Yin and yang got a dangerous job completed IN TIME; spiritual reading — When your soul says it’s time to make the move, do it — “Deus vult!”

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I thank a staunch Italian supporter for this photo of an Italian robin (a “pettirosso“) in the snow.

Last night we had two inches of that beautiful white stuff here in Ontonagon, the red-steel roof job having just been completed. 😉

The house is now black, white and red. How insensitive!


This elderly Holocaust survivor must be trembling…





October 21

When it is time to move, you must move. You will know in your heart when the moment has arrived.

That is the only way. But we tell you to listen hard and with care to your heart today.

The chance that you have before you to bring more of the inner work to the outer world is near.

You have spent time looking inward, and cultivating the eternal in yourselves, trying to understand and live the truth….each in your own way. Many of you have encountered disparity between what you know lies within you—and within all beings—and what you fnd being enlaced in the three-dimensional world around you.

Many of you have found that you yourself are not the soul you know yourself to be when you
engage with the world. This is a source of great pain to all humans, this chasm between what you know to be true and how you comport yourself in the arena of personalities and egos.

Now, of course, it is the case that you work at this. That you are conscious of this inconsistency and have been bringing increasing awareness to it over the years, months, even in recent days. Yet there are few of you who have complete fluidity when moving between spirit and form, heart and mind.

And now you are being invited to take a big step in the direction of dissolving the barrier that stands between the two, to move signifcantly toward a greater unity of your own being.

To do this, you must make the commitment. To stand exposed as Spirit in a world of Form generates in most a sense of intense vulnerability. But imagine, if you will, how it is for those of us without form. That is simply how it is. We are Spirit at this moment and we expect nothing less of ourselves and each other.

So it can be for you. And imagine, if you will, the inspiration you offer to others who are close but not yet brave enough to take of their egoic costumes when you walk through the world allowing your purest light to be seen.

It is not anything you must do, of course. You can maintain your current balance and it will be ok. It will be what it is. But we want you to know that you are approaching the moment where it is no longer necessary to hide who you are, from yourselves, from your fellows-in-form.

Not only that, but you are  being beckoned, called at last to emerge from the shrouds and burdens of personality and karma that you have carried through many lifetimes.

You have the chance—right now—to integrate and become whole in a way that has never before been possible.

So please, dear ones, watch your hearts carefully for the impetus to rise into your fullness. We are cheering you on with great love and gratitude and appreciation. You are lions, courageous and full of heart. You are ready to reach for a whole new level of your life and we urge you to seize your moment.

With many blessings from all quarters, we send you love and the fearlessness that you will need in order to embrace yourselves without reservation. — E. West


…..A roof done, a man won 

I did not get a large inheritance, but Margi’s house did have a large hole in the roof. 😉

And that makes the house uninsurable. Not good. In fact, a high-profile activist like me MUST carry house insurance in an age of Antifa ARSON.

But all around the chimney it leaked.


The paid-off house would no longer be insured!!!!!!!


And, ya know, there is also nothing more romantic than cold rainwater dripping into the master-race bedroom. 😉

Instead of $7,000 for the roof, as in most bids, I had to get the lowest estimate in town, and it came from the town grouch, who also has been known to have a drink or two 😉 — a really low, low $3,000.

It took a while to finish, however, because he had many serious family problems, and I do mean serious, and at 62, sharp aches and pains all over.

In fact, he said this was his “last roof.”

Having helped someone for three days with a roof four years ago, I can understand. There is the justified fear, especially if the steel roofing is or becomes wet during the work day…..

Plus there is the strain on older muscles and joints….

Finishing up yesterday afternoon — roofs are steep here because of the massive snow accumulations.

This was the very beginning of winter last year, in mid-October 2019…. pow,.six inches, with a nice, low chemtrail to me as a nice greeting from the government. 😉

*** They began a systematic chemtrailing of this very isolated town at the end of the same week I lanched my video on April 20, 2015 about the jews, Leo Frank, Jeffrey Epstein — and other VIP pedophiles, with me saying we must KILL the pedophilocracy, and Hitler, reincarnated for another try at it, must return.



