ENGLISH Spiritual video 7; Ivan the Terrible on the Jews; borderline psychopaths; new videos page; a young German lays it out; Winkler chapter five; Leni Riefenstahl tribute

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=============SPIRITUAL VIDEO 7

Who IS the “Hidden Hand” to which Prime Minister Disraeli, President Wilson and Edward Bernays referred?


=================NAZI IS ALSO WABBIT KILLER!

A beautiful German lady comrade wrote me:

All good deeds deserve to be punished. Keep up the good work, John! I’d hate to know what “They” would say about me!

All the best to you. You must be doing something right — hence the attacks!

Dear D[—],

Thanks so much for your support. But, oh, a beautiful lady like you will never get bashed….just an ugly monster like me!

I still remember your face from that video of Manfred Roeder’s before he went back to prison for ten months.

You have an outer and inner beauty, femininity and courage that make you a less than ideal target.

Recently, I was accused (get this) of my two dogs eating LIVE rabbits! (This is no joke.) And rabbits are a very endangered species here in America…..I bet there are less than two billion now! 😉 (….like kangaroos in your Australia…..)

So I must now live with being a bunny-wabbit murderer in addition to my other crimes.

My real crime is like Ahmadinejad’s in this cartoon……………..


John (Ivan in Russian) the Terrible

PS I just read this in Sorbonne graduate Hervé Ryssen’s …..

……on pages 282-283 (translation into English follows)

Au milieu du XVIe siècle, le tsar Ivan IV le Terrible régla le problème [juif] à sa manière. Il n’y avait alors pas de juifs en Moscovie. Les marchands juifs de l’État polonais se rendaient auparavant librement à Moscou, mais sous son règne, l’entrée en Russie leur fut interdite. Quand, en 1550, le roi polonais Sigismond-Auguste demanda que le libre accès à la Russie leur fût de nouveau accordé, le tsar Ivan opposa un refus en ces termes:

Ivan the Terrible

“À propos de ce que tu nous écris pour ce que nous permettions à tes juifs l’entrée dans nos terres, nous t’avons écrit déjà à plusieurs reprises, te parlant des vilaines actions des Juifs, qui détournaient nos gens du Christ, introduisaient dans notre État des drogues empoisonnées, et causaient bien du mal à nos gens. Tu devrais avoir honte, notre frère, de nous écrire à leur sujet, tout en connaissant leurs méfaits. Dans les autres États aussi, ils ont fait bien du mal, et pour cela ont été expulsés ou mis à mort. Nous ne pouvons pas permettre aux Juifs de venir dans notre État, car nous ne voulons que Dieu permette aux gens de notre pays de vivre dans le calme, sans trouble aucun. Et toi, notre frère, tu ne devrais plus, à l’avenir, nous écrire à propos des Juifs.”

En 1563, les Russes arrachèrent la ville de Polotzk aux Polonais. Comme il se trouvait des Hébreux en grand nombre, Ivan IV ordonna de les noyer dans la [fleuve] Dvina, hommes, femmes et enfants.

Le Danois Pierre d’Arlesund nous a laissé un témoignage sur ce tsar:

“Aussi cruel et intolérant qu’il ait été, Ivan le Terrible n’a jamais persécuté personne pour des raisons religieuses, à l’exception des Juifs. Il ne cherchait pas à leur faire connaître la foi chrétienne ou à les faire baptiser; il les brûlait vifs, les pendait, les noyait; il disait d’habitude qu’aucun prince ne devrait croire à leurs paroles ou les prendre en pitié.”


In the mid-sixteenth century, Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible solved the [Jewish] problem in its own way. There were no Jews then in Muscovy. Jewish merchants from the Polish State traveled to Moscow earlier freely, but under his reign, their entry was forbidden in Russia. When in 1550 the Polish King Sigismund Augustus demanded that free access to Russia be again granted them, the tsar, Ivan IV, delivered his refusal in these terms:

“Regarding what you wrote us that we should allow your Jews to enter our lands, we have already written thee several times, talking to you of the nasty actions of the Jews, who turned our people away from Christ, introduced into our State poisoned drugs, and causing much trouble to our people. Shame on you, our brother, for write on their behalf, while knowing their evil deeds. In other States too, they do so much real harm, and that is why they have been expelled [JdN: around 1290 from England, around 1390 from France, and around 1490 from Spain] or killed [JdN: popular massacres and executions by the Catholic Inquisition]. We can not allow Jews to come into our State because we want God only to allow the people in our country to live in peace and without any trouble. And you, our brother, should stop in the future writing us about the Jews. “

In 1563, the Russians wrested the city of Polotsk away from the Poles. As there were large numbers of Hebrews there, Ivan IV ordered they be drowned in the [river] Dvina, men, women and children.

