ENGLISH Sheriffs and posses can start the restoring of our America; cannibal warlords of Liberia

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===========absolutely most darling critter video ever….











ARMSTRONG-COUNTY-SHERIFF-PATCHAs outlined in detail in recent weblogs, there is now a WINNABLE race for sheriff here in my 98% white, rightwing county of Armstrong, Pennsylvania, with the election being held in November of this year.



I need your financial support as I gear up for this race.

This is my BRIEF platform for sheriff:



As for the lastpoint, a woman in her eighties with the dread Lou Gehrig’s was just raided by the police in Florida because she uses medical marijuana, THC, to fight the pain and the disease both!

Obama himself was the biggest toker in Hawaii! He was in fact a “choomer” ( = climbing into a car with a group of friends and making it in effect into a marijuana gas chamber. See the whole shocking story of Barry Soetero, ultra-hard-core pothead, by scrolling halfway down here: http://www.johndenugent.org/site/pages/af_am_1.htm) And this guy is busting old white people on their death bed for using medical marijuana???

Anything to make everyone into a criminal — and get his POLICE STATE!


He still smokes pot today in the White House according to several sources — and a friend of mine who once smoked a lot of pot, a musician, says that this facial expression seen below comes ONLY from one thing — being “high” (and during a publicly held speech to boot)!


Obama’s overtly Jewish-looking maternal grandfather Stanley Armour Dunham was also a huge pot smoker, according to many reports, and served far behind the lines in WWII as a supply sergeant, a classic Jewish billet. (Hitler as a soldier in WWI — he got two Iron Crosses for bravery — complained that “every Army clerk is a Jew, and every Jew in uniform is a clerk.” Here was Dunham in August 1944 in US-occupied northern France, three hundred miles behind the lines.

Obama's Grandfather at War

The fundamental reason for having an elected sheriff is that psychopaths, rising like pond scum, take over politics in every country!

Psychopaths in power

This essay of mine explains my entire thinking about why government always and automatically becomes evil:


Psychopathic brain; the blue indicates no activity in compassion centers


This powerful video from Australia (A PUZZLED ALIEN QUERIES AN EARTHLING ABOUT OUR POLITICIANS ;-))  brings home the very points that my essay on psychopaths made:


As this great website “Sheriff Brigades of Pennsylvania” (http://www.sheriffbrigadesofpenn.com) (with fantastic input from Pennsylvanian author William Taylor Reil) says:



When our Government exceeds the limitations of their Constitutional authority and imposes their unlawful will upon the people, it is the right and the duty of “WE THE PEOPLE”


to join together in one voice and proclaim:

 “Not In My County!”

The Sheriff is the Chief Law Enforcement Officer in the County.  Within his jurisdiction, the Sheriff has more power and authority than the Governor and the President of the United States. The Sheriff has the power to deem a law or regulation unconstitutional and therefore invalid.

It is his sworn duty to protect the people and stop tyranny at the County line. Patriots must stand together to preserve our rights, our liberty and our sacred heritage.


The Sheriff Is The “Chief Law Enforcement Officer”


We are constantly told (particularly by attorneys and judges) that the District Attorney is the “Chief Law Enforcement Officer” in the County. But this statement is simply not true.

The District Attorney (DA) is the chief prosecutor in the County. Though elected, the DA: must be an attorney; holds the “Office of attorney at law” (Title 42, Section 2521); is an officer of the courts and reports to the State Supreme Court. (Article V, Section 10 ( c ) of the “1968 Pennsylvania Constitution”); cannot arrest anyone; etc. The District Attorney is clearly a member of the Judicial Branch of government. If there is any “separation of powers” today, the DA could not possibly be part of the Executive Branch of a constitutional republic.

The Sheriff is the lawful Chief Executive Officer and highest Peace Officer of the entire County in which he or she was elected.

Unlike the State Police and Municipal Police, the Sheriff reports directly to the Citizens of the County.