With me, they often do very low-altitude flights.

Some day, someone might just shoot these psychopathic assholes down.

Low altitude over my house in Sarver, Pennsylvania, so I could see the huge strands of toxic chemicals, fraying off to the side

Margi took this shot, sitting on the lawn and shooting up, in Apollo, Pennsylvania — an X or bullseye exactly over our house

[They guy who took this photo embezzled $4200 from me under fed pressure.  Two sheriff’s deputies suddenly came by and said “pay all your fines immediately — or go to jail” (with the blacks.) In Pennsylvania, counties normally let low-income people pay fines off gradually. But this time it was “Come up with the money NOW, kid.” THIS was the key reason why my attempt to run for sheriff (open seat/98% white county) failed — we were destitute.  I actually had to sell my car — and we lived in the countryside — to pay the back rent. Then a WN a–hole suggested I run for sheriff on my bicycle, like Mr. Bean. 😉 That would have sent a good, strong macho signal to the voters. 😉 Running for sheriff “without a POT To PISS IN.”….. Amazing the excuses that unspiritual WN misers make to do nothing. ]


In fact, this possibility with the roofing actually happened.

He had to fire a helper (seen in the photo, a nice guy) for not being alert when, as he said “the roofing flew down and almost cut his head off.” 

Why? The edges of cut metal roofing are razor sharp. In fact, I myself had to help the roofer bandage his hand yesterday.

This man, a tall, handsome German-American with striking blue eyes, is a Trump Republican but believes he is “against white supremacy”….so he was pretty skeptical about me. Most in this town do know me, the “town Nazi.” 😉

Yet he railed once vociferously against the “Negro Football League” and its overpaid blacks kneeling during the national anthem, which for him and other veterans was an insult and a major, inner, psychological turning point.

As I handed him his final payment on the roof, $200, I made a joke about his “life of ease” and obvious “white privilege.” We had a good laugh, shook hands, and then I bought him a beer and some boneless chicken wings with bourbon sauce at the local bar and grill.

He told me Margi was “a real fighter and a lady.”

And he gave me what for him, the town grouch, was an affectionate look. (If he had said anything actually nice, that would have been “gay.” 🙂 )

I had been spiritual and also down-to-earth with him, and that combination of firmness and understanding (of his real problems) was successful. It also helped that Margi also called him sweetly a few times. She can melt any crusty old grouch’s heart.   😉

Except for the eggs, it was all from her garden — even at 72 pounds (in this photo a few months ago), WAY down from 115, Margi is a trooper.

Thin arms… the ravages of 24 cancer radiation treatments

I also gave him $300 more than agreed, since his original price was actually too low, and more to seal the chimney, a separate job.

Now, in any case, by using the lowest bid in town, and believing —  despite contrary advice — that he would do good work, I still have $3,500 in my pocket for our cause.

Thank you, God.

Thank you, Angels.

Thank you, spiritual teachers Eckart Tolle, Neale Walsch and E. West.

And thank you, Dietrich Eckart, my mentor in another life. He said:

“We can succed only by having one foot planted in this world, and the other on the other side.”


I paid $100 to have this photo colorized. This was the man who taught me to believe in myself.


Inaugurating a monument to him, ten years after his death. There are not many men for whom I would stand bareheaded in snowy rain.


As for me, my upcoming job will be pretty steep and scary too. 😉

But for mine, heads must be cut off. Trump will get my help whether he wants it or not.

There is no more time, Donald, to watch you trying to kiss the jews’ ass. We are going under while you keep trying failed methods, the definition of insanity.



……Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin

This is how Hitler and Eckart really saw the Bible, the Old Testament and “Saint Paul” (a daring matter in the Catholic Bavaria  of 1923), and also the jewish use of RABBLE to overthrow targeted governments.