The river Dvina, Polotsk, now in Belarus

The Dane Peter Arlesund left us his testimony on this tsar:

“As cruel and intolerant as he was, Ivan the Terrible never persecuted people on religious grounds, except for the Jews. He did not seek to introduce them to the Christian faith or to have them baptized.

He burned them alive, hung them, and drowned them.

His habit was to say that no prince should believe their words or feel any pity for them.”

Clark Lightbridge (Clark is wearing a beautiful Egyptian-motif tie) is testing how high the ceiling is above my desk. 😉

The spiritual videos are shot in a fireplace corner of my office, with the $100 used Canon home movie camera seen in the foreground, and using a donated, brand-new tripod. The machete on the wall (to the viewer’s right of the monitor) was used in the “Machete video” (“honoring” in my special way the recent kill-whitey Robert Rodriguez movie). The “machete video” sequence will end the entire series.

A scene from the movie Machete…..which advocates white genocide; it was produced and distributed by Rupert Murdoch’s conserva-jew FOX empire (Twentieth Century Fox, affiliated with FOX News Channel).

Machete Killed: Why Rodriguez's Exploitation Movie Is A Box Office Dud

A little spoof here: a “Mexifornia” driver’s license…….


A comrade named Jack asked me:

John, after seeing your video about psychopaths………..



……….is there also a third kind of human?

Can a person be in the middle, partly normal and partly a psychopath? Is there a middle ground — is there a middle type of person who is both good and bad ? Is there a 3rd type ?

Good question, and thanks for sending that to me.

Yes, and that group is the borderline psychopaths. They have an extremely weak conscience. Sometimes molested and abused kids become this way. They decide that the world is a jungle after what happened to them, and become ultra-cynical and ruthless.

The psychiatrist at the worst men’s prison n Canada (a super-max) said on a video I saw that all one hundred men had been severely abused as kids.

But it is possible that many of them can be saved…but only in a group setting or in a new society. Otherwise, they are lost. Sometimes they have a terrible karma, and sometimes the abuse they underwent as kids is payback……………… So many bastards get away with swinish deeds for their whole life, but in their next life the vengeance of God is terrifying.

MK-ULTRA is designed to literally make such people- (The three Bourne movies with Matt Damon –part-Finnish btw — are a fictional representation of this real program, right down to the Jewish master psychiatrist in the end of the movie, who represents Dr. Sidney Gotlieb, the REAL founder of MK-ULTRA.)

Scientific abuse can make a man into a programmable killer, or a “sleeper,” a programmable AGENT-INFILTRATOR. He stays low-key but leaps into action on command………….

But these are borderline psychopaths, and made that way, not born that way. Maybe some can be saved, but many, sadly, unless they change, will just have to be dealt with, here, or in the Alps, and can do better in their next life.

That is my mission…..

Solutrea, Arise will be the most antisemitic audiovisual book of all times, and lead to a worldwide, yet elite mass movement.

Most of the masses now in the Kali Yuga are almost unteachable blobs of tissue, who do not and cannot read, pray or think, and act only to fulfill animal needs.

This is how the Enemy will be exposed, with things David Duke DARES not expose……the kinds of outrages that trigger pogroms….. There is now a “hate filter” on my main website in the Jew-nited Snakes on computers that are in the public and university libraries, and the same is true in occupied France and Germany ….

I promise the most anti-Semitic attack of all time:

– ritual murder
– September 11
– ALL Kennedys assassinations
– organ trafficking
– pedophilia
– incest (based on research by Hervé Ryssen of the Sorbonne in France)

– the two world wars
– Jesus said (John 8:44) the literal truth: the Jews are damned souls which come from a different universe
– also from Ryssen’s research in his new Histoire de l’Anti-Sémitisme: the people and many Christian leaders wanted for centuries to massacre them all, every last one
– a young man in his twenties, a victim of pedophilia in the name of Jesse Marrson (who grew up in the U.S. and Germany) testified here () that every “American” military base (incluidng ther Echelon eletronci espionge bases of the NSA) in Germany has a subsidiary o the CIA that organizes the abduction of children 1) to procure prostitute minors for gay/bisexual politicians and police chiefs, and, what is even more lovely, 2) if the child at 16 is ugly, he or she is killed for his organs and provided to the Israeli network ……………….

