ENGLISH The sad dogs of Perbal in 1945; Holocaust “survivors” reveal the truth; extremely brave white women

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May it never come to this, though they would have it coming to them.


……Jewnited Kingdom deal with Carlos Porter?


carlos-w-porterMy African-American friend James Rawls wrote the British authorities, asking why Carlos W. Porter (photo left) is getting a special deal under British law. His recent attack on ME contains four uses of the n—– word (Porter hates all Blacks; just read his site) and he adds the epithet “coon” as well — but legally, that is considered “hate speech” under British law going back to the Race Relations Act of 1972. And many Brits have gone to prison for far less. So why is Porter not being arrested? Is he doing his Jewnited Kingdom masters’ bidding by defaming ME? Just asking a question 😉 https://johndenugent.com/images/carlos-porter-blog-vs-john-de-nugent-june-24-2014.jpg

See also: https://johndenugent.com/accusations-against-jdn/the-troll-carlos-porter-attacks-with-demonstrable-lies-to-stay-out-of-jail


  • Charles Krafft Carlos Whitlock Porter is a stateless person who lives in Belgium. Where did you get the idea he’s English, or that he lives there?! He declined to me with me in Antwerp a few years ago when I was passing through Belgium. http://www.cwporter.com/carlos.htm


  • Armyof Mankind This person is a tool of the Jews. The Jews enjoy having people doing their dirty work for them. They have their puppets throughout all colors and nationalities ,so they can say what they want as long as they don’t say anything about Jews and Israel. So, they can get away with it. The laws in Europe is for benefit of Jewish free speech ,not for Non-Jews. Only if you a Jew puppet ,then it will benefit you.
  • John D. Nugent To Charles Krafft: I never “got the idea he’s English” at all. Where did you get the idea that I DID? I followed his career, mostly with admiration, even back in the 1970s, when he was living in Luxemburg. Carlos definitely lives in England; I “got this idea” from him sending me several donations four years ago from his home address in England with his return address on it, with a big blue stamp of the Queen on it and the letters “Royal Mail.” 😉 Besides, even if Porter DID live in Belgium, writing n—r, n—r, n—r is illegal in Belgium too. I know because I know personally the two top leaders of the Vlaams Belang party in Belgium.
  • John D. Nugent I was quasi-friends with Porter until he turned on me, as he has turned on others. He has a pathological hatred of all Blacks and he enjoys trolling, which is another form of hate for the sake of hate.
  • John D. Nugent His attacks on me are full of unretracted and egregious lies.
  • John D. Nugent I noticed when in France with revisionist Vincent Reynouard that many revisonists find him extremely trollish and are afarid to “get on his bad side.”
  • John D. Nugent Margi and I collaborated with Porter on a superb series on the Gestapo for The Barnes Review magazine. It was Porter’s translation (in places slapdash) of a great Vincent Reynouard series. Margi and I abridged this long, 100-page series, and during all this time had no friction or troubles with Porter at all until he attacked me with vicious character accusations.
  • John D. Nugent And that is suspicious in itself.
  • John D. Nugent As if he got his orders.


(translated from the German by Margaret; see more on her below)

Perbál (says Wikipedia) is a village in Pest county, Budapest metropolitan area, Hungary. It has a population of 2,233 (2007). This poem is about the terrorized ethnic Germans who were forced from their village — 80% of them — in 1946 as the Bolshevik-led Russian forces took over Hungary and communized it — and all that they loved, heart-rendingly, they had to leave behind.
The Germans were invited centuries ago (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_German_settlement_in_Central_and_Eastern_Europe) by various monarchs into many parts of eastern Europe and Russia because of their intelligence, honesty, skills, talent and hard work.

The Teutonic Knight castle “Marienburg” in East Prussia, the largest brick castle in the world, built in 1300 in the typical German combination of beauty and yet sturdy, robust construction.

They rebuilt — by the sweat of their brow and the gifts of their brain (Germans score the highest IQ in Europe!) — many areas of the Balkans that the savage Muslim Turks had totally devastated and had become literally empty of all human life.

A map of Austria-Hungary in 1910. All the red areas were settled by Germans, who in the east brought prosperity, order, honesty and culture to often very undeveloped areas.

But hated by the Soviet psychopaths, the ethnic Germans of Hungary and of many other parts of Eastern Europe, fearing correctly rape,torture, murder and death…..

German civilians found murdered after the Soviets invaded Methgen, East Prussia, in February 1945


…..had to flee, abandoning the fruit of centuries of hard, honest, smart work: homes, farms, businesses, and …yes, their beloved family pets too. 🙁 Other Germans were expelled months or years after the war had ended, like the Perbál Germans….losing all their material goods, though at least not their lives. They were “lucky” in that they were not murdered.)

Budapest at night…..capital of Hungary. Hungary was allied with Germany in the war and fought ferociously and bravely against the Bolsheviks in WWII and also in the “Hungarian Uprising” against communism of 1956, 12 years later. The US government under Eisenhower encouraged them to revolt — and then did absolutely NOTHING to aid them.

This poem is based on an eyewitness report by J.Payer, now of Marburg, Germany , aged 75, and eager to be contacted by other Perbál Germans.