Very relevant to today…..


Happy 128th birthday, Adolf Hitler! Your conversation with your mentor, Dietrich Eckart on “Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin”


Especially important blogs


–21 October 2020 $88 Amazon gift card from G in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

–18 October 2020 US$88  via Amazon gift card from J in Cicero, Illinois

–17 October 2020 50 Australian dollars,  letter and extensive photocopies from a serious book on Atlantis and other destroyed civilizations from J

–14 October 2020 50 euros [ = 50 US dollars] and a beautiful card and letter from M in France.

–10 October 2020 110 euros ( same in US dollars) from C in Germany

–3 October 2020 $88 Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

My thank-you note:

Thank you for the Amazon.com Gift Card! I so enjoyed seeing my two recent visitors from the faraway Southland, but thinking also: “Soon, I will not be able to walk down the street or go into a bar and grill, unless I have bodyguards.” These are my final weeks of “freedom,” brother J. Then comes only the iron call of duty.

I am deeply grateful that you have stuck by me all this time. The supplements your gift cards (and those of another comrade) have bought have also saved Margi’s life. Even the Mayo told her in July of last year that with all of their wizardry she had only a 20% chance. So pat yourself on the back, dear brother.

— John de Nugent

— 1 October 2020 50 euros [worth $US50 also], a beautiful card and a thoughtful letter from M in France

— 30 September 2020 five beautiful leather-bound antique volumes with gilt edge of essays in German from B, a jewish-born WN activist (including at the dangerous confrontations in Charlottesville, Virginia) and a generous donor for over a decade; needless to say, big postage was paid for these heavy books in the old Fraktur font….

–21 September 2020 50 euros [ =  US$50] and letter from M in France

–18 September 2020 $100 in cash and a card from P in Florida,  a fmr Marine Corps and Navy officer and donor for 11 years

–18 September 2020 $88 via Amazon gift card from a former US Army Green Beret in Illinois

–9 September 2020 $200 via PP from T in Australia

–28 August 2020 101 euros from C in Germany

–19 August 2020 $88 by Amazon gift card from G in Cicero, Illinois

–15 August 2020 $88 by Amazon gift card from J in Nevada


–2 August 2020 50 Australian dollars and a note from J in southern Australia



To John and Margi:

Sorry, it has been a little while since my last correspondence and contribution.

Thinking of you both during your time at the Mayo [Clinic for Margi’s cancer]. I could only imagine the stresses you’ve both been under.

We are witnessing history right now and it’s not necessarily a good thing.

Now is the time, more than ever, for positive endeavour, not least spiritually.



Southern Australia

PS Hang in there. Keep up the good fight. People ARE realising!

–1 August 2020 50 euros and a letter from M in France

–17 July 2020 $70 in cash and a note from B in New Jersey

–14 July 2020 129 euros via PayPal from C in Germany

–11 July 2020 $50 Amazon gift card from F in Arizona

–11 July 2020 60 euros via PayPal from C in Germany

–10 July 2020 50 euros and an incisive note from M in France


–10 July 2020 320 euros, a heartfelt note and photos from E in Italy

–9 July 2020 $25 Amazon gift card from K in Oregon

–8 July 2020 $88 Amazon gift card from  J in Nevada

–6 July 2020 expensive supplements for Margi from J in Cicero, Illinois


–3 July 2020 $50 in cash and nice birthday card from fellow former Marine P in Florida


–29 June 2020 US$60 via PayPal from D in Australia

–29 June 2020 60 euros via PayPal from C in Germany

–26 June 2020 $88 from G in Cicero, Illinois via Amazon gift card

And this Irish-American sent this along, too 😉

–26 June 2020  $335 from ten people for Margi’s MEDICAL FUNDRAISER ON HER NON-POLITICAL FB PAGE

–22 June 2020 Gift card from Amazon for $25 from G in Georgia

He sent this email as well [edited]

Hi John,

Brilliant blog work lately. I especially enjoyed and felt personal value in the “Reader asks my view of freedom and stories of ancient gods” entry.

