ENGLISH NWO opponent Putin wins 64% landslide; I challenge a Pennsylvania high school teacher of “Peace Studies” to invite me to address his class during “racism studies week”

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Tears run down the face of the blond, muscular, tough-as-nails Putin, once a KGB colonel stationed in Germany. He said “We have beaten those who wished to destroy the Russian nation!”

This is excellent news for the white race. Putin is no angel (and no one in politics can be or stay one), and Russia continues to struggle with crime, corruption and non-white immigration, but in Putin Russia has a leader who knows and hates the NWO, which under the crypto-Jew Boris Yeltsin (born Yeltzman) nearly annihilated his beloved nation. Mother Russia is the largest country on earth and has 8,500 nuclear weapons……NOT under Jew control!

THANK YOU Vladimir Putin.
“THERE IS ANOTHER DOG IN THE FIGHT NOW, BIG, MEAN AND FIERCE”, and this dog`s name is Vladimir Putin.
The Russians saved the U.S.S. Liberty Ship from total destruction by the JEWS. The two-hour attack on this hapless ship that resulted in the murder of 34 American sailors was not called off until a Russian Destroyer raced to the scene and offered assistance to the Liberty.
Then and only then did the JEW attack stop.
The WAR MONGERING JEWS are threatening World War 3.
And now the Russians are drawing a line in the sand with respect to Syria and Iran.
Will this stop the long planned WWIII? Stay tuned. And keep telling yourself this is all about fighting terror.
There is only ONE group of TERRORISTS in the World today and they are the WAR-MONGERING JEWS.
The nutters have to love this. This insanity fits right into the “end times” nonsense that has been so successfully pedaled to mentally challenged, by the well-paid choir like John Hagee.
Like during Operation CYANIDE [US-Israeli attack on USS LIBERTY, combined with Israeli attack on Arab nations, June 1967], the Russkies again saved the World.

So, relax, folks, there won`t be any nuclear Global Holocaust, at long as tough ex-KGB guys are in Kremlin.

As Mark Glenn says it, “THERE IS ANOTHER DOG IN THE FIGHT NOW, BIG, MEAN AND FIERCE”, and this dog` name is Vladimir Putin.

Please listen this EXTREMELY IMPORTANT podcast by Glenn and Dankoff – well, since 00:45 at least, if you`re busy and haven`t much free time.


Vladimir Putin says he is going to protect all CHRISTIANS from the WAR MONGERING JEWS.
THANK YOU Vladimir Putin and Mother Russia!

The Jewish State
TUT Podcast Feb 27, 2012
“The Jewish State”—What It Really Means and Why the Rest of the World Should be Terrified at the mere mention of it”
We are joined by the one and only Mark Dankof to discuss the real reason for the wars and instability in the Middle East–Israel’s thousands of years old dream of possessing all the territory promised her by ‘God’–everything between the Nile and Euphrates rivers, a land mass not just the size of tiny Rhode Island, but rather 1,ooo,ooo square miles equal to 4 times the state of Texas.



03/05 @ 12:59 : Mosta, MT [island of Malta in the Mediterranean, near Sicily, which speaks a mixed Italian-Arabic language]
03/05 @ 12:59 : Jonesboro, Arkansas, US
03/05 @ 12:58 : Cork, IE [Ireland] (Many Nugents there…. ;-))
03/05 @ 12:53 : Berlin, DE[utschland = Germany]
03/05 @ 12:52 : Anna, Texas, US
03/05 @ 12:47 : Mc Donald, Pennsylvania, US
03/05 @ 12:47 : Hamburg, DE
03/05 @ 12:46 : Wartrace, Tennessee, US
03/05 @ 12:45 : Hagerstown, Maryland, US
03/05 @ 12:43 : Bangor, Maine, US
03/05 @ 12:43 : Copenhagen, DK [Denmark]
03/05 @ 12:40 : Lille, FR[ance]

03/05 @ 01:18 : Piestany, SK [Slovakia]
03/05 @ 01:16 : Anderson, South Carolina, US
03/05 @ 01:15 : New Kensington, Pennsylvania, US

03/05 @ 01:15 : Biel, CH [Confoederatio Helvetica = Helvetic Confederation = Switzerland] (Biel is a bilingual, French- and German-speaking city in western Switzerland)

Biel Lake Castle (Bielerseeschloß, a nice, long German word 😉 ]

03/05 @ 01:13 : Lingen, DE
03/05 @ 01:09 : Germany, DE
03/05 @ 01:07 : Houston, Texas, US

Houston now has SIXTY MOSQUES….. my comment on the brown invasion of our white nations and the freudian retraining of the police to be brutal toward the people


03/05 @ 01:05 : Frankfurt Am Main, DE
03/05 @ 01:00 : Hugoton, Kansas, US
03/05 @ 01:00 : Graz, AT [Austria]

Graz, home of Arnold Schwarzenegger, as it appeared in 1912…

Graz’s Rathaus (City Hall)

03/05 @ 12:59 : Moscow, RU[ssia]

Great interactive graphic of the Kremlin, the center of power in Moscow. (Though in German, you will easily get the idea.)


03/05 @ 12:58 : Sarcelles, FR[ance]

Sarcelles (north of Paris) city hall, built in 660, the Manoir de Miraville



An eastern Pennsylvania high school student wrote me:

* * *

—- Forwarded Message —–
From: B
To: john_denugent@yahoo.com
Sent: Saturday, 3 March 2012, 15:32
Subject: My school

Hi, John.

I live in Milford, PA. My “Peace Studies” teacher is going to be getting into “racism” (nowadays) next week, and says we’re going to be talking about the modern Klan, “Prussian Blue,” Aryan Nations, etc.

I was thinking how great it would be to have a speaker for our side come in, and DR (the kraut from Wisconsin ;-)) suggested I ask you if you could do it.

My teacher’s e-mail is []. You should write him, tell him who you are, and just say that one of his students told you you should ask to come speak, etc. I’m sure if you word the letter correctly you could provoke him into letting you come in and speak. Just have to use appropriate psychology on him.

This is my school’s website: http://dvsd.schoolwires.net/Domain/73

I realize it’s not exactly right around the corner geographically [JdN: eastern Pennsylvania is about 300 miles away from Pittsburgh, where I reside], but I believe you could do a great job in presenting the truth about our movement and I would love to see you come in and give the real side of this story. I would enjoy meeting you, also.

Let me know if you can, see if he’ll let you do it. And if you write him, do send me the e-mail you write – should be fun to read. 😉

* * *

I replied:

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Dear comrade,

I decided to go ahead and write an email (found below) to your “Peace Studies” teacher. This might be a golden opportunity despite the big physical risks for me. This would jump-start things with huge media coverage….


A friend of yours wrote directly to your “white-guilt guru,” and this is what he said:
* * *
I am a bit saddened and disheartened to hear of yet another school “official” who has taken up the banner of sociological distortion to “educate” innocent young minds.
In your lesson plan I hope you are not going to take the approach that only white people can be racist, and that if any other race is racist it is the white man’s fault. This type of education does untold amounts of damage on young minds. It plants a seed deep inside, and over time that seed has the potential to become a massive growth; and I think that it is very unfair to young white men and women to one day become overwhelmed with unjustified guilt and self-disgust.
Race relations are a major issue in this country, and they have been for a very long time; but trying to take away the identity of white kids while instilling a sense of identity in non-white kids isn’t going to help correct the situation. In fact, you and I both know that it will only make matters worse. The reason why the failed race relations in this country continue to fail is because no one is actually trying to correct the matter honestly: they are all trying to launch vengeful attacks against the white race as a means of venting their frustration for all of their failures. Just as it is said that “Hitler blamed the Jews in order to rally everyone against a common enemy,” it is so today that the school systems and the media have blamed the white race and mysteriously invisible “institutional racism” for all of the shortcomings of blacks, Hispanics, Amerindians, and (to a lesser extent) Asians (but even Asians are being targeted these days as being “too white”).
It is interesting that you chose to discuss Prussian Blue, the modern KKK, and Aryan Nations, because (as anyone in the Aryan Racialist movement will tell you) they are all severely outdated and virtually non-existent. And none of those groups truly speak for modern racialism. To point a fact, the truth is that there is no real racial momentum anywhere. There is no major group leading a new wave of racial hatred and violence against non-whites. If there are acts of racism (which even the news has to greatly exaggerate to make their claim) it is usually a couple of young kids operating independently of any leadership – and most of those kids became racially frustrated from having to listen over and over to the sociological lies that you, yourself, are now taking part to disseminate.
The truth of the matter is that not a single white person alive today is guilty of slave ownership, and not a single black person alive today has ever been any white person’s slave. Those days are long gone – so far gone it’s unthinkable, and hysterically laughable to suggest otherwise. All you, and others who subscribe to the cult of sociology, are doing is torturing innocent young people for acts that they had nothing to do with.
One thing you might want to consider is, aside from instilling guilt in young white kids, you are also going to instill a sense of rebellion and defiance in them. In many you will instill guilt and self-disgust, but in others you are actually going to create a “racist.” It was the very teachings of sociology that are responsible for my now having been a racialist for ten years. Prior to having white guilt forced down my throat, I never had any concern about race: I was racially neutral in every matter. I had friends of every color and creed; but after seeing just how much this system actually hates white people, I felt myself obligated to take part in the resistance against the unjustified attack on my people.
The sociology movement is made up primarily by white people who are just trying to do the “right” thing. They are told that there is an injustice taking place, and these brave young men and women are going out and standing up against it. They imagine themselves great heroes and heroines, fighting for a sacred Cause; but in truth they are fighting for a delusion that doesn’t exist: a social construct meant to use the white race as a means for destroying itself. But none the less, it is mostly white people that are out fighting against racism: so no matter how you want to look at it, white people are not racist; not as a majority (I wish). Real racism comes in the form of blacks attacking young whites and robbing, raping, and murdering them simply because they are white – because sociologists like you have taught these young blacks to hate whites so much that they can think of nothing else other than killing them off.
It is the preachers’ of sociology fault that there is so much racism today; it is their fault for the failed race relations in this country; it is their fault for the social constructs of “institutional racism” in this country.
White people are scared to death of being labeled a “racist,” because being a “racist” is the most socially despised thing you can be in this modern world. If you need proof of that, try looking at Duluth, Minnesota: that town is 98% white, and is now the target of a vicious sociology campaign against white people. And yet the 98% majority is doing exactly what is has been taught to do: submit unconditionally. There are no riots in the street – as there most certainly would be in a black neighborhood that was under a similar attack. Someone ought to try erecting billboards in densely populated black cities that say “It’s hard to see YOUR privileges when you’re black.” We all know what would happen in that event.
Race is a real issue, Mr. Bajor; but the way to overcome that issue is not to keep forcing white kids to feel ashamed of themselves. And certainly no good will come from inflaming non-whites against whites – especially for something that the white youth of today are totally innocent of. If you want to end racism today, Mr. Bajor, and to save young people from racial warfare, then really treat the races the same: don’t treat white kids as if they are born with the “original sin” of “white privelage” and a genetic predisposition toward racism. There is a better way to overcome these failed race relations; and if you keep pushing the issue in the manner that sociologists are pushing it, you will do nothing but create a great deal more “Nazis” then you are trying to prevent from being created by any other means. It really is the current school system and media that create racialists, and not because they actually intend to (or at least they do not openly admit to it).
Just as in Germany there is now a condition referred to as “Holocaust Fatigue,” so there is a condition here in America: it’s called “Slavery/Racism Fatigue.” White people can only take so much white-guilt and white-shame for so long before they either a) close up and go numb, or b) get frustrated, angry, and fight back. But either way, forced sociology will only further destroy race relations between whites and non-whites; it will not correct or even so much as improve America’s growing racial tensions.
I do hope you give some consideration to what I have written. I took a good deal of time to think over what I was going to say to you, and how I was going to write it out.
Sincerely yours,
* * *
—– Forwarded Message —–
From: John de Nugent <john_denugent@yahoo.com>
To: [teacher’s email address]
Sent: Sunday, 4 March 2012, 15:17
Subject: potential guest speaker on racism for your class
Dear sir:
One of your students wrote me an email explaining that you were dealing with the topic of racism in class, and suggested I might be a good guest speaker on that topic.