Gerd Honsik is one of the leading WN authors in Europe (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerd_Honsik), and had to flee his beautiful Austrian homeland in 1994 for Spain. But the Jews took over Spain as well, and in 2007 he was arrested down in Màlaga in the south, and shipped back to Austria to spend four years (2007-2011) in prison.


by Gerd Honsik

(English translation by Margaret)

As we turned our backs on our village,

No one waved goodbye,

Only our dogs followed in our tracks

And strangers already entered our gardens,

As we came, with bag and baggage, away, on foot.


Perbal, farewell! A German village must go;

But some looked back again!

Perbál’s once German church

The church tower, Mother, I can still see it!”

“Be quiet, my child, you must go on now:

It won’t hurt — if you trust in God!”


Hand luggage only! House and yard left behind!

Say to those who later ask,

What was it like in Hungary?” – “No rifle-butts,

No murder — luckily! We were only driven

To Piliszaba, before daylight.”


In the exodus of eighteen million

Perbal was just a tiny episode

“For the German people’s industry, their plowing, sowing, toiling —

– for centuries! – Is this how you reward us,

As beggars – and strangers – to send us back? ”


Then, at the train station, roughly

They drove away the pack of Perbal’s dogs,

Who all, all had followed us.

The cattle cars had already arrived

To collect us for the final trek.


“Move back! Squeeze in closer! The engine’s starting!”

Through the planks I heard strange, rough voices;

Outside, the dogs were encamped around the rails,

Our old Juju among them.

Meanwhile we — children, mothers — inside on straw.


A hissing and snarling: the train has started up!

In the dogs’ giant chorus the sorrow swells.

The pain of the faithful creatures penetrates us

In the windowless darkness: We’re moving!

Their farewell stretches out to eternity.


The boiler whistled, the wheels were turning now:

The giant pack followed the train of sorrow

As far as dogs’ paws could reach.

Till even the fastest animals’ strength waned,

Their last cries carried away by the Puszta wind.


We left quietly the house where we were born,

Almost without pain, resigned ourselves to it;

But since that time the wailing plagues our ears,

Of Perbal’s dogs we left behind that day

Abandoned and alone.



The original poem in German:

Die Hunde von Perbal

von Gerd Honsik

Als wir dereinst dem Dorf den Rücken kehrten,

da winkte keiner einen Abschiedsgruß,
nur unsre Hunde folgten unsren Fährten
und Fremde traten schon in unsre Gärten,
und wir mit Sack und Pack dahin, zu Fuß.

Perbal ade! Ein deutsches Dorf muß gehen,
und mancher hat sich nochmals umgeschaut!
“Den Kirchturm, Mutter, kann ich hier noch sehen!”
“Sei still mein Kind, du mußt jetzt weiter gehen:
es tut nicht weh, wenn man auf Gott vertraut!”

Nur Handgepäck! Haus, Hof zurückgeblieben!
Sagt es der Nachwelt, wenn sie später fragt:
“Wie war’s in Ungarn?” “Nichts von Kolbenhieben
und Mord! Zum Glück! Wir wurden nur getrieben
bis Piliszaba, ehe es getagt!”

Im Exodus der achtzehn Millionen
war Perbal nur ein winziges Geschick.
“Des Deutschen Fleiß, sein Pflügen, Säen, Fronen,
– jahrhundertlang – so wollt ihr es uns lohnen,
als Bettler sollen wir – und fremd – zurück?”

Und dann am Bahnhof scheuchte man die Scharen
von Perbals Hunden rauh von uns hinweg,
die alle, alle mitgekommen waren.
Die Viehwaggons waren schon vorgefahren
uns aufzunehmen für den letzten Treck.

“Schließt auf! Rückt nach! Schon dampfen die Maschinen!”
Ich hört’ durch Planken Stimmen fremd und roh,
und draußen lagern Hunde um die Schienen,
die alte Juju mitten unter ihnen,
indes wir, Kinder, Mütter, drin auf Stroh.

Es zischt und faucht: Schon kam die Lok auf Touren!
Im Riesenchor der Hunde schwoll das Leid.
Es dringt der Schmerz der treuen Kreaturen
in fensterlose Finsternis: Wir fuhren!
Ihr Lebewohl reicht bis zur Ewigkeit.

Der Kessel pfiff, schon drehten sich die Speichen:
die Riesenmeute folgt’ dem Elendszug
gerad’ so weit, wie Hundepfoten reichen,
bis auch der schnellsten Tiere Kräfte weichen,
den letzten Laut der Pusztawind vertrug.

Wir ließen still das Haus, wo wir geboren,
fast ohne Schmerz und fügten uns darein,
doch quält seitdem die Klage unsre Ohren
von Perbals Hunden, die wir einst verloren
und herrenlos gelassen und allein.


…..Can you donate?

“Words without deeds are empty.” Someone wrote: “May God bless you and your family and all your endeavors.” I replied: Thanks for the nice words. But things are not well; I need money desperately. We were evicted over our views, have no money or food and are virtually homeless ever since I announced a black-white alliance and then hell broke loose. And the comrades wish me well! Mail being blatan See More

John de Nugent
POB 43
Apollo PA 15613

(724) 596-4268


For PayPal, please write me.



