Zuckerbook decides photo stories about German women battered by muslims cannot be shared

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….Proof — 15-year-old girl beaten by three mudlims in Düsseldorf – item cannot be shared — no share button!


The space on the right underneath the story for the “share” button is gone!



Explanation under the photos:

German text (then Engl. translation):

Von meiner Freundin die 15 jährige Tochter wurde gestern Nacht 23-23.15 Uhr in Reisholz in der Nähe vom S Bahnhof Spangerstr. am Parkett Strehl von drei jugendlichen Südländern (“Flüchtlingen”), alle drei mit Nike Cap, einer hatte ‘ne rote auffällige Jacke an und weiße Sportschuhe … zusammengeschlagen.

Ich hoffe echt, die werden gefasst aber da die Polizei schon das so aufnimmt, als wäre es ganz normal, denk ich eher weniger. Dass da was kommt — traurig, traurig.


My girlfriend’s 15-year-old daughter last night, at around 11 to 11 pm, was going through an area with bushes near the south station on Spanger St. on the Strehl parquet, and was beaten up by three young southerners [ = Arabs/Turks] (“refugees”) all three with Nike caps on; one wore a red flashy jacket and white tennis shoes …..

I really hope action will be taken but since the police already have shown they think this is quite normal, I think probably not. The things coming down the pike…. sad, sad.

Comments below it in German express  1) outrage and 2) outrage also that Facebook took away the share button for this item.

One comment in German was on the crime itself:

Silvana Braun Mir sieht das sehr echt aus und ich spreche da leider aus Erfahrung und ich kann Dir sagen das es der schlimmste Tag meines Lebes war! Meine kleine Tochter hat seitdem im Ehebett geschlafen und ich konnte vor Hass kaum ein Auge zumachen.Es verfolgt mich bis heute.
Kannst Du Dir ansatzeise vorstellen wie es sich anfuehlt, wenn das eigene kleine Kind verpruegelt wird?
 Silvana Braun To me these photos seem very real and I’m talking from personal experience, unfortunately. I can tell you that it was the worst day of my life. My little daughter ever since has slept in bed with me out of fear, and I could hardly shut my eyes at night in my rage. Es haunts me to this day.
Can you even begin to imagine how it feels when one’s own little child is beaten up?
crying little blond girl






…..We need religious-based action

This guy is great…. Harvard top brain surgeon who now writes books about the soul and life after death. He was nearly killed by e coli meningitis in 2008 and his neo-cortex was ruined as he lay there in a coma for three days. No way he could have dreamt all this, because his brain was unable to dream anything with his neo-cortex fried.

In fact, when he came back he could not remember his own family because his memory centers had been damaged and they stayed this way for two months.

But he was “on the other side”!


Eben Alexander, MD, spent 55 years honing his scientific worldview until a rare illness left him in a coma. Later, he awoke from a transcendental near-death experience. Alexander reports his lessons from beyond in the New York Times best-seller, Proof of Heaven. In his second book, The Map of Heaven, he explores humankind’s spiritual history and other stories of unexplained phenomenon and near-death experiences.

As he recounts in Proof of Heaven, Alexander was shocked to find the hyper-reality of a spiritual realm, which many others had reported after having a near-death experiences. Since his illness, he has sought to reconcile his rich spiritual experience with contemporary physics and cosmology.

Alexander has been an academic neurosurgeon for the last 25 years, including 15 years at the Brigham & Women’s and the Children’s Hospitals and Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts. During his academic career, he authored or coauthored more than 150 chapters and papers in peer reviewed journals, and made more than 200 presentations at conferences and medical centers around the world.

Then on November 10, 2008, he lapsed into coma caused by a rare and mysterious bacterial meningitis-encephalitis of unknown cause. He spent a week in coma on a ventilator, his prospects for survival diminishing rapidly. On the seventh day, he awoke with memories of a fantastic odyssey deep into another realm. It is this realm that he recounts in Proof of Heaven.

Alexander’s story offers a crucial key to the understanding of reality and human consciousness and how we view spirituality, soul, and the nonmaterial realm. In analyzing his experience, including the scientific possibilities and grand implications, Alexander envisions a more complete reconciliation of modern science and spirituality.

What People are Saying about Eben Alexander

“Dr. Eben Alexander’s near-death experience is the most astounding I have heard in more than four decades of studying this phenomenon. [He] is living proof of an afterlife.”
”Raymond A. Moody, MD, PhD


…..The thing is, my religious mission is not escapism or dropping the racial and Jew issue.

It is to use the certainty that we are souls that will be judged to get ACTION out of those who become aware of the truth.
How many of you are even lifting a finger for Trump?
We are paralyzed by inaction as the train approaches.
And why should the Jews not kill Trump, using a Manchurian Candidate who is a black, muslim or Mexican with a suicide belt — right at the Republican convention — and then start a race war, followed by martial law?
After some wog kills Trump, then they order another Manchurian Candidate who is white and has “posted racist stuff on Facebook” to go into some daycare center and blow away ten little black kids. 24/7 media hysteria…..
Then they pay some blacks to rampage against white kids and women.
Then every redneck with a shotgun goes ballistic, and the full race war is on.
Then martial law and Obama stays president.
At three am they kick your door down when you are groggy.
FEMA camps — but every football stadium is also a FEMA holding area
Tens of thousands of these prisoner box cars are standing around all over American railyards, with a great big rail down the middle and you are handcuffed to the rail. A former Marine Corps officer who awoke to the NWO during his duty in Kosovo under the United Nations and later worked for a security company confirmed this to me.



…..Contact and support

I really wonder why I even have an orange donate button since it has not been used for 60 days. 😉



John de Nugent

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(deleted after Zuckerberg-Merkel agreement)

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