Here is a nice little item, which I am sure you as the “peace studies teacher” whom I hereby challenge in Milford, Pa. do not wish to touch with a ten-foot pole:


The boy’s name in heavily German Kansas City is “Coon,” the anglicized spelling of “Kühn,” which in German means “bold.” And that is what we need in the white civil rights movement, the boldness now to say NO MORE!

I am sure you will bring this shocking and clearly racial incident up in your class this week — not.

I am what I would call an enlightened white nationalist. The webmaster for my four websites — with custody of all my passwords and thus access to all my backed-up files was for two years (2009-11) a part-black, part-Egyptian-American, Clark Lightbridge of Los Angeles……
….I have gay friends (yes, of course, they do exist in our WN ranks), I have dated some nice women who turned out later to be Jewish (whereupon I ended the relationship, but acknowledged they were very nice and intelligent ladies), and I come from a liberal Republican family. (Yes, there once was such a thing;) wink.)We were the first family in Rhode Island to invite Jews into two of our country clubs in the early 1960s, Wannamoissett CC in East Providence and RI Country Club in Barrington. (Nota bene that there still are many all-Jewish country clubs around the USA….)(My father was the Republican nominee for governor of RI in 1974, which was unfortunately also the Watergate year, and the youngest president ever of a Rotary Club. He was a Marine who fought at Iwo Jim in WWII and as an officer in Korea. Through him I met Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan.)
On the one hand I am extremely upset at the moral and economic destruction of MY country.
* * *
(Why “MY”? My family came here 150 years BEFORE the American Revolution, and co-founded Providence, Rhode Island in 1636 as the very first bastion of religious freedom in the New World under Roger Williams. We gave the land from our orchard for the first Baptist church in North America, the Baptists believing a then explosively controversial idea that no baby should be forced to undergo baptism, but instead that only adults can choose the religion they want. Baptists (then called Anabaptists) were burned at the stake in Europe and hanged in Puritan Massachusetts for saying this.
The First Baptist Church, Providence, Rhode Island, on Angell Street, named after my early colonial ancestor on both sides, Thomas Angell.
* * *
And I as well as millions of other whites, the kind of people who express themselves to me in private, do fear the growing minority domination of our lives, as well as violent street crime, high school racial gangs, reverse racism in hiring, promotions, government contracts and college scholarships, and the loss of freedom of speech.
My main focus nevertheless is being pro-white, not anti-minority.It is the minorities’ encroachments on our rights that concern me, not their own good right to exist, thrive, raise happy families and do their own thing.
I am thus, in the true sense, a white civil rights activist. I am NOT a white supremacist, if that means striving to restore a master-slave society with whites on top. In a certain formal sense, my role models in my struggle for white civil rights are Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, and even more so, Marcus Garvey, who wanted black self-rule and black homelands.
When I was on the Alan Colmes radio show coast-to-coast (http://reasonradionetwork.com/downloads/_misc/JdN_20090616_AlanColmes.mp3, with the entire transcript of that show found in the postscript below) I said I was an “Aryan zionist”…. meaning that if Jews have an acknowledged right to a homeland, and of course most American Jews never actually move to Israel or care overly about that land………then by the exact same token
–1) those whites who do care about and wish to preserve their identity and their genes must have the same acknowledged right to a homeland, and –2) those whites who do not care one way or the other can assimilate, intermarry with blacks, Asians, Jews and others. Being genetically recessive they and their genes will eventually die out.(Barack Obama may BE half-white, but he looks, and as he has written, he feels and sees himself as “black.”
His white maternal grandparents with Barack….

Fair hair, light eyes and skin just die out in almost all racial mixtures. This is a fact. If not protected by active measures, we lose out genetically. We disappear into the darker-complected mass. And Whites today are just 8% of the human race.)

Heidi Klum with a blonde daughter from a liaison with a white father and a black son from her career-boosting marriage to a black father, the singer “Seal”
The choice to interbreed is the free choice we leave to those whites who are, frankly, doomed to eventual extinction.
And they must bear the consequences of their choice, growing up in sections of the USA where they will be, or already now are (as in eleven states including California, New Mexico, Hawaii and Texas), an ever smaller white minority in a hostile, often overtly anti-white, and majority-minority society.
USA Today map of June 11, 2010, showing large swaths of majority-minority counties https://johndenugent.com/images/usa-growing-diversity-map-june-11-2010.jpg
After the James von Brunn/Holocaust Museum shooting incident of June 2009, I was interviewed by all the major networks, the Washington Post, and both the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and Pittsburgh Tribune Review, and all the media carried basically honest and accurate articles about my views, which included condemning von Brunn’s act.
Interviewed by WXPI-TV in Pittsburgh https://johndenugent.com/images/Interview-WXPI-June-2009-von-Brunn.jpg
http://johndenugent.org/about-john/television-coverage/ (Israeli hackers have hacked out the photos on this static webpage, violating my First Amendment freedom of speech.)
Only one network carried not a second of my long interview, FOX News. Why? I suspect because, as their cub reporter Friedman, who works for the afternoon “Sheppard Smith Report”, exclaimed: “Boy, you sound a lot more moderate than I thought.”
Of course, that might be worrisome for you, sir, if you would actually prefer the media stereotype of a drooling, screeching, crazy-eyed skinhead with tattoos…. or of an overweight, “Walmart-people” Klansman.
From my video, standing next to the gate at the closed federal cleanup site of the former NUMEC plutonium plant in Apollo, Pa. The Israeli Mossad organized the murder of John Kennedy ( 1) http://www.amazon.com/Final-Judgment-Missing-Assassination-Conspiracy/dp/0935036539, 2) http://www.amazon.com/The-Samson-Option-Diplomatic-Repercussions/dp/B0017WDYSU/ref=sr_1_sc_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1330886571&sr=1-2-spell…. “Hersh, a Pulitzer Prize winner, expounds on the steady but quiet growth of an Israeli nuclear industry that proved so successful that Israel was able to coerce several U.S. administrations into doing its bidding.”) And it ran the assassination to a successful conclusion because JFK refused to allow Israelis to steal enriched nuclear fuel to build The Bomb.
Lyndon Johnson allowed this theft, and by 1964 Israel had nuclear weapons. Hundreds of western Pennsylvanians have died a horrible, lingering death of cancer due to the criminally negligent dumping at night by NUMEC founder Zalman Shapiro, now a nonagenarian living in the ritzy, Jewish section of Squirrel Hill, Pittsburgh, of toxic nuclear by-products all around the Leechburg/Apollo area. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Apollo_Affair) I know of a 19-year-old Leechburger with testicular cancer and his 24-year old girlfriend with thyroid cancer. DO YOU CARE????
I graduated with high honors from Georgetown….
Membership in Phi Beta Kappa, the top ten percent of the class
…I have two grown daughters (one with a master’s degree from Duke, the other with an Registered Nursing-program bachelor’s degree from the U. of Virginia) and now I have also two twin granddaughters.
Daughters Ingrid and Erika in 1988
I also had an excellent career in the Marine Corps Reserve, and planned a Marine officer career like my father, but it was curtailed by the discovery by my Jewish commanding officer of my political and pro-white views. After an inter-service transfer I was then named “Guardsperson of the Year” in my Virginia National Guard infantry company in Manassas, Va. for the year 1980.

Va. Guardmen training in house-to-house at Fort Pickett, Va.
Also relevant to any high school appearance is that I was a very popular long-term substitute high school teacher in the 1980s, ’90s and 2000s, working as such when between other jobs.
Kids would actually skip taking the bus home to come see me after dismissal and hang out a bit with me, and by that I mean kids of all races: black, white, hispanic and East Asian. As you know, by their senior year many of these kids are living in broken homes, with divorce and all sorts of issues going on here in the “Brave New World” of the post-Sixties USA….. Many kids saw me as a calming, caring male role model, and the boys were interested in my Marine background for many reasons.
The blonder they are, the more they want to be military heroes…..This is the cover of this week’s Newsweek magazine…. Over 95% of U.S. special forces, the elite who go through extremely demanding combat schools that eliminate most candidates, are white… https://johndenugent.com/images/newsweek-navy-seals-blond-boys.jpg
A surprise testimonial I got at Swampscott Middle School in Massachusetts in 1996
I like kids a lot, and having been molested myself as a child, I feel deep compassion and understanding for troubled teens, because I was one myself. I had 18 months of therapy for what happened to me, (though I stupidly waited, out of fear of reliving the trauma, until after I was age 49)…. so I know how important it is to have someone to talk to if one wishes to finally find catharsis and get one’s life back on track.
This movie, based closely on a true story, about a young, angry black sailor who finally got help for being abused as a foster child actually helped me a lot to seek therapy.
What also distinguishes me from others is that I propound constantly the reality of the existence of God. I believe in reincarnation, karma and that we face consequences from a real higher world for what we think, feel, say and do. We reap what we sow, in this life and in coming lives when we return to this earth. Please see the God videos at the top of this videos page.
Reincarnation was the main religious belief of the ancient Indo-Europeans (“Aryans”), and we know from Julius Caesar’s De bello gallico that the Kelts believed in it, as did the Vikings in the Germanic world (as their sagas reveal), and among the Greeks also Pythagoras, the exponent of the numeral pi (3.14…) and of the “Pythagorean theorem” named after him, and also the great philosopher Plato,
……not to mention the Hindu and Buddhist upper-caste whites in ancient India. (Prince Siddhartha Gautama, later called the Buddha, or “Enlightened One,” had blue eyes and dark hair, and is so depicted in India to this day, as an ancient white member of the kingly caste, the kshatriyas.)
I also believe in the now fully proven yet also extremely un-p.c. fact that it was prehistoric Solutrean whites from Stone Age Europe who, during the Ice Age, first settled North America. This was 6,000 years before the Amerindians arrived — and those whites, our kin, were later overwhelmed and massacred by them as they poured in from Asia and Alaska. (See confirmation in this long-awaited and major new book! http://www.amazon.com/Across-Atlantic-Ice-Americas-Culture/dp/0520227832/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1330810642&sr=8-1

The Discovery channel documentary “Ice Age Columbus”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maziRFPYU14 When I, John de Nugent, began adopting this theory, the Discovery Channel shamelessly reversed gears….and ran a one-hour hit piece AGAINST me, culminating in this five-minute clip (found on YouTube) out of a four-hour interview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4buhrCRRfkI

