ENGLISH Saul subverts the Jesus mission

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My own comment: I was born literally on the very day the Israelis committed the Lavon Affair against America, July 14, 1954, with US facilities in Cairo and Alexandria, Egypt bombed. That same day, an Israeli named Natanson was arrested after a bomb he had made went off inadvertently, which revealed the whole bumbling plot.

My date of birth was the date the juze proved their viciousness AND their inability to hide their crimes.

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Saul was the Sanhedrin agent (by his own admission!) who was involved in the murder of Stephen, the first Christian martyr (holding the clothes of those who were stoning him).

Then he claimed Jesus had spoken to him “on the road to Damascus” in a vision, then he came to Jerusalem, claiming he was now an apostle, elbowing aside with staggering chutzpah the very men who actually KNEW and helped Jesus Christ.

Then he wrote the Book of Romans to claim, directly contradicting three parables of Jesus in Matthew 21, that Jesus  had NOT founded a new and ferociously anti-jewish religion, but instead was fulfilling the Mosaic Law, and that we should not be ant-jewish because the Jews would eventually embrace Christ…..God was hardening their hearts temporarily, don’cha know, so the Gentiles could “become the seed of Abraham by faith“…..

The Jews are going to accept Christ? The same Christ they say in their Talmud is being boiled in hot excrement?

Yeah, right….. Two thousand years and still waiting, Saul……you hairy bugger with, tradition says, the eyebrows that grow all the way across from left to right, you ugly little apiru by your own confession…..



Saul was just one of many juze who have subverted an originally good thing: the US government itself, the crusade for women’s rights, environmentalism, the black struggle against slavery, Marcus Garvey, modern medicine, worker rights, the Republican and Democratic parties, television, the Internet, and yes, various white nationalist groups as well, etc.

Carl Sagan (Scientist; Author)

“My long-time view about Christianity is that it represents an amalgam of two seemingly immiscible parts–the religion of Jesus and the religion of Paul. Thomas Jefferson attempted to excise the Pauline parts of the New Testament. There wasn’t much left when he was done, but it was an inspiring document.” (Letter to Ken Schei [author of Christianity Betrayed and An Atheists for Jesus])

Thomas Jefferson

“Paul was the first corrupter of the doctrines of Jesus.” (All references not listed here, can be found in Christianity Betrayed)

Albert Schweitzer

“Where possible Paul avoids quoting the teaching of Jesus, in fact even mentioning it. If we had to rely on Paul, we should not know that Jesus taught in parables, had delivered the sermon on the mount, and had taught His disciples the ‘Our Father.’ Even where they are specially relevant, Paul passes over the words of the Lord.”

Wil Durant (Philospher)

“Paul created a theology of which none but the vaguest warrants can be found in the words of Christ.”

“Fundamentalism is the triumph of Paul over Christ.”

Walter Kaufmann (Professor of Philosophy, Princeton)

“Paul substituted faith in Christ for the Christlike life.”

George Bernard Shaw

“No sooner had Jesus knocked over the dragon of superstition than Paul boldly set it on its legs again in the name of Jesus.”

Thomas Hardy

“The new testament was less a Christiad than a Pauliad.”

Hyam Maccoby (Talmudic Scholar)

“As we have seen, the purposes of the book of Acts is to minimize the conflict between Paul and the leaders of the Jerusalem Church, James and Peter. Peter and Paul, in later Christian tradition, became twin saints, brothers in faith, and the idea that they were historically bitter opponents standing for irreconcilable religious standpoints would have been repudiated with horror. The work of the author of Acts was well done; he rescued Christianity [JdN:SAULIANITY] from the imputation of being the individual creation of Paul, and instead gave it a respectable pedigree, as a doctrine with the authority of the so-called Jerusalem Church, conceived as continuous in spirit with the Pauline Gentile Church of Rome.

Yet, for all his efforts, the truth of the matter is not hard to recover, if we examine the New Testament evidence with an eye to tell-tale inconsistencies and confusions, rather than with the determination to gloss over and harmonize all difficulties in the interests of an orthodox interpretation.” (The Mythmaker, p. 139, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1986)

Jeremy Bentham (English Philosopher)

“If Christianity needed an Anti-Christ, they needed look no farther than Paul.” (Paraphrased. Looking for a copy of “Not Paul, but Jesus” in order to retrieve the exact quote.)

Carl Jung (Psychologist)

“Paul hardly ever allows the real Jesus of Nazareth to get a word in.” (U.S. News and World Report, April 22, 1991, p. 55)

Bishop John S. Spong (Episcopal Bishop of Newark)

“Paul’s words are not the Words of God. They are the words of Paul — a vast difference.” (Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism, p. 104, Harper San Francisco, 1991)


  1. It is not easy to work our way to hell but some just keep going that way.
    Naturally the answer is eternal vigilance.

  2. Sir- you cannot seriously quote Spong, whose love of liberals, sodomites, gay clergy, female bishopesses, and the Democratic party renders him ‘absolutely null and utterly void’ when quoted as a RELIGIOUS authority!? Jung himself was an open GNOSTIC, a heresy that the ENTIRE church denounced from the beginning. And how is quoting JEWISH authors, lend credibility to the thesis that St. Paul was a ‘traitor to Christ’?

    John, I think your time in the Russelite cult has warped your mind. Clearly, it is NOT Paul that is at fault, if you are comparing modern cultists to authentic Christian religion – it is the CULT itself! Mormons, Dispensationalists, Russelites, all of them REFUSE to learn and obey the conciliar decisions of the past, and therefore, are DOOMED to REPEAT the same heresies over and over again, one of which is ‘Judaizing’ or an attempt to return to the ‘vain and empty promises’ of the Covenant that Christ annulled at the foot of the Cross.

    You say that you have not looked seriously into the C.I. arena, and yes, they have their OWN issues (see above, re: Judaizing). But in one thing, they stand firm. Those who ‘say they are Jews, but are not’ [ Rev. 2:8,9] hold no validity with the C.I., for the latter know and believe (both from ancient HISTORY, as well as from archeology/genetics, etc.) that WE who are White, ARE the ‘ISRAEL of GOD.’ That latter is from St. Paul, who was of the same opinion.

    A perusal of my website would lead you to read and study some of these things, but I fear that you are trying to have Jesus without having Him as Christ- i.e., Messiah of ‘His People’ [ Matt. 1:21] and ONLY His People, who have been since the world began, in the person of the genetic Man, named ‘Adam’, which means, ‘fair, ruddy, able to blush.’ IF that isn’t an ‘Aryan appearing’ Savior, I don’t know what is!

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