In today’s terms, the Sheriff is the “Chief Law Enforcement Officer” (CELO) of the County. The duties, responsibilities and authorities of the County Sheriff (a constitutional officer) are, at a minimum, the same as they were when the State Constitution was originally written. The duties, responsibilities and/or authorities of the Sheriff cannot be diminished by those in the legislature or the courts of the State or of the County. Only the Citizens of this Commonwealth, by a constitutional amendment (that is lawfully done) can diminish the duties, responsibilities and/or authorities of the County Sheriff.  These facts, and many more, were true and recognized in Pennsylvania long before it became a State on September 28, 1776 and lawfully remain true today.

In support of the statements presented herein above, consider the following relevant excerpts from:  A Treatise on the Law of Sheriffs, Coroners and Constables with Forms,  written by Walter H. Anderson, LL.B., LL, D., in 1941

Volume I, Chapter II,

        Section 42. Powers and Duties of Sheriff Implied from Name and Nature of His Office. –  A sheriff is an officer of great antiquity, dignity, trust and authority. He was chief officer to the King within his county; no suit began, no process was served, but by the sheriff. He was to return indifferent juries for the trial of men’s lives, liberties, lands, goods, etc. At the end of suits he was and still is required to make execution which is the life and fruit of the law. So it is seen that original process moved and was directed to the sheriff, subsequent proceedings were circulated in him and were at last finished and completed by him. And if execution be the life of the law, as it is alleged to be, it seems (as one says) to be seated in the sheriff as in the heart which is primum vivens and ultimum moriens. The sheriff is also the principle conservator of the peace within the county which is the life of the commonwealth.*  The powers and duties of the sheriff as implied from the name and nature of his office are still the same today as they were at common law, except, insofar as it has been modified by constitutional and statutory provisions.

Section 43. Rights of the Sheriff as Constitutional Officer. – Where the sheriff is named in the Constitution his duties are the same as they were at the time the Constitution was adopted.*  Where the office of sheriff is named as a constitutional officer the people intended that those officers should exercise the powers and perform the duties then recognized as appertaining to the respective offices which they were to hold. This thought is well expressed in an early Wisconsin case. (State ex, rel. Kennedy v. Brunst, 26 Wis. 412, 7 Am. Rep. 84)  “Now it is quite true that the constitution nowhere defines what powers, rights and duties shall attach or belong to the office of sheriff. But there can be no doubt that the framers of the Constitution had reference to the office with those generally recognized legal duties and functions belonging to it in this country, and in the territory, when the Constitution was adopted.”*  While the legislature may impose additional duties upon the sheriff, where he is recognized as a constitutional officer, it cannot restrict or reduce his powers as allowed by the Constitution, or as they were recognized when the Constitution was adopted.*

Section 44.  The Sheriff Essentially is a Common Law Officer. – From the very title and by virtue of occupying the office of sheriff, it carries with it all the common law powers and duties, except as modified by the State Constitutions and by statutes.*  The sheriff is the chief law enforcement officer in the county today even as he was at common law. His jurisdiction is co-extensive within the county including all municipalities and townships.*  Where the State constitution provides for the election of that officer without prescribing in express conditions the duties which shall attach to the office, it is presumed that the duties are those attaching to the office of common law.*

Section 50.  Additional Duties Required of the Sheriff by Statute. – As has already been seen, where the office of sheriff is a constitutional one, the legislature has no power without a constitutional amendment to diminish his official powers, or to transfer to other officers the duties which properly pertain to his office. However, additional duties may be added, and often are, to the office of sheriff, and frequently when such is done, additional bonds are required as herein after seen. ….


Legendary Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona investigated Barack Obama for not being a US citizen and recommended he be  .


Investigation of Obama’s birth certificate (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Arpaio)

On March 1, 2012, Arpaio and members of his Cold Case Posse held a news conference announcing their contention that President Barack Obama’s long-form birth certificate, released by the White House on April 27, 2011,[149] is a computer-generated forgery. Additionally, the Posse’s six-month-long review included an examination of President Obama’s Selective Service card and contended that it, also, is a forgery. Their claims were presented at that press conference, and at a second press conference held on March 31, 2012.[150][151] The allegations regarding the birth certificate were repeated at a July 17, 2012, news conference, where Arpaio stated that his investigators are certain that Obamas’ long-form birth certificate is fraudulent.[152]


Note: *  The court decision citation is given in the original text, but is omitted here in the interest of time and space.