It would be patronizing for me to remind you, sir, that if you should invite me to speak to your class, with 100% certainty “all hell will break loose.” The minority and white-leftist agitators will categorically, overtly, hypocritically and shamelessly seek to deny me the right to express my views, and exert a histrionic and manichean pressure on you, the principal and the school board.
What the liberal hatemongers fear most of all is this:–1) I usually make a good, solid, convincing, reasonable impression, and I hammer home over and over –2) that the Founding Fathers were ALL, publicly and openly, what THEY like to defame as “white racists.” And thus I am carrying on the will of the “Framers” or “Founding Fathers,” not they.
“Shocking” racial views of a white-trash misfit ……named….. Thomas Jefferson ;) wink:
“Disgusting” racial opinions of a drooling, no-account, meth head and loser in special ed …..named….. Benjamin Franklin ;) wink:
Since, if I travel 300 miles to address your class, and then suffer the cowardly, spineless and hypocritical school administration canceling me, as is their wont, at the last minute under outsiders’ pressure, I must demand — as a written, contractual precondition — that my travel expenses and hotel of $300 be double-reimbursed. (I live in greater Pittsburgh, at the other end of the state.)
So we will see if your school’s belief in freedom of speech is merely theoretical, but then buckles and collapses under hate-filled, intolerant, bigoted minority pressure.
In that case yet again, it is I who am the true American, and it is you and yours who reject freedom of speech if you disagree with that speech, you do not hold sacred the First Amendment right to peacefully assemble, and you fear that I will explain to American youth that the founders of this country were all pro-white.
And I will report to your student that out of cowardice or bigotry you refused to let me speak on racism, you refused to provide alternative points of view, and instead enforced a one-sided, Orwellian rant against whites.
This will strengthen even more the student’s conviction that the entire system is rigged in favor of minorities, and democracy a mere veneer for whites…. for those naive souls who imagine they too should have group rights and “clout,” just as the Blacks, Mexicans, gays, East Asians, Amerindians, Hindus and Jews do.
As the fictional Marine colonel Nathan Jessup bellowed from the witness box in the memorable movie “A Few Good Men”:
“You want ‘the truth’? You can’t HANDLE the truth.”

(And do not even dream that I will ever conduct myself in an irate manner like the fictional colonel. I am more a teacher by nature than a Marine.)
The day will come when I will ask one and all: Are you anti-white or pro-white, because we are becoming an endangered species under the terms of the 1974 federal Endangered Species Act (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endangered_Species_Act). AND IT IS YOUR LEGAL OBLIGATION UNDER THAT LAW TO PROTECT THE ENDANGERED WHITE MINORITY.
I note from your own website that you are already depicting whites symbolically as being just one-third of the Delaware Valley, Pa. school population…. subliminally getting young whites habituated to their future as a minority in a valley that has been 90% white for nearly 300 years. (Is the Delaware Valleys already one-third Asian? ;) wink Or is this mere habituation? )
Our percentage of our own country, which our ancestors build out of of the raw wilderness, has dropped from 90% to 50% in just 47 years.
* * *
(Corroboration that whites are NOW a minority is found in my discussion here of the research of Virginia Abernethy.
Wiki: Virginia Deane Abernethy (born in Cuba[1] in 1934) is an American professor (emerita) of psychiatry and anthropology at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. She received a B.A. from Wellesley College, an M.B.A. from Vanderbilt University, and Ph.D. from Harvard University. She is an anthropology fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.”)
She was from 1988-99 the editor of the most respected demographical academic journal, “Population and Environment.”
Here is my exposition of her views: https://johndenugent.com/pages/video_player_page10.htm
Dr. Abernethy stated in 2006 in an address in Washington, D.C. that the US population passed the 300 mio. mark way back in 2001, not in 2005, due to a deliberate 40 million under-count of the Hispanic illegal-alien population, that whites are NOW a minority themselves, and that blacks now find themselves, without their consent to any Mexican invasion, in an unhappy and distant THIRD place.)
* * *
Since whites are now reproducing at far less than ZPG (zero population growth, which is 2.2 kids per family), we will fall to 20% of the population of a nation that the Framers wanted to be white and European by extraction, values and culture.
I know, sir, that you are “OK” with Black History Month, Black Entertainment Television, and Martin Luther King Day, or the Dia de la Raza of the Mexicans.
Are you also okay with a White History Month, White Entertainment Television, and Thomas Jefferson Day?
Or do you believe the ludicrous myth that whites enjoy still a “culture of white privilege,” though most whites nowadays
–live in economic precarity, and their real wages have risen only 5% since 1980 –face violent black and hispanic gangs in high school or on the street (http://www.conunderground.com/black-mobs-terrorizing-whites-as-planed/) Note, in this Chicago news report about black flash-mob violence that the Asian and black reporters ask only other minorities, in this case Asians, what happened, and not one white victim. They also never call this obvious racial incident and hate crime what it was, a racial hate crime against whites:


Whites also face
–foreclosure, joblessness or Walmart jobs due to our free-trade policies toward China
–drugs have exploded in our community (with methadone clinics in many small white towns,) and
Do you KNOW or CARE, sir, how working-class whites actually live?
A methadone clinic, RHJ Medical Center, in a formerly beloved Italian restaurant along the Kiskiminetas River in Vandergrift, Pa….40 miles outside of Pittsburgh, in the heartland….(http://local.times-news.com/rhj+medical+center.9.54560755p.home.html)
I will publish this email as a blog, as an open letter, regardless of your answer, and derive benefit either from your courageous agreement or from your hypocritical refusal. Your choice will brand you either way to a young mind that is observing you.
Are you anti-white?
Do you believe in free speech?
Do you believe in airing both sides?
Are you okay with me explaining to your class the real view of Judaism of Thomas Jefferson?
* * *
Writing to his fellow former president of the United States and fellow Founding Father, John Adams, on October 13, 1813, Jefferson wrote concerning the Jewish Talmud:
“What a wretched depravity of sentiment and manners must have prevailed before such corrupt maxims could have obtained credit! It is impossible to collect from these writings a consistent series of moral doctrines.”
Describing himself as “a real Christian, that is, a disciple of the doctrines of Jesus,” Jefferson wrote to William Short on October 31, 1819 that he considered Jesus “the greatest of all the reformers of the depraved religion of his own country.”
In a subsequent letter to Short, of August 4, 1820, Jefferson added that while Christ preached “philanthropy, universal charity and benevolence,” the Jews followed teachings that instilled in them “the most anti-social spirit toward other nations.
Jefferson wrote that Jesus, “a reformer of the superstitions of a nation,” was in “an ever-dangerous” position by opposing “the priests of superstition,” i.e. the Pharisees, whom he described as “a bloodthirsty race, cruel and remorseless as the Being whom they represent as the family god of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and the local god of Israel.”
The Jefferson Memorial, modeled after the Pantheon in Rome. Gorgeous Japanese cherry trees, which bloom spectacularly in spring, line the reflecting pool.
The memorial to Jefferson, garlanded by cherry trees.
Recently, Obama dedicated a hideous, totalitarian, and literally all-Chinese-made, Chinese-style monument to Michael King (legal name of Martin Luther King, Jr.) on the west side of the pool that fronts the Jefferson Memorial. Even the marble is from China.
All our key governmental words, such as declaration, independence, constitution, president, congress and supreme court, all are words from ancient Rome. None of our concepts come from Africa, Arabia, China, or any other third world area.
Monticello, the mansion in Charlottesville, Virginia, which Jefferson designed as his mansion, and where he ran his slave plantation, invented a modern toilet, accumulated a vast library, and grew wine, including the native Virginian “scuppernong,” which is mighty tasty. ;-) .
The Rotunda of the University of Virginia. Jefferson designed the original buildings and founded the university. The federalist style was Greco-Roman, often used brick, and both halves of the building or house were absolutely symmetrical. (The Victorian house style was the great reaction against rigid symmetry.)
It was estimated once that Jefferson, who went to college at age 16, to the College of William and Mary, had an IQ of around 200.
In his will, Jefferson bequeathed his entire library to Congress, thus stocking, yes, “the Library of Congress.” Here is the “main reading room,” in the “Thomas Jefferson Building” of the “LOC.”
John F. Kennedy held a dinner in the White House for a group of the brightest minds in the nation at that time.
He made this statement: “This is perhaps the assembly of the most intelligence ever to gather at one time in the White House with the exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone.”;-)
Forthrightly yours,
John de Nugent
….with a little butterfly who lit on my hand while filming a video
PS Transcript of Alan Colmes interview of June 2009 (audio file, as above:


