Duke of Portland, 1943, head of British Psychological Warfare: German gas chambers a “grotesque lie” with “no evidence”

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[This article is my adaptation of this page by heroic WN Michael Walsh: https://europeansworldwide.wordpress.com/2018/10/17/authenticated-holocaust-hoax-propaganda/]

Head of British Psychological Warfare Executive (Propaganda), Victor Cavendish-Bentinck (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victor_Cavendish-Bentinck,_9th_Duke_of_Portland) in a handwritten note, wrote on Aug 27th, 1943,

“We have had a good run for our money with this gas-chamber story we have been putting about, but don’t we run the risk eventually we are going to be found out, and when we are found out, the collapse of that lie is going to bring the whole of our psychological warfare down with it?

So isn’t it rather time now to let it drift off by itself and concentrate on other lines that we are running?”


–Public Record Office Document F0371/34551 revealed by Stephen Mitford Goodson, ‘Inside the South African Reserve Bank’.

Michael Walsh, the author of the bestselling book, The All Lies Invasion, says “the investigative financial journalist, a friend of mine, died suddenly in 2018 in strange circumstances.”


*** JdN

I actually would disagree, and go along with what the earlier Mark Weber said. The (at that time honest and not yet gotten-to) Mark Weber of the IHR, then working for Willis Carto, IHR founder, testified at the first Ernst Zündel Holocaust trial in Toronto in 1988 that around 500,000 Jews died in WWII from the effects of the war. ((http://www.ihr.org/books/kulaszka/20weber.html.  This would amount to about one European Jew in ten dying,  whereas for the Germans it was double that — one in five. Considering the jews started the war, it served them right and they should stop their whining.) 

Photo of revisionist luminaries at the 1994 IHR conference. many of them true heroes: Robert Faurisson (I have met and corresponded with), John Ball, Russ Granata (I have met and corresponded with him and he kindly lent me money once — repaid), Carlo Mattogno, Ernst Zündel (have met twice, in Toronto and in Tennessee, and I and Margi knew also his wife Ingrid Rimland), Friedrich Berg (know him well), Greg Raven (knew him — sneaky Scientologist), David Cole, Robert Countess, Tom Marcellus (knew him — also a sneaky Scientologist), Mark Weber (knew him as both a good man and as a turned traitor who now lies that the Holocaust did happen), David Irving (know him, both the very good and the not-so-good) and Jürgen Graf (he has tanslated some of my work, and I got him money from a Greek comrade when he was in bad shape financially while in exile in Moscow).


(Btw, I raised funds for the IHR when it was Carto-run 1988-91, and interpreted at a moving speech by a Dutch speaker and heroine, Florentine Rost van Tonningen, in 1989.)

Anyway, aside from typhus, some did starve, along with other Eastern Europeans, some died at the end of malnutrition or disease in some of the camps, and others were shot on the Eastern Front by the Wehrmacht or SS — but justifiably for being partisans or partisan supporters, which was allowed under the Hague and Geneva rules of warfare.  


undertaking military actions without a uniform or wearing the uniform of another country is itself a war crime and persons caught performing such acts within a combat zone can be summarily executed. 


My own father, Captain James Waddell Nugent, USMCR, wiped out most of a communist Korean village of “civilians” for being partisans, when despite two personal warnings, repeated mortar attacks were made by these “civilians” on his Marines.

Jews, you cannot boast you were partisans, claiming 500,000 Germans died on the Eastern Front due to you, and yet whine that the SS shot you and your womenfolk as partisans. 

Your females were feeding, clothing and, yes, sleeping with the Jewish partisans — and giving them detailed information about German troop movements.

But whining and lying to goyim suckers so they kill your enemies are the two things you love most.


The BBC in 1942 was already putting out rumours of gas chambers. However, in 1943 the head of British Intelligence wrote a memo stating that

“there was absolutely no evidence of anyone being gassed in gas chambers, or of Polish children being shot when their parents went to labour camps.”


This memo was signed by B Cavendish-Bentinck, head of the British Psychological Warfare Executive. Statement by Head of British Intelligence about gas-chamber stories: Public Record Office Document FO 371/34551.

This Foreign Office document was declassified ages ago, after the 30 years period, and yet David Irving seems about the only British historian who has wanted to comment upon it.

JdN: I met Ursula in 2006 at the Ernst Zündel trial in Mannheim

The document dated 27th August, 1943 continues:

“In my opinion, it is incorrect to describe Polish information regarding German atrocities as trustworthy. The Poles, and to a far greater extent, the Jews, tend to exaggerate German atrocities in order to stoke us up. They seem to have succeeded.”