Thanks go out recently to these comrades:
–$20 from K. in Massachusetts via Western Union

–$10 cash from Richard, a truck driver in Minneapolis

–$50 from D. in Phoenix, Arizona via Greendot MoneyPak


–June 3, 2014 $91.55 from F. in Germany via Western Union and

–May 31, 2014 $200 from W. in Germany via Western Union …

Donations log: https://johndenugent.com/donations-log

What is it that Germans especially understand, when they donate to me, about the misery of having NO FREE SPEECH OR GUNS that Americans still do not get? ;-)


….Paid work I do in writing, videos, and translations

Thank you, British comrade, for sending on June 5, 2014 $157.23 via Western Union from the Isle of Wight, England for paid writing work. Despite the defamations of paid FBI and Pharisee agents, I work continuously every month for regular pay, such as writing (for pay for the Barnes Review, a bimonthly historical-revisionism magazine — www.barnesreview.org) and I do videos on favorite topics that various good people come to me with (such as this mammoth project on Mary Phagan: https://johndenugent.com/glory-to-mary-phagan-and-the-white-men-who-avenged-her-2 — This was of course a very worthy topic in itself, BUT I worked very hard on it — and, by arrangement, I was PAID for it).

I also do translations from German and French into English and vice versa.
For my many PAID “Barnes Review” magazine articles see:




…..Holohoax survivors blurt out the truth (OOPS!)

If you watch the video below, you will be astounded what these whining liars admit in terms of humane treatment of Jewish prisoners by the Germans!

These Jews being interviewed were part of the tiny percentage who actually blurted out truth from among the 50,000 Jews and supposed Holocaust “survivors” who were interviewed by Hollywood producer Steven Spielberg’s Shoah foundation. The vast majority told pity-party, defamatory lies to vilify the Germans who obviously had NOT exterminated them (!!!) — and, as Norman Finkelstein’s book The Holocaust Industry proves, to keep the guilt-money payments flowing from naive America and brainwashed postwar Germany to Israel as well as to their own pockets. Finkelstein, a Jew himself, also proves that many of these Holocaust stories are absurd inventions that contradict other things the same “witnesses” said and also what other “survivors” claimed.

Postwar Germany has paid out $100 billion to Jews around the world, and the US has given Israhell over $100 billion. $200 billion for a Jewish people of about 20 million = $10,000 per Jew.

It is very important to not just prove to our listeners that there were NO homicidal gas chambers in Auschwitz, Dachau, etc., but also prove what WAS there….. Fill in the mental vacuum!
The German concentration camps were gigantic labor camps. For many Jews, it was the very first time in their entire lives that they had to work with their hands like other Europeans, and all criminal activities were of course forbidden them: child trafficking, organ trafficking, sex trafficking, drugs, guns, bank scandals, stock swindles, and organized crime gangs (murder, burglary, extortion, etc.).
Auschwitz, for example, was a medium CITY of 100,000 with farms, a huge artificial-rubber (“Buna”) factory and a major refinery for turning coal into gasoline, all USEFUL things for the war effort. (And seen coldly, mass extermination would be nearly pointless, and in fact even use up incredible amounts of fuel that Germany needed to burn millions of bodies. It takes well over an hour at high temperatures to burn ONE adult male body even in a modern, computer-run crematorium! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cremation Even the grinding of the bones to ash takes 20 more minutes!)
The box containing the body is placed in the retort and incinerated at a temperature of 760 to 1150 °C (1400 to 2100 °F). During the cremation process, the greater portion of the body (especially the organs and other soft tissues) is vaporized and oxidized by the intense heat; gases released are discharged through the exhaust system. The process usually takes 90 minutes to two hours, with larger bodies taking longer time
The Germans lost the war largely due to a shortage of fuel. Think especially of the Battle of the Bulge of December 1944, where German tanks were smashing through the Allies to the Atlantic — until they literally ran out of gas. The new German jets, the Messerschmidt 262s, had to be towed by oxen onto the runway — that is how short Germany was of fuel. But we are to believe that a man like Hitler — who was obsessed with victory, and believed in and worked for victory, and subscribed to the necessity of der Endsieg (“ultimate victory”) — would use Germany’s fuel up to burn millions of Jewish bodies? Why not just ship them further to the East and shoot and bury them there? It is all absurd.
Photo of a modern cremation, from the Wikipedia article. Two hours of this use up immense quantities of fuel. The Germans did use cremation at Auschwitz, because the ground water in the soil in that part of Poland was very high and burial was thus out of the question. (My own father, a WWII and Korean Marine vet, died and was cremated in July, and I have some of his ashes to remember and honor him.)
I personally knew the great Thies Christophersen, a botanist working with “Buna” (artificial rubber for truck tires, made from a plant that flourished in Ukraine) at the SS labor camp at Auschwitz. Conditions there were so normal (for a prison camp) that he invited his wife and mother-in-law to visit him, in this supposed “DEATH CAMP”!
Would YOU invite your spouse and relatives to a camp where the stench of death was everywhere, and flames from burning pits of bodies were shooting high, as Elie the Weasel claimed in his book Night?
Christophersen was no National Socialist either during the war, and in fact, at a very tense time when the war was going badly, got three days in jail for telling jokes ridiculing Hitler and Goebbels!
(Similarly, it was French communist Paul Rassinier, who was in several German concentration camps, who first exposed the Holocaust lie, saying that while he was certainly no friend of the Germans, and in fact was in the French Resistance – the reason why the Gestapo ARRESTED him! — they did NOT mass-murder ANYONE! After the war, Rassinier became so disgusted with Jewish lies that he became a strong supporter of white survival in the face of the Jewish agenda.)
The camps themselves contained as many decent living features as the SS, in wartime (that is, while the Germans themselves “went without”) could afford to give the enemy prisoners.
At the very end of the war, of course, food and medicine collapsed for the Germans themselves, due to merciless and illegal Allied terror bombing of German cities and even farm villages. A minority of Jewish and other enemy prisoners in the camps, having even less food and medicine, and living under crowded conditions (just like the Confederate prisoners during the “Civil War” who were held in certain “Yankee” camps up north, or the Northern prisoners held by Confederates at Andersonville, Georgia) died because their immune systems were weakened, and various diseases carried them off, such as typhoid, which killed Anne Frank.