* * *
COLMES: I’m Alan Colmes, I want to welcome John de Nugent to our microphone. He is a white separatist, and had some dealings with the man who shot at the Holocaust Museum, von Brunn, James von Brunn. Mr. de Nugent, thank you for coming on.
JDN: Thank you very much! Bonsoir à mes camarades francophones, {“Good evening to my French-speaking comrades”], Guten Abend allen deutschsprachigen Kameraden [same in German], Buenas tardes a todos los camaradas españoles [and in Spanish]. That was a greeting to my Solutrean comrades all around the world in French, German, and Spanish, and I greet you too, Alan Colmes, and I’m very glad you’re no longer working with that windbag, Sean Hannity.
COLMES: Well, first of all, let’s leave him out of it. I’m so delighted to hear a white separatist immerse himself in such multiculturalism, it’s, uh, fantastic.
JDN: [Laughs] Well these are all Aryan languages. When Mexican [mestizo]s speak Spanish in this country, they should be speaking Aztec, but they are using the advanced white language of Spain because Spain brought an advanced culture to Mexico.
COLMES: Uh – huh, well let’s get a few things straight here, first of all, I know that you use the term “white separatist” and not “white supremacist.” I know that’s a big issue for you –
JDN: It is.
COLMES: – if you are a white separatist, that means you would like to be separate from the other races, probably because you think whites are superior??
JDN: Oh, absolutely! The fact is that most races are white supremacists because everywhere in the world people are streaming, by millions of immigrants, into every white country they can. They are getting into shipping containers, they are getting into the wheel wells of 747 jets, they are crawling through the deserts of Mexico to get out of their Third World country — to get into Germany, Sweden, Russia, France, Canada, Australia, so all these non-white people themselves are white supremacists.
COLMES: My point is, if you think being white is better, wouldn’t that make you a white supremacist, and not just a white separatist?
JDN: No, not at all, because you’re talking about a slave owner sipping his mint julep while the black folks work out in the fields. We totally reject that. We want the same thing that Jewish people wanted, such as Theodore Hertzl, and you’re Jewish, they wanted a separate homeland where they would be safe from persecution. And that was the Zionist dream.
I am an Aryan Zionist, I want a place where there can be White Heritage and Safety Zones where we will toil in our own fields, we will do our own back-breaking labor, we will raise our own kids, and we will have local control of our TV, and our music, and our movies, and police, and our economy, and we will control who immigrates –
COLMES: I’ve got a white-only area for you, the Republican party! Just kidding, that was a little joke there, but –
JDN: Well, actually, you know, the fact of the matter is [that] the Republican Party is the closet white party in this country. If they would recognize this fact, then they would be victorious.
COLMES: Alright, but if you believe in white culture, just to settle this part of the issue for a second, if you believe in white culture being supreme, if you believe it’s better being white, that whites have it over others –
JDN: No, it’s better for white people to be white! [laughs]
COLMES: You want to be separate because you think you are better than people who are of other backgrounds and cultures, and that level of pride would indicate that separatism is very close to supremacism, although you don’t like to call it that obviously.
JDN: Now, why do you Jews call yourselves “the Chosen People”?
COLMES: Well, I’ll tell you why, and I’m not particularly comfortable with that, uh –
JDN: But you do.
COLMES: phrase. Well, I don’t call myself — by the way I love when you call me “you Jews” — but uh, I uh –
JDN: Aren’t you Jewish?
COLMES: I am, but I’m not “you Jews.” My name is Alan. However –
JDN: Oh, I see.
COLMES: I — the Chosen People means –
JDN: God chose you, or you say God chose you.
COLMES: No, that’s not what I’m saying,.You’re answering me a question that I’m about to answer you. The Chosen People means that in many instances God has chosen Jews to suffer. God chose Jews to be persecuted. God chose Jews to go through all kinds of problems and suffering and survive in spite –
JDN: Oh, “persecutions”?
COLMES: Yes, in spite of the fact that they have gone through things like the Holocaust and have gone through all kinds of — and thrown out of almost every country they’ve gone to –
JDN: Well, why is it that no — you know, I had a girl in Junior High School –
COLMES: Good for you.
JDN: And I was acting like a jerk. and she said to me, “Oh sure, John, you’re right and all the world’s wrong!” Well, why is it that Jews have been expelled from every country they’ve ever entered?
COLMES: Bigotry.
JDN: Oh bigotry — so the whole world is wrong and the Angelic Jews…. Let me ask you about some Jews, and I think you should –
COLMES: By the way, it’s great to be a guest on your show. Go ahead, keep asking me questions.
JDN: Well, I’ve been on the radio plenty myself, so as –
COLMES: Go ahead. I love being a guest on your program. 😉
JDN: [laughs] OK, I would like you, as an honest Jewish person — I admire a lot of your journalism, and puncturing of Sean Hannity –
COLMES: I’m not “puncturing” anybody, I’m not even a journalist I’m a talk-show host, but go ahead.
JDN: And you were a stand-up comedian when you started. I know; I’ve read.
COLMES: Oh so you did a little googl[ing] –
JDN: Yes I “Wikipedia’d” you. 😉 But I think the Jewish people should take some responsibility for the people who have caused the global depression we are entering now, the sub-prime mortgage phenomena was invented by a French Jew; then Barney Frank failed to oversee the sub-prime mortgage crisis –
Congressman and child molester Barney Frank “oversaw” Fannie Mae, where his gay lover Herb Moses (taqlk about fannies…) expanded mortgage lending to minority applicants with no credit or income
COLMES: Of course, the Jew, the Jew Barney Frank –
JDN: Bernard Madoff stole fifty billion dollars –
COLMES: Let’s just single out the Jews.
JDN: Goldman –
COLMES: Let’s just single out the Jews.
JDN: I am – because they are the reason why this man [von Brunn ] snapped the other day.
COLMES: Look, it’s great –
JDN: Goldman Sachs….
COLMES: Wait a minute, you’re talking about the man — let’s get back, hold on for just one second, first of all, welcome to the Jew media –
JDN: [laughs]
COLMES: The man who snapped the other day, the man with whom you’ve had contact, James von Brunn, snapped because of the Jews?
JDN: There is a tremendous realization, as you see an endless parade of Jewish Wall Street names with mega-meltdowns on Wall Street, for example, Hank Greenberg, who –
COLMES: Oh another Jew! That’s a Jew name isn’t it?
JDN: Oh, Greenberg sorry, Greenberg’s Irish, my mistake
COLMES: Well it has Green in it –
JDN: [laughs] Well he took a lot of green 😉 – and the US tax payer is paying one hundred and fifty billion dollars –
COLMES: Well it’s interesting that you, that you — like to single out the Jews as if nobody else was running the country — we didn’t have Bush in office, we didn’t have Cheney in office –
JDN: They merely –
COLMES: It’s only the Jews who are the problem. But let me, let’s get to the issue at hand here. How well did you know, and on what level did you interact with James von Brunn?
JDN: I started receiving his e-mails about two years ago/ You know, suddenly you [get an] email and somebody’s sending you stuff; I never met the man, I’ve talked to him three or four times. I’ve called him a couple of times over the last six months; the last time was maybe two and a half weeks ago,
COLMES: What would you guys talk about?
JDN: Well, we talked about strategies for white survival, and he wasn’t talking any kind of violent talk, and I didn’t even read all of his emails, but I was concerned at the very end because there was a violent tone to his emails, and what alarmed me a little bit — but then I thought, maybe it’s nothing — was, he’d given away his computer. And for a man with a website [JdN: facsimile here: http://cryptome.org/von-brunn/page2.html] and email–
James von Brunn’s “Holy Western Empire” website
COLMES: So you’ve — he was planning to do something?
JDN: Well, looking back now, I realize it, but I also thought he was like just so many other people… I had so many persons tell me: “I don’t even watch the news anymore, it’s so depressing, it’s all rigged and I can’t do anything about it.”
I thought he was [just] burned out and he didn’t want to bother himself — I mean, he was 89. Maybe he would try to enjoy life. And uh, then when I saw the news on the Internet, “Elderly Man/Holocaust Museum” I said “Oh my God,” and that’s what he did.
Now, something like this was wrong — and by the way now, the facts on this are very murky, because I have right on my website democratic-republicans.us, you can go to my blog, and there was a young girl who was interviewed by CNN and she said that she saw one security guard shoot the other guard [Stephen Johns].
MSNBC report by lesbian jewess Rachel Madow

COLMES: I see, so it is your, and I’ve read what you’ve written about this, it’s your contention that your acquaintance, Mr. von Brunn, did not shoot the guard, but that it was friendly fire that killed the guard?
JDN: Well, it’s possible — I mean, friendly fire does happen, in other words –
COLMES: Well, it sounds like you’re making excuses for him.
JDN: No, I’m not at all, because if he did it, well look, he went in with a gun, either to shoot a Jewish person or to shoot a black person or something. I condemn everything from the moment he got in that car with that gun — he was a convicted felon, shouldn’t have even had a gun — everything he did was wrong, and it was wrong to that poor black man who was a family man, he had children; it was wrong for –
COLMES: Do you believe that he did not kill that black man?
JDN: I think we’ll have to wait to find out –
COLMES: You’re not sure that he killed him?
JDN: No, I think it’s murky, like the [John] Kennedy assassination. Who really believes the Warren Commission report?
COLMES: Well, I think there may be some eyewitnesses here, but, so you don’t believe his intent was to go to the Holocaust Museum and shoot anybody?
JDN: Well, I think, I believe it’s possible his intent was –
COLMES: He wasn’t going there to see the exhibits, right?
JDN: No, in 1981 he tried to arrest the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System –
COLMES: Correct, and he was arrested for kidnapping.
JDN: Right, and he did six and a half years.
COLMES: Yes, of a twelve-year sentence.
JDN: This was a man who did not harm anybody the first time, now, it’s possible he went in there to abduct some of the Jewish officials at this so-called Holocaust Museum –
COLMES: So an 89-year-old guy with a gun goes into the Holocaust Museum and thinks he’s going to abduct Jewish officials?
JDN: Well, I don’t know. The facts of the matter is that the man was at the end of his tether, he had his Social Security cut in half by the government, he felt, in retaliation for his website. An awful lot of white people are afraid to speak their mind –
COLMES: Are you suggesting he was justified?
JDN: No, not at all. In fact it was not only morally wrong, but it was a catastrophe for the cause of white safety, because it makes us all look like we’re violent hotheads.
COLMES: It doesn’t do your cause much justice, does it?
JDN: All I can say is, he was a World War II vet, he was a captain on a PT boat just like John Kennedy, he fought for his country –
Artist sketch of James von Brunn at his hearing in September 2009 with a Jewish lawyer, A.J. Kramer. The black judge denied his insistence and right under the US Constitution to a speedy trial….and von Brunn “died” in prison in December 2009.
COLMES: I don’t think he was much like John Kennedy; he may have been a PT boat captain.
JDN: Well John Kennedy was a rabid antisemite as I’m sure you –
COLMES: No, no, no, there’s no evidence of that –
JDN: In his diary, he said Hitler was a great man. [http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v18/v18n3p30_Kennedy.html;
Institute for Historical Review

Institute for Historical Review

Kennedy’s 1945 Visit to Germany

In late July and early August 1945, just weeks after the end of the war in Europe, the 28-year-old John F. Kennedy visited war-devastated Germany. Accompanying him on this tour was US Navy Secretary James Forrestal (whom President Truman later appointed as the first Secretary of Defense).
* * *
The Wikipedia article strongly implies that Forrestal, who had perfected the aircraft carrier battle group system in WWII, was “suicided.” (The reason that is strongly hinted at for his “fall from a window,” if one scrolls far down in the article, was his opposition to Israel.)
Forrestal “fell” from the 16th floor of Bethesda Naval Hospital here after “depression”

During private cabinet meetings with President Truman in 1946 and 1947, Forrestal had argued against partition of Palestine on the grounds it would infuriate Arab countries who supplied oil needed for the U.S. economy and national defense. Instead, Forrestal favored a federalization plan for Palestine. Outside the White House, response to Truman’s continued silence on the issue was immediate. President Truman received threats to cut off campaign contributions from wealthy donors, as well as hate mail, including a letter accusing him of “preferring fascist and Arab elements to the democracy-loving Jewish people of Palestine.”[12] Appalled by the intensity and implied threats over the partition question, Forrestal appealed to Truman in two separate cabinet meetings not to base his decision on partition, whatever the outcome, on the basis of political pressure.[13] In his only known public comment on the issue, Forrestal stated to J. Howard McGrath, Senator from Rhode Island:

“…no group in this country should be permitted to influence our policy to the point it could endanger our national security.”[14]

Forrestal’s statement soon earned him the active enmity of some congressmen and supporters of Israel. Forrestal was also an early target of the muckraking columnist and broadcaster Drew Pearson, an opponent of foreign policies hostile to the Soviet Union, who began to regularly call for Forrestal’s removal after President Truman named him Secretary of Defense.[15] Pearson told his own protege, Jack Anderson, that he believed Forrestal was “the most dangerous man in America” and claimed that if he was not removed from office, he would “cause another world war.”

* * *
Kennedy recorded his experiences and observations in a diary that was not made public until just a few years ago. (It was published under the title Prelude to Leadership: The European Diary of John F. Kennedy, Summer 1945 [Washington, DC: Regnery, 1995].)
These diary entries show the youthful Kennedy’s wide-ranging curiosity and eye for telling detail — attributes that were also manifest in his two best-selling books, While England Slept (1940) and Profiles in Courage. Earlier in 1945, he had attended the opening session of the United Nations organization in San Francisco, and had visited Britain to view the parliamentary election campaign, covering both events as a journalist for the Hearst newspaper chain.
In Berlin, Kennedy noted upon his arrival there on July 28, “The devastation is complete. Unter den Linden [boulevard] and the streets are relatively clear, but there is not a single building which is not gutted. On some of the streets the stench — sweet and sickish from dead bodies — is overwhelming.” For the Berlin population, he reported, “The basic ration is 1 1/2 pounds a day — approximately 1,200 calories (2,000 considered by the health authorities for normal diet — the ration is only 900 calories in Vienna).”
Kennedy made several diary references to the ferocity of the Soviet Russian occupation of Germany. “The Russians moved in with such violence at the beginning — stripping factories and raping women — that they alienated the German members of the Communistic Party, which had some strength in the factories.”

