ENGLISH Why we will win; scientist Robert Fischer: occultists selected death dates for the Kennedys

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1. Go to a second-hand store and buy a pair of men’s used size 14-16 work boots.

2. Place them on your front porch, along with a copy of Guns & Ammo Magazine.

3. Put four giant dog dishes next to the boots and magazines.

4. Leave a note on your door that reads:


Bertha, Duke, Slim, & I went for more ammo and beer. Be back in an hour.

Don’t mess with the pit bulls. They got the mailman this morning and

messed him up bad. I don’t think Killer took part, but it was hard to tell

from all the blood. Anyway, I locked all four of ’em in the house.

Better wait outside. Be right back.


=================why we will win

Below is something a comrade found for me on PrisonPlanet.com, a very profound message, well-reasoned and convincing — as far as it goes!

This writer does not have any strategic innovation whatsoever to offer, or a leader, but he has the right energy, values and attitude. Because of Alex Jones and others, including myself, at least the necessary ten percent of the white masses are now Jeffersonized and 1776-ized.

* * *

V for Victory: Pyramid Turned Upside Down

Prison Planet.com/ Saturday, January 22, 2011

‘V’ For Victory. You couldn’t have come up with a better symbol if you tried. You have subconsciously suggested, ironically, an upturned Illuminati, New world order pyramid symbol? You’ve created an anti-Illuminati logo!

The time is upon us, and the time is now. We need to stop debating with each other. Stop stalling ourselves. I know everyone is scared, but we all have to now shift our thinking over to fighting. It’s not about words any more. These people have hundreds of years head start on us. But we can ‘take’ them.

They are strong, but they are stupid. They are over-confident. They don’t have our capacity to understand love and unity, and are therefore limited in their scope of thinking. It’s taken us a handful of years to catch up with their centuries of planning — thanks to Alex Jones and a small handful of brave, brave men.

==========California (Richmond) HS white gang-rape victim girl settles for four million dollars


They decided not to make her go through the trial. As a white girl, she was a small minority in the school populated by mostly Hispanics, and an honor student, gang-raped by more than a dozen Hispanics at her prom last year. She is also a church-attending Christian, and her family forgave her rapists.

We can’t get rid of gang rape because of the open borders and third world mentality toward females, especially Western females, so the Establishment should pay through the nose, and keep paying through the nose until they get sick of being poor, and maybe they’ll do something to prevent the third world invasion, which would drastically cut the occurrence of rape in the US. Americans just have zero understanding of non-Westerners, thinking “they are just like us”, and they are not. Especially the lives of women and children are endangered by these people, because unlike Western men, they do not regard women with the same human respect of men. Thank God home schooling is on the rise.

Suing is going to have to be the way to save American citizens since money seems to be the only thing that talks. Sue the governments and institutions into submission.

* * *


Here’s some straight talk for you.

===================BETTERING OUR RACE

Some lady comrades were saying nice things on several Facebook pages about my photo album on FB.

(I guess they have not heard yet from Jackboot and New Jersey-chic Bjarni at the infiltrated Stormfront, nor from Erich Gliebe and Jim Ring at the moribund, post-Pierce National Alliance, who have never met me (Gliebe met me for a few minutes in 2007), yet spread defamation — for whose sake? — about my “orientation.” ;-))

Facebook comments:

  • [first, a male comrade] a good man

    March 2, 2010 at 1:19am ·
  • Indeed, Joe

    March 2, 2010 at 4:23am ·
  • John de Nugent Thanks. Well, from a race of good men!

    March 2, 2010 at 12:46pm ·
  • We need more John de Nugents’ in this world! One day we will clone more if need be! 😉 14/88

    July 26, 2010 at 9:46am ·
  • I strongly agree with you, Sherri. We need MORE John de Nugents in this world.

