“Your own mouth condemns you” — Jews gloat THEY defeated Trump — voting 75% for Biden — after he did everything Israel demanded

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Jews gloat they defeated Trump in Pennsylvania, though acknowledging between the lines that he was “the best friend Israel ever had in the White House” 

Analysis | 

Shocker: American Jewish Vote Clinched Biden’s Victory and Trump’s Ouster

Without their critical support, Biden would have lost Pennsylvania, Georgia and Arizona and Trump would be looking forward to four more years

Source: https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/.premium.HIGHLIGHT-shocker-american-jewish-vote-clinched-biden-s-victory-and-trump-s-ouster-1.9300102?

American Jews decided the outcome of the U.S. elections. The evidence is clear and incontrovertible. Lopsided Jewish support made Joe Biden president and tossed Donald Trump out of office. Without the Jewish vote, Trump would have won the elections and stayed on for another four years in the White House.
Asked to comment last year on the intractable Jewish support for Democrats, Trump said it shows they are “disloyal” to Israel and the Jewish people. One shudders to think of his reaction – and that of his fanatic fans – to the fact that American Jews were the ones who actually deprived him of victory. Whoever assured Trump that the Jewish community would reward him for his ostensibly pro-Israel policy has some explaining to do, to say the least.
The statistics are clear-cut. Biden was declared winner of the election by virtue of his narrow victory in Pennsylvania. The Keystone State pushed the Democratic candidate over the 270 threshold in the Electoral College and made him president-elect. Without Pennsylvania, John King might still be standing in a CNN studio with his Sharpies and his county diagrams, awaiting final results from Tortolita, Arizona or some other place that no one had ever heard of before.
Without Jews, Biden would have lost Pennsylvania. The math is simple: There are anywhere between 300,000 and 500,000 Jews in Pennsylvania, depending how you count, so let’s split the difference and settle on 400,000. Over 80 percent are adults, according to most population surveys, and of these, over 80 percent of them vote on average. And they split for Biden by a three-to-one margin, according to a state poll conducted by J Street and a national Jewish poll carried out by the American Jewish Committee.
An overall Jewish population of 400,000 yields 320,000 eligible Jewish voters, of which about 256,000 Jewish adults actually cast a ballot. At a three-to-one ratio, Biden garnered 192,000 and Trump 70,000. Thus, the Jews of Pennsylvania gave Biden a surplus of 122,000 votes. He is currently leading Trump by 45,000 votes. This means that without Jews, Trump would have triumphed over Biden by a 75,000-vote margin and we would be living in a totally different world.

Even if one takes the lower figure of 300,000 Jews overall in Pennsylvania, 240,000 eligible voters and 192,000 actual voters, and divide them by the lower seven-to-three ratio reported in a post-election survey carried out by the Associated Press, Biden gets 134,000 Jewish votes and Trump 58,000, creating a surplus of 76,000 votes, far bigger than the current margin. That’s game, set and match.


One might posit that when the final counting is over it will emerge that Biden could have won the elections without Pennsylvania. Of the states still outstanding, Georgia or Arizona alone could give Biden the 270 Electoral College votes needed to win. Without the Jews, however, the president-elect wouldn’t stand a chance of winning Georgia or Arizona either.

There are approximately 100,000 adult Jews in Arizona, with a higher average age than the U.S. community overall. If 80,000 of them voted in accordance with the national ratio, 60,000 went to Biden and 20,000 to Trump, producing a 40,000-vote margin for the Democratic candidate. Biden currently leads Trump in Arizona by 17,000 votes.
The story is the same in Georgia. According to Jewish Virtual Library, 130,000 Jews reside in the state. If 100,000 of them voted, they gave Biden 75,000 votes and Trump 25,000, a margin of 50,000 votes. Biden currently leads Trump in Georgia by 11,000 votes. Without the Jews, Trump would be leading by 39,000.
In other states with close contests, Jews may not have actually pushed Biden over the threshold, but they brought him very close to its edge. Nevada’s 80,000 Jews, of which approximately 60,000 would vote, gave Biden a 30,000-vote surplus in a state he won by 36,000. Michigan’s 90,000 Jews would provide Biden with 36,000 surplus votes in a state he won by 48,000 alone. Were it not for the Jews, Nevada and Michigan might still be waiting for final projection.
Jewish communities do not vote the same in every state, of course. They’re subject to the same swaying factors as any other Americans, be it education level and religiosity, business and personal finances, and a web of other intersecting concerns that push all the country’s citizens right or left. One state’s community may have a larger Reform and Conservative presence, which historically points leftward; another still may have a larger Orthodox populace, which tilts further right. But the polls have spoken: American Jews vote blue.
After years in which the main impact American Jews on U.S. elections was measured mainly in terms of donations and activism, for the first time in U.S. history it was the raw electoral power of the Jews which made the whole difference. Traditionally dismissed as an electoral force because of their heavy concentration in decidedly Democratic states such California, New York and Illinois, the close 2020 elections rendered their smaller presence in battleground states such as Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona and Nevada more pivotal – and, it appears, decisive – than ever before.
American Jews might have played a similar role by clinching the 2000 elections for Al Gore, if he’d been declared the winner in Florida instead of George Bush. Before that, one would have to go back to the 1960 election, in which John F. Kennedy took a whopping 82 percent of the Jewish vote. Without the Jews, Kennedy might have lost New Jersey and Illinois, which he won by a hair’s breadth, but that still would have left him with the bare minimum of 270 electoral votes.