“Raping and looting” by Soviet troops “was general,” Kennedy also reported. “What they didn’t take, they destroyed.” Elsewhere he wrote: “The Russians have pretty well plundered the country, have been living off it … The Russians have been taking all the able-bodied men and women and shipping them away.”
Lieutenant John Fitzgerald Kennedy. His father was very antisemitic: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_P._Kennedy,_Sr. section “Kennedy’s Arrant Anti-Semitism”
A young, blond Joseph Kennedy, future patriarch of the Kennedy clan, at the elite Boston Latin School around 1905
He also took note of the impact of the devastating British-American air attacks: “According to our naval experts, the bombing of Germany was not effective in stopping their production, and production increased three-fold during 1942-1944.”
26 US military officers killed at Stalag XII (a POW camp), ironically, by Allied carpet-bombing
A ruined street in the city of Hannover in 1943; the cities of Germany were 80% destroyed.
Going through rubble on Bergstrase in the Altona section of Hamburg, July 1943
Right until the end, Kennedy also reported, an adequate food distribution was maintained in the German capital: “The feeding in Berlin was extremely well organized, even in the most severe blitz.”
Hitler Youth teens bring bread cheerfully to an air raid shelter
Ordinary Germans, he reported at another point, “did not realize what was going on in the concentration camps.”
Kennedy and Forrestal also visited Bremen, an important north German industrial and commercial center, and a major port city. As Kennedy reported, the Russians were not the only occupation forces to carry out wide-scale looting in Germany: “The British had gone into Bremen ahead of us — and everyone was unanimous in their description of British looting and destruction, which had been very heavy. They had taken everything which at all related to the sea — ships, small boats, lubricants, machinery, etc.”
British bombing of the ports of Bremen and Hamburg in the summer of 1943 carbonized 30,000 white people for the Jews. “Ze Brits vas chust followink orders” in roasting these innocent civilians alive. but at the kangaroo Nuremberg “War Crimes Trials” the Brits hanged Germans for the same thing — “following orders.”
Closet Jew commander of the RAF, Charles Portal — note the obscene shnozz….
Britain’s karma..Their grandfathers bombed Hamburg and Berlin. Now racist negroes sadistically force white Brits, men and women, to strip naked on the street in 2011 to humiliate the white British race, as in these scenes from the major riots of 2011. There can be no other motive that deliberate humiliation.
White cop questions naked white woman
Karma is unavoidable and extremely bitter, and it is coming too for America, which keeps praising the “Greatest Generation.” The video below, extremely intense with the music, was taken by a GI with his color movie camera of a German women who had just experienced a beating and rape by bolsheviks troops.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=dQWv9KpDWEg .

As the superb book Deathride proves (written by Professor John Mosier of Tulane University, a scholar with whom I have had recent email correspondence), it was FDR and his compliant, obedient, just-obeying-orders Yanks who saved Stalin when Hitler had him on the ropes. Americas “Greatest Generation” saved bolshevism by sending fuel, food and 700,000 jeeps, trucks and tanks. This is why America got the $10 trillion Cold War, the Korean and the Vietnam Wars, because WE Yanks prevented Hitler from destroying communism..
This impressive work can be ordered from Amazon here: http://www.amazon.com/Deathride-ebook/dp/B003L785YC Excellent summary here: http://www.johnfmosier.com/deathride__the_war_between_hitler_and_stalin__1941_1945_96350.htm Key excerpt: “In the conventional narrative of this war, Hitler was defeated by Stalin because, like Napoleon, he underestimated the size and resources of his enemy. In fact, says historian John Mosier, Hitler came very close to winning and lost only because of the intervention of the western Allies.” Mosier also says that it was Hitler who led to the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, because Soviet Russia never recovered from the devastating damage the Wehrmacht inflicted 1941-45, catastrophic losses suffered even while advancing which only Soviet propaganda lies covered over.
* * *
Young Kennedy also noted misdeeds of US troops. “Americans looted town [Bremen] heavily on arrival,” he wrote. “People do not seem to realize,” he added, “how fortunate they have been in escaping the Russians. As far as looting the homes and the towns, however, the British and Americans have been very guilty.”
In Bremen, Kennedy wrote, the Germans’ diet “is about 1,200 calories — ours being 4,000.” In spite of everything, “none of the [American] officers and men here seem to have any particular hate for the Germans.”
Kennedy met and spoke with US Navy officials in Bremen. Because he had been commander of an American torpedo boat in the Pacific — the famous PT-109 — he had a special interest in the German counterpart — the Schnellboot or “E boat.” After looking into the matter in some detail, Kennedy concluded that the German version was “far superior to our PT boat.”
* * *

E-boats (German:Schnellboot (“fast boat”) or S-Boot) was the designation for fast attack craft of the German Navy during World War II. It is commonly held that the E stood for Enemy.[1][2]

The E-boat was a very fast vessel, able to cruise at 40 or 50 knots, and its wooden hull meant it could cross magnetic minefields unharmed. It was better suited to the open sea and had substantially longer range (approximately 700 nautical miles) than the American PT boat and the British Motor Torpedo Boat (MTB)…..
During World War II E-boats sank 101 merchant ships totalling 214,728 tons.[6] In addition, they sank 12 destroyers, 11 minesweepers, eight landing ships, six MTBs, a torpedo boat, a minelayer, one submarine and a number of small merchant craft. They also damaged two cruisers, five destroyers, three landing ships, a repair ship, a naval tug and numerous merchant vessels. Sea mines laid by the E-boats were responsible for the loss of 37 merchant ships totalling 148,535 tons, a destroyer, two minesweepers and four landing ships.[6] In recognition of their service, the members of Schnellboot crews were awarded the Knight’s Cross on 23 occasions, and the German Cross in Gold on 112 occasions.[6]
* * *

Hitler’s Place in History

After Bremen and Bremerhaven, Kennedy and Forrestal flew to Bavaria, where they visited the town of Berchtesgaden and then drove up to Hitler’s mountain retreat, which was “completely gutted, the result of an air attack from 12,000 pound bombs by the R.A.F. [British air force] in an attempt on Hitler’s life.”
Home movies by Eva Braun, and some lines from her diary, translated into English; commentary by a nasty American Jew (you might as well just turn the sound off or play Mozart 😉 )


Eva Braun in happy days at the Berghof. All four parts of these home movies on YT are quite touching…and show a truly devoted woman who gave Hitler something valuable: a little bit of normalcy in his storm-tossed life and relief from his crushing and constant worries. She wrote in her diary “I think about him all the time. I so hope for him that he can achieve his dreams.” It is interesting as one views the four videos how open the Germans, then and now, are about nudity, especially in little children (beautiful little blond angels are shown disrobing to go swimming) but also nudity in adults, and Eva was in very good shape. 😉

They then ascended to Hitler’s “Eagle’s Nest” lair high in the mountains.
Just after this visit, Kennedy wrote a remarkable commentary in his diary, dated August 1, 1945, about Hitler and his place in history:

After visiting these places, you can easily understand how that within a few years Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived.

He had boundless ambition for his country which rendered him a menace to the peace of the world, but he had a mystery about him in the way that he lived and in the manner of his death that will live and grow after him. He had in him the stuff of which legends are made.

Less than a year after this European tour, Kennedy was elected to Congress in Massachusetts, beginning a political career that took him to the White House, and which ended suddenly with his death on November 22, 1963.
COLMES: And it sounds to me that you’re trying to justify some of your own views by tying in John F. Kennedy, now, come on.
JDN: In fact, John F. Kennedy, if you go to my website, democratic-republicans.us –
COLMES: [laughing] I think that’s enough about the website…..
JDN: You’ll find out more about the fact that there is a strong, strong body of thought that says that Israel killed John F. Kennedy
COLMES: Well, you say a body of thought, I mean, a body of thought among white separatists perhaps, but not a body of thought among mainstream journalists, so let’s consider the source here, which would be you.
JDN: Half the country doesn’t even believe what’s in the mainstream media, they go to the Internet and on the Internet you’ll find –
COLMES: The Internet is the mainstream media.
JDN: The Internet is now full of truth.
COLMES: Right, well there’s lots of stuff on the Internet. Now, we’re going to take a quick break, and we’ll come back with John de Nugent. Uh, that’s a German name right?
JDN: [laughs] pronounces French style] “de Nuzhaw,” monsieur.
COLMES: Oh, it’s a French, a French name.
JDN: Yes.
COLMES: Alright, he is a white separatist — are you a member of any of these groups, don’t you post on Stormfront, that vicious anti-black, anti- –
JDN: I was banned from Stormfront, I was banned from Stormfront.
COLMES: Why is that?
JDN: I was banned from Stormfront after I was defamed as a “homosexual” – and I objected strongly to that.
COLMES: Are you a homosexual?
JDN: [laughs] I was molested as a child. There is nothing I loathe more than homosexuality — although I don’t hate homosexuals –
COLMES: You loathe them — but are you gay yourself?
JDN: [laughs] I’ve been married twice and have two children, so I don’t know, you can sleuth that out.
COLMES: No, I’m just wondering, since you brought it up, are you gay or not?
JDN: Am I gay? “Gay” means “happy”…
COLMES: Are you a homosexual?
JDN: No, I’m not a homosexual.
COLMES: Alright, we’ll come right back with John de Nugent, 877-4-ALAN.
COLMES: [Hebrew wedding clarinet music Hava Nagila is playing] Hey John, do you want to sing along? Hava Nagila, Hava Nagila …..you’re not singing!
JDN: You’re a good pillpuller [Talmudic debater] there Alan, you’re a good debater.
COLMES: Don’t you want to sing Hava Nagila with me?
JDN: Hah, actually, it’s a beautiful song..I’ve actually inadvertently dated two Jewish girls –
COLMES: “Inadvertently” being the key word.
JDN: Well, it wasn’t fair to their religion. It’s forbidden in the Jewish religion to marry outside of your religion –
COLMES: Oh really? Because I’m married to a Catholic woman… Does that mean –
JDN: Well you’re a bad Jew, you’re a bad Jew.
COLMES: Having you call me a bad Jew is a badge of honor.
JDN: Well the fact of the matter is, every rabbi says, and I agree with them, that there should be no assimilation because the Jewish people will [otherwise] disappear, and what we want is for the white people around the world to be proud of their heritage and –
COLMES: I can’t get you to sing Hava Nagila a little bit with me?
JDN: Well my fiancée has a beautiful voice…..
COLMES: Oh you’re married, I mean engaged rather –
JDN: I can put her on the phone –
COLMES: That’s alright. Here is a comment you made when you posted to enationalist.com. You said “Our comments on this shooting,” [and] you said this about the shooting at the museum,
“[We] must place the onus where it belongs, on the menace that Barack Obama,” actually you refer to him as Barack Hussein Obama, “and his terrifying Jewish clique represent to many millions of law-abiding white people, and it is the real threat of Obama that is driving more and more sincere whites to snap and take wrong and desperate measures.”
That sounds like you’re blaming Barack Obama for what von Brunn allegedly did?
JDN: I absolutely am blaming this Barack Hussein Obama, who cannot even produce a birth certificate –
COLMES: Oh stop it, don’t go off into crazyland! His birth certificate has been provided by the State of Hawaii –
JDN: No it hasn’t, only a computer print out –
COLMES: Let’s not even go there – because that’s not even the point of this interview and it’s so far out of the mainstream it is ridiculous.
JDN: Oh, no it’s not. Everybody in Pennsylvania’s heard of it –
COLMES: Yeah, they’ve heard about it, you’re in La-La-Land with that, sir.
JDN: Well, it’s just like when we had integration in the Sixties, which you, and Abby Hoffman, and Jerry Rubin, and all your Jewish friends –
COLMES: All my Jewish friends?
JDN: We would have a “racial paradise” –
COLMES: In fact, Jerry and I would get together and sing Hava Nagila on a nightly basis.
JDN: And then the “Chosen People” agreed that America should be integrated. We would be a happy paradise.
COLMES: Wait a minute, we’re getting off the beaten path here.
JDN: Oh, you don’t like my path?
COLMES: No no no, well, I don’t like your path at all, but how is it that Barack Obama is somehow culpable in the alleged act of James von Brunn?
JDN: Because first of all he has lied about everything! He promised change –
COLMES: What does that — how does that cause a guy to go shoot at a Holocaust Museum?
JDN: Because everything about him is one big lie.
COLMES: How is that responsible for a man taking a gun and shooting a guard in the Holocaust Museum?
JDN: He sat there for 20 years in the pew while from the pulpit the Reverend Jeremiah Wright said “God daaaamn America.” . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hPR5jnjtLo .