I am eager to get busy………………

====================JDN VIDEO PAGE

Some turkey who never reads my blog was braying “You never came out with your book!” I asked him if he had seen my blog, stating six months ago (when I realized people cannot and do not read any more) that the “book” would needs morph into an audiovisual collection of fireside chats, followed by a formal speech, plus supporting written documents..

No, he had not seen my blog; he just wanted to spew some impotent hate and tell me that David duke was the geratest…. ;-).





[being edited by me still]

In your dreams I am sure once you were driving a car, making love or fighting, meeting some acquaintances or absolute strangers, flying or falling. And all those incidents were absolutely real – at the moment of your dream.

The next world is just as real as any of your dreams. Esoterics would prefer to speak of subtle matter which to perceive our antennae are not sensitive enough. Perhaps the term “holodeck“ of the Starship Enterprise on Star Trek may be helpful for understanding. There, on pushing a button of the ship’s computer, the database produces any surrounding in an empty space.

The surroundings in the next world are such a projection, which, however, are not produced by an enviably powerful computer on board the ship, but by the inhabitants themselves.

In this life it is regarded as a secret among “initiates“ that it is we who create our surroundings. This is revealed very soon in the life hereafter.

But we had better start more simply. Through your death you are not suddenly converted into a space mollusc of Ceti Delta 4, but you are still a human being like before. That means first you create a “body“ according to your wishes. Perhaps you are an admirer of Bruce Lee’s muscles or of Marilyn Monroe’s softer curves. But the body you know best is the one you have just cast off. For this reason you will enter the next world as Hans Meier or Christiane Müller.

You have certain ideas about your body, which are naturally part of your projection, to which there belong ingestion, excretion, breathing or the knowledge through experience that you start bleeding when hurt by a knife. Your new body will react exactly in the same way. The biggest difference lies in the fact that you can’t die. Of course not. For you are already dead. Although this does not mean that you will feel no pain or hunger any longer. After all it corresponds to your accumulated experience of life that an axe hitting your scull is quite a painful thing.

Buddhism even goes as far as to declare our earthly life and the reality connected with it to be an illusion that man, in the course of his development, is to overcome. In the life to come this illusion is much easier to recognize. This is why Monar Argos remained calm after Semor Ethirion, with an improvised cudgel, had fallen upon him. He had simply manipulated the illusion a bit and, thereby, impressed the former king immensely.

Semor remembered the capabilities of the souls which they would eventually attain in the life to come. Imagine a German citizen with 30 kilogrammes overweight and his favourite sport consisting in the perfect handling of

Übersetzung Winkler D>E

the remote tv-control. Let him be twenty years old for ever and give him innumerable hours of training. Some time or other the man will be acceptably slim, manage fifty push-ups in succession and, after still more sudorific training, ten pull-ups successively and run the one hundred metres in under twelve seconds. Well, we have got plenty of time to increase his efficiency as to make him perform a gymnastic exercise like a world champion and run under ten seconds.

Immense amount of time for training is granted in the life to come: 20, 50, 100 lives, as many as you need. Some time you will be a powerful soul. Or do you believe the guards at the gate would have given their assent by politely bowing when Aridor Ethirion had claimed the Parlanion for himself?

Until you have got as far as to disregard illusion, you are at it’s mercy. Life functions like on earth, apart from your being immortal. Even at heads cut off bodies grow again, but only extremely slowly.

Semor Ethirion landed on a level of hell, the “Winter Country“. At that time neither heaven nor hell were fully developed. The temperature in the then winter country feels like minus fifty centigrade by our standards. So it looks like God established a penal colony … God? No, it was us, the inhabitants, that created this country. Eonata V, the Winter Country, the Summer Country – they all function according to the simple law of correspondence.

That level in the next world is a reflection of the mentality of its inhabitants, not of God’s cruelty. Imagine a group of compulsive kleptomaniacs in complete isolation. Each of them keeps pinching things because he has to. The only victims within reach, however, are also kleptomaniacs, compulsive thieves. Everyone is spying on everyone, everyone takes what he can lay hand on without producing even the smallest thing himself. This is how hell works.

Why should an inhabitant of Eonata V keep his home tidy? In order to attract a stronger person’s attention and make him take it? Why plant an appletree if the apples are stolen as soon as they ripen? Why should anyone want warm weather if it helps thieves in their unfair job?

Eonata V is just like its hardhearted, selfish inhabitants want it to be. The people in summer country, however, are generous and would never grudge anybody anything. They would never steal. This is why there is abundance. There people are willing to work for eachother. Therefore they live in a magnificent town.

