ENGLISH In Jewish-ruled Australia, free speech is the real crime

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Source. the Brendon O’Connell blog (http://brendonoconnell.blogspot.com), now run by a friend. Brendon O’Connell was sentenced to three years on January 27, 2011. He is a racial liberal, but an antizionist activist, and especially an enemy of the Israeli espionage corporation Verint, and that alone got him 1,095 days and nights in an iron cage in the nightmarish new Jewstralia.

* * *

What The Hell Is Going On In Perth?

What the HELL is going in Perth?
A Perth man calls a young Zionist Jew a racist, homicidal maniac and tells him that his religion is a religion of racism, hate, homicide and ethnic cleansing. Result: he is sentenced to three years imprisonment.
* * * (JdN: my emendation)

JdN: Stanley Keyser was not just any Jew…….some mythical “nice Jewish boy”……
……but a fanatical Chabad Lubavitcher (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chabad) and overt Jewish master-race theorist!

The founder of the Chabad Lubavitchers, the most dangerous, hate-filled branch of all Judaism, was Schneur Zalman (1745-1812). Just look at what he chose to be his official portrait. The portrait a man chooses of himself is how he expresses his energy and message to the world. If you were a little child and you saw this creature walking toward you in an alley, how would you react?
The recent grand rabbi of the Chabad Lubavitchers was the infamous Menachem Schneerson, who SNEERED that “all gentiles are composed of seven satanic spheres”!


My only quibble with David Duke’ video is the gentle pronunciation of the word “Chabad.” It is not Ha-bahd,” but the initial sound is  that expectorating, semitic, neanderthalic khhhhh sound like a Chinaman clearing his throat and preparing to spit on the street. No European language except Dutch (the Jews heavily infiltrated Holland after their expulsion from Spain in 1492) puts this horrid throat-clearing at the beginning of a word! (The same applies to the pronunciation of the main Israeli newspaper, which is wrongly called “Ha’ariv.” It is really the mucus-hacking “Khhhh-ariv.” We should always use the correct pronunciation to show the uninitiated the neanderthalic otherness of this pre-human subspecies.)

This Stanley Keyser was not one of the nicey, liberal Jews like Rabbi Michael Lerner of tikkun.org, whom I have met and respect. The Chabad Lubavitchers are the ultimate practicioners of Jewish racism, hate and master-race thinking: Jew = master/goy = slave! It is the ultimate in chutzpah for a Chabad Lubavitcher, the most vicious of all the Jews, to accuse Brendon O’Connell (whom I know personally from conversations and emails to be not only a kind, fun, gentle and lovable guy, but also a true LIBERAL on race) to be any kind of  “racist” whatsoever, or a man who committed “racial vilification”!
Connell would “vilify” ANYONE who murders children, and it is those brown-skinned Arab children in the West Bank and Gaza who are among his main concerns — as well as the rights of Australians of all races to privacy and free speech, and to not be mass-murdered as happened to 35 of them at Port Arthur, Tasmania, Australia in 1996, and to over 80 of them in the Bali nightclub bombing.
When O’Connell says to Stanley Keyser that the Jews are homicidal maniacs, THAT is what he is referring to, their actions, not their race.
I disagree with Brendon on this, because I believe, along with the half-Jew Michael Bradley, that the Jews (both Khazars and also Sephardim) are largely descended from hyper-violent, clannish, emotionally primitive neanderthals, and it is their RACE that for thousands of years has dictated their consistent, unwavering anti-gentile behavior.
But it is very useful to see the Jews stomp on a liberal and imprison him.  It is a major mistake on their part, yet again. I will use this case, and the Jews’ mistreatment of Jimmy Carter to make many a point.
(See the recent outrageous five-million-dollar Jewish lawsuit against Carter (five Jews have sued him claiming the book is deliberate fraud by calling itself factual and non-fictional: http://voices.washingtonpost.com/political-bookworm/2011/02/president_carter_named_in_5_mi.html)…..

Two of the five Jews suing Carter in federal court in NYC admit they are dual citizens of the US and of Israel:
[then follow names of American Jewish litigants, concluding with….]

….., and Alan Dershowitz’s boasting that he kept Carter, a former PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES AND NOBEL LAUREATE,  from speaking at the 2008 Democratic National Convention: http://blogs.jta.org/politics/article/2008/11/13/1000960/ders
Keep it up, Jews, stomping on the liberal white supporters you USED to have….. Jimmy Carter appointed so many Jews to his Cabinet during his presidency (1977-81) that it was one of the things that actually triggered me becoming a white nationalist in the year 1978. .
Carter was the first president to pack his Cabinet with overt Jews. Then in the Camp David Peace Accords (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camp_David_Accords) he committed the US taxpayer to give Israel $3 billion a year so it would return the stolen Sinai Peninsula to Egypt. This has resulted in Israel receiving from hardworking Americans over ONE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS, while OUR country went to hell!
Begin, Sadat and Jimmy Carter in the presidential retreat at Camp David, Maryland. Begin indirectly caused Sadat’s assassination a few years later when Israel broke its promises, continued stomping on the Palestinians, and Egyptians began viewing Sadat as a traitor who, by trusting Jews, had disgraced his nation. (Maybe some Jew will gun down Carter before this is all over. They now intensely hate him.)
You can never do enough for this master-race people. Money, praise, apologies, sympathy, hiring them, supporting their Jewish state — anything you do for them for years or decades is negated by one criticism. Then they seek to crush you.