    Friday at 10:42pm ·
  • John de Nugent Vee efil Nazis vil soon bekinn mit ze Kloning! 😉

    19 hours ago ·
  • I sure hope VERY soon!!! 🙂

    19 hours ago ·

–[from EKA on another album page] A true HUNK. Thanks for everything John! K

May 19, 2010 at 9:23pm ·

–[from SS] I like these pix too!

July 6, 2010 at 11:54pm ·

I replied:

Thanks. And in all seriousness, a Japanese scientist at Harvard, Yasuhiko Terada, PhD…..

That is he in the middle, with Dr James Watson, Nobel-winning co-discoverer of the DNA double-helix shape, on the right. Yasuhiko plays a wicked bossa nova guitar….

…….. told me way back in 2000 that human genetic improvement was already possible, yes, already then. We can make our race magnificent if we do it for idealistic motives…not material ones. We can also take the violence genes out of blacks and psychopathic tendencies out of others, and even the loner and nerd gene out of whites! 😉


Humane betterment of mankind is possible right now, but only if WE get the power over this awesome technology, not the greedy, slave-seeking Illuminati enemy who would terribly misuse it. We can have a human race of handsome, healthy and happy people, and the Eternal Solutrean movement can bless ALL God’s children!


My office in the fortified basement, “the Bunker” is replete with bars, locks, cement barriers and Vietnam-tested combat “noisemakers.” It is full of 100% used cameras, lighting, and furniture (found on eBay, at garage sales and from Craigslist, an online give-away site). Then the furniture has been sanded, varnished and oiled to a shine by selfless volunteers. We are getting ready for filming the indoor part of the Presidential Video…

Our mottos are

Noble, not naive.

A cold head should guide a warm heart.

================for Germanophone readers of this English blog

All four of my videos auf deutsch on Pittsburgh, Germanism, race and reincarnation (the first two appeared Friday) are now available, with the help of 1) a local volunteer videoman and 2) Jason Salyers, my volunteer video editor:

Part 1:


Part 2:


Part 3:


Part 4:




A comrade wrote me:

I read online in Eustace Mullins’s book on the Federal Reserve that the first big meeting to plan the Federal Reserve was held in November of 1910. But the conspirators first got together in a private Pullman rail car in New Jersey on November 22nd of 1910 for their journey to Georgia.

You will note that JFK was assassinated on the 53rd anniversary of the bankers’ first planning meeting to create a privately owned Central Bank.

Paralleling this was the assassination of Martin Luther King, who was killed on the first anniversary of his anti-war speech at the Riverside Church in New York on April 4th, 1967.

Riverside Church…. ‘cuz it’s on the Hudson River….

It’s an imitation of Chartres Cathedral in France….

I have interpreted MLK’s murder as a message to us peons that we are not allowed to have a successful anti-war campaign.

* * *

I replied to this comrade:

* * *

All wars enrich Jews, strengthen central government, mislead American civilians into calling the president of the United States “the commander in chief” (whereas he is not the commander of the country at all, or of the government, but only the commander of the federal military, not of even the state militias, called now “National Guards”).

Wars fulfill the sentiment of the founder of the infamous black-magic Kabbalah, the second-century rabbi Simon Bar Yochai, “Tob shebbe goyim harog!”: “Even the best [“SHEBBE”] Gentiles should die [HAROG].”

As for dates, as you know, these nuts are obsessed with numerology; the Kennedy murder and the Federal Reserve “plotting date!”, both 11/22, do equal, in their deranged minds, “33”, the magic freemasonic number, because 11 + 22 = 33.

This map is just slightly misleading. The 33rd-Degree-Masonic Temple is DIRECTLY north of the White House, not off a bit to the right as depicted.

And 33 is their number of ruling the world….

..and of their main temple, due north of the White House: http://www.scottishrite.org/where/hq.htmt

This is an excellent website on the thoroughly occult, black-magic structures in Washington, D.C.:


In the fall of 2005, while working at American Free Press and The Barnes Review in Washington, D.C. , I met former Dupont research scientist Robert Fischer, a precise, logical man of German heritage from Missouri, the Show Me state. Well, Fischer showed me something mind-blowing: that every mass murder or major assassination where we rightly suspected Jewish involvement happened indeed at some sort of “death angle” to a Masonic temple, or on a death date, all selected by kabbalistic black magic, using the stars to create an ideal killing place or killing time — so as to successfully kill the victim(s) and/or pull off a false-flag attack, and also get away with it.

