Excellent interview below though both the host, the Englishman Harrison Pitt, and Professor Victor Davis Hanson, self-censor because it is on JuTube.
Hanson talks about previous genocides in history (and NOT about the Jewish Holycost, btw) and implies that what is looming now is white genocide — because the New Left, no longer peace-and-love liberals at all, openly hate white people and push miscegenation, open borders, white job loss, hatred of white males, and the end of the traditional family.
Hanson lists several cases of people who did not think they would be genocided, but they were.
He also denounces the bashing of white males in the US military, resulting in a huge shortfall in new recruits.
0:00 Intro
0:15 Monologue
01:08 Decadence, Denial, Decline
05:14 The Wisdom of the Ancients: Fear of the Enemy Keeps the State in Good Order
09:48 Anti-White Racism Destroys Military Strength and Readiness
17:19 Has Nuclear Deterrence Made Wartime Annihilation Obsolete?
28:00 Replacement Migration: A Form of Unarmed Conquest?
38:34 Civic Nationalism vs. Human Nature
54:07 The Working Class Revolt Against Globalism
57:47 Trump 2025: Mass Deportations and Taking on the Deep State
…….Environmental damage far worse than most WNs realize
This is the other huge issue besides race and jews
All this reminds me of the article I did on the experience that hypnotists can have of patients not only talking about their previous lives but also about future ones. And they speak of different kinds of future — very different conditions.
In one future, earth has become a peaceful, rich planet full of beauty, health and progress because humans had rejected their old ways.
The other two visions of the future are both bad:
- life in the Stone Age with caves, spears, bows and arrows and fur clothing — after a full-on nuclear war
- a mostly dead earth where the masses live unhappy work-sleep-work lives in underground cities, under giant domes on the surface, or on spacecraft
If you listen to this video by Wigington, you can see we could easily be heading for 3.
My theory is that the Big Jews have blown it. They unquestionably want to reduce earth’s population by various natural-seeming catastrophes (climate disasters such as drought, famine, blizzards, hail, or by earthquakes and wildfires) or by fake pandemics. But the chemtrails and other NWO measures have begun to seriously damage the soil.
After watching this I cannot believe this, it’s unbelievable.
I knew about this already that the jews were doing this but seeing that old footage with that jew talking about this is unbelievable.
To have all this knowledge for so long is unsettling knowing about this.
There’s hidden knowledge and how does this group do this? I believe this is part of evolution. But they keep their secrets so well hidden, how they get all this knowledge, how can you have psychosis and schizophrenia and control it?
What does it mean about worshipping the black Kabullah stone, the black cube of Saturn?
Do they want to destroy the ozone layer and block out the sun?
Can they conquer nature and achieve bolshevism of the earth?
This would be worse then then anything you can imagine.
They want fountains of blood from the Talmud, and gene editing, cloning and growing the fetuse of goyim women in plastic artificial wombs for their child-sacrifice blood rituals.
They’re not physically strong or healthy, but they are incredibly intelligent when it comes to destruction. They think they’re gods and can play God and destroy the planet.
Maybe they’re an alien parasite that came to earth somehow from out of space, and how can something like this exist?
The Jews are a completely insane, genocidal, suicide death cult. I think they’ll destroy the planet. I’m not going to even worry about the future.
I can’t afford to move so I’m not going to bother about things, my health has been terrible and I don’t care. Honestly, if things go to hell and there’s a mass famine, I’m pretty sure there will be pain killers so I would just take myself out.
At least I got to live in the 1990s when there was a still a bit of humanity left. I have no hope for the future.
The jew has corrupted the world’s governments and things are too far gone. They only care about money, wealth, and economic growth.
They’re all stupid, greedy people and destroying the planet will destroy them. The jews are so insane and psychotic, I don’t think it’s possible to beat something like that.
Mexico has a new jewish female president that will be sworn in, too.
The only countries that don’t suck up to the jews are hardline muslim countries. At this point I don’t give a shit.
The planet is too far gone and nothing is taken seriously anymore.
Or we could be on the verge of a great awakening. 🙂
Yeah, so the crypto-jew Lyndon Johnson made that speech, saying openly “if we control the weather, then we can control the world.”
And he had J.F.K assassinated.
The politicians live so separated in a bubble from their people, and they only care about money and and how loyal to Israel they are.
There’s lots of people that know about this but they’re not in positions of power, so there’s nothing they can do.