Zero evidence Eisenhower was Jewish

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Eisenhower was a blondish, blue-eyed Aryan traitor, mentored by the wicked Khazar financier Bernard Baruch, but not a Jew.


A comrade said she saw a photo of Ike leaving a synagogue, and called him “a Swedish Jew.”

This was Ike, already in effect running for president as early as 1945, leaving a makeshift synaogue at a Displaced Persons camp the US set up in Germany, called “Neu Freimann” (“New Free Man”).

I replied;

I know this myth about Ike being Jewish (because of his crimes during WWII and afterward, such as the horrific Rhine Meadows camps) is circulating out there on the Internet.

But there are no facts whatsoever supporting it. My father came out of synagogues several times after funerals of his Jewish insurance clients. He was certainly not Jewish.

Hitler came out of a church and was not Christian.

The “Swedish Jew” thing was a humorous remark in his West Point college yearbook, which was written by his fellow cadets, all young men, obviously, and contained joshing and funny remarks about all cadets.

He is also called “Señor.” Does this mean he was a Mexican? 😉 Was he really “only good at tea, tiddledy-winks and talk”? 

Very few Jews were allowed at West Point in that era, or at the Naval Academy. The US was very antisemitic for generations and there was great concern among the then WASP elite about Jews “taking over.” (The German military also banned Jewish officers, and had a few in WWI because trench warfare waskilling off so many Aryan officers. Hitler’s last officer, who awarded him the Iron Cross First Class for extreme bravery, ironically was one of those rare Jewish officers.)

Eisenhower’s mother was a Jehovah’s Witness, not a Jewess.

Two of his brothers were adamantly opposed to FDR and WWII, and one disinherited his own son for joining the Army.

Ike at the top with siblings and parents 

Ike with his brothers and mother

Yes, there are crypto-Jews out there, very dangerous ones, such as Barack Obama or Winston Churchill, both secretly Jewish via the mother.

Jenny Jerome, daughter of a “New York financier,” was Churchill’s mother. 

Ann Dunham, mother of Barack Obama

Ann’s father was this Jew, Stanley Dunham. 

But far more dangerous are the blue-eyed Aryan traitors like Eisenhower (or, in our time, Bill Clinton) who secretly do the Jews’ bidding.

They are mentored when young by Jews such as, in Ike’s case, arrogant financier Bernard Baruch, who took young Eisenhower under his wing.



In his personality and actions (which unfortunately were effective and with every detailed worked out perfectly) Eisenhower acted like exactly what he was, a German-American from modest, Midwestern Kansas.

There are mechanisms for getting Aryans involved with Jewry, such as high-level Freemasonry and outright Luciferianism (Satanism).

You might read my article about Ronald Bernard, a prominent Dutchman who, as a rising banker, was introduced to Satanism and the murder of children .

He was certainly not Jewish, but an Aryan whom the Jews wanted to rope in:

He got out of banking when they demanded he KILL KIDS to reach the top; Belgian artist does murals of kids being killed

As Dr. William Pierce said to me in 1981

“It is lazy and despicable to invent things against the Jews. They admit themselves in the Talmud and books by Eli Ravage and Samuel Roth exactly who they are and what they want. Once we start inventing things, we are just like them.”


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