Whether one believes in occult forces and astrology or not, it is crystal-clear that THEY do.

And this all proves that one and the same group clearly was behind every major Kennedy killing, perhaps in revenge for “the old man,” that is, Joseph Kennedy Senior, the patriarch, being a stark antisemite……

The blond. blue-eyed founder of the dynasty became a ferocious antisemite during Prohibition after a Jewish gangster, Meyer Lansky, double-crossed him and killed some of his men

https://johndenugent.com/enationalist/irishmen-kennedys-and-englishmen (scroll down one-eigth)

…….or for John Kennedy blocking Israel’s access to nuclear weapons.

https://johndenugent.com/english/english-white-liberals-liberated-from-self-hate-are-often-excellent-white-nationists (scroll down a bit over halfway)

And so JFK had to die and be replaced by the crypto-Jew Lyndon Baines Johnson (Jewish via his Baines mother).


This evil creep dominated my formative teenage years (Nov. 1963-Jan. 69) 1) starting the Third world immigrant flood, 2) hiking taxes for a centralized federal welfare state, 3) spreading black power and forced integration across white America, 4) tolerating the spread of drugs, porn films and crime, and 5) running a Vietnam War designed only to enrich his Wall Street jew friends. Oh yes, and 6) Operation Cyanide….

(Btw, the icy Mormon Republican Mitt Romney worked for Bain Capital in Boston and made his millions there, founding among other things the office-supply store mega-chain Staples, which drove thousands of independent, non-Jew-controlled office-supply stores out of business.)

The Jews certainly are the bane of our planet — and this may be some sort of malicious pun on their part by a people known for inside jokes and messages which only other Jews (the only real humans — in their eyes) are meant to “get.”

From this 33rd-degree Masonic Temple’s own website: Located at 1733 Sixteenth Street, NW in the District of Columbia, this monumental building in the nation’s capital has been the national headquarters of the Supreme Council since 1915.

A direct line runs from the roof of this building, depicted above, across MD, DE, and NJ over the Statue of Liberty in NY harbor, then over the New York Federal Reserve building, then over a mysterious and completely non-functional “navigation beacon” (it is not plugged into any power source) in the East River off Queen, New York City, and this same line then runs over the roof of the Skull and Bones HQ on the campus of Yale. It then crosses the Atlantic and ends up in Jerusalem.

The same exact side angle, an apparent “death angle,” runs from the NY Fed to the World Trade Center, as the degree of the angle from the Alexandria, VA. masonic temple to the USS Maine memorial at Arlington Cemetery, indicating that all these mass murders of white Americans were related to Freemasonry. A death angle also leads, as the crow flies, in downtown Washington DC from the 33rd degreee Masonic Memorial directly to Ford’s Theater, where President Lincoln was murdered, and also to the exact site where President James Garfield, an enemy of Rothschild, was gunned down in 1881.

James Garfield at age 16, a blue-eyed, beloved, left-handed Aryan genius born in an Ohio log cabin in 1831, and later a brigadier general in the Union Army. who, says Wikipedia:

…..as President of the United States (for a mere 200 days)

One of the “best of the Gentiles” was gunned down on July 2, 1881 by yet another “lone gunman,” a psychopathic loser (who had ludicrously demanded that Garfield name him, with literally zero qualifications except a heartbeat, as US Consul to Paris) inside this train station, the Baltimore and Potomac Station on Sixth Street NW, Washington, D.C…..

...which building, in 1941, the 33rd-degree Mason Franklin Delano Roosevelt replaced by the National Gallery of Art (now called the “West Building” of that institution).

A former Dupont research scientist, Robert Fischer, proved all this to me using Google Earth.

