ENGLISH Human nature and Aryan nature; when you are forced to kill or be killed

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Magician gets every girl to scream, and a few guys run too 😉

Still not sure how he did this… 😉


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I heard some marketing guy say it takes 3-5 encounters with a new idea before it can be accepted, and those staying with me on this Nordic-Alien and 4th Reich thesis are getting on board. I am getting phone calls now of support that I never got before! 

A White South African posted this afterward via Facebook:
Barry McCleskey Nugent is a great man! His struggles are mighty.

====================YOUNG SOULS AGAIN

I had written in great exasperation after seeing my one-promising sheriff race die for lack of support from both WN readers and the locals (although both agreed with my views and goals):

“The vast majority of Whites are, and always have been, cowardly, irresponsible, naive, swallowing lies with amazing eagerness, and looking out for their money and pleasures, drinking beer and watching football on television — while KNOWING that their nation meanwhile is going down the tubes.”

A white South Africa responded:

Among my late father’s files I found an article which I unfortunately just not am able to find again by the  Myers-Briggs people (of the Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory).

(I have been tested as an INTJ type, that is, “introversion, intuition, thinking, judgment.”)

Anyway, they found that only eight percent of the population (those included in their research samples) are able to think clear and logically, without undue interference of their emotions. They then wrote, if their research is correct, they conclude that only eight percent of the population is fit to serve in a leadership capacity.

I replied:

Once again, reincarnation explains things. The vast majority are young souls, and recently came up from the stage of higher mammals to the human level.

What people who have heard of reincarnation but do not grasp its details miss out on is that the young souls in the human race have just recently risen from this level…

A deer right outside my house last week….


….and the big difference is that as new humans they of course suddenly have much larger brains, but not necessarily any spiritual wisdom or any sophistication at all. These young souls (see my piece on Afrikaner actress Charlize Theron below)

“If I adopt a black baby, then the Jews in Hollywood will forgive me for being an Afrikaner. God forbid I ever have a white baby of my own. Must not pass on my racist white genes.”


….are often incredibly naive and inexperienced, and dominated by feelings, not reality. Many (not all) women especially are young souls, and thus very vulnerable. (This is why daughters in the old days were under the very watchful and protective eyes of their fathers, older brothers and uncles.)

Lost in Space” was a fun 1960s space-travel action series; the male-chauvinist-pig-racist-white-male-oppressor 😉 played by Guy Williams (top right) served as the kind, firm father figure to his all-white family and crew as they tried to get back to earth. The despicable “Dr. Smith” (lower-left-bottom) was a peevish, effeminate coward played by a very Jewish-acting actor. 😉


I am amazed, despite what I know, at the risks white women take with hostile men of other races despite a thousand clear warnings. Many race-mixing women end up beaten, raped or killed, even in horrible ways like being set on fire.

The Jew is out to destroy the white male so the white female is unprotected; he can then take her, degrade her, mix her genes with his, and ruin her happiness.

As for an old soul, on the other hand, he/she has had many human lives, and maybe, just maybe, even learned something in each of them. 😉

If you have not read my important webpage on the scientific reality of reincarnation, why not read it and not just look at the link and ignore all my hard work for you? What are you afraid of, a meaningful new understanding of life? To finally understand the mysteries of why things happen? Why we have instant likes and dislikes, intense fears and also attractions to certain things and people, even as kids?


Here is a video I did with an excerpt you should really see, raising the whole issue of humanimals. As this video (see below the segment 26:39 to 28:01, letting the video spool forward for a minute, then going to that time period) shows, a huge percentage of the people living today are on their first or second human life, and resemble in behavior the exact kinds of animals they were in their pre-human stage. What is typical of a humanimal who was a prey animal in a recent life is inexperience, naiveté and on in many cases, running from reality, acting like the animals they recently had been.

[Link: http://blip.tv/realamericanview/pres-1-a-6319715]

But treat our animal friends well. In your next life, one of them may be your best friend.


In the novel (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starship_Troopers) and the movie Starship Troopers (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starship_Troopers_(film)) by the famous German-American science fiction novelist Robert Heinlein, ONLY those who volunteer for and do well in military service, risking their LIVES, are eligible to obtain citizenship. Everyone else is just a subject of the state.

I think Dutch director Paul Verhoeven was trying to play it both ways. The Jews called him on the movie, especially with the incredibly Aryan-looking Caspar Van Dien (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casper_Van_Dien) as the main star (and even the author’s name, “Heinlein,” probably giving them the heebie-jeebies), so of COURSE Verhoeven CLAIMED it was mere satire.

