ENGLISH Gun-controlled California 70 times more dangerous than least gun-controlled state, Utah; US Marine still held by Mexico for a wrong turn

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….California versus Utah


As Elliott Rodger’s Pharisee Hollywood father, on cue, blamed guns for his son’s rampage, gun control made people less safe. California, which has the strictest gun laws in the nation, has a gun-homicide rate that is 70 times higher than Utah’s — the state the Brady Campaign listed as having the least gun control in the nation. So people are actually much safer in Utah, where guns are more easily available!

Second, the shooter amply demonstrated one of his motives with his widely televised videotape and his 140-page manifesto: he wanted to get his 15 weeks of fame on MSNBC and CNN, who immediately responded with the type of crazed coverage that can only encourage more copycat shootings.

Third, we would note that this privileged kid had been prescribed drugs such as Risperidone — and we would be willing to bet that he was one of 1-in-5 boys (and 11% of all kids, 4-17) who, because of federal law, had been shuttled onto Ritalin or Adderall. All of this tends to reinforce the apparent link between certain prescription drugs and mass murder.

What are the practical ramifications?

It didn’t take any time at all for the Bloomberg vultures to descend upon the horrific tragedy to try to pick its bones for political gain and take guns from law-abiding Americans.

…..Fed shell game:

They bus arrested Mexican illegals from Texas — to Arizona http://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/2014/05/29/scores-undocumented-migrants-dropped-arizona/9707503/

 ….US Marine STILL held in Mexico because he made one wrong turn and admitted he had guns in his pickup truck

OUTRAGEOUS! Why is Obama tolerating this? If he is the Commander-in-Chief, then get this innocent American fighting man out of that America-hating country! Or rond up two million illegal Mexicans as hostages until the innocent Marine is let go!



 …..Islamic wedding — grown men and children

Hey, Mohammed did it himself.


…..Pharisee promises your secrets are safe with him

FOX News interviews founder of supposedly NSA-free search engine DuckDuckGo, Gabriel WEINBERG. http://video.foxnews.com/v/3582720073001/nsa-proof-search-engine-takes-on-google-/?playlist_id=929831913001#sp=show-clips

Hey, if you cannot trust a Pharisee with confidentiality about your web activities, interests and views, whom CAN you trust! ? 😉

…..Comrade writes claiming almost everything is a NWO hoax

A bright and sincere comrade and donor wrote me:

Media fakery is rampant… for example– nobody died on 9/11 and certainly no nukes were used. It was standard demolition. See www.septemberclues.info. I started following SeptemberClues.info a few years ago. There was no Mars Curiosity lander either– there is no space station– no shuttle ever went into space. And certainly there was no moon landing. How’s that for overboard?

NoDisinfo [on www.therebel.org — http://therebel.org/en/opinion/nodisinfo] points to the missing Malaysian plane too– there was no plane. There were no passengers. It’s all media fakery– and psyops. It looks like the JFK assassination was faked too. It didn’t occur to me until now that you’re not following media fakery as a component of the psywar going on . I’ve followed you for a few years now but didn’t put your angle together with my own following of the fakery. The school shootings are fake– they’re drills by DHS and others.. Boston Marathon bombing was faked. Nobody lost a leg. The derailment in Quebec a year ago that destroyed their downtown in LacMegantic was faked– I dug into that one pretty deep.

There are no satellites… if you’re wondering what’s overboard. There are certainly no “geosynchronous” satellites. All electronic communications are ground based and always have been– with recent aerial non-space based connections. There are no nuclear power plants and there are no nuclear bombs either. If you’re thinking I’m overboard, I would like you to clear a little time for www.biglies.org– and their theory of dumploads. Nuclear power plants are dumploads. The power is routed TO the dumpload– those plants are not producing power but disappating overnight loads to keep generators running. Like the song Paper Moon said– it’s a Barnum and Bailey World– I’ve dug into all of it and all of it is fake.

Respectfully and truthfully (with sound reasoning)– and as a fan of your site,


I replied:

Well, yes, there are many, many hoaxes, and I took the lead in exposing both Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon bombing.

On Sandy Hook, see my blogs:

Batman movie hinted at Aurora and Sandy Hook massacres; obvious solution — arm all school teachers — arm all women too!

by John de Nugent on December 18, 2012[edit]

On the Boston bombing, see my blogs:

But the danger of “overboard” is that if any “hoax” is proven to be true after all, the hoaxbuster stands there discredited. The enemy plants false debunkings too, so that true hoaxbusting loses cred.

Our town of Apollo has a very real cancer epidemic and it is because of the NUMEC plant in this town.This is an aerial shot of this town of 1,600, and the empty, grassy area right along the river upper-left — to the left of the words “N. Warren Ave.” — is where the NUMEC plant stood. “NUMEC” stands for Nuclear Materials and Equipment Company. apollo-pa-satellite-view-streets

See my information on NUMEC here:  www.johndenugent.com/racist-israel-seeks-to-genocide-whites-in-a-global-holocaust

The neighbor lady next to us lost all three of her sisters to cancer, and we have 19-year-olds in this town with testicular cancer and 24-year-old mothers of two with thyroid cancer. That is not a hoax. The cemetery is full of dead cancer victims here.

Poke Run Cemetery in Apollo




Our rate is 20% above the regional average and yet we have almost no industry, just rural areas, cows, deer, groundhogs (see photo) bears and farms.

Out the back window I spied this little fellow.


On the edge of the property we rented…..


Mr. Field Mouse found a seed to munch on on the porch.


On the bike trail in winter


In this rural Shangri-La, why do we have a cancer epidemic?

Because this guy, Zalman Shapiro, and his true boss, Vice President Lyndon Johnson, who later had his boss, John Kennedy killed, were making and smuggling atomic-bomb material to IsraHELL


lbj- jfk- death-stare

And I am going to tell the world about this,



1 Comment

  1. Gun control here in California and the hypocrisy of the liberal model is unbelievable. Liberals are usually very individualist, this is why they are for giving minorities the vote and not judging anyone based on the actions of others. At the same time, they use fake or MK-ULTRA’d mass shootings by whites to justify taking guns away for everyone. It’s quite insidious as they usually argue against ‘assault weapons’, and then make a slippery slope to handguns, saying that you can defend yourself at your home with a rifle. They perhaps forgot that usually a crime is not going to just be a home burglary.

    This is done at the same time as feminists are scared about fake statistics of evil men raping women on campus. If this ‘evil white male’ myth were true, it would be a reason to PROMOTE guns for college-goers, not restrict them. At california universities even knives are prohibited! Absurd!

    The fact is that guns reduce the potential of male (usually nonwhite) rape of women, as guns allow an equal playing field for biologically weaker women. What a step for equality, the liberals should say.

    What this all boils down to though is that these laws in California have certainly been an indirect cause of many successful shootings or rapes. But statistics will never ever solve this. An average deadened zombie-men of today dulled mentally by vaccines, constant cell phone use (and, by the way, I have actually FELT this when I occasionally need to use my cellphone and simply know it to be utter factual and really harming; you can sense the damage done), the chemtrails, porn, and just being totally dead inside and in constant mental-torture at the back of their mind thinking about their imminent nonexistence and the utter terror and nihilism that thought causes, even when buried under hedonism. Stats never work.

    What may work is fast, short, and emotion-causing compilations of true testimonials in a way that you can directly hear and see the results of the vaccines and know firsthand quickly from say a short video detailing different kids, maybe before/after of them going autistic so the viewer simply knows they were not that way before at all.

    Here’s a really good singular autism example i just found upon trying to look one of those kinds of emotion-hitting videos:

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