YOU GOTTA SEE THIS: 1993 “Simpsons” shows secret meeting, planned pandemic, and LETHAL vaccine; monkeypox hype:  so far mainly in gays and from intimate contact

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Far back, in 1993, the whole Covid hysteria of 2020 was predicted on episode 21 of ”The Simpsons,” season 4. It bore the title “Marge in Chains,” and featured a secret VIP meeting, a huge outbreak of “Osaka Flu” and a deadly vaccine.

Same video uploaded to my site:



Everything the jews are doing to us appears first (in compliance with a strict black-magickal rule to “always warn your victim first”) on “The Simpsons” or “Southpark,” with both comedy shows being written by jews.



…..The monkeypox hype:  so far mainly in gays, and from intimate contact

Dr. Peter McCullough, arguably the most renowned cardiologist of our time, continues to warn of the heart disease risks of mRNA – which he says are more dangerous to heart health than the infection itself. ••「 LINKS & SOURCES:

•• Dr. McCullough also shares published research on Monkeypox (also known as Mpox or Orthopoxvirus Monkeypox) that appear to show signs of Gain Of Function. “A report by Kannan et al, indicated that what happened in 2022 almost certainly occurred because of a gain-of-function mutation in one or more genes within the Monkeypox virus,” reports Dr. McCullough. “The authors do not speculate on whether this happened in a laboratory or in nature.” Dr. Peter McCullough is an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist, and the Chief Scientific Officer at The Wellness Company. As an expert on cardiovascular medicine with over 30 years of experience, Dr. McCullough has spoken widely about the heart-related risks of mRNA. He is the co-author of The Courage To Face COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex. Follow Dr. McCullough at and learn more at [Dr. Drew is a board member of The Wellness Company, and TWC is a sponsor of Ask Dr. Drew]

When the two doctors discuss the transmission in Africa of the monkeypox virus, they get really euphemistic at one point, real careful what they say. What they say is “intimate contact with monkeys.” Well, if the monkey bites an African, that is innocent enough, so why not just state that the animal-to-human transmission is via animal bites??

Monkey can  and do bite humans.My father as a Marine in the Philippines in WWII had a tiny baby monkey as a pet. But once it hit puberty, the male monkey became warlike and aggressive, even severely biting one of my dad’s Marine buddies without provocation. That proved the end of the road for that previously nice pet.

So why do the MDs both get so cagey? Is the problem with monkey-to-African transmission still another kind of “intimate contact”?




…….Why is earth this way?

Why is earth this way?
I know from many conversations here in Ontonagon that people are suffering: psychologically, physically, and also financially, and they are not convinced things can ever change.
And I think they truly have stopped even asking: “Why am I here? Is there a God? What happens when we die? Why is there so much evil, war, and suffering?” If they had any answers, they maybe could accept the harshness of life as a challenge and not as a tragedy.
And they need to understand two proven facts:
1) reincarnation is real, and it means you were brave enough to accept this life, these parents you had, and the challenges that are now hitting you, and it also means that the horrors we see happening now are because of what we (or people truly like us) did or failed to do in earlier lives; as they say in Pittsburgh, “Quit’cher whinin’!”
2) we are not alone: on other planets, humans like us have advanced beyond the egoic mind and the savagery, ignorance and cowardice that are typical of earthlings; they have developed flourishing civilizations that are not hell-on-earth like this place. We can do the same!
New York Times and Washington Post finally concede UFOs may be very real after two US Navy commanders step forward with 2004 incident that they saw and filmed with their F-18s
Paul Hellyer, Minister of Defense and of Transportation for Canada (1963-69) on aliens and those who are actually humans like us. (


The working stiff on the bottom doesn’t realize that the same people who start Mideastern sh– also own the Fed and caused his rent to be $3K… And if Israel provokes Iran again with assassinations on Iranian soil and they retaliate by closing the Straits of Hormuz to all oil tankers in the Persian Gulf, it is HIS gasoline (Mr Don’t-Give-a-F—‘s) that will go up by triple to $10 a gallon. God is NOT going to Bless America for looking the other way and letting 50,000 Gaza civilians die from American-made rifles, jets, and missiles.


He doesn’t give a f—…. Photo by Israelis of Palestinians after torture on an Israeli Telegram page, “Iron Swords”


….. Women’s dilemma today


Men  protecting women  is how it is supposed to be, but that no longer possible in these disordered times due to widespread idiocy and amoral behaviors. The majority of men these days are not what they used to be, and the same is true of women. A decent woman, now a rarity, often never finds a suitable man in this day and age because these men are not capable of being the head of the household. The few decent men around often never find a suitable wife either.
John De Nugent

Amelia Saltsman You would not believe the attractive, slim, and intelligent women in their late thirties that come on to me, who maybe am a nice guy, but I am definitely 70 years old, as old as their fathers, and not a billionaire like Trump, either. 
Three told me that their husbands had cheated on them. (And there are also awful women out there that cheat too,  and/or become catty and grouchy and drive their man away.)
There is something seriously wrong with society (and the economy and inflation, too) when a 38-year-old babe with an Ivy League degree comes on to a 70-year-old man. And so many women with brains and looks have just one kid or none at all. Elon Musk has warned we are facing a population crash!


  1. According to Kant our knowledge is limited to objects and events in space and time and thoughts taking place within our own minds. Everything else is mere opinion.

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