Mr. Allen and I have both followed German atrocities quite closely. I do not believe there is any evidence which would be accepted in a Law Court that Polish children have been killed on the spot by Germans when their parents were being deported to work in Germany, or that Polish children have been sold to German settlers.

Herman Rosenblat and his woman invented a totally fabricated Holocaust love story in a “Nazi death camp: https://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/22/business/media/herman-rosenblat-85-dies-made-up-holocaust-love-story.html The entire Holohoax now consists only of verbal sob stories by jews. The jews have totally given up trying to prove their massive criminal fraud in any other way, since (at the risk of their career, lives and freedom) the heroic men and women of revisionism have dismantled every single piece of Jewish fake “evidence.”

The whole Holohoax is just a bigger version of the lying “testimony ” of Christine Blasey Ford against Judge Kavanaugh — “I may have all the facts wrong, or I have no facts at all to support my claim, but I demand you believe me — or I will scream that you oppress women.”

Jew-like, Ford took in almost one million dollars in the end via “GoFundMe” to lie and defame one of the most visibly squeaky-clean and honest men ever nominated to the US Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh.

The vile Jewashington Post even ran a photo of Kavanaugh’s modest house and identified the neighborhood, hoping Antifa would violently harass him! (I am sure, however, that, especially under President Trump,  federal security was guarding the house of his nominee, either the US  marshals or the Supreme Court police. I spoke with the Washington DC office of the Secret Service about my outrage, and wrote a message via LinkedIn to the Jewish senior editor of the Washington Post, Marc Fisher.) 

John de Nugent

Mr Fisher, it is unconscionable and an invitation to violence to doxx the house of Judge Kavanaugh:  https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/dc-politics/the-elite-world-of-brett-kavanaugh/2018/07/11/504d945e-8492-11e8-8f6c-46cb43e3f306_story.html

Furthermore, the house is not even huge, so how is it germane at all to your “Kavanaigh-is-an-elites” theory? 

Suppose now someone ran a photo of YOUR house and address? Hmmm?

How would YOU like it? https://johndenugent.com/images/jdn-google-23-sept-2018.jpg

And yes, your paper has done three stories dealing with me, peripherally in 1978, in 2009 (James von Brunn) and 2017 –Leo Frank case.  https://johndenugent.com/washington-com-post-fake-news-john-de-nugent-and-cohorts-are-defaming-poor-little-leo-frank/ John de Nugent

PS Doxx me all you want. This Marine puts his address and phone number out every day on his website.

I’ll doxx your home address and phone right back — and give you a deserved taste of your own medicine, Mr. Fisher.


But the Jews lost — and Judge Kavanaugh was approved anyway!  🙂



As regards putting Poles to death in gas chambers, I do not believe that there is any evidence that this has been done.

There have been many stories to this effect and we have played them up, in P.W.E. (Pay Warfare Executive) rumours

without our believing that they had any foundation.

At any rate there is far less evidence than exists for the mass murder of Polish Officers by the Russians at Katyn.

“I think that we weaken our case against the Germans by publicly publishing atrocity stories for which we have no evidence.

These mass executions in gas chambers remind me of the story of the employment of human corpses during the last war for the manufacture of fat, which was a

grotesque lie……”


V Cavendish-Bentinck.

As a result of this statement, a telegram was sent from the Foreign Office to Washington the same day, and copied to Moscow, requesting that no allusion be made to ‘gas chambers’ re German atrocities in Poland. The statement was sent by the Head of the British Psychological Warfare Executive, Victor Cavendish-Bentinck:

“On further reflection, we are not convinced that evidence regarding the use of gas chambers is substantial enough to justify inclusion in a public declaration….  ”

NOTE: A copy of this message is kept in the Public Record Office, in the File PRO FO 371/34551 dated 24th August, 1943.




…..My denunciation of the US National Holocaust Museum at its opening in 1993 

…..US Holocaust Museum opening in Washington DC 1993

On April 22, 1993 the President of the United States, Bill Clinton, the President of Israel, Chaim Herzog, and Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel inaugurated the US Holocaust Memorial Museum.



(It was solemnly promised at the beginning that this museum, dedicated to a claimed event that occurred overseas and did not involve Americans at all, would not become a burden to all US taxpayers, 98% of whom are not Jewish, but in 2016 said taxpayers shelled out $54 million annually for said “museum.” http://thehill.com/policy/finance/337140-trump-faces-backlash-over-3m-holocaust-museum-cuts)

jdn-profile-shot-holocaust-museum-protest-rally-4-22-93John de Nugent organized, in cooperation with the US Park Service, a large demonstration to shout out a very loud protest across the street against the criminal Holocaust fraud as these three men spoke. Both Clinton and Wiesel, it was reported to him later, departed from their prepared remarks to add “And it is because of people like that” [his protest group] that we need this museum” …. so there is no more hate, etc.