As for Anne Frank:

1) The Diary of Anne Frank is riddled with absurd and inconsistent claims: http://www.erichufschmid.net/HoloHoax/Anne-Frank-Faurisson.html One was that the Franks were so petrified the Germans would hear them they guzzled codeine so they would not cough… yet other passages have them running vacuum cleaners (think of the noise) in the house and doing carpentry in the house with saws and hammers! (ditto!)
2) The “diary” was FORGED in 1950 — using a ballpoint pen — by her money-hungry father Otto years after she died; but there were no ballpoint pens in use in Europe in 1944, just fountain pens, when Frank supposedly wrote her “diary” with a ballpoint pen! The October 9, 1980 edition of the New York Post (reproduced in the back of Robert Faurisson’s booklet), shows that technicians at the German Federal Criminal Investigation Bureau determined that portions of Anne Frank’s fourth notebook had been written in ballpoint pen, and ballpoint pens did not become commercially available in Europe until 1951.
3) The father, Otto Frank, who became rich off the fake tear-jerker diary, also stole dialogue from another Jew named Meyer Levin and implanted it in the same “diary,” so Levin turns around and successfully sues the plagiarizer Frank! http://www.ihr.org/books/hoggan/A2.html)

Nuremberg in 1945. Over one million German civilians were murdered by deliberately targeting neighborhoods — not factories, rail lines and train stations that had war uses.

This hideous Jew, “Sir Charles Portal,” ran the British RAF bombing campaign, and coordinated it with the American bombers as well: Brits bombed by day and Americans by night. In the end, Germany was starving and so were enemy prisoners. In August of 1945, four months AFTER the German surrender, 50% of German babies in Berlin DIED OF MALNUTRITION.



Michael Flatley and his amazing Irish dancers….nearly two hours… you can watch it or leave it playing as you do other things….sublime. This is truly Aryan music and SKILL




The TSA. discloses its Airport Screening Results

October 2012 Statistics On
Airport Screening >From The Department Of Homeland Security:
Terrorists Discovered
Hemorrhoid Cases
Enlarged Prostates
Breast Implants
Natural Blondes
The TSA scanner machines also revealed that all 535 members of Congress had no balls.
The valuable Holocaust-truth video you saw at the top of this blog was furnished to me by Margaret. She and I were a couple for six years, 2005-2011, then in 2011 broke up, yet on a somewhat friendly basis — “with the door still open” at least to work together for our Cause of white civil rights, historical truth and exposing the Zionists, who are the REAL “Nazis” (the Germans in reality never were cruel, enslaving, world-conquering “Nazis” at all!) who are seeking to enslave our world and end all freedom.
December 2012 photo from Apollo, Pennsylvania
Margi went over to Europe recently and it helped that both as an opera singer (with a master’s degree in vocal performance from Catholic University in Wash., DC) and as a long-time translator for The Barnes Review magazine in Washington DC, she works in four languages besides English, and she and I also have many mutual friends who are comrades over there.

(I have been in the Cause of protecting the world from toxic zionism for 34 years now — https://johndenugent.com/about-john/wn-biography-of-jdn — and Margaret for nine. Her epiphany about the Jewish oppression of an unsuspecting mankind began in 2002 when the Israelis under Ariel Sharon were crushing the Palestinian village of Jenin. Soon after, they also killed the beautiful young American woman protesting these village destructions with a bulldozer, the famous Rachel Corrie.

Rachel Corrie, even as a schoolchild, dreamed of justice for the world, and became a striking heroine as a young lady.
Corrie, braver than most men these days, who more and more deserve to be called cowards, stood with a bullhorn, clothed in a bright orange fireman’s jacket, and demanded the bulldozer driver, an Israeli soldier, NOT destroy the home of a Palestinian doctor and his family.
The Israeli soldier deliberately crushed her to death with two passes with his gigantic US-made bulldozer blade. A high Israeli court, after 10 years, recently “exonerated” the homicidal bully, claiming he did not see her!

See my video, part 5 of the Launch Video — found at http://www.johndenugent.org/site/index.html — which deals with the Rachel Corrie story here.

