“Your baby is dead” — but no, Ukrainian Jews killed him, then sold his organs for big bucks

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Newborn babies killed for organ trafficking in Ukraine
[trans. by Google from M. Blondet’s article in Italian here: https://www.maurizioblondet.it/neonati-uccisi-e-traffico-di-organi-in-ucraina/]

According to information from the BBC, there is a traffic in Ukraine in stem cells and organs taken from murdered newborns. Some Ukrainian mothers said that in 2002, in a clinic in Kharkiv, their children were taken from them immediately after birth and then declared dead for unreliable reasons. Parents were also not allowed to see the bodies.

In 2003, by order of the authorities, several bodies of children buried in the cemetery of a hospital were exhumed. It appeared that the organs of the newborns had been removed and probably also their stem cells. According to a Ukrainian non-governmental organization, between 2001 and 2003, more than 300 newborn babies were killed for the same reasons.

Drawing of a Slavic couple with their children

Meanwhile, even the Council of Europe is investigating such cases.

  1. Is the European Commission aware of such cases? Do you know that stem cells and organs from Ukraine have been introduced into Member States? Can the Commission confirm that there is trafficking in organs and stem cells?
  2. The Council of Europe has assured Ukraine of its support in shedding light on what happened. Does the Commission also intend to support the Ukrainian authorities?
  3. Is the Commission aware of similar cases in other European states? If so, in which countries?
  4. There have also been reports of stem cells from aborted fetuses being trafficked in Ukraine. Can the Commission confirm this?
  5. If the existence of stem cell and organ trafficking is confirmed, does the Commission intend to take action to put an end to this trade?



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