Liberals , learn your lesson. There is no greater hypocrisy in the world than for liberals who say they are against racism, militarism, religious fundamentalism, intolerance and nationalism to be FOR the one country on earth that most incarnates these traits, and that one state is ISRAEL.
If the Jews can stomp on the liberal Irish-Australian Brendon O’Connell, and if they can stomp on even a liberal-revered former President of the United States and Nobel Peace Laureate such as James Earl Carter, then nothing you can ever do for them will ever please them. They will use you, then lose you, and turn on you like a snake in a heartbeat.

* * * (back to the Brendon O’Connell blog)
A Perth driver kills a 12 year-old girl after a hit-and-run accident. Result: he is sentenced to two years in prison.
A Perth man sticks a broken glass in another man’s face during an argument in a nightclub and slashes his face open. Result: he is sentenced to eighteen months in prison.
What can we conclude from these convictions?
We can conclude that if you live in the Western Australian city of Perth, you can kill a twelve year-old child and smash a broken bottle in someone’s face safe in the knowledge that you’ll receive a lesser punishment for calling a racist, homicidal maniac a racist, homicidal maniac and telling him that his religion of racism, hate, homicide and ethnic cleansing is a religion of racism, hate, homicide and ethnic cleansing.
We can conclude that in Perth, hurting the ego of some creepy Zionist Jew is considered to be a much more serious “crime” than killing a child or disfiguring someone’s face.
We can also conclude that in Perth, there is no consistency in sentencing policy and that in sentencing Brendon O’Connell to three years imprisonment for a non-violent “crime” in which no one was killed or suffered any physical injury, Judge John Wisbey has dispensed a punishment that is completely disproportionate to the offence.
And we can conclude that in Perth, justice does not exist.
Brendon O’Connell is a political prisoner, not a violent thug, or a murderer. The sentence he received for his “crime” is as outrageous as it is a miscarriage of justice.
Save prison for murderers, violent thugs and pedophiles who have sexually abused their eleven year-old sister for five years, impregnating her in the process.
======================”SOME OF MY BEST FRIENDS ARE JEWS”
I got a comment, found below, on the blog with Jason Salyers’ incisive contribution: https://johndenugent.com/english/english-jason-salyers-on-the-demonic-nation
which blog contained this revelation:

“Jewish involvement in porn, by this argument, is the result of an atavistic hatred of Christian authority: they are trying to weaken the dominant culture in America by moral subversion. Astyr remembers having “to run or fight for it in grammar school because I was a Jew. It could very well be that part of my porn career is an ‘up yours’ to these people.” – Prof. Nathan Abrams
Not to be confused by the facts, someone wrote me:

You need to open your eyes to some truth. God would be ashamed of what you’ve written. What the world needs is the truth and the truth told in a loving way, a Godly way. Jews are people too and most Jews I know would not bash Christians like this.

Sir “dude,” I grew up with Jews. I had many Jewish friends as a kid. I even dated two nice women who turned out to be Jewish. (I ended the relationships, regretfully, because it would have been unworkable for both sides.)

You need, if you are a Christian, to understand the “secret reasonings of the heart.” Of YOUR heart.

The Jews are powerful and vengeful.

THAT is the entire basis and motivation for what you wrote above, even if you do not realize it, or WANT to do introspection. You read the facts and you rejected what they imply, that YOU TOO MUST OPPOSE THE JEWS.

Look up the phrase “for fear of the Jews” in the New Testament. The Jews torture-murdered Jesus Christ, then terrorized the disciples, murdered most of the apostles, and instigated the Romans to crush and murder early Christians for CENTURIES by beheadings, by lions EATING THEM, and turning them into living quivering, torches, as the mad emperor Nero did, a friend of the Jews who gladly blamed them when Rome burned down.

Nothing whatsoever has changed in 2,000 years with this “stiff-necked” people, as even the Old Testament repeatedly describes them, a people who “worship the Golden Calf” and as the Apostle Paul said, “are enemies of all men.”

I am telling you clearly that you fear the Jews. THAT is what motivates your deeper motives, FEAR they will GET you.

I recommend you read my blog today: [the blog above] https://johndenugent.com/english/english-in-jewish-ruled-australia-free-speech-is-the-real-crime and understand what the Jews do to you kind-hearted Jew-lovers when they no longer need you.

You need to open your eyes to some truth about yourself. God would be ashamed of what you’ve written despite now having the FACTS. What the world needs is the truth and the truth told in a loving yet firm way, a truly Godly way. And the Bible says “God is not one to be mocked. What you sow is what you will reap.”

Jews are indeed people too, mostly wicked people, and most Jews I know would not, as you say, bash Christians like this — except behind their backs, in the synagogue, at the family dinner table, in private conversations, and in publications Christians never read.

Mark my words:

If I fail, that is, if I fail to get support while doing my job, then your Christianity will be banned as an illegal antisemitic hate cult by the Jewish government that rules your naive, trusting, cowardly and irresponsible pseudo-Christian America.

A true Christian opposes those who murdered Christ and still hate Him today.

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