Margaret stayed very busy for the Cause while briefly over in Europe, especially in Spain, I helped her also with various things, including providing translation work German-English, and now she has returned to help me and the Solutrean Agency here in Apollo, Pennsylvania!
This was a YouTube, hacked by Jews in 2011, and now needing restoration, of her October 2007 speech defending Hitler against his Jewish defamers, and featuring a touching poem which the WWI soldier, who won two Iron Crosses in combat, composed about two enemy warriors, one German, the other French, who compassionately agreed to rescue together a wounded soldier they had heard groaning in artiuclately, not knowing his nationality, way out somewhere in “No Man’s Land.”

In Europe Margi continued translating for TBR (The Barnes Review) the works of Spanish historian Joaquin Bochaca. She has already done 21 translations of Bochaca from Spanish for that magazine (http://www.barnesreview.org), considered the finest WN historical magazine on earth. (Bochaca’s book “The Myth of the Six Million” — El Mito de los Seis Millones — was the number-four selling book in Spain in June 1979!)

A recent booklet renders homage to Joaquin Bochaca, who has written many published books, all in an amazingly powerful, interesting style. He also leads an organization, Devenir Europeo, “European Development.”


“Joaquin Bochaca, an idealist and fighter, [here is] a catalog of books, texts and documents from his work…” (Here his first name is spelled with a Catalan -m at the end, not a Spanish -n, since Bochaca also is a Catalan and speaks that language. Bochaca also supports the movement for Catalan independence, a cause which is close to getting a referendum on the question. Catalans descend partly from the Germanic Goths, and Catalunya means “Gothland.” Catalans are considered the most industrious, honest and prosperous of all Spaniards.)

The text says:

“[in Spanish] Saturday, March 17, 2012, at a speech given by comrade Joaquim Bochaca, all the many writings were shown in this catalog to render homage to this important and valiant figure in National Socialism. Thank you for permitting us to fight at your side.


At a recent Madrid, Spain conference Margaret also sang three Spanish songs by the composers Obrador and Enrique Granados and brought the house down with her rendition of “Lili Marleen,” the famous WWII German love-lorn-soldier song.

A famous front-page photo when Varela was arrested by a deliberately FEMALE “SWAT” team (“let us humiliate the white male”) as a mere book publisher….. Varela recently was deprived in prison of his freedom from December 2010 to March 2012 — fifteen months!

WN leader and publisher Pedro Varela, who speaks fluent German as well as naturalmente Spanish, wrote me afterward:

Liebe Margaret, lieber John:

Es war uns eine Freude so einen netten Gast bei uns zu haben. Sie hat das Herz von jedermann gewonnen, mit Recht!

Fröhe Weihnachten wünsche ich Euch beide und viel Erfolg im Kampf zum neuen Jahr!



Dear Margaret, dear John:

It was our pleasure to have such a nice guest with us. She won the heart of everyone, and rightly!

Merry Christmas, and I wish you both much success in the struggle in the new year!


A poster in Chile, South America announcing a protest demonstration at the Spanish embassy for the liberation of Pedro Varela.

Margaret in the 1990s had a lucrative nutrition-counseling business for people with chronic illnesses, and an apartment across from the luxury Washington Hilton hotel.

(This is a ritzy neighborhood where Ronald Reagan was shot outside said Hilton in 1981. Speculation: Was shooter John Hinckley an MK-ULTRA controlled by GHW Bush, then a recent former CIA director?? — Hinckley’s parents were close friends with Skull & Bonesman Bush I and had luncheon with him just days before the assassination attempt — which would have made Vice President GHW Bush instantly into “The President”….!)

Then Margaret’s nutrition-counseling business advanced so much that she acquired a condo across from Meridian Park in Washington, based on the Tivoli Gardens of Denmark. Later she courageously fought the abuses of Scientology and demonstrated against it right in front of their intimidating Clearwater, Florida headquarters, and, unsurprisingly, certain Scientologists began spreading smears online that she was a nut, and defaming her as the neighborhood whore….. Defamation being the cheapest way to hurt someone.


Here was Margaret’s article on Joan of Arc (also called a whore by the British leaders, as well as a witch…. ) for The Barnes Review of January-February 2008:





Joan of Arc


It is still erroneously believed that Joan of Arc was tried and convicted by the Inquisition with the blessing of the Catholic Church, even though the main judge, Pierre Cauchon, was not a member of the Inquisition, and the only representative of the Inquisition to preside at the trial (Vice Inquisitor Jean LeMaistre) was induced to attend after being threatened by the English. LeMaistre seems to have felt that the trial was illegal from the beginning, a position with which his fellow Inquisitor Jean Brehal agreed when the case was appealed and came up for a retrial about 20 years after her death (from 1450-1456), leading the Church to overturn the original conviction.

TBR • P. O . B O X 1 5 8 7 7 • W A S H I N G T O N , D . C . 2 0 0 0 3

[Subscriptions $47 per year: http://www.barnesreview.org/subscriptions-to-emthe-barnes-reviewem-p-437.html?cPath=24]

The French have never quite forgiven the Anglo-Saxons, deep down, for defeating Napoleon, who in their eyes was creating a United Europe, with Paris, the “City of Lights,” as its capital. Nor have they forgiven the British for, according to hair samples, slowly and secretly killing Napoleon, their prisoner on St. Helena, with arsenic.