Or rather, they had lived there. Semor Ethirion’s Eonata V has not existed long since, the meidonic era is gone. The towns of the world change, adapt themselves to the circumstances on earth. They aren’t the exact

copies of their counterparts on earth, most recent developments seep through into the next world only gradually. If you blow up the Eiffel Tower today, it will continue to stand in the Paris of beyond for a long time because the Parisians insist on it belonging to their town. Thanks to this insistence there is still a very last Eonata in the beyond even today known as “Celestial Eonata“. But it won’t last long, for this name, too, is dwindling. For the young souls “Celestial Jerusalem“ has become the usual term long since.

The temples Father Sun, however, are still existent: the religion of submerged Eonata. The very original religion was animism, nature animated by spirits. The other world was known to it as Fog Country, an area that is still existent today. The first step to abstraction was the idea that the spirits had a common female ruler and origin: Mother Earth. Figurative representations were discovered by archeologists, who repeatedly named them “Venus“ although they date from an age when this goddess of love was not yet known.

In the era of Mother Earth heredity followed the maternal line, which is liable to be mixed up with matriarchy. The daughters of Mother Earth then were the high priestesses, guardians of wisdom and traditions, healers of the clans. Men were subordinate shamans, responsible for magic concerning hunting and spells.

Eventually Father Sun appeared at the side of Mother Earth in his procreative role as a man accompanied by a male priesthood. Through astronomical oberservation mankind learned by and by that the powerful Sun, giving light and warmth and support to everything, obeyed certain laws and thus could not possibly be the true master who had established these laws. Hence there had to be someone standing above the Sun, someone who was paid filial obedience as the father of mankind. From this there originated the Father of the Sun, the highest of all gods, the creator of the universe.

This one hidden god stood so high above all the other gods that, in many cultures, he was worshipped only through a mediator. Such a religion of a Son of God sent down by the Father in heaven is Christianity. His birthday is the day of the sun’s return beginning its ascent in the sky. The twelve apostles are the twelve signs of the zodiac surrounding the sun. The Son of God nailed to the cross who spent three days in the underworld to rise from the dead, results from the astronomical observation of the sun that has found its way into numerous myths.

Therefore, since the teachings of a paternal god and creator harmonize with almost all religions, the temples of the Father of the Sun in the other world have been preserved, though often small and inconspicuous, but always respected on all levels and manned by cooperative souls. Later I will tell more about that.
Other religions temporarily fashionable on earth existed also in the other world for a while. The gods Jupiter and Mars then owned magnificent temples which are in ruins today, like their counterparts on earth. If nobody thinks of preserving a temple in the beyond, it will decay and, finally, be replaced by another building. All this happens like on earth.

Semor Ethirion had to gain a painful experience which is awaiting almost all “prominent“ people when entering the next world: whatever they had been on earth does not count any longer.

For Ostara, the only Empress of Atlantis, adored by her people even after several thousand years, this turned out to be a nightmare. Her readiness to help and her confidence in the strength of her character made her change into a whore, in a dosshouse in the most disreputable quarter of Poseidonis I. …But that is another story.

Well, among prominent people there are definitely old experienced souls, steadfast minds, betaking themselves into their respective incarnations. An outstanding life on earth has in a way to be “deserved“. And there aren’t too many of the kind. As a matter of fact, there are many more common soldiers than commanders used to giving orders, innumerable peasants, but only one Pope of Rome, many bakers, but only one Leonardo da Vinci. You had better not take it for granted that you spent the Middle Ages as an earl, the Renaissance as a duke, and the Industrial Revolution as a factory owner, only because you are a famous rock star today.

On earth having power is a hard test because it drives you to abuse it. Exercising this power means constant temptation. Hans Meier thrashed his classmates and left his first girlfriend in the lurch. Trifles only, but power abused. Semor Ethirion had servants and subjects. If one of the servants made a mistake – was he patient enough? The first time? The second time? Friendliness takes time which a ruler is often short of. And if bellowing at a poor servant is successful, why not bellow at him the next time at onc?

Treat others as you want them to treat you.

How is a prominent person supposed to learn the lesson if the others aren’t allowed to defend themselves? Semor Ethirion was master of life and death – would you, as his servant, dared to yell back?

You are always right, nobody dares to raise objections. You are the best, the greatest, the handsomest … how can you be expected to learn to give your time and attention to someone?

The court of souls might be your chance. But you never made a mistake in your life – why should you regret or even repent of anything?