A Freemasonic ritual, getting goyim to hate the anti-Jewish Jesus Christ of the New Testament and worship the vengeful tribal god Yahweh of the Old Testament. Christian bishop Marcion in the first century preached that the god of the Jews and the God of the Christians were two totally different deities, and that Yahweh was the hate-crazed, genocidal Satan himself.

Robert Fischer, the former Dupont research scientist, wrote me:

Former high FBI official-turned-whistleblower Ted Gunderson, his top assistant, Clarence Douglas Malcolm, and former Dupont research scientist Robert Fischer in 2006

John, I have attached five slide images with the technical information regarding the six Kennedy incidents (six murder attempts, four of them successful) and the impossible odds against them occurring by random chance.

The key point is that they all occurred within the same “sidereal hour” out of a 24-hour day. The sidereal time is the time that a given star passes directly along a north-south line (that is, “transits”) overhead, regardless of your position on Earth. Hence, whenever the star Vega transits your position, day or night at your location, it is 18:37 local sidereal time. (The clock on the wall and local sidereal time are only synchronized once a year at a given location due to Earth’s advancing annual orbit.)

For instance, when it was 12:30 pm in Dallas on November 22nd 1963, it was 16:06 sidereal time; however six months earlier, at the same 12:30 pm but on May 22nd 1963 in Dallas it was 04:01 sidereal time.

Sidereal time is used by astronomers, NASA and DOD as a convention of timekeeping for all space-based operations. The similar alignment of stars and constellations are secondary to, and a consequence of all being within the same sidereal hour. You can also see this data presented on YouTube at


[JdN: I note that this video uses an audiofile of Kennedy’s speech on secret societies. After listening carefully to its exact words, I simply do NOT agree with those scoffers who pretend that this speech is merely about the Soviets, the Red Chinese or communism. There is no way one can call communism a “secret society with secret oaths.” It is an openly proclaimed, publicly overt intention to conquer and enslave the world and then genocide each and every group of its opponents. The Communist Manifesto of 1848 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Communist_Manifesto) by the rabbi-offshoot Karl Marx was hardly a secret thing! “Proletarians of all countries, unite!” How do you secretly enlist the working class? No, you enlist agents, operative, “assets,” co-conspirators, allies and thousands of blackmailable, turn-able, flatterable, corruptible and bribable individuals.

That is whom “secret societies and secret oaths” are targeting. Communism is not a secret society!

No, this speech is only seemingly about communism, and in reality represents a message, issued between the lines, by President John Kennedy about the NWO-Illuminati-Jewish conspiracy which, shortly after this speech, did in fact kill him, the last genuine head of state we had, the last president who thought and acted independently of the Jewish agenda.

We have been under a FULL judeocracy since 11/22/63, which began to form under Woodrow Wilson in 1913 with the Federal Reserve; the IRS and federal income tax; direct election of US senators, which gutted states’ rights even further; then the obscenity of WWI, when America began interfering in, and domineering, the world).

It advanced much further under the psychopathic liar and part-Jew FDR in 1933, after the Fed had brought down the decent, intelligent and sincere President Herbert Hoover by engineering and prolonging the Great Depression, and CUTTING the money supply DURING an economic disaster!

(See my article on Hoover here: https://johndenugent.com/important-articles-and-threads, scrolling down one-quarter on the right to the link to the PDF.)

The Encyclopedia Britannica Annual which came out in January 1964, shortly after Kennedy’s murder had the creepiest comment about how the Kennedy death showed that ‘nationalism was outdated’.….an opinion with no apparent relevance to the assassination.

Can a tireless researcher find this exact quote and source ASAP for me????????]

Here are slides, John, illustrating my points:

John, if you want to relate the star pattern to the audience, the following may also be helpful.

[For all six Kennedy murders attempts] the Little Dipper is always to the north, and Scorpio is always to the south along a meridian line (an imaginary line running north to south) where you’re standing.