Here is the full article (click on the images to expand them) on this event found in the April 30, 1993 Washington City Paper, but” distorted, slanted and sarcastic throughout, and containing one ludicrous lie against JdN — claiming one of his protest chants actually was “Jewish communist cannibals!” Cannibalism is the one accusation he has not yet levelled at the Jews. ;-)

holocaust-museum-city-paper-article 4-30-93-page-1-of-3holocaust-museum-city-paper-article 4-30-93-page-2-of-3holocaust-museum-city-paper-article 4-30-93-page-3-of-3


Key excerpt, describing JdN speaking at a rally the night before the Holocaust Museum protest:


About 30 demonstrators came, and facing the “dignitaries” across the street, shouted the slogans JdN was bellowing out, such as “the Holocaust is a lie, the Holocaust is a scam!” and “Isra-el ” go to hell!” A few feet away were four JDL thugs, but police and a fence separated them from the protesters.

*** Quote

As I heckled with a loud, battery-powered bullhorn the President of the United States, Bill Clinton, the President of the State of Israel, Chaim Herzog, and Nobel Laureate Elie the Wiesel (and both Clinton and Wiesel made comments about us), along with 30 fearless white supporters, some ugly, swarthy hooks from the JDL were there. (The JDLers often are hyper-jewy-looking. 😉 )

They were foaming at the mouth and yelling behind a temporary barricade fence of wooden slats and wire that had been set up by the US Park Service about 20 feet away.

An armed Park Policeman on horseback was inside the fence on our side in case the JDLers threw, launched or even fired anything against me or us.




Glancing over at approaching mounted US Park Service police (with a Black author named Daryl Davis, who was then writing a book about the Klan).



(Btw, the Museum costs millions a year in annual expenses for its upkeep and generous salaries of museum officials. http://www.historiography-project.com/jhrchives/v13/v13n2p31_ushmm.html)

The JDL (“Jewish Defense League” applied to demonstrate next to and against us, but very few showed up, though as usual ugly as sin.

(Only the ugliest Khazars — I am not joking — join that outfit, really stereotypical semites who have no chance with goyish girls.)

Their longtime leader was Irv Rubin, who looked exactly like his neanderthal ancestors.



Here is Jewish Holo revisionist David Cole speaking about Irv Rubin (who had threatened him and gotten him severely beaten). (Note the literally reptilian eating habits of Rubin. He does not chew his food, just sucks it down.) https://johndenugent.com/images/david-cole-jew-irv-rubin-eats-reptile-style-without-swallowing.mp4


The US Park Service had erected a high wire fence to separate us (“N”) from them (“K”), about seven feet high, and had mounted police officers right there to stop trouble. The rectangle to the west of the Museum was where the Khazars and the bootlicking gentile “dignitaries” sat.)


As I posted on Facebook:

On April 22 (there you go again with a multiple of the kabbalistic number 11) of the year 1993, I ran the protest – in coordination with the National Park Service –of the opening of the $54 million, taxpaper-funded “US National Holocaust Museum” in Wash., D.C. and the Park Service people were very professional. I met with them twice, once in a small group and then in a large group with the Secret Service. (Pres. Clinton spoke, and the pres. of Israel, and they both had to talk over me with my electric-powered megaphone!)  The FBI, Park Service, and US Marshals were all there.

Of course, the System was much more sure of itself then; there was no Internet, or Alex Jones; the ultra-smooth liar Bill Clinton was president, not the incendiary Trump; and whites had not even begun to wake up.

The Jews swore at the time that not one penny of American money would pay for this museum to a foreign [supposed] crime that was [they say] committed over in Europe and has nothing to do with American history.

But the goy zombie has been shelling out millions for this museum to how evil and heartless and bigoted he is since 1993….. 😉






  1. It is hard to believe that any thinking person today still believes in the holocaust nonsense. Too many North Americans don’t read or research. They just sit in front of the Talmud-Vision sets and choke on propaganda.

  2. Every year we have this jewish guilt trip. When are we going to get monuments to the crimes of the jews? Marx, Engles. Trotsky, Lenin. Yagoda. Jacob schiff. The slave trade, drug trade, porn industry. Banks destroying lives. Wars to destabilise the middle east for Israels benefit. Flooding the white Christian states with gimmegrants. The big jews have a lot to answer for.

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