Caroline Sturdy Colls, defamer of Germans, a crypto-Jewess? Who is the COINTELPRO at CODOH?

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Amazing new video (best production values and humor ever!) by the heroic revisionist Eric Hunt on Treblinka (who did prison time for “elder abuse” after he confronted the fraudster Elie Wiesel in 2007) .,…but how do they miss that the “British archeologist” who did the FAKE dig at Treblinka is obviously Jewish?


Do you know the telltale signs of Jewish appearance? It is more than the stereotypical nose and dark hair!

As for Caroline Sturdy Colls, I am chagrined how many people have missed the obvious Jewish physical characteristics of this incredibly partial “scientist.” I will endeavor below to lay out the indicators suggesting strongly, though not proving, that she is Jewish, and should so state rather than pretend to be impartial as she “investigates” a place where antisemites supposedly killed Jews.

I did a major blog on the topic of neanderthals and semites, and how the so-called West Asian look (also called “the Eastern Mediterranean” or “semitic” look, seen on many (but not all) Middle Eastern peoples, is really a result of ancient neanderthal admixture with Old Mediterraneans. I would strongly recommend that CODOH readers take a serious look at this essay.

First, here are in contrast classic Cro-Magnon features (showing the race that overran the neanderthal areas):



President John Kennedy and NASA rocket scientist Wernher von Braun, both in profilekennedy-von-braun-19-may-1963


And now here are neanderthalic features:



All this is relevant to the question why Caroline Sturdy Colls personally is so obviously biased in favor of exterminationism at Treblinka, and maudlinly emotional, or at least ACTING all torn up. Her features are blatantly neanderthalic and thus suggest strongly (though I lack the resouces to prove it) that she is Jewish, that is, a British Jewess.

One well-known blogger who read my essay on “Neanderthals and Semites” wrote:

“It’s THE, single most eye-opening things I have EVER read. It’s going to take a while for me to process that info in my own head because it’s as if I now have to rearrange a bunch of stuff in there in order to make room for all the new pieces of the puzzle, like this one… This answers the biggest questions I have about how some people can be so cold, calculating and evil while the bulk of humanity is live-and-let-live for the most part.”

Now let us examine the “Englishwoman” Colls.

She has every neanderthalic and thus Eastern Mediteranean feature:

[b]–dark hair (reddened by coloring)
–curved nose
–protruding mouth
–thrust-forward head

Here is a semi-frontal shot of he (and note the IMO stereotypically ARROGANT Jewish look, one thing that often distinguishes Jews from genetically related peoples such as certain Sicilians, Armenians or Arabs):


Her profile (note also and especially the thrust-forward head)


Her clearly protruding mouth: Image

Other very protruding Jewish mouths (see esp. actor Ron Pearlman) in various Jews:



In 1970s the singer Carly Simon manifested a gigantic, toothy mouth:

A 2009 picture of Simon:

Caroline Sturdy Colls poses as British, but to me she does not look ethnically British at all.

As for my “right” to say this, I am of nearly pure British Isles ancestry, being of mixed Norman, English (Anglo-Saxon), Irish and Scottish ancestry. (The other part, very small, is 1/16th German.)


My mother, Constance Colwell, and pure English (her father was actually, literally from Yorkshire, England):


My father, James Waddell Nugent, with President Reagan:


I grew up in New England in a centuries-old WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) family that came to New England from “Olde” England in 1635. All my family was pure WASP on both sides. I dare say, thus, that I feel I know a true British face when I see one. And Colls’ to me is just not native British.

Beyond that, the name “Colls” leads me to this admittedly unscientific observation:

–Caroline Sturdy COLLS (academic — certainly not atypical for a Jew) : perhaps chosen as eye-candy to rope goyim into her web?




The unusual middle name “Sturdy” — how many bear a name representing a virtue? — may also be part of a PR package, either for this film, or an ancestor chose it betimes because it sounded “good.”