It is only at the lower levels of the beyond that you will come across your own mistakes, where what you did to others will reflect on yourself – like in Semor Ethirion’s case.



===Leni Riefenstahl Tribute: Olympia (1938) [HD]

I wrote the creator of it:

Das Riefenstahl-Video war super.

The Riefenstahl video was wonderful.

Wir waren ja auch damals in allem fortschrittlich, mit Musik, Uniformen, Zeremonien, Radio und Fernsehen. Wir gingen mit der Zeit und waren der Zeit auch voraus.

We were back then progressive in everything, in music, uniforms, ceremonies, radio and television. We marched along with the times, but we were also ahead of them.

01:13-01:30 Das Allerbeste von allem — die weißen Mädchen, die uns entgegen heruntermarschieren, sexy und rein….

01:13-01:30 The best of all; the white maidens trooping down to us, both sexy and pure….

02:20 der Fackelträger in grünem Farbfilter — apart. Eine mutige Entscheidung. Farbe benutzen: wir haben sie ja jetzt. Grün wächst des Lebens goldner Baum…..

02:20 the torchbearer in a green filter — unique. a courageous decision. We have color; let’s use it. “Green grows life’s golden tree” (Goethe)…..

03:28 Kurzblick auf die nordische Amerikanerin: der Hauch genügt; wir wollen mehr sehen. Unterschwellig…

03:28 Rapid glance at the Nordic American girl: the flitter is enough; we want to see more. Subliminal….

Mein Freund Fritz kannte Leni Riefenstahl, begegnete sie gegen ihr Lebensende auf den Bahamas.

My friend Fritz knew Leni Riefenstahl, encountering her toward the end of her life in the Bahamas.

04:25 Guter Gebrauch vom Farbfilter

04:25 Good use of color filter

04:56 ohne es erklären zu können, Gänsehaut….

04:56 though unable to explain it, I got goosebumps.



I wrote the comrade who sent the below:

Excellent! I read every word and pondered it all. I will put this in the blog!

Amazing that German adults in Jewrmany can now have legal sex with 14-year-olds!


An 18-year-old German male answered some questions abou the German situation and he responded this way:
* * *

Thanks to SISwaffen for bringing me to this forum, and organizing the questions for me.

Please excuse my sloppy English. I’m no native speaker
Tell us about you, the basics. What is you goal in life?

The basics? 18 year old, just finishing higher school (“Gymnasium”), living with my girlfriend and a friend of mine. I am unafraid to voice my opinions and although I have contacts to people thinking the same way, I hate all forms of “subculture” and try to avoid it.

What is the racial demographics of the area you live?
Right now I am lucky to live in eastern Germany (lived in West Germany before), the part which was controlled by the Sowjets until the fall of the Berlin Wall. This means we have the weaker economy here, less luxury and unnecessary goods, villages and small towns instead od huge cities – but we also have a stronger connection between people, they are less afraid to talk openly. Or as a friend who visited me put it: “When I came from the West to the East, the people envied my car. I envied their ethnic community.”
Less stuff for free means less immigration, less pressure for political correctnes. Besides, in the years of Sovjet sovereignity over eastern Germany it simply was not possible to immigrate.
Of course the demographic situation is changing slowly, but a few years ago it was so unusual to see a black here, people actually turned around and stared when one was in town.

What do you think of the growing presence of Muslims in Germany?
Not welcome. I am not in the position to judge a race or ethnie in their homeland, but those subhumans simply do not belong here. Their mind is incapable of internalizing the principes of justice, honour, community. They exploit our economy, live a rich and fat life without working, demand more and more and more, constantly claim to be the “victims” of racism, having a “hard time integrating”, being hindered in living their culture and whatnot. There are areas in huge cities you must not visit as a German because you might get robbed, attacked, even raped or killed. There are even places the police wont patrol anymore.

Do you fear persecution from the German government because of your beliefs?
Persecution will come, the government fights with everything it has against open-minded people. There is a huge variety of laws I’m probably breaking, some of them right now – to judge people based on their “looks, heritage, religious or politicial views” is forbidden – well, except if the victim is German. “Damn German nazi pigs should be killed!” is perfectly OK, “I think most of the Turks are lazy” will get you arrested. Every day Germans get assaulted by Turkish immigrants, the criminals often just have to attend “anger management trainig” (=government paid boxing training, not a joke). In a case where a suspected neo-nazi punched some black guy: his home was raided by special task forces with loaded machine guns, he got a bag over his head, was handcuffed and brought with a helicopter to court. For punching a black guy with his bare hands. Oh, and if you state your doubts about the Holocaust, you will get up to 12 years of prison.
I don’t know when I will be persecuted, but I surely will be someday. Already had my differences with the police, they made photos of me, took my fingerprints and DNA – not because I was a suspect in any case, but because I “could become a future suspect”. “This is for you own safety”, the cop said, “now that we got your data, you are less likely to become a criminal one day”.