It’s commonly believed that Joan of Arc “violated the norms” of her society by being given titular command of an army and wearing “male” armor, even though there were actually a number of women who led armies and/or wore armor during that era, including Countess Jeanne de Penthëvre, Marcia Ordelaffi, Jeanne de Belleville, Lady de Chatillon, Countess Jeanne de Montfort and Matilde of Tuscany. Such women were fulfilling their societal roles under the laws of feudalism, not “breaking the rules.”

But by far the sorest “sore point” between the francosphere and the anglosphere was burning Joan of Arc alive at the stake in 1431 on absurd charges of heresy. The English, who at the time occupied much of France, alleged that no woman but a witch would wear men’s armor. In truth, they simply wanted this young woman dead because she was a threat to their control of French territory.
The charismatic, fervent 19-year-old girl (b. 1412), told by Saint Margaret of Antioch, Saint Catherine of Alexandria and the Archangel Michael in visions to give courage to the French king and save France, had entirely changed the atmosphere of the Hundred Years War, both on the battlefield and in all the villages of France.

She may have been a very skilled tactician, according to testimony by officers at a second trial held 20 years after her execution at the stake, and she was definitely a castle stormer. She was also a literal standard bearer, charging with the battle flag into the enemy’s ranks. She once pulled an English arrow from her shoulder and continued fighting, which electrified her army. Later she was grazed on the helmet by an English stone cannonball. She took a France on the ropes, with a weak king, and turned the military tide in favor of France. There is likely a France today because of Joan of Arc.

England took 800 years to let Ireland go, once conquered, and still controls Wales and Scotland. England is tenacious and fierce, once it becomes an enemy. (Former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, asked once if England was still an important power in our time, said: “England is an old lion that still has claws.”)

Joan accepts — as a 19-year-old, illiterate peasant girl — a military mission from her angels, as played by Leelee Sobieski

Many great talents have depicted the Maid of Orleans— Shakespeare, Voltaire, Schiller, Verdi, Tchaikovsky, Mark Twain and Brecht—and two recent Hollywood movies (among many) have done her some justice. The finest, most balanced and accurate portrait of her, without propaganda, was by the great English dramatist and Nobel Prize winner, George Bernard Shaw, in his play “St. Joan.”

Below is a stirring video scene with music added from the 1999 movie “Joan of Arc” (co-starring Jaqueline Bisset, Shirley Maclaine, Maximilian Schell, Neil Patrick Harris and Peter O’Toole, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0178145. We see Joan at the fiery French siege of the British-held city of Orléans. At 2:14 Joan (as really did happen) takes an English arrow through the shoulder. The actual military commander at the Siege of Orléans — Joan actually fought in the front ranks and served as a charismatic inspiration — was a direct ancestor of the Marquis de Lafayette who later was instrumental as both a war commander on the American side in the American War of Independence and as a negotiator with his king, Louis XVI, who committed to an alliance with the fledging American republic against the Britishg Empire with troops, cash and ships. (https://johndenugent.com/english/the-american-revolution-very-iffy-for-seven-years-until-sudden-victory-with-foreign-help; scroll down almst halfway to “A REVOLUTION “AT THE END OF ITS TETHER” FINALLY SUCCEEDS.”)

George Bernard Shaw considered Joan a religious proto-Protestant because she insisted in 1430, many decades before Martin Luther, that her personal visions of God’s will gave her the right to take up arms, whatever the Catholic hierarchy thought about them or her. (As a result of this mindset, though immensely popular in France, she was not made a Catholic saint until 1920.) This fundamental and revolutionary attitude seemed like anarchy, megalomania and cultism to French Bishop Cauchon, a sincere man who, as the detailed witchcraft trial transcripts from 1431 show, only very reluctantly acquiesced in what the English were going to do anyway, whatever the witchcraft verdict: kill her, just as they killed the charismatic William “Braveheart” Wallace of Scotland.

The German Bundeskriminalamt (Federal Criminal Police) determined that Joan probably had auburn hair and blue eyes, based on descriptions of her and other forensic methods. she was from Lorraine (in German “Lothringen,” a heavily German area at that time, part-French and part-German-speaking, which only centuries later became part of France. The famous Habsburg dynasty was actually “Habsburg-Lorraine.”
In fact, in her trial, Cauchon gave her numerous opportunities to say that the Church should decide about the visions of illiterate farm girls, urging her just to say the right words of acknowledgment of Church authority. (After Cauchon died and the English had quit France, an angry mob nevertheless dug up his bones and threw them into the Seine.) In retrospect, the Church feared, rightly, that a series of charismatic Joans or Jeans or Jans or Martins would eventually break up Christendom into a hundred feuding sects and religious wars—just as the English feared she would continue to galvanize the war spirit of occupied France and thwart their century-old investment in seizing it. In Shaw’s play, Cauchon reasons: “An illiterate camel trader [his term for Islam’s founder, Mohammed] creates his own religion and sweeps away half of Christendom. We cannot say, ‘she is just one girl’.”

The dungeon of Joan of Arc, in Rouen, Normandy, from which she leapt from the British,fearing rape and eventually death by fire at the stake. She was so injured after hitting the ground she could not make good her escape.

Truly, Joan was a human phenomenon, still fascinating 568 years after her girlish frame sank into ashes. Above all, she remains a specific symbol, in the French conscious and subconscious, of French resistance to English-speaking occupiers.

