Zuckerbook deletes in 40 seconds my first post after a 30-day suspension — about a healthy white baby killed by vaccines

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40 SECONDS after I come off a 30-day Faceberg suspension (MY SIXTH IN NINE MONTHS) they already delete an article (about a perfectly healthy, glowing, beaming little white baby who died almost instantly from vaccines).

Because Facebook wants your white kids to get autism and die.

Little Liam, murdered by the vaccine community


Jeff Switalski Good to see you back on John, it’s been awhile. Dirty Dogs won’t leave you alone. How’s your new religion book coming along? Can’t wait to read it, do you think Amazon will carry it? They should, I got Ben Klassen’s White Mans Bible from there so they better carry yours.



John de Nugent Hi, brother Marine. I would not count on Amazon carrying it. I read Klassen’s well-intentioned atheistic-religion book when it first came out in the 1970s — and it never shook up the world. My intention is to do exactly that.  And Zuckerfuck apparently know that too…..

Join me and one hundred million others on VK if you are tired of the censorship and abuse!




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