Source:  This information is taken verbatim from: A Treatise on the Law of Sheriffs, Coroners and Constables with Forms, Vol. 1 of 2; by Walter H. Anderson, LL.B., LL, D.; Published by: Herbert D. Howard, 1941 (Unforgivably these books are no longer in print.)    (There are many more similar historical sources that prove the facts and law presented.)

Some may say that there is very little stated in the Constitution of Pennsylvania about Sheriffs.  While this is true, at the time the Constitution was written in 1776, everyone clearly understood the duties, responsibilities and authorities of Sheriffs, therefore it was not necessary to include a lengthy enumeration of their duties in the Constitutions. The office of the Sheriff dates back to about 500 AD in England and was established in Pennsylvania and the other colonies in America from the time they were created.  The constitutional offices of Sheriffs, Coroners, and Constables were clearly established in the first Constitution of Pennsylvania on September 28, 1776 and continue to this day.

Unfortunately, certain attorneys, judges, justices and professors of law (and others) have been unlawfully working to eliminate, or at least minimize, the Office of the Sheriff and/or their duties, responsibilities and authorities since the “War between the States”.

However, as proven herein above, any attempt to do so without a lawful constitutional amendment is unconstitutional and thus null and void from the time that the alleged change was done. The Sheriff is still the Chief Executive Officer and highest Peace Officer in his or her County. The Sheriff works directly for the Citizens of the County.

Sheriffs in Pennsylvania need to step forward and strictly follow their constitutional “oath of office”.  Follow the law, and stop listening  to the deceptive statements by attorneys and judges.

 We all need to contact our Sheriff to encourage him to do this now and always!


Brigades are forming now, or already exist, across Pennsylvania of patriots with guns who are ready to support any CONSTITUTIONAL sheriff who is being threatened with violence by federal and state “authorities” whose sole goal is to rape the state and federal constitutions. Many sheriffs have already been threatened by Obama and the Biden family (as in Vice President Joe Biden and his politician son Beau) is even trying to abolish the sheriffs altogether in Delaware.

(Arch-liberal Connecticut, as in Sandy Hook, has already abolished the office of sheriff after 300 years. The NWO does not want ANY ELECTED TOP COP! They want APPPOINTEES!)

Once I am elected, I also have the power to deputize any man between 16 and 60 for my posse.



One of the oldest services to the English Crown was the Office of the Sheriff.  The word “sheriff” can be traced from the Saxon word  for “SHIRE REEVE, ” (as in the Old English word for a county, a “shire” (as in our state of New Hamp-shire today or Nottinghamshire, the areas ruled by the Sheriff of Nottingham.

The “Scir-Reeve” or “Gerefa” and the formation of counties or “shires” dates back to Alfred the Great of England. The office of Sheriff was transplanted into America in 1635 where it continues to this day.

Originally the “High” or “shire” reeve’s police responsibility was to preserve the king’s peace. He had authority to raise the “hue and cry” for the pursuit of thieves and other criminals. The hue and cry was an early form of the posse, in which once the shout was sounded that a crime such as robbery, theft, assault, or murder had been committed, all who heard it were obligated and bound by honor to join the pursuit until those involved were captured or the reeve called off the search.

That English tradition followed the Sheriff to the New World and it would become a cornerstone of American law enforcement. As well as being a basis of law, it became a stimulus which would capture the imagination of the American people and serve to inspire their will with regards to law and order. It invested the citizens in the law enforcement process and served to extend the office’s usefulness by enabling and allowing for unlimited manpower resources at times of greatest need.