She lives on today in the image of José Bové (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jos%C3%A9_Bov%C3%A9), a handsome, mustachioed French farmer, now 53, who in 1999 became, and still remains, a household name in France. He and his Farmers Confederation peacefully, and after a very public announcement, arrived with tractors and demolished an embryonic French McDonalds in the Aveyron. Bové became suddenly the world enemy of “la malbouffe”— evil beef.

A fluent speaker of American English, whose parents were researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, Bové granted many interviews, and served 44 days for his popular crime before being pardoned by President Jacques Chirac.

By amazing coincidence, McDonalds began to offer delicious salads that were not 75% iceberg lettuce, and substantial and well-selected vegetable cups, and to reduce previously heart-clogging levels of la mayonnaise. Bové has also championed environmentalism and hence the fight against multinational corporations. In 2002, he was arrested and deported by Israeli police after meeting with Yassir Arafat—then a virtual prisoner in his own Ramallah headquarters—and after protesting Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. Dozens of pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian demonstrators scuffled at Orly Airport in Paris on his return. Now braving even more intense pressure, he gave an interview to the hip, powerful television channel Canal Plus, asserting that the wave of attacks against French synagogues then underway was being arranged or fabricated by the Israeli Mossad.

“Who profits from the crime?” Bove demanded. “The Israeli government and its secret services have an interest in creating a kind of psychosis. By pretending there is a climate of anti-semitism in France, they are distracting attention from their own actions.”
Interestingly, while Bové is the latest hero, the official national symbol of France is an allegorical young woman bearing a standard in battle, one breast bared in her onrush at the foe.


Joan helmeted, again as depicted by the German federal criminal police, using forensic methods. Her body was of course destroyed by fire when she was burned at the stake.

It has become trendy in recent decades to portray Joan of Arc as some kind of mentally mixed up woman who really wanted to be a man. Her own statements (as found in the record of the first trial and as quoted by at least three witnesses who testified at the re-trial) clearly indicate that she wore male attire as a desperate measure to protect herself against the many rape attempts that she endured in prison (and which she was always in danger of facing while in enemy territory), not as a fashion preference. She wore a dress whenever there was no such danger (during the entire previous 17 years of her life prior to embarking on her campaigns), and she told her judges that she would wear a dress while incarcerated if they transferred her to a Church prison. In that case she would be guarded by nuns rather than abusive male guards. Additionally, she begged the court to allow her to be buried in a “long woman’s shift” if death should occur while in prison, since she was afraid that she might end up being buried in her boyish outfit.

This ideal girl—beautiful and militant—has been named “Marianne.” Throughout France, we find her effigy in prominent government places. Her gleaming white plaster bust is in the lobby of many a French city and town hall. On French stamps, beauties such as Brigitte Bardot and Catherine Deneuve have lent their face to become the latest incarnation of Marianne.

The lovely warrior-ette also appears with windswept hair on French government websites, and postage stamps since 1849 promote “Marianne,” the French warrior girl who is both Joan and all Frenchwomen who are passionate about liberty and the honor of their country.

The trial and burning of Joan, a girl defending and rallying her nation, and not recanting even as she faced the blazing bonfire, has put a stamp on the French view of themselves—and of Anglo-Saxon governments as hypocritical bullies.

The other national symbol of France, masculine, is the rooster, Chanticleer. One Frenchman told why the rooster is à propos: “The rooster is scrappy; he loves females and even if standing in manure, he continues to sing.” 😉

Author biography: MARGARET is a talented translator of several Romance languages and also an accomplished vocalist.



A fellow former Marine and patriot, author William Fox, Major USMCR, ret., has more powerful info on this extraordinary white woman:






July 4, 2014 @ 04:04 : Bronx, New York, US
July 4, 2014 @ 04:03 : San Antonio, Texas, US
July 4, 2014 @ 04:03 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US
July 4, 2014 @ 04:02 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US
July 4, 2014 @ 04:00 : San Diego, California, US
July 4, 2014 @ 04:00 : Bradenton, Florida, US
July 4, 2014 @ 03:59 : São Paulo, BR
July 4, 2014 @ 03:49 : Omaha, Nebraska, US
July 4, 2014 @ 03:48 : Lübeck, DE[UTSCHLAND]
July 4, 2014 @ 03:46 : Nitra, SK [SLOVAKIA]
July 4, 2014 @ 03:45 : Cheswick, Pennsylvania, US
July 4, 2014 @ 03:14 : New York, New York, US
Belvedere Castle, Central Park, Manhattan
July 4, 2014 @ 03:13 : Jacksonville, Florida, US
July 4, 2014 @ 03:10 : Ashland, Wisconsin, US
July 4, 2014 @ 03:08 : Innsbruck, AT [AUSTRIA]

July 4, 2014 @ 02:11 : Arab, Alabama, US

July 4, 2014 @ 02:06 : Winnipeg, CA
July 4, 2014 @ 02:06 : Fairfax, Virginia, US
July 4, 2014 @ 02:05 : Dagenham, GB
July 4, 2014 @ 01:56 : Peekskill, New York, US
July 4, 2014 @ 01:55 : Berlin, DE
July 4, 2014 @ 01:52 : Trondheim, NO[RWAY]
The Old-Town Bridge
July 4, 2014 @ 01:51 : Munich, DE
July 4, 2014 @ 01:48 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US
July 4, 2014 @ 01:47 : Västerås, SE [SWEDEN]