Van Dien in “Starship Troopers”


Dutch-American actor Van Dien, his wife, actress Catherine Oxenberg, and their kids


(The movie DID deliberately go over the top, as when the critter sucks out the guy’s brain; it was partly campy.)

But had Verhoeven not said his movie was “anti-fascist” when it was really “pro-fascist,” it and Verhoeven’s own movie career would have suffered Mel Gibsonization.


This was an actual news story; I have whited out some of the details.




The comrade wrote me:

It was very traumatic emotionally/psychologically to kill another person. But the Police Dept. did treat me fairly in this case….. no political agenda  or Trayvon hysteria.

I had only an instant to react.

I was initially exhilarated that I prevailed ( I got HIM; he didn’t get ME ) but I’ve cried over this afterwards thinking about a young life gone.


I replied:

Must have been a negro.

He answered:

A black Hispanic, Puerto-Rican type

I went on:

Good for you, Marine!! One less subhuman who would have gone on to victimize many others and probably breed his genes too! You did the right thing, Pete, a service to us all. And besides, it is not as if you killed his SOUL! He just left his body and went on to his next existence, maybe even a bit wiser now. 😉

Please see my videos on God and reincarnation!


Aryans are too compassionate, too kind, to noble for our own good.
This is our overall downfall, this trait.
You did the right thing as a man and as a white man. The proof is that the police let you go. That guy probably had a police record for previous crimes! When he knocked you off your bike and threatened you with a gun, you dispatched him. End of story. YOU WERE A HERO THAT DAY.



An Afrikaner (see this blog also using her material: https://johndenugent.com/english/english-the-end-of-white-rule-in-south-africa-us-role-and-blackmailed-ivory-smuggling-officers  wrote me today:


Some of my friends in Richards Bay have just told me of Blacks who rob Whites on the beach.
I came from the shop and the people said we must be extra careful.  There is only one beach place, same place where I used to walk. We have only the one swimming beach with security, but the lifeguards and security are Black and useless.
Richards Bay people just received reports that criminals with knives at Alkantstrand are robbing people.
In 1992, during the Los Angeles, California riots following the Rodney King verdict, Korean-Americans in Los Angeles armed themselves to shoot black rioters and looters. 52 were killed including many Whites and Koreans.

koreans-protect -stores-south-central-la-1992
“Please be careful if you visit the beach or fishing. Make sure your alarms are on and in working condition. Burglaries are increasing in the suburbs. Vagrants ask for work, but are really looking whose home to break into.”
Sometimes I get the feeling that the ANC [African National Congress = the black communist government] hires people from the rest of Black Africa to kill the Whites. We call this in Afrikaans the “Derde Mag,” the Third Power.  Most of the killers ARE Blacks from the rest of Africa, as they find out when they catch them. But the ANC likes that they kill Whites.
It is not nice to live like this, John.”
This is life in South Africa after the black communist takeover.



==============deep and understandable fear of aliens truth


I have done some significant blogs on the Fourth Reich and Nordic Aliens:




Many who say they are skeptical or call it “a fantasy story” are really fearful young souls, afraid of a truth that deep down they know just might be true, and that IF TRUE really does change EVERYTHING. Therefore they REFUSE to read the evidence. But that is cowardice. That is a sign of a child, not a man.

US Marine Corps major Donald Keyhoe (who served in both WWI and WWII) was a highly respected UFOlogist and wrote one of the best early books on UFOs and government coverups. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Keyhoe)


Keyhoe was born and raised in Ottumwa, Iowa. He earned a B.S. degree at the United States Naval Academy in 1919, and was commissioned a Marine Corps Lieutenant.
In 1922, his arm was injured during an airplane crash in Guam. During his long convalescence, Keyhoe began writing as a hobby. He eventually returned to active duty, but the injury gave Keyhoe persistent trouble, and, as a result, he retired from the Marines in 1923. He then worked for the National Geodetic Survey and U.S. Department of Commerce.

In 1927, Keyhoe managed a very popular coast-to-coast tour by Charles Lindbergh. This led to Keyhoe’s first book, 1928’s Flying With Lindbergh. The book was a quick success, and led to a freelance writing career, with many of Keyhoe’s articles and fictional stories (mostly related to aviation) appearing in a variety of leading publications. Keyhoe returned to active duty during World War II in a Naval Aviation Training Division, retiring again a Major.