COLMES: Wait a second, and that is why James von Brunn took a gun to the Holocaust Museum, because of Barack Obama sitting in a pew?
JDN: In a black nationalist church –
COLMES: And that’s why a guy takes a gun to the Holocaust Museum?
JDN: Because people who are educating themselves realize he is a black nationalist, he is an anti-white racist –
COLMES: Wait, that makes it okay that von Brunn did what he allegedly did?
JDN: What Barack Obama needs to do is he needs to calm white fears about him, which are omnipresent in our nation –
COLMES: Wait a minute, if there’s so much white fear about Barack Obama, how did he get elected?

JDN: He got elected, first of all, well, only 32% of white people voted for him, and now it’s probably only 25%.
COLMES: You know, so..it’s Barack Obama’s fault that von Brunn did whatever he did?
JDN: We get no choices every four years! We get two puppets, we get two white-skinned puppets, and now we get a white skinned and a –
COLMES: So in other words it’s not the white supremacist or the white, in your case “separatist” movement, or people like Stormfront or you know, those other websites, or the hatred or separatism put forth by your groups, had nothing to do with it –it was Barack Obama that caused this man to do what he did.
JDN: Everywhere I go around the United States, and I give speeches all over, white people are terrified of this man because he breaks his word. He promised change and there’s been no change except shoveling more money to Jewish billionaires

COLMES: But you’re not answering my question. I want it to be very clear that you are stating that Barack Obama is personally responsible for what this guy did.
JDN: Barack Obama needs to address the fear –
COLMES: No no no, yes or no, Barack Obama’s responsible for what this guy –
JDN: Why, are you some sort of prosecutor, “yes or no”?
COLMES: Yes, I’m prosecuting you.
JDN: No, I’ll answer your twisted questions the way I want to answer them.
COLMES: What’s twisted about asking you a very simple question? “Is Barack Obama responsible for what James von Brunn did?” Yes or no? That’s not twisted.
JDN: The direct decision was by this individual I’ve never met, James von Brunn, and very few people who are in the white survival movement are violent. I would tell you of one thousand people in the white survival movement — I’ve been in this movement for 31 years — the crime rate is ten times higher among big city blacks than among white nationalists.
COLMES: You don’t like black people, obviously –
JDN: Actually, I like black people, I don’t want black people to invade my neighborhood, destroy my schools
COLMES: Who do you dislike more, blacks or Jews?
JDN: I believe that black people have a wonderful joie de vivre [French: “ability to enjoy life”], they have gifts. Jewish people have gifts — science, music, money making. Music also, by the way…
COLMES: Who do you like — who do you hate more, blacks or Jews?
JDN: Well, I don’t know, lets ask that question to Baruch Goldstein – [Goldstein gunned down 29 Palestinians while praying in the second-holiest mosque in Islam, the Dome of the Rock, on February 25, 1994, on the Jews’ infamous Purim Day. Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baruch_Goldstein): “Israeli press reports stated that Goldstein refused to treat non-Jews, even those serving in the IDF, [Israeli “Defense” Forces], and this was reflected in comments by his acquaintances.”]
COLMES: Can’t I get one direct answer to a simple question — do you like blacks or Jews more?
JDN: For different things –
COLMES: Let me put it this way, if you had a black or a Jew live next to you, one or the other move next door, which would you prefer?
JDN: As long as he’s peaceful, a black person.
COLMES: Why would you prefer a black person move next door to you to a Jew?
JDN: Because a black person will not try to take over my life.
COLMES: But a Jewish neighbor will?
JDN: Jewish people –
COLMES: What are you, afraid you might be invited to a Shabbos [Sabbath] dinner or what?
JDN: Jewish people take over our economy, they take over Wall Street, they take over our movies, they take over our music. [Former president] Jimmy Carter said they’ve taken over our foreign policy –
COLMES: Yes, so in other words, if a Jew lived next door, you’re afraid they would take over your house, or…
JDN: In fact, Alan Dershowitz boasted that he kept Jimmy Carter off of the platform at the Democratic National Convention, a Nobel Prize Winner, President of the United States, he boasted of his power.
“In an interview with Shalom TV, the Harvard Law School professor says he “pushed” Barack Obama “very hard to make that decision,” Dershowitz said in an interview with Shalom TV. “Barack Obama had to make a choice between his Jewish supporters and his anti-Israel supporters like Jimmy Carter, and he did not choose Jimmy Carter. And that was an embarrassment for Jimmy Carter and a show of disrespect…..It was a good decision, a wise decision, a moral decision,” Dershowitz added. Carter did appear in the convention hall after a video of the former prersident helping with Katrina relief was shown at the Denver gathering. But he did not make any remarks from the podium.]
COLMES: So you’d rather have a black next door to you than a Jew –
JDN: Don’t you remember that, that Alan Dershowitz boasted, he kept the President of the United States ,Jimmy Carter –
COLMES: We’re going to take a quick break. We’ll open up our phones when we get back. […] We’ll come back, get you a nice brisket, John de Nugent, white separatist, in correspondence with James von Brunn at one point […]
[“Beef Brisket” is a cut of meat from the breast or lower chest made popular by Ashkenazi/European Jews. Brisket is a popular Jewish holiday main course usually served at Rosh Hashannah, Passover, and Shabbat.]
COLMES: I’m Alan Colmes, white separatist John de Nugent is with us….Before we get to our phones here […] you want a white separate economy, a white separate government in general…. If you’re not going to get it politically, would you achieve it by force?
JDN: Oh we definitely want to achieve it politically. Look, the seven great states of the Confederacy with two great generals — well, three, Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, Nathan Bedford Forrest –
COLMES: Yeah, they’re all dead.
JDN: They tried to break away. We have no intention of having a show of force with the Federal Government, even though it has become a tyranny. What I want is a standoff where the Federal Government guarantees “We will not touch the First Amendment (freedom of speech); we will not touch the Second Amendment” — our God-given right to own guns and have ammunition for them, which the Constitution merely recognized –
COLMES: Do you know that, given the fact that we have our first African-American president, you know, we’re moving in a very different direction than the one you’re prescribing for America, what –
JDN: Well he’s [Obama’s] a very bright man…. he’s also half-white ;-)
COLMES: That’s nice of you to say. What expectation do you have that your political goals will be achieved any time soon?
JDN: Well, I ran for Congress in 1990, in the Sixth Congressional District of Tennessee – [see https://johndenugent.com/jdn/wikipedia_biography_john_de_nugent/ Scroll down to “1990 Tennessee Republican primary for US Congress“]
COLMES: As a Republican…
JDN: Yeah, although they disavowed me, I ran as a Republican because I’m not a hypocrite, I’m open and honest [about my racial views] –
COLMES: I understand, but my question is, what likelihood do you have of you realizing your political goals any time soon in this country?
JDN: I did very well. I think that, except for electronic voting machine fraud, I probably actually won the 1990 –
COLMES: Still, that does not answer my question –
JDN: And now the racial problem is much worse because of the Mexicans flooding in, in addition to the other problems. I believe that should I run in an overwhelmingly white area, that I can win for Congress or other high office — – and millions of white people, not only around the United States, but people in Germany, and England, and Scotland, and Canada [would support me]–
COLMES: Didn’t you say you had the goal, you want to be the President of the White Americans basically?
JDN: I would like to be known as the “President of the Americans,” because this country was founded by white people from Europe, and they built it and they sweat for it, and now that it’s been built up, all these others, the Third World peoples, have been flooding in and — –
COLMES: Now, I was born here, where should I go to live?
JDN: Well, you should go to Israel, because for two thousand years, the Jews have said “Next year in Jerusalem” – [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerusalem_in_Judaism]
COLMES: Well not every Jew has said that, but –
JDN: Oh, you’re a bad Jew, you’re admitting you’re a bad Jew –
COLMES: Oh I’m a horrible Jew, I should be banished from this country, and –
JDN: You’ve married a Catholic girl. That is illegal in Israel — it is illegal in Israel to do what you did.
COLMES: So I’m going to be banned from this country and Israel? Where am I going to go? Would you take me in?
JDN: Okay, we’re having an interesting banter here, but let me make one serious point here — – and that is, that the Solutrean Movement has no intention of forcing all white people or anybody to do anything. We want a nationwide vote where areas that want to be “White Heritage and Safety Zones” can choose that, and white liberals who like the status quo, and black people, and Hispanics, and gays, and Jews, and everybody — if you want the status quo, or if you want to create a Black Heritage and Safety Zone, you could do it in your area — this is the opposite of Hitlerism, this is Thomas Jeffersonianism
COLMES: What do you do if you’re Sammy Davis Jr.?
JDN: [laughs] That’s good, I like that. Sammy Davis Jr. was never fully accepted, just like Elizabeth Taylor was never accepted — you have to be born of a Jewish mother to be truly accepted — because Judaism is a racial religion, you must have a Jewish mother genetically, and you know that, Allan.
COLMES: Let’s go to our phones here, Daniel in Riverside California, with John de Nugent. Hello Daniel.
Caller: Hi, Alan!
COLMES: Yes, sir.
Caller: You know what, I love your show as always, but this guy, this guy makes me sick. He shames me for being white. My grandfather was Jewish. My grandfather died not too long ago — no, let me finish dude, you’ve been spewing your hatred for like the last ten minutes, now you let someone else talk, okay? — My grandfather fought for this country in World War II –
JDN: – to kill German white people, to kill German white people!
Caller: [shouting] Let me finish!
COLMES: Hold on John, let him finish.
Caller: He was in the camps, he was in the camps, okay? He had the tattoo. I heard his stories; I saw his pictures. How dare you –
JDN: He was in the camps or he fought? Which did he do, fight – or was he in the camps?
Caller: He did both! He was captured, he’s not listening to me, he fought, he joined from this country under the United States military, he went to Germany to fight those racist bastards!
[Note: No captured American GIs were ever put in concentration camps, not American Jews or any other US citizens. If he was in a concentration camp BEFORE he came to America, why wasn’t he exterminated as a Jew?]
JDN: Okay, so you’re merely a Jew, okay, and you’re proposing the Jewish agenda. Okay, thank you.
Caller: You know what, dude? Uh –uh, no, no, I don’t think so. You know what? You want your segregated little white world? Fine. We’ll put you all on a nice big shuttle and send you to the moon, how’s that?
JDN: Little threat of violence there — listen to this guy…
Caller: How dare you! You make me sick! You make me sick!
JDN: Oh, do you want to kill me? Do you want to kill me?
Caller: No, you know what, I’m not going to do anything like that because I’m not stupid like your friend.
COLMES: Alright, thank you, sir.
JDN: My “friend” who was a member of MENSA [an association for people with genius IQs] , a naval officer, and a successful executive in New York City –
COLMES: Are you talking about James von Brunn –
JDN: First of all he wasn’t a “friend,” but I won’t accept [that he was “stupid”]–
COLMES: Are you proud to call him a friend?
JDN: I wouldn’t accept the defamation of anybody. He was not an idiot; he was an accomplished man –
COLMES: Are you proud that he was a white separatist like yourself?
JDN: Well, you know, it’s like the Republican Party, there are all kinds of Republicans, all kinds of Democrats –
COLMES: Well, I’m just wondering, does he make you proud to be part of the same philosophy?
JDN: The pro-white part was very good. What he did was very counter productive and he killed an innocent man.
COLMES: You don’t think what he did was related to the pro-white part?
JDN: If he believed that white people are suffering a gradual war of attrition and are suffering slow genocide, and he snapped, [well], he decided to take direct action.
COLMES: Sounds like you’re making excuses for him.
JDN: Well, sounds just like the Jewish people who, after World War II, left Europe, and they went to Israel and they drove out the Palestinians, and they said the time had come for direct action. That’s what the Zionists did — they drove out 600,000 Palestinians
COLMES: But it sounds like you’re making excuses for what von Brunn allegedly did?
JDN: Well are you making excuses for what the Jews did when they drove out the Palestinians?
COLMES: Not at all.
JDN: Oh, so do you condone what they did?
COLMES: First of all, you’re not going to turn it around on me, you’re the one making statements about von Brunn. It sounds like you’re excusing his behavior and trying to write it off to white rage, as if that’s okay.
JDN: Well, you know, all throughout the 1960′s when the blacks burned down Washington D.C., and Detroit, and Boston, and New York, etc. etc., everybody told us white folks that you have to understand the source of their anger.
You don’t want us to use that same logic
COLMES: So you’re in sympathy with him?
JDN: He’s a human being who made a terrible mistake. Haven’t we all?
COLMES: Do you sympathize with him?
JDN: [laughs] That’s a little pilpul there; you’re trying to catch me with a word there.
COLMES: Do you sympathize with him?
JDN: I pray for his soul.
COLMES: Do you sympathize with his behavior?
JDN: I’ve answered your question.
COLMES: No, you haven’t answered my question: Do you sympathize with him?
JDN: How about Baruch Goldstein — do you sympathize with him?
COLMES: No no no, why can’t you give me a direct answer to these questions?
JDN: Well let’s see, the correct word is – I called him because I was worried about the violent tone of his emails, and then he told me he was fine, he was okay, although he had money problems and wasn’t getting along with his family and so forth, so… he’s just another mortal, he’s a sinner, you know. The Jewish people –
COLMES: Do you sympathize with him or not? Why can’t you answer me?
JDN: Boy I tell ya what, you’re gonna try to beat this into the ground. I’ll tell you what, I believe –
COLMES: It’s a simple yes or no question –
JDN: “Sympathize.” In the meaning that you mean, no. Okay?
COLMES: Alright.
JDN: In the meaning that you mean, no. I believe however, because I am a Christian –
– unlike the Sanhedrin, your Jewish ruling body which crucified Jesus Christ and tried to blame it on the Roman Army, whereas they forced Pontius Pilate, saying, “If you do not crucify him, we will tell Caesar you are no friend of Caesar” – well that’s just what the Bible says. But hey, you only believe in the first half of it, the part about the Jews being the “Chosen People” –
COLMES: Alright, we’ll continue in a moment, we’ll take your calls, [BREAK]
COLMES: I’m Alan Colmes, John de Nugent our guest, white separatist, had email exchanges and a couple of phone calls with von Brunn, the guy who shot the guard allegedly at the Holocaust Museum. Jim in Seymour Connecticut, hello Jim.
Caller: Hey John.
JDN: Yes, hello.