July 4, 2014 @ 01:47 : Germany, DE

July 4, 2014 @ 01:47 : Sandy, Texas, US

July 4, 2014 @ 11:11 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US

July 4, 2014 @ 11:08 : United States, US
12/06 @ 11:07 : Santa Clara, California, US
Santa Clara is the core city of Silicon Valley and the HQ of the world’s biggest computer chip maker, “Intel”
July 4, 2014 @ 11:08 : Montgomery, Alabama, US
July 4, 2014 @ 11:05 : Carlton, AU
July 4, 2014 @ 11:04 : Watertown, South Dakota, US
July 4, 2014 @ 11:04 : Chicago, Illinois, US
July 4, 2014 @ 11:02 : Quito, EC
July 4, 2014 @ 11:02 : Chennai, IN[DIA]
July 4, 2014 @ 11:01 : Chennai, IN
July 4, 2014 @ 10:59 : Kittanning, Pennsylvania, US
July 4, 2014 @ 10:59 : Laredo, Texas, US
July 4, 2014 @ 10:56 : Morris, Illinois, US
July 4, 2014 @ 10:55 : Morris, Illinois, US
July 4, 2014 @ 10:55 : United Kingdom, GB
July 4, 2014 @ 10:55 : Chicago, Illinois, US
July 4, 2014 @ 10:40 : Berlin, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]
Interior of the main train station

July 4, 2014 @ 10:40 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US
July 4, 2014 @ 10:39 : Petaling Jaya, MY
July 4, 2014 @ 10:38 : Oldenburg, DE
July 4, 2014 @ 10:37 : Linkenheim, DE
July 4, 2014 @ 10:37 : Oldenburg, DE
July 4, 2014 @ 10:36 : Salzburg, AT
July 4, 2014 @ 10:36 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US
July 4, 2014 @ 10:34 : Olching, DE
July 4, 2014 @ 10:34 : Camrose, CA
July 4, 2014 @ 10:33 : Köln, DE
July 4, 2014 @ 10:31 : Richton Park, Illinois, US
July 4, 2014 @ 10:30 : Fressain, FR[ANCE]

July 4, 2014 @ 09:27 : Mount Pleasant, Michigan, US

July 4, 2014 @ 09:22 : Gilleleje, DK [DENMARK]
July 4, 2014 @ 09:18 : Quito, EC[UADOR]
July 4, 2014 @ 09:18 : Olching, DE
July 4, 2014 @ 09:16 : Walbrzych, PL [POLAND]
July 4, 2014 @ 09:16 : Round Rock, Texas, US
July 4, 2014 @ 09:14 : Patna, IN
12/06 @ 09:13 : Edmonton, CA[NADA]
USA and the main population zone of Canada — from a special night photo by the new Verner Suomi satellite launched by NASA
July 4, 2014 @ 09:12 : Mission, Kansas, US
July 4, 2014 @ 09:12 : New York, New York, US
July 4, 2014 @ 09:11 : El Segundo, California, US
July 4, 2014 @ 09:11 : New York, New York, US
July 4, 2014 @ 09:08 : Olching, DE
July 4, 2014 @ 09:06 : Arklow, IE
July 4, 2014 @ 09:06 : Schmalkalden, DE
July 4, 2014 @ 08:21 : Buckhannon, West Virginia, US
July 4, 2014 @ 08:17 : Pensacola, Florida, US
July 4, 2014 @ 08:16 : Washington, District of Columbia, US
July 4, 2014 @ 08:16 : Kiel, DE
July 4, 2014 @ 08:13 : Nynäshamn, SE
July 4, 2014 @ 08:12 : Halewood, GB
July 4, 2014 @ 08:12 : Belarus, BY
July 4, 2014 @ 08:12 : Las Vegas, Nevada, US
The casino city in the Nevada desert was built up by the Jewish gangster Bugsy Siegel. When Siegel stole from other Jewish gangsters, he was murdered.
July 4, 2014 @ 08:06 : Kyoto, JP
July 4, 2014 @ 08:01 : Mission, Kansas, US
July 4, 2014 @ 07:55 : Potters Bar, GB
July 4, 2014 @ 07:54 : Kiev, UA
July 4, 2014 @ 07:53 : Mons, BE
July 4, 2014 @ 07:53 : Stockholm, SE
July 4, 2014 @ 07:48 : Fort Saskatchewan, CA
July 4, 2014 @ 07:48 : Sydney, AU
12/06 @ 07:48 : La Gorgue, FR[ANCE]
July 4, 2014 @ 07:45 : Ennevelin, FR
July 4, 2014 @ 07:45 : Vienna, AT
July 4, 2014 @ 07:44 : Ljubljana, SI
July 4, 2014 @ 07:44 : Vienna, AT
July 4, 2014 @ 07:43 : Navalmoral De La Mata, ES
July 4, 2014 @ 07:42 : London, GB
July 4, 2014 @ 07:38 : Germany, DE
July 4, 2014 @ 07:38 : Dortmund, DE

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