Confronted with serious issues of crime, disorder, vice, and violence, the pioneers of the old West turned especially to members of their communities to enforce order. With a multi-century background and history, the office of Sheriff was a natural addition in this environment. Selection could be made by appointment, or, in most cases, by popular vote from community residents to select a Sheriff. The county-wide jurisdiction of the office fit very nicely in the law enforcement efforts and supervision of the vast countryside. The ability of the Sheriff to respond to the hue and cry and to raise a posse helped greatly with the issues of crime and the isolated nature of the frontier. The office that had evolved over the centuries was a “hand-in-glove fit” for local law enforcement in the Wild West.


The American posse would become a mainstay of law enforcement efforts in the years to follow. It would be employed to a great extent in the American Wild West period as a regular tool of marshals and sheriffs. The concept of the American posse would become romanticized in dime store novels and newspapers throughout the era. In later years, it would again be romanticized in movies and television programs. The posse continues to be used in contemporary terms and still serves useful law enforcement purposes in many parts of the United State.

Whenever we scan the documents of British and American history, we find the Office of the Sheriff entrusted with the maintenance of law and order and the preservation of domestic tranquility. Some historians date the Office the Sheriff to ancient Roman times. Others express the belief that the Office had it’s beginnings prior to the writing of the Magna Carta in 1215, in England. Of the sixty-three Articles in the Magna Carta, twenty-seven Articles refer directly or indirectly to the Office Of the Sheriff. Historians agree that the Office of the Sheriff is one of the most familiar and useful to be found in the history of English Institutions. The functions and powers of the Office have undergone changes but for over seven centuries it has maintained a continuous existence and preserved features.

The Office of the Sheriff is the oldest law enforcement office known within the common law system. The Office of the Sheriff is the only elected law enforcement office in the county. Today, with some variations from state to state, the duties of the Office of the Sheriff have remained consistent.

The sale of property has been the responsibility of the Office of the Sheriff for over seven hundred years. The authority over bailiffs, constables, wardens, and the jail are a continuing responsibility along with court safety and the service of warrants. Today’s Office of the Sheriff continues the responsibilities of the past and had expanded its duties to adapt to a modern world. Examples of these expanded duties include drug prevention, prisoner transportation, crime prevention, victim assistance, search and rescue, identification and communications.


I need funds for the launch of a new website, John de Nugent for Sheriff, and for a sturdy vehicle, campaign literature, etc. I start gathering signatures (I need 379 as an independent candidate) to get on the ballot as of March 19th.

jdn-facing-left-profile-b-w-sarver-garage-2011Are you into whining or winning?


Are you in

for a race we can win?


John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613


tel: (724) 596-4284 (Call me! I promise not to bite!)



I have come to realize that what people want TODAY (as opposed to back just six months ago) from their county sheriff is a law-enforcement officer who is first and foremost on THEIR side — against not just 1) the criminals but also 2) the out-of-control cops and 3) the gun-grabbing politicians!

They want nowadays a man who knows, respects and obeys his OATH to the US CONSTITUTION!

Who will “PROTECT AND SERVE”! Serve us, “the People”!

This is why I seek to run for sheriff, to use this race 1) to win, to get excitement going, and thereby also 2) to get a fire of white pride lit under the butts of our white people who currently have no hero, no leader, and no hope.

With activist Evan Thomasjdn-lansing-evan-thomas-champions-finale


Police brutality — my video on WHY cops, having been retaught by Freudian Jews, now see THE PEOPLE as their enemy to beat down (from around 15:00 to 35:00) SCENES YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE OF MALE COPS ASSAULTING WOMEN, including in once-gentle Canada….


We now have a psychopathic black president and a psychopathic black US Attorney General.  They are ANTI-WHITE RACISTS (AS iS THE TURNCOAT COLIN POWELL, WHO THOUGH A REPUBLICAN TWICE ENDORSED OBAMA because he too is black), and both ungrateful negroes, Obama and Holder,  who would never choose to live in their supposedly beloved Black-ruled Africa, are now trying to take our guns and then our freedom of speech.

Then everything else will go. We will have filled-up FEMA death camps. According to Alex Jones, who is often reliable, the government has ordered 30,000 GUILLOTINES.





This is what we face if the black takeover becomes total:

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