Here was Major Keyhoe being interviewed by CBS’s famous Jew reporter Mike Wallace (who tries in every way to ridicule Kehoe and on the premise that 1) all UFO believers are crackposts and 2) “our government would not lie”;-)  LOL! ):


Keyhoe wrote in his highly respected Flying Saucers Are Real (1950):

This was the cover of that best-selling book, looking very quaint by 2013 standards, but people were more innocent back then and all  popular books had covers like this.


It disturbed my belief in our human superiority. Faced with this evidence of a superior race in the universe, my mind rebelled. For years, I had been accustomed to thinking in comic-strip terms of any possible spacemen–Buck Rogers stuff, with weird-looking space ships and green-faced Martians.

But now, if these sightings were true, the shoe was on the other foot. We would be faced with a race of beings at least two hundred years ahead of our civilization–perhaps thousands. In their eyes, we might look like primitives.

I can still remember thinking, If it’s true, then the stars will never again seem the same.


Major Keyhoe tells Wallace:  “Some of them look like the man next door.”


An encounter with Nordic Aliens — an English country woman recalls:




A Greek comrade wrote me on Skype:

Tell your detractor to watch this:  


That’s Canada’s former Minister of Defense, PAUL HELLYER, the longest serving current member of the Queen’s Privy Council, just ahead of Prince Philip. In May of 2013 he testified before the CANADIAN PARLAMENT of knowing AS DEFENCE MINISTER of 4 Alien races actively visiting Earth…..

Another flake, I guess. 😉





7/23 @ 3:05 : Essen, DE
7/23 @ 3:05 : Mountain View, California, US
7/23 @ 3:03 : Oakville, CA
7/23 @ 3:01 : Baldwin, New York, US
7/23 @ 3:00 : Mishawaka, Indiana, US
7/23 @ 2:58 : Cardiff, GB
7/23 @ 2:58 : San Antonio, Texas, US
7/23 @ 2:58 : Stuttgart, DE
7/23 @ 2:57 : Hønefoss, NO
7/23 @ 2:57 : Houston, Texas, US
7/23 @ 2:56 : Stuttgart, DE
7/23 @ 2:53 : Berlin, DE
7/23 @ 2:50 : Espoo, FI

7/23 @ 2:45 : Naples, Florida, US

7/23 @ 2:44 : Brunswick, Georgia, US
7/23 @ 2:43 : Russian Federation, RU
7/23 @ 2:43 : Van Nuys, California, US
7/23 @ 2:43 : Vacaville, California, US
7/23 @ 2:39 : Graz, AT

7/23 @ 2:38 : Gera, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]

Open Air Festival
7/23 @ 2:38 : Konstanz, DE
7/23 @ 2:36 : Calgary, CA
7/23 @ 2:35 : Germany, DE
7/23 @ 2:33 : Vandergrift, Pennsylvania, US
7/23 @ 2:31 : Renton, Washington, US
7/23 @ 2:30 : London, GB
Tower Bridge
7/23 @ 2:27 : Zug, CH
7/23 @ 2:27 : Spring Hill, Kansas, US
7/23 @ 2:27 : Flein, DE
7/23 @ 2:25 : Palo Alto, California, US
7/23 @ 2:24 : Rochester, New Hampshire, US
7/23 @ 2:24 : Krompachy, SK

7/23 @ 2:02 : Augsburg, DE

7/23 @ 1:56 : United States, US
7/23 @ 1:55 : Plan-de-Cuques, FR[ANCE]
Near Marseilles
7/23 @ 1:54 : Plzen, CZ [CZECH REPUBLIC]
7/23 @ 1:54 : Stuttgart, DE
7/23 @ 1:37 : Stuttgart, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]
Home of Mercedes-Benz
7/23 @ 1:34 : Stockholm, SE


7/23 @ 1:33 : Vandergrift, Pennsylvania, US
7/23 @ 1:32 : Johannesburg, ZA
7/23 @ 1:29 : Cardiff, GB
7/23 @ 1:25 : Redmond, Washington, US
7/23 @ 1:25 : Ocmanice, CZ [CZECH REPUBLIC]
7/23 @ 1:23 : Roslyn Heights, New York, US
7/23 @ 1:23 : Mannheim, DE
7/23 @ 1:22 : Fürstenzell, DE
7/23 @ 1:22 : Montgomery, Texas, US
7/23 @ 1:21 : Dielsdorf, CH

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