian dynasty, though, were blond. As a child I always pictured Julius Caesar as blond, but, according to Suetonius, his hair was auburn. But I also read that his hair was black from other sources.
Asked about the new movie, “Gladiator II” — I did not see it. The whole gladiatorial thing is simply appalling — making a wicked, demonic entertainment out of forcing men to kill each other. One good thing the Christians did when they took over the Roman Empire in the 300s AD was ban such atrocious „games.“ (They did keep the chariot races.)
As for Julius Caesar, who ended the Republic (the rule by the Roman Senate) and founded the Empire –one-man rule by an emperor — he was indeed from the old Roman aristocracy but he had black hair and dark-brown eyes, and he was a real psychopath. The Gauls (the ancient French) had done nothing whatsoever to threaten Rome or deserve to be invaded and then either slaughtered by the Romans or sold into slavery or a brothel. And to execute Vercingetorix, the Gauls’ young, patriotic, and gifted leader , after seven years in a miserable Roman dungeon — when he had been guilty only of defending his folk from the Roman invasion– was another vile thing Julius Caesar did. The horrid emperors Caligula and Nero were two of Julius’ sadistic descendants.
The sad thing is that the empire which Julius Caesar set up did not bring about political stability. It did not solve the problem of civil war — Romans fighting against Romans — and the insane fratricide of the old republic, which saw 57 years of Romans killing other Romans. The empire that Julius Caesar started and his nephew Augustus confirmed was full of assassinations, poisonings, and Roman legions fighting each other while Rome’s military enemies grew ever stronger — the powerful Germanics, the cunning Persians, and later on the gruesome Huns as well — so what did Julius Caesar really accomplish by ending the republic?
In the new film, as for the Roman co-emperors Geta and Caracalla, they were of mixed Arab, Italic, Libyan and Punic descent, but the actors who played them were white (actually extremely pale-skinned) with weird, gay, reddish-blond hair, which may be a kind of subtle, juish white bashing — “the blond villains.” It was just more typical Paramount studios hatred of people who look nordic..
This is a good article, except the author should have included jews as an example of foreigners without American values.
Many women look better when being blond but there are exceptions, like Ingrid Bergman. She was more beautiful in her darker hair, especially when the hair is an updo. Another women I think had a very beautiful brown hair was Robert Kennedy’s late wife when she was young in the 1960s. It’s great that we have different looks on this plane.
I agree. The keltic look is dark hair and blue eyes, and it is gorgeous. My second wife, the French gal, had this.
Wie kann man in das Shithole Holland unersetzliche Kulturschätze nationaler Tragweite ohne stets Schutz gebietender Leibstandarte als Wachposten entsenden?
Wie im Wilden Westen werden in Holland und von Holland aus Banktresore/Geldautomaten oder Horte großer Schätze gesprengt – die Räuber entkommen immer wieder in die Anonymität der Slums des Landes, wo – eines unerschwinglichen Luxus’ von exotischen Haustieren gleich – von der Obrigkeit die Massen ferner Kontinente kaserniert gehalten werden.
Einbrecher haben in den Niederlanden nachts die Türen des kulturhistorischen Museums in Assen aufgesprengt und mehrere archäologische Meisterwerke aus Rumänien gestohlen. Darunter befanden sich der goldene Helm von Cotofenesti und weitere Exponate der Sonderausstellung „Dakien – das Reich aus Gold und Silber“ aus dem Nationalmuseum für die Landesgeschichte in Bukarest, wie die Polizei mitteilte.
Von den Tätern fehlt im Moment noch jede Spur, an der Fahndung ist die internationale Polizeiorganisation Interpol beteiligt. Das Museum wurde bei der nächtlichen Explosion beschädigt, aber niemand wurde verletzt.
Anlässlich der großen archäologischen Ausstellung über das antike Reich von Dakien im heutigen Rumänien befanden sich mehr als 50 Gold- und Silberschätze im Drents Museum.
Neben dem Helm von Cotofenesti, der aus der Zeit um 450 vor Christus stammt, wurden auch drei goldene Armreifen gestohlen. Rumäniens Außenminister Emil Hurezeanu sprach am Samstagmorgen mit seinem niederländischen Amtskollegen Caspar Veldkamp, wobei er auf die besondere kulturhistorische und symbolische Bedeutung der geraubten Kunstwerke verwies und die Emotionen erwähnte, die ihr Verschwinden in Rumänien hervorrufe.
Kunstraub in den Niederlanden
Diebe stehlen Goldschatz aus Drents Museum
Nur gegen “Rechte” greift man hart durch.