–David COLE (brave, heroic Holocaust revisionist of overtly Jewish background) (Note the mouth feature): Image.


In photos, Cole has blue (or blue-gray) eyes, as does Caroline Colls, but some Ashkenazi Jews obviously do (and recent research suggests it came from a Gothic female ancestor):




–Herbert KOHL, overtly Jewish department store magnate and US senator from Wisconsin 1989-2013 (


–An Australian orienteering blogger named John COLLS (note nose and mouth)

: Image


–Helmut KOHL German pseudo-conservative chancellor 1982-98 whom German nationalists, almost to a man, say descended from a Hennoch Cohen…


This photo — and none of this is “proof” of crypto-Jewishness, just “of interest” — shows an early Helmut Kohl standing behind then German chancellor Konrad Adenauer:



Kohl was known for bringing millions of Turks into Germany and endless genuflection to Israel and to the Holocaust myth.


Note the jet-black hair, the dark eyes and especially the expression. No one detail proves anything (Hitler had very dark hair, after all, and some few Germans along the Rhine corridor — shades of ancient Rome — do have very dark-brown eyes), but I believe the preponderance of indicators does suggest that this name, whether in the form of Kohl, Cole or Colls, is probably a name Jews like to use when they try to pass as Gentiles.


And thus Caroline Stury Colls, IMO, is likely a loyal Jewess, whose duty is to lie for her people.


Is it, as Jews are taught to ask:


Most of us have heard this: John 8:44, where Jesus says to the Pharisee leaders: “You are from your father, the Devil.” And then Jesus says…


Now what is a “devil”? (It so happens I studied Classical Greek at Georgetown.) “Diabolos” (whence the similar-sounding Spanish word “diablo“) means literally “piercer.” It comes from the prefix “dia“, meaning “through” and “bol-“, meaning a bullet, something ballistic, some projectile that is hurled or fired.

Its figurative meaning is “defamer,” because a vicious rumor or lie can “go right through you” and destroy honor and a reputation that had been built up over a lifetime. (Think of how once highly respected Germany has been turned into a word signifying a nation of unprecedented evil.)

And thence it became the word that means “devil” as well.

When Jesus said to the Pharisees (and Michael Hoffman has amply proved in his Judaism Discovered that Judaism is Talmudism is Pharisaism), “you are from your father, the Devil,” the Devil is the defamer par excellence.

And what is the Holocaust but defamation? It is designed to criminalize one of the Occident’s greatest nations, and indict others, such as the US, France and Britain, for “not stopping Hitler in time. Hitler showed he was antisemitic way back in Mein Kampf in 1925, but he was allowed to come to power and then rise to take over Europe. The US did not enter the war until forced to by Pearl Harbor, two years after it began. By 1945, when Berlin fell, most of the Jews of Europe already had been murdered.”

Reasoning further….

IMO Caroline Colls is a Jewess and her defaming of the Germans via shoddy archeology, as this video shows, was all in a day’s work for her as a normal crypto-Jewess.

I will write her all this.


….Daily Stormer claims it shut down her press conference

Colls with a Jewish-looking reporter for the BBC, both with that knowing smile….



…..Who really runs CODOH?