But to answer your question: no, I am unafraid. Like Rudolf Heß said, no matter what people do, one day I will stand before the Creator and I know he will find me not guilty.

What does he believe will become of Germany in 50 years?
A hellhole like the USA today is. No offense, but thats the way it is. Way too much immigration, a complete loss of culture and values, domination of the Jew.

How do you feel about Turks, Negro and non-White coveting native German females?
While I understand why they don’t desire their own women, my point of view about that matter should be clear without asking – 14 words. Our race and heritage must be secured.
But we’re living in a time of sexual perversions, 14 year old girls having more sex than prostitutes (liberals changed the laws, anyone can now have sex with a girl at the age of 14, had several cases where 60+ guys abused kids and the police couldnt do anything about it); those children are having sex with blacks, turks, human trash – TV is telling them it’s cool, it’s peer pressure, they think its great to “experience something different” – aka. race mixing.

Should Jews warrant expulsion from Germany for being a genuine threat to European race survival?
We have very little of the “classical jews”, the small people, in our nation. I dont think it matters whether those stay or are expulsed. But indeed the jew is threatening the freedom of mankind worldwide, not only Europe – the important Jews in politics, economy, media. And while I will never defend that position openly, while I know I would definetly go to hell for this, while I know this would be just wrong and bring pain upon people not guilty: the only long-term solution for earth is the complete extermination of everything jewish, just like with cancer. But such a mass murder would only form new types of monsters and will hopefully never happen. Maybe we can send them into space one day.
I think the races of this world need to develop some kind of inner defense against jewish influence, expulsion wont work.

What is the consensus on Hitler’s philosophy in present day Germany in secret sentiment, was he right re: moral corruption of European race, Jew menace, disaster of multiculturalism?
If you say “Hitler”, people get afraid, work up their inner defenses, all that kind of crap that was indoctrinated into them. They dont know what Hitler said or did, they dont learn about it, its forbidden to read his (unaltered) books, to defend his views, even to show his name or picture in public. What they “know” about Hitler: he wanted to kill all jews and gays and blacks, he wanted war with everyone because he hates all foreigners and thinks only Germans are good people, he had a dog, his hand was twitching, he was a bad and very stupid person. They basically project everything bad they ever heard about the Reich on Hitler. “Hitler did”, “Hitler wanted”, “Hitler, Hitler, Hitler”. They cant think straight, its like people are hypnotized and programmed to shut off their brain when they hear the word “Hitler”.
Still, if you get the oppoturnity to talk to one of those puppets directly, maybe even confront them with one of his speeches, they often are willing to admit he was a sane person with strong beliefes.

What is your view of America with a changing demographic towards minority majority by 2025 or later?
I wonder how much worse it could get. Hard to imagine, but I think those immigrants will become more and more. Crowding the cities, taking the money from hard-working Americans, I think it’s going to become just the way a lot of rednecks think it already is today.
Look at how crowded your big cities already are today. Then look at the vast unused land that lies all around. If those people were willing to work, they would just settle there, build a life of their own, expand the cities and create something new. But they lack the willpower and skills of Whites, thats why they didnt build anything worth living in their homecountries, thats why they will screw up your country if you let them stay.

Does he believe that German nationalism is rising among the youth or is it mainly driven towards pro-Israeli anti-muslim sentiments?
Hard to say, I doubt anyone here is really “pro Israel”, except for Jews, but politicall correctnes makes Israel holy. The national scene is both against Israel and muslim immigration, which is often a bit complicated – since we share the same enemy as the muslims – but first we have to clean our own nation. But I think most NS people are mainly anti-muslim, since they are the most obvious problem for our country.

Is there a particular sort of music antifa types like to listen to in Germany?
They love their music loud and annoying, played in public places like train stations. I’m unable to recognize the “type” of “music”, as it just sounds like sick animals coughing in a tin bucket.

