ENGLISH The Jew destroying the white genes of Ireland; Canadian Supreme Court approves liberticidal hate-speech laws

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ARMSTRONG-COUNTY-SHERIFF-PATCHAs outlined in detail in recent weblogs, there is now a WINNABLE race for sheriff here in my 98% white, rightwing county of Armstrong, Pennsylvania, with the election being held in November of this year.



I need your financial support as I gear up for this race.

This is my BRIEF platform for sheriff:




I need funds for the launch of a new website, John de Nugent for Sheriff, and for a sturdy vehicle, campaign literature, etc. I start gathering signatures (I need 