Caller: Hi, I’m very curious. We all know that there are people that are murderers, thieves, crooks in every race. Why is it that when people, let’s say Barney Frank, for instance, if Barney Frank was a German or Frenchman or Englishman or Ukrainian, you wouldn’t refer to him by his race. You would identify him as an individual who has done a horrid thing. Well, why when it’s a Jew it’s automatically linking his behavior with his race, his Jewishness? What is that all about? JDN: Okay, that’s a fair question; it’s a very good question. On my website, democratic-republicans.us, I talk specifically about psychopaths in power. In 2005, a Harvard psychologist, Martha Stout, University of California Berkley, Ph.D., a 25-year veteran researcher there, produced a very important book called The Sociopath Next Door, – “sociopath”/”psychopath” — [she] used them in almost the same meaning. There are people in our society, and there are groups of people in our society, who have no conscience and they have no shame. I grew up in Rhode Island; I actually had many Jewish friends as a boy, and I also knew a lot of Italian kids, and Irish kids, and French-Canadians and so forth, and I was a WASP. What I found was that a lot of people in the Italian-American community had at least one relative who was in the Mafia and it was a source of their money. You didn’t cross the Mafia, you weren’t in the Mafia, but you didn’t fight it either. And what I say with [respect to] Jewish people is this: I have known very nice Jewish people — in fact I was briefly was a member of a Jewish organization called Tikkun, tikkun.org, by Rabbi Michael Lerner – COLMES: You were a member of Tikkun? JDN: Absolutely. COLMES: With Lerner? JDN: Rabbi Michael Lerner. COLMES: I know Michael, yeah. He’s been on this show. JDN: I have great respect for him, I’ve met him once briefly at a Hillel meeting in Brown University. I was going through a phase where I was really trying to understand all Jewish people. Just as there are all kinds of White Separatists, there are all kinds of Jewish people, and in his book Jewish Renewal he was saying [in so many words] ‘Look, some of this antisemitism we trigger ourselves by arrogant behavior towards the Goyim, towards the Gentiles,’ and I said it takes tremendous courage to do that, and I got on his website [in 2002], and there he was on some Toronto, Canada TV show — one of those little video clips – [this video is similar, although not the Toronto show, which I can no longer find on YT] . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhKbLHFaAy0 ….facing off with Alan Dershowitz, who for me is a Jewish supremacist, and Alan Dershowitz was literally, his jowls were twitching with rage, and Michael Lerner — he’s a kindly, roly-poly, sweet, nice Jewish man — he was a Sixties radical, then he became a therapist, and he studied Reformed Judaism – COLMES: Yes, he’s a progressive Jew. [To person who called in] Thank you for the call. We’re getting on a huge tangent, but let me bring this back to earth. On your website, and think about what the caller just said, on your website, on your Bio, you talk about being in the Marines, and led by the Jewish Captain Harvey Philip Gold, and then you talk about you were nearly murdered by the Dutch Marines, as confirmed in an article by the Jewish captain. Whenever you refer to him, he’s the Jewish captain. Why do you need to underscore his religion every time you mention him in you bio? JDN: Because he persecuted me, because he is a Jew, and I am anti-Jewish. It was very relevant to the situation. I was nearly murdered by these brainwashed, nice white Dutch boys, these Dutch marines, because their heads were full of the Holocaust story. COLMES: Full of the “Holocaust story”? JDN: The Holocaust story, yes. COLMES: Are you a Holocaust denier? JDN: I am a Holocaust disprover, and the fact is – COLMES: You’ve disproven the Holocaust? JDN: Any story that has to be protected by imprisoning people who question it, such as in Canada, Australia, all of Europe – COLMES: [Sighs] Yeah….. JDN: Why does the Holocaust [judges who believe in it] need to put people in prison for five years who question it, Alan? COLMES: Well, the Holocaust doesn’t put people in prison – JDN: Do you want that in America? Do you want to put Americans in prison for five years? COLMES: Of course not. I want people like yourself to express your views no matter how bizarre. JDN: Well, in Canada they can’t do it. COLMES: That has nothing to do with whether or not the Holocaust happened. We can disagree, John, we can disagree with laws in other countries; we can disagree with how they handle free speech. That is not the issue here. You’re diverting attention once again from the key issue when I ask you if you’re a Holocaust denier. You going off on laws in other countries on how they treat Holocaust deniers, while the fact is you yourself – JDN: Well, first of all, you’re using a twisted — you’re using a combat word here. “Denial.” To be “in denial” is when someone has a drinking problem and they are in denial about it. COLMES: Did the Holocaust happen? JDN: There was absolutely a Holocaust. In fact, Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s book, Two Hundred Years Together, published in 2002, this is a Nobel Laureate, and never published in English strangely enough, all 1,200 pages of scholarship, he said that forty million white Christian Russians and Ukrainians were slaughtered, and the majority of the people that ran the gulag that murdered them were Jewish Bolsheviks. [https://johndenugent.com/jdn/articles/ See “Russia and the Jews”] COLMES: Was there a Holocaust against Jews? JDN: I believe there absolutely was a Holocaust by Jews. COLMES: By Jews. Was there a Holocaust against Jews? JDN: I’ll tell you exactly what happened. At the end of the war, Jews died like flies in the camps because Germany was being pounded to smithereens by Allied bombers – The SS commandant at Bergen-Belsen offered to let the advancing British bulge forward in their offensive just to take over the camp, with so many dying of typhus and starvation, but the British refused, wishing, it would seem, for as many Jews as possible to die so they could do atrocity newsreel propaganda.

COLMES: So the Allied bombers killed the Jews! Why were the Jews in the camps? What were the Jews doing in the camps to begin with?

JDN: It caused a collapse in the food and the medicine.

COLMES: Why were the Jews in the camps?

JDN: Just like the Civil War camps in the North and the South, it was overcrowding, lack of food and medicine –

COLMES: Why were the Jews in the camps?

JDN: Because they were interned, just like we interned the Japanese [in WWII], as enemy aliens who would have been committing sabotage

COLMES: So the German government interned the Jews, is what you’re saying.

JDN: Just like Franklin D. Roosevelt

COLMES: But did the German government kill the Jews and put them in ovens?

JDN: No, only those who had died were put in crematories.

COLMES: Oh I see, after the Allies bombed them.

JDN: No, because the German economy — have you ever watched “World at War,” with the Royal Air Force –

COLMES: I tell you what, I gotta take a quick break, […] and then we’ll come back. We have to wrap this up, so let’s just pick this up in a few moments when we get back with John de Nugent, and then we’ll take your calls after that. [BREAK]

COLMES: I’m Alan Colmes, talking to white separatist John de Nugent. Mr. de Nugent, you see, do you understand how language like yours can lead, and extreme views like yours can lead to, in extreme circumstances, to what happened at the Holocaust Museum last week?

JDN: I think that white people really feel that they’re being slow-tortured here.