Which religion/spirituality is most common amongst German nationalists? wodanism, christianity, atheism?
Short said, religion is dead. Religion is for “stupid people that think there is a bearded man in the sky”, having ideals that go farther than the personal enrichment makes you suspicious and will amount to nothing. The youth believes in nothing but getting money, having a big car, having sex with many girls and yep, thats pretty much it. Which is sad – I don’t really like the catholic church, but I think we need a religious institute like the church to keep our European values. But as I said – religion is dead. Church is for old people only. “We don’t believe in god, and if you do, you’re stupid and a NERD!”

Ask him if there are two versions of WWII history in Germany? In other words is there a publicly spoken and accepted version of PC WWII history and one that people truly believe but won’t speak of in public.
No, most people just want to be left alone with all that “nazi stuff”. They are willing to admit or believe anything that is political correct, even if they had to believe their own grandfather was a flying supernazi shooting lasers from his eyes and raping little jewish boys – better than being called a nazi.

Is there any chance that there could be another movement in Germany similar to that of the rise of the Nazi party prior to WWII?
I don’t think the man to lead such a movement has been born yet – and even Hitler himself would have trouble with all the media trying to discredit and defame him. It’s the media which needs to fall first.

Do you agree with Nazi Ideology that Slavs and Romans are inferior to Germans?
You can’t put all the Slavs into the same category… but anyways, I prefer to be around my own kind. While it is clear what races are capable of achieving great things and which are not (compare Rome 2000 years ago to Africa today), I do not judge the human races. We all have a right to exist, peacefully, everyone at his designated place.

What do you see as the future for German nationalism: the NPD. or another way forward?
I don’t know what the future will bring, maybe we even need a fresh and new national party – when the time is right. Right now the media is just way too powerful, puts so many ideas into the minds of people they become uncabale of thinking for their own. Talking about the NPD people show a mixture of being amused, disgusted, frightened. “They are sooo stupid with all their ideas that wont work!” – “What ideas, for example?” – “You know, uhm, eerrrrr, that… stuff… with the immigrants… you know… errr… like they want to… kill everyone who is not blonde with blue eyes, you know.” – “You do realize thats bullcrap what you’re saying?” – “Listen I dont want to talk about this nazi stuff….”
First the jewish media empire has to fall, then we can see about the next steps.

How are the views among his peers of the same age? Any sign that young Germans are waking up?
I think with every coming generation those whole “war guilt” and “holocaust” intimidation work less and less. Instead, we have the media controlling their minds… but still, more and more people are brave enough to openly say what they think, we just have to help them overcome their inner barriers that block their thinking.

Are the turks seen as the new jews among nationalists?
In short terms: what the Blacks are for America, the Turks are for western Europe. Jews will always be Jews.

Was there a turning point in your life that resulted in you becoming racially aware? A situation you observed or an event that occurred?
It probably began when the Holocaust myth, which I fully believed, shattered to pieces. I lived near Dachau, I had to drive past the beton walls of the Dachau Konzentrationslager every day with the school bus. We learned about how many Jews were tortured and gassed in Dachau, had to visit it, stood in the shower room and learned that this is where hundreds of thousands died in agony. We were maybe 12 at that time, some started crying and one kid even vomited. We were able to FEEL ALL THOSE INNOCENT that died, we felt their presence and their deaths.
A few years later scientists discovered that there were no traces of poison in Dachau. They digged around and found no human bodies, no ashes, nothing. Today Dachau is called a “Work Camp”, the sign at the “gas chamber” now has a second line saying “was never used”.
> In this moment I woke up and my mind was set free.

The government managed the situation by making new laws that forbid to do any reasearch on KZs, imprisoning the scientist who discovered the lack of poison (“[…]while his research results are correct, he is denying the holocaust by publishing those results[…]”), and by a load of new nazi “reports” in the media.

What do people today in Germany feel about racial issues? Does the youth feel any differently than the older generation?
Most people say “Race does not exist”. The older generations dont want to talk about such stuff, they are probably afraid to be called nazis and left alone. The younger ones have to see race mixing the whole day in TV, it’s normal for them, they have lost any sense for race. Some grandparents still get pissed when their daughter invites her Black or Turk boyfriend home, but if you even try to ask a young person why she goes for someone totally different you will be called a nazi – and besides, it’s is “sooo cool when a child has, like, you know, two completely different parents, and it can learn turkish too, and we can go to turkey in our holidays”.

Are racially aware Germans, aware of the men behind the curtain? (you all know who I speak of) or is their anger solely directed towards the Turks and Muslims?
Very very very very few people even allow themselves to think in that direction – we grow up “knowing” that a “Jew” is just a normal person with a different religious belief, like a color preference or something the like. Most Germans don’t think anything is different about Jews, that anybody could just “convert” and become a Jew if he felt like it. They are unwilling to believe that Jews voluntarily set themselves apart from the rest of the world.