[….] I’ll close with a sincere thank you for your light and love that you share with the world against all odds. My best wishes are with you.


–20 June 2020 three bottles of Liquid Oxygen from G in Cicero, Illinois for Margi

–10 June 2020 $25 Amazon gift card from L in New Jersey

–8 June 2020 50 euros in cash and a letter from M in France

–6 June 2020 40 Euros from C in Germany with letter


–5 June 2020 $88 by check from J in Nevada



— 5 June 2020 50 Euros and note

–4 June 2020 beautiful, antique silver coin from the Third Reich, in 1935, memorializing two-time Reich Präsident Paul von Hindenburg (1847-1934), the chief German commander in World War One, victor over the Russians at the Battle of Tannenberg, and the head of state who appointed Adolf Hitler as chancellor in 1933 — plus a Euro donation — plus a great novel on the postwar Fourth Reich in the Antarctic by German author Michael Winkler, all from C in Germany!


–2 June 2020 US$65 via PP from D in Australia

–1 June 2020 $50 Amazon gift card from L in Tennessee

–1 June 2020 Urantia book from K in Massachusetts

This is a pretty amazing-seeming book, supposedly channeled from Nordics, and saying Jesus was, not “God,” but one of them — and a governor of the spiritual development in this part of the galaxy. His teachings were massively distorted EVEN IN HIS LIFETIME, BY HIS JEWISH DISCIPLES, AND ESPECIALLY AFTER HIS DEATH.

All this is exactly what I have felt intuitively for decades. I am also certain that “Odin” was from the same people — he had to keep eating apples from the goddess Idunn to stay immortal, btw,…. like the Greek gods needing their “ambrosia” and “nectar”…..

and also the bearded blond man Quetzalcoatl and the Viracocha who founded civilizations in Central and South America.

Earth keeps getting “missionaries” from higher Aryan worlds — noble souls who are appalled at the needless suffering here and either come here via some spacecraft as adults, or decide to incarnate here as earthlings, and then are called “starseeds.”

Humans learn and grow a lot more from being taught by a fellow earthling who undergoes all our travails with us, like the guy on the right (who should have kept that mustache, not adopted the Charlie Chaplin one 😉)


One someone is perceived as a god, he is then worshipped and then begged to do stuff for us which we can and should do for ourselves.

Jesus being made into a god showed exactly this problem:

“Jesus, save us” or “Jesus, take us away to heaven” (while the jews are allowed to do as they want to this wretched planet).

Here is the pdf of this massive, 2,000-page book:


–30 May 2020 $88 check via automatic bank draft from G in Cicero, Illinois



  1. Proprio oggi stavo leggendo i crimini commessi dal grande maresciallo Tito..a danno di molti italiani e non solo.Solo a racvontarlo ti vengono i brividi…la tortura,la fame e l’umiliazione sono il peggiore dei crimini.
    Perché odio questa nazione…?
    perché tutti i presidenti della Repubblica sono stati complici di questo criminale comunista.
    Nessuna medaglia come “vincitore” per le torture inflitte!
    Ho provato una tale rabbia!
    E mi fanno ridere quando i sostenitori comunisti(pecoroni)non si vergognano minimamente di questo personaggio!
    “Come sono affiatati”..
    Scommetto che “Che Guevara” ha perso la vita per una causa persa in partenza!
    Se sapessero…

  2. This is a fascinating time indeed.

    Just the other day a colleague of mine said: “Wow, all these weird revelations [pedos, corruption etc., etc.] since Trump.”

    I told him that this was always the case but Trump made it visible.. He was shaken! I am sure he will wake up soon, as will a whole lot of folks.

    I find tremendous completeness in this, and that gives me hope.

    Keep on fighting, John! And a big hug for Margi!

    Last thing:

    Are there any good anti-cancer donation centres out there? Or are they all “xxxx amount goes in and only x goes to research”?

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