You know, when I was a boy, we [whites] were 90 percent of the country. And now, we’re hurtling down rapidly to being only 50 percent, in just one man’s lifetime.

White people really do, Alan, feel threatened, and the same thing that caused Theodore Hertzl to say “We need our own homeland for Jewish people –”

COLMES: So why don’t you — if you want your own homeland, why don’t you go to Iceland, or Greenland, or some other –

JDN: Iceland is filling up with Vietnamese! Every white country –

COLMES: Go to Finland or somewhere.

JDN: Finland is filling up with Somalians and with Sudanese

[JdN: See the Henrik Hoklappa webpage for confirmation; Third world gang rapists are pouring into nordic Finland up by the Arctic Circle: https://johndenugent.com/solutreanism/important-info/henrik-holappa]

COLMES: Go to some other country, go to Antarctica, go claim a place before someone else takes it over –

JDN: Why should I leave my own country that my people

COLMES: Why should I? Why should I leave my country?

JDN: It’s not your country.

COLMES: It’s not my country? Okay. [laughs] I was born here.

JDN: You’re a United States-er. I’m an American. My family came here –

COLMES: I was born in America. I’m an American; I was born here!

JDN: No. If you wouldn’t be loyal to Israel, and to the Jewish “Chosen People”

COLMES: I’m loyal to the United States; I’m not an Israeli, I’m an American.

JDN: Let me ask you a question:

If there were a war between the United States and Israel, would you bomb Israel, and kill Israelis?

COLMES: I wouldn’t bomb anybody, I’m not a bomber. I’m not even sure I’d fight. I’m a conscientious objector. Anyway, we’re just out of time, Mr. de Nugent. Thank you for your time tonight.

JDN: Okay, thank you, Alan.

COLMES: Thanks for being with us.


I decided to publish, edited, some conversations I had on Skype with some white comrades during the breaks in the FOX Alan Colmes radio show. I always appreciate good instantaneous feedback about how I am doing and how I can improve my service to our folk.


A “Skyper” (Skype chat) named “G” contacted me during the breaks and wrote:

John — GOOD JOB! Keep on making it “Your Show”. Let him chuckle, but you’re doing a good job by taking the offense.

Great to keep up the “White Separatist” thing ….. The whole “Supremacist” thing is what HE IS DOING, not you. [6/16/2009 11:21:56 PM] G: Yeah, NOBODY BELIEVES THE MSM [mainstream media] any more!

No matter WHAT he says, you’re talking past him, and the message is GETTING OUT! Good Job! [6/16/2009 11:30:50 PM] G: Just keep talking past him …. a dose of his own medicine. [6/16/2009 11:30:56 PM] G: Great job, John.

We LOVE those TANGENTS! Educating the White people! Great Job! [6/16/2009 11:52:28 PM] G: God! You’re killing him! Fantastic! [6/16/2009 11:53:41 PM] G: You’re putting out “memes” which will make the “sheeple” question a lot of stuff. Excellent. Colmes is living PROOF that Jews are not all that smart. He gave you the opportunity, on HIS SHOW, to work for OUR cause. Of course, not just anyone could have done what you did. But I’m still totally amazed that he let you make all the points you did. [12:04:26 AM] G: That “caller”, and his “hate”, was a good example of how “they” are driven up the wall. He worked for “US”, whether he knew it or not.

[12:04:49 AM] G: Damn! This was a really great “thing”! [12:05:25 AM] G: I’m sure lots of other people are hammering you with skype stuff. Just want to let you know you are VERY APPRECIATED! Keep it up!

[after my segment was over, G concluded]

Great! And the seeds you planted are still reverberating on the Colmes Show. The current caller is questioning the “chosen” status. See …… even if you don’t “win”, you DO win! I love it. [12:20:36 AM] G: Even though Colmes “changed the subject”, callers are still on YOUR TOPIC. That’s why you “won” ….

Hey, I’m still listening and they’re STILL on “your” topic! See ….you win.

Another skyping comrade, C, had this exchange with me during the breaks and after the end.

Excellent interview John [12:00:16 AM] John de Nugent: thanks, brother! [12:00:56 AM] C: Went a lot longer than you anticipated I guess [12:08:29 AM] John de Nugent: from scheduled 15 minutes to 60 minutes!

[12:09:44 AM] C: you did quite well

[12:49:39 AM] John de Nugent: another Skyper tells me that they are still talking about me now on Colmes [12:49:51 AM] John de Nugent: 50 minutes after I went off! [12:49:52 AM] C: Interesting. I’ll go tune in [12:50:30 AM] C: that one Jew was quite impressive with his complete and utter rage! [12:51:12 AM] John de Nugent: and his bull! [12:51:26 AM] John de Nugent: he said his grandpa was a soldier AND in a camp and he had a tattoo! Which is it? Since when did the Germans tattoo captured American soldiers!? The Germans treated our soldiers very well, and just one reason is that the US was holding hundreds of thousands of their prisoners. Only 1% of American soldiers died in German captivity! [12:51:46 AM] John de Nugent: It killed that Hebrew when I scoffed: “You are MERELY a Jew.” 😉 What lèse-majesté… [12:52:13 AM] C: lol [12:52:21 AM] C: It didn’t make any sense what he was screaming. [12:52:33 AM] John de Nugent: American soldiers never got tattooed! Only concentratiion camp inmates and the SS themselves, for their blood group in case they needed a transfusion, etc. [12:52:41 AM] C: he fought against the Germans (“a Jew killing white Germans,” as you said, not a hero) and he was, at the same time, supposedly in a concentration camp getting tattoos! [12:52:42 AM] John de Nugent: only 1% died in the Germans’ POW camps [12:52:47 AM] John de Nugent: they were treated relatively with kid gloves, for wartime, not unlike “Hogan’s Heroes” [12:53:50 AM] C: i was quite impressed with how you avoided falling into the interviewer’s traps, it probably ran so long because he was desperate to get you to say at least something that could be used against you [12:56:22 AM] John de Nugent: he was really beating that thing about “do you sympathize with von Brunn?” into the ground…. [12:56:57 AM] C: yeah he didn’t want to let that go. [12:57:09 AM] C: damned if you do, damned if you don’t [12:57:43 AM] C: LOL, someone just called you “gay” on Fox news radio [12:58:00 AM] C: expected, of course [12:59:13 AM] C: I’m not quite sure what is going on right now though, it seems like Colmes is taking 10 phone calls a minute in which the caller shouts something ‘controversial’ and gets hung up on, errr, and now it’s over [1:04:06 AM] John de Nugent: this Hebrew is taping and replaying his ridicule of his own callers! [1:04:19 AM] John de Nugent: what an arrogant Khazar jerk! [1:04:44 AM] C: yes, I heard that [1:05:00 AM] John de Nugent: i never ever, ever thought anyone would call me gay after all the women I’ve err, been with ….but maybe that is it….. [1:05:11 AM] John de Nugent: Nerds who are jealous want to call me gay…. [1:05:33 AM] John de Nugent: I need a better comeback. [1:06:18 AM] C: it was a bit shaky on the radio, because you didn’t directly say you were not homosexual until the end, instead trying to explain your position but he didn’t want to take a hint, just a direct answer.. [1:13:10 AM] John de Nugent: I guess I was very offended that anyone would ask me such a personal question anyway!! And why a liberal would ask that, bizarre…. [1:13:18 AM] C: true [1:13:21 AM] John de Nugent: it’s a sign of a trash culture [1:14:04 AM] John de Nugent: and here I am in a committed relationship with a woman I have talked about a hundred times online, I’ve run her picture a hundred times in various posts, I’ve been married 2x before and have shown pix of my kids as children and as adults and still this sicko obsession… it shows what a psychopathic, gossipy and abusive “National Enquirer” & judaized society we live in [1:14:25 AM] C: yep [1:15:01 AM] John de Nugent: and it shows that the Internet enables questions that in a bar would get your nose broken. [1:15:08 AM] C: haha [1:15:19 AM] C: i’m listening to this guy talking (it’s a replay on fox news), he’s quite the a—–e to his callers as you commented… wow

[1:15:37 AM] John de Nugent: this Jew hates his own callers!!

[1:15:46 AM] John de Nugent: he mocks them constantly

[1:15:53 AM] John de Nugent: despises them all unless they are liberal enough

[1:16:04 AM] C: yep

[1:16:53 AM] John de Nugent: Well, it’s 1:16 am, and the antisemitic monster returneth to his lair 😉 for beauty sleep [1:17:04 AM] C: good night, great job, John!

I wrote a comrade who praised the show:

Dear Bob,

Thanks. I have 31 years of Jew experience – I grew up around them – and a determination to never be on the defensive…. I listened to him interviewing David Duke (on Youtube, 2/08) and he had even the experienced Dukester always explaining away his statements; it looked less strong than usual for David.

Look, we have freedom of speech in America, it is OUR country, and I fully intend to use it.

Yes, we are the best race, which is why immigrants flood into all white countries and never into each other’s country if they can help it.

Yes, while I have had Jewish friends I dislike Jews as a group.

No, the Holocaust never happened, except the Holocaust of the Slavic peoples – 40 million – by Jewish bolshevik commissars.

Yes, Karl Marx invented communism and yes, he was Jewish, and Stalin used Jews to run 8 of the 11 major death camps in the gulag. So said Nobel Prize winner Alexander Solzhenitsyn in a 2002 book no American publisher will print, Two Hundred Years Together.

To paraphrase an unforgettable Doors song, Bob:

* * *

the time to hesitate is through,

the time to wallow in the mire.….

Come on — white man — light my fire.


I need to film and edit the final video, and redo this website to a mass-appeal website. Others have been making big sacrifices. How about you?

This is how you can help financially:

–checks, postal money orders and other money orders that are made out to “John de Nugent”

Yesterday was a good day, about $870 in donations….including A $100 AMSCOT MONEY ORDER FROM FLORIDA, A $50 USPS MONEY ORDER, $40 IN CASH, and $600 in Swiss Franḱs and $70 in Australian dollars….

–sending valuable jewelry or gold coins

–cash in an envelope, even with a fake return address (no risk there!)

–bank wire to my Woodforest bank account (contact me for details at john_denugent@yahoo.com; one comrade does this every month!)

–gift cards for BestBuy, Walmart, Barnes & Noble bookstores, etc.

I need your donation urgently to pay for the new website and for the final video, which will be the most devastating attack on the Jews FOCUSING ON CHILD MOLESTATION, THE MOST HATED CRIME ON EARTH, and the most inspiring appeal to the Aryan soul inside us, of all times.

I think my last blog had a big effect, because even the most liberal race-mixer agrees with me on this one thing — that child molesters are the most despicable beings on this earth, and if the GOVERNMENT Jews have set up and are running a gigantic blackmail-pedophilia ring, then the GOVERNMENT Jews have to go.

This was my blog on the government pedophilia network:

https://johndenugent.com/english/english-thomas-jefferson-pro-white-genius-and-genuine-aryan-noble-in-mind-and-deed (Scroll down two-thirds here to the phrase “2) The Jews behind the horrific Franklin scandal” and the video “Conspiracy of Silence”)

1 Comment

  1. John- Excellent column this time around, btw.

    I was going to write to you about the new book Across Atlantic Ice, but obviously you already know about it. You should interview Kyle Bristow!

    Thanks for writing on topics where your intellect cuts through the BS.

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