From time to time you get people that are willing to admit most of the men behind the curtain are in fact jewish. And what do they say? “See, this is why they were killed in the third Reich. They work harder and are more intelligent and that’s why they have the better jobs and get more money and that’s why the people were jealous and killed them!” Those kind of people also say “Race does not exist!!!”…

If you are lucky and find one of the rare persons that are racially aware or even fight for our freedom, 99% of the time their anger goes towards Muslims. Understandable, because they are the problem “at hand”, we have to fear crime from Muslims and not from Jews. It is hard to reach out and tear down that curtain, it is just out of reach. So instead of dealing with enemies they cant fight, most of the racial aware people try to solve the most obvious problems.

How would German nationalists feel about ethnic Germans from America and Canada immigrating back to Germany? Possible rules and guidelines to return?
I think we need every single nationalist we can get – with all that anti-German, anti-White immigration we have, everyone willing to defend our freedom, our heritage, our people is welcome. Nationalism is an international thing; while there is of course that sort of cliché skinhead white trash with an “we hate everything”-attitude, the organized NS has international contacts. I have very good polish friends, Poland has a strong NS scene and our right-wing parties even cooperate inofficially.

How large of a minority are racially aware Germans?
Slim to none. We are brainwashed, brainwashed, brainwashed, brainwashed people.

Do German nationalists hope that many anti-fa members can come to their senses and convert?
It’s easy to fall for that idea, after all, Antifa seems to have understood something is going wrong and are just aiming for the wrong enemy. But if you take a closer look, you can see what really is going on: Those people are egoists, just caring for themselves. The government actually PAYS BILLIONS EVERY YEAR for Antifa groups, anti-right-campaigns, NGOs further propagating race mixing and so on. Antifa scum have an easy life, they get paid by the government, can destroy property and attack people without having to fear the police and still get away due to the political correct press always blaming the “nazis”. They disgrace the graves of Wehrmacht soldiers by pissing on it, they shout paroles like “BOMBER HARRIS DO IT AGAIN”, “NEVER AGAIN GERMANY”, “GERMANS ARE CRIMINALS” and get paid by the government. They dont want to get to their senses, they enjoy life to the fullest.

What historical or present people do you admire and consider to be an embodiment of either virtuous moral character or some sort of exceptional ability?
My personal paragon is Rudolf Hess, who always stood up for his beliefes, even though his war was already lost. He was stronger than prison and pain, lived 46 years in imprisonment and still refused to betray his people. He was murdered a few weeks prior to his discharge, one of the greatest men of our race. Whenever I feel like our struggle can not be won anymore, I think of this great man, and I know: it does not matter, as long as we dont give up. When my life ends one day, I want to know that I have nothing to regret.

What are some examples of both negative and positive trends you see among the German youth?
Negative: sexual squalidness, the whole “immigration is cool”-thing, the total loss of German culture
Positive: more and more openly admit their right-wing views, less intimidated by jews and do-gooders

Would you consider it best if we returned to europe as americans, or if europeans should come to America? Or would it be best if we stay where we are now?
> A difficult question! I think we could use all the support we can get, and I personally would probably not want to leave Europe unless everything is already screwed up here; but when it’s come that far, it will not be any better in America. Since we are fighting a global enemy here, it should not matter who goes where. The revolt will start in one nation and others will follow.


Contact the man the Jews and white psychopaths hate most….

John de Nugent

213 Ekastown Road
Sarver PA 16055 USA

[20 miles north of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]



Telephone: 724.353.0154Skype: 

John de Nugent (Pittsburgh)


Cash in an envelope

Blank money order

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La vidéo qui choque le monde: la mission de Kalki (le messie aryen qui n’enseigne rien au public zomby-sé — qui ni lit ni comprend plus rien — mais qui écrase les malfaiteurs pour rendre toute ré-éducation publique pensable….)

The video that is shocking the world: the Kalki mission….


The Aryan messiah who does not try to teach the zombyized public, just an elite. The masses cannot or will not read or understand anything at this stage. Kalki crushes the wicked so that any re-education at all is made possible.

Remember as you see these scenes in the kosher slaughterhouse that GOY means CATTLE.

And the Chinese and Mexicans skin animals alive………………….





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1 Comment

  1. We must keep breaking free. Breaking free from those try to pull us down. In every thing we do, we need to pul away and break away from those who seek the destruction of our race.

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