This may be the first time in U.S. history that American Jews single-handedly clinched victory for the winning candidate.

The fact that they defeated a president who is described as the best friend Israel ever had in the White House highlights the well-known fact that the American Jewish community has far more pressing concerns than Israel, especially when Biden himself comes with impeccable Israel credentials, even if the Jewish right is already describing him and his party as deadly enemies.

Right wingers in both Israel and the United States will describe the decisive role played by Jews in the 2020 elections as perfidy. A majority of Americans, most of the democratic world and a minority of Israelis will view the American Jewish vote as a godsend that saved the day.

Trump, of course, will remain as clueless as ever. He is likely to blame the Jews and fume at their “disloyalty” rather than internalize how much his conduct in office repelled and his moral values revolted most American Jews and drove them away. But that’s merely par for the course.



  1. Know your history, know your enemy. The Jewish Stern gang in WW2 sent a letter bomb to Churchill and carried out a UK bombing campaign…because they wanted to drive Britain out of Palestine so the Jews could get their Israel.

    The Jews even approached the German Abwher twice in Beirut to obtain weapons to attack British forces and drive Britain from Palestine, again to get their Israel.

    They killed nearly 400 British personnel in Palestine, yet claim they’re your friend. Enemy more like.

    • The movie “1917” about the Tommies’ sufferings and bravery in WWI is both inspiring and it made me livid.

      The average Tommy Jenkins had no idea that Anglo-Saxons were killing German Saxons (while fat trench rats were feasting on the corpses of his fallen buddies, and mothers cried in both sides) so

      1) Germany would lose, so

      2) its ally Turkey would lose (the sultan having twice firmly refused to give 80% muslim, 20% Christian Palestine — replete with major muslim and Christian holy places — to arrogant, bullying jews), so

      3) by beating Turkey, Britain would get once-Turkish Palestine — and then

      4) after American pressure and jewish terrorism, the UK lets the jews have it

      5) in order to expel with terror and murder the peaceful Palestinians from their own land, and

      6) establish a campus called Israel for student murderers, fences, pimps, hitmen, drug dealers, weapons traffickers, white slavers, organ stealers, and terrorists that would make the entire world a living hell.

      • Your article describing American jewish promises to the Poles in 1939 à la ” Whatever happens, don’t do a deal with Hitler; we’ll back you” exposes these deadly parasites and their dealings that have killed millions throughout history.

  2. Kikes must love causing pain, so they have (righteously) been persecuted and suffered greatly for crimes throughout history. They are in for a lot more suffering when all the truths about WW2 and 9/11 get out.

    John, count me in as a microwave operator when the time comes. 😉 I will keep reincarnating on Earth until they are gone for good!

      • Brother John

        I just noticed that from our hapless land (Europe) links to our racial heros are being censored. I was listening to Pastor James Wickstrom, and his co host guest Col. Francis Farrell, USAF (ret). Back in 2001 they had a two part radio show; part one they were talking about Mad cow disease, and second part they were talking about Aids “vaccine” scam. Links are gone, and all the audios, now you can’t een find a single audio of Francis Farrell.

        Not only that even the classic writing are bleached from mighty Joogle. I hope someone can provide/upload these audis, books written and produced by our racial heros like James Wickstrom, Col Francis Farrell, and Ezra Pound. I can’t not find a single link what they said about Jews.

        Only see search result popping up are “they were anti semite”. But nothing as to what they said where he said. I wanna see their own words.

        Also in a same vain; I read alot about “blood libel” but I have never read a single article where this stuff has been talked about by our race.

        I hope someone can provide links to these literature, and audio.

        We European suppose to be the pinnacle of civilization yet we go along Jewish banned, and censored every freaking thing written about Jews.

        • you can find transcription of Ezra Pound radio broadcast @archive.org.

          Hey John my sister just gave a kitten, and it looks like your baby kitler. What do you recommend for baby kitten wet or dry food? I am naming mine solutrena 🙂

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