Little Dipper (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ursa_Minor)


Ursa Minor is colloquially known as the Little Dipper because its seven brightest stars seem to form the shape of a dipper (ladle or scoop). The star at the end of the dipper handle is Polaris, the North Star.

From another website (http://www.constellationseek.com/FindThePointerStars.html):

[At the top right is] a rather faint star that does not appear to move during the night. This star is Polaris, the North Star, and marks the end of the handle of the Little Dipper. The Little Dipper looks like a smaller pot pouring into the pot of the Big Dipper.


This line also cuts through the constellations Draconis (The Dragon), Serpentis (The Serpent) and Herculis (Hercules). All stars falling on that line are assigned a coordinate called a “Right Ascension”, which is expressed in hours:minutes:seconds, and is the same as the sidereal time where you are standing when it crosses the meridian.

Like the clock on the wall, this occurs only once a day. The relation of the stars to the incidents is open to a variety of subjective interpretations, but the timing is objective and irrefutable.

* * *

Thanks to a Pacific NW comrade for this:


One truth teller got murdered in prison, and there’s an assassination attempt – both stories related to the BP gulf oil leak


In Honor of Dr. Thomas B. Manton, a True Modern American Hero

Posted on January 21, 2011

<http://oilandgasleaks.wordpress.com/2011/01/21/in-honor-of-dr-thomas-b-manton-a-true-modern-american-hero/> by concernedcitizensofflorida <http://oilandgasleaks.wordpress.com/author/concernedcitizensofflorida/>

Tom was the former President/CEO of the International Oil Spill Control Corporation, which was one of the very first oil spill control companies in the world formed outside of the rubric of the Oil & Gas Industry. In this capacity he helped create many of the protocols and establish many of the standards that are still in use today throughout the realm of oil spill control. He became an increasingly vocal critic of the BP response to the Gulf Oil Spill, and wrote five searing articles in that regard. He was particularly distressed that the US Federal Government allowed BP to completely take charge of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill disaster area, as his experience taught him that the offending oil company should never be given command over the oil spill response.

Tom Manton was one of the founding members of the Gulf Oil Spill Remediation Conference in Tallahassee, FL. In this capacity he formed the very backbone of this International Citizens’ Initiative offering his wealth of experience, broad and deep knowledge base, and penetrating insights into the complexities of proper oil spill remediation. Tom also brought an invaluable international network of professionals and contacts, many of whom joined the cyber-conference after his spirited recruitment. He truly appreciated the enormity and seriousness of the BP Gulf Oil Spill very early on, and set about the process of educating the US Government, as well as the States of Florida and Louisiana, about the huge challenges that lie ahead.

*A BP Gulf Oil Spill HERO is railroaded through the Florida Criminal Justice System, then dies after being assaulted in the Florida State Prison System


Censored Gulf news: Oil mafia wacking, Gulf oil spewing

*Military-backed Big Oil sends thugs to kill Gulf Truth messengers*

After placing a national call to journalists to ensure the incident of tyranny is widely reportedly, Dr. Tom Termotto announced on /Rense Radio Network <http://www.renseradio.com/> Wednesday night that BK Lim is experiencing assassination attempts, the latest high-profile, innocent target on the run, trying to hide from contracted black operatives working with impunity.

Although the Gulf psychological operation

<http://www.examiner.com/human-rights-in-national/explosive-gulf-oil-special-report-psyop-global-impact-slide-show> aims for public belief that oil presently leaking oil from the Gulf of Mexico floor is natural, there is nothing natural about it according to Lim who has called on Congress for a BP Gulf Oil Spill inquiry.


* * *

“No greater love hath any than he who laith down his life for his friends.”

Please support me, because we are almost there, ready to start this movement and take back OUR country. And as a superpower, America can liberate the whole white world.



=========tomorrow…. Jason Salyers on the the unique and satanic people of whom Edgar Cayce said that they were literally “reincarnated criminals”…..(The original Wikipedia article on the famous seer Cayce has been purged of his strong racial and antisemitic views.)

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