Dear Bradley Smith,
I would think that even an apparently contemptible WORM such as myself would deserve at least a token reply.
This was now the SECOND serious, scholarly post by me on CODOH deleted by your resident rectal orifice of a moderator.
(The first was my detailed analysis of the evidence that Caroline Colls of the Treblinka disinfo documentary is Jewish, which I will run on my own blogsite: [on this blog, above])
My first, months ago, related what I personally saw during my 2004 visit to the “only death camp on Reich soil” — in Alsace, then part of the Reich, at
I wrote specifically about seeing the ludicrous “gas chamber” there, a supposed “stress-positions”-designed low closet for supposed prisoner punishment (next to the crematory, and the obviously new wood of the gallows.
Your moderator deleted the whole thing. Said I made “more than one point.” What the hell kind of rule is that? Did Arthur Butz’s book make “just one point”? Does an entire concentration camp have just one feature? Just a gate? Just a swimming pool? Just a fence? Just a quarry (Struthof)?
How many CODOH readers have traveled to and inspected Struthof as I did?
I have had the FBI four times at my door, two assistants arrested, and there are two Facebook pages dedicated entirely to bashing my character (not views, character) and three on the first page of Google under my name, which btw has over 200,000 hits. So I doubt I am too unimportant to deserve your response.
Were YOU at the Holocaust Museum at its inauguration to disrupt the opening ceremony, and cause comments that departed from the script by both President Clinton and Elie Wiesel? I WAS! I ORGANIZED THE PROTEST! I FACED OFF WITH THE JDL!
On April 22, 1993 the President of the United States, Bill Clinton, the President of Israel, Chaim Herzog, and Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel inaugurated the US Holocaust Memorial Museum.
jdn-profile-shot-holocaust-museum-protest-rally-4-22-93John de Nugent organized, in cooperation with the US Park Service, a large demonstration to shout out a very loud protest across the street against the criminal Holocaust fraud as these three men spoke. Both Clinton and Wiesel, it was reported to him later, departed from their prepared remarks to add “And it is because of people like that” [his protest group] that we need this museum” …. so there is no more hate, etc.
Here is the full article (click on the images to expand them) on this event found in the April 30, 1993 Washington City Paper, but distorted, slanted and sarcastic throughout, and containing one ludicrous lie against JdN — claiming one of his protest chants actually was “Jewish communist cannibals!” Cannibalism is the one accusation he has not yet levelled at the Jews. ;-)
holocaust-museum-city-paper-article 4-30-93-page-1-of-3 holocaust-museum-city-paper-article 4-30-93-page-2-of-3 holocaust-museum-city-paper-article 4-30-93-page-3-of-3
Key excerpt, describing JdN speaking at a rally the night before the Holocaust Museum protest:
About 30 demonstrators came, and facing the “dignitaries” across the street, shouted the slogans JdN was bellowing out, such as “the Holocaust is a lie, the Holocaust is a scam!” and “Isra-el – go to hell!” A few feet away were four JDL thugs, but police and a fence separated them from the protesters.
Glancing over at approaching mounted US Park Service police — with a Black author named Daryl Davis, then writing a book on the Klan.


Madagascar Plan

I also fundraised for years for the old IHR, on the road for five years, and lost my first marriage to a considerable extent due to this sacrifice.
I am astounded that I do not merit even a reply, Bradley. Just a few weeks back you were in a financial bind and I offered to send a donation. (I saw that you called me but left no message. Why not?) It so happens I got in $5K from Germany in April and another $1K two weeks ago.
NOT only have you offended me needlessly, but now are ignoring a person with 35 YEARS of commitment under fire to revisionism.
Maybe I should do a piece of investigation on CODOH and you and also find out specifically who this “moderator” is, just as I did exposés on I did pieces on David Duke and on Carlos Porter, who writes “nigger”-this and “kike”-that on every page of his blogscreed and yet never get arrested by Her Majesty’s police………. What kind of DEAL does Carlos have?
New Porter screed: Carlos Porter, as part of his deal with the British police, calls ME of all people an anti-racist (and con man, psychopath, etc.). His whole career now is “John de Nugent is a mooch.” Now how does he get away, under long-standing British law and the Race Relations Act, with USING THE WORD “N—-R” FOUR TIMES IN A SHORT BLOG AND NOT GET ARRESTED?  These two did YEARS in Her Majesty’s prisons for far less hate speech!
Who IS this anonymous moderator person? I am not anonymous! I am out there with my real phone number, name and address! (except for this change — Margi and I were just thrown out on the street seven weeks ago for our views, my credit card donations service was cancelled, and my cash donations are once again being stolen by the USPS. So now we are staying with a sympathetic friend and using as an address PO Box 43, Apollo PA 15613.)
Now the other despicable individual, I guess, in your eyes, since she goes with a loser, must be Margaret Huffstickler, my fiancée, who is on the staff of The Barnes Review, translates from German, French, Spanish and Italian, and holds a master’s degree in voice from Catholic University and is the daughter of the late, beloved Texas poet, Albert Huffstickler, after whom even a park in Austin, Texas is named:
All these articles I have written for The Barnes Review since 1998, and Margaret many more herself:
Btw, this article which I translated goes into who really began using vehicle engines to gas prisoners with toxic exhaust:

Russia and the Jews (I translated 90% of the main article.)

I am personal friends with Horst Mahler, Sylvia Stolz, and Fritz Berg, and I have met Ernst Zündel and Thies Christophersen.
But I guess that list is not impressive enough. 😉
I think someone thinks I am a man to trifle with. It is maybe time to show I am not that man.
As Carlos Porter found out, after he started a whole blog dedicated 100% to attacking me, I put his home address and house up on the Internet:
Don’t whine, my brother Carlos. It’s called “instant karma.”

6 Elm Grove, Paddington,

Warrington, Cheshire,

England WA1 3EH


It is time to consider who else should be outed who hides behind a cowardly pseudonym or the word “moderator” and then attacks me and deletes meritorious work that I spent serious time on.
You brought it on yourself.
John de Nugent

….A revisionist responds:


Dear John,

I read your two posts.
Wow, I didn’t know you organized a protest at the Shoah ceremony! Great for you! I will catalogue this in the new Holocaust Hoax museum, so brave people like you will be credited for their selflessness and heroism. I only knew Fritz led one to protest the Merryl Streep movie.
As I know, Wiesel is the real criminal.
I know you have suffered a great deal due to your activism but revisionists aren’t your enemy. And I found somewhat threatening your conclusion to your email. To Bradley? One of the least threatening revisionists around? Come on. He has nothing to do with the message board, and was probably busy.
And posting another revisionist’s address won’t make you any friends.
I understand why you’re angry – you’re not anonymous and therefore get real-world hate and misery directed your way!
Colls may be a Jew but your article is flawed. Colls is her married name; she married that guy she cries on the shoulder of, Kevin Colls. So I guess what’s important is her maiden name, if it is just “Sturdy”? And her ancestors’ names.
I think you’d do better convincing people with that hard information rather than insinuations based on facial photographs, which are only one part of the case and could be wrong. So I think you should find those names. This would make a concrete case for her Jewishness.
Thanks for your German translation, and I hope it does well!

I replied:

This movement is full of infiltrators — and playing nice or ignoring extreme character attacks (to wit: con man, pedophile, mooch, fraud, homosexual, COWARD — these are the defamations I face which can end the career of an aspiring leader!) has definitely not worked for me.
If people with no reason whatsoever to diss me do so, such as DELETING my posts repeatedly, there is a reason.
COINTELPRO, or people with issues whom they have agitated.
And hell yes, Porter is an active, tireless enemy! He has page after page calling me a scumbag, mooch, con man, fraud, swindler and psychopath!
(He also trolled Mike Delaney — as the victim himself told me — of the superb 9/11 documentary “911misslinglinks” — proving Israel did it, not “the oil companies and Cheney” and the long Israhell track record of false flags — and now he has created the very successful, yes, essential video platform, which does not censor jew-critical videos.)
This masterpiece by the Porter-trashed Delaney is available in English, and in Arabic, Korean, French, and Spanish.
(I note that David Duke, the controlled antisemite, says 19 Arabs did 9/11, and he also recently wrote that the Israelis do not descend from Khazars…. See How very interesting…..)
It seems to me that Carlos Porter is a man with a mission — stay out of a British jail by bashing effective antisemites.
Of course, Bradley Smith is a nice guy, and I liked him way back in the 1980s when I met him at the old IHR conventions, but how nice is it to let his moderator rip up my posts and for Bradley, as the public face of CODOH, not to respond to me???? HOW I AM SUPPOSED TO KNOW HE HAS NO IDEA, LIKE RONALD REAGAN, WHAT IS GOING ON? Bradley has know me since 1988!
This is part of an overall, organized, sophisticated character defamation campaign.
Who IS this arsehole of a “moderator”?
Colls is obviously Jewish, the name is Jewish, and so I suspect her husband is a Khazar as well. Jews do marry, Jews, you know. *;) wink
He replied:

Dear John,

It has nothing personal to do with you. And Bradley had nothing to do with it.

I’ve been suspended from posting there, Fritz, Carolyn Yeager too.

I replied:

Thanks for this info. Well then, Bradley should not lend his good name to whoever this arsehole is. He should take responsibility!



…..Another revisionist

Dear John,

Our “revisionist” movement has always been, and still is, infected by what I call “kosher revisionists.” These creatures are also living examples of the power of the Stockholm Syndrome. They want their revisionism to be tepid and not hot or even warm–they are like Goldilocks. “Hannover,” the Mark Weber-loving, homosexual moderator at CODOH, is a small person, physically and mentally–but at least he is doing something. There are countless other white guys who do not even dare to do what he does–so, I try to live with all of them somehow.
Until better quality leaders emerge, I try to be patient–even though I have lashed out at Hannover many times over the years. Bradley Smith is too nice a guy and getting up there.

What will make more genuine activists and leaders appear? We must inspire them somehow. We must make enough competent white aryan people think the issues are really worthwhile–and we must make them angry as well.


[03:36:00] John de Nugent: Not surprised this “moderator,” the homosexual Mark Weber fan, deleted my info and bio material as well.
[03:36:58] John de Nugent: Weber has been a bitter enemy of mine since I denounced him for saying in January 2009 to the jewsmedia, in an unbelievable act of treason for a revisionist and especially for an “IHR director,” that the Holocaust DID happen.
[03:38:10] revisionist: He got a lot of flack for that from everywhere
[03:38:27] John de Nugent: He is friends with Don Black of Stormfront!
[03:38:35] revisionist: I don’t think there are still many people left in our trade who trust him.
[03:38:57] John de Nugent: A few weeks after I denounced him, my then assistant Henrik Holappa was arrested by Homeland Security, and my huge thread was closed!
[03:39:18] revisionist: Stormfront is incredibly successful, which I find really bizarre when looking at the low quality of the site.
[03:39:53] John de Nugent: It has the kosher seal of approval.
[03:40:12] John de Nugent: They get pseudo-persecution like occasional hacking
[03:40:32] John de Nugent: ….as does Duke, who gets arrested in Cologne or Prague — and then released the next day 😉
[03:40:52] John de Nugent: It all gives these fiends, Weber friends, and fierce attackers of me personally, “cred” with the gullible.


…..Can you donate?

John de Nugent
POB 43
Apollo PA 15613

(724) 596-4268

For PayPal, please write me.



Thanks go out to two German comrades:



–June 3, 2014 $91.55 from F. in Germany via Western Union and

–May 31, 2014 $200 from W. in Germany via Western Union …

Donations log:

What is it that Germans understand, when they donate to me, about the misery of having NO FREE SPEECH OR GUNS that Americans still do not get? ;-)


….Paid work I do in writing, videos, and translations


Thank you, British comrade, for sending on June 5, 2014 $157.23 via Western Union from the Isle of Wight, England for paid writing work. Despite the defamations of paid FBI and Pharisee agents, I work continuously every month for regular pay, such as writing (for pay for the Barnes Review, a bimonthly historical-revisionism magazine — and I do videos on favorite topics that various good people come to me with (such as this mammoth project on Mary Phagan: — This was of course a very worthy topic in itself, BUT I worked very hard on it — and, by arrangement, I was PAID for it).


I also do translations from German and French into English and vice versa.
For my many PAID “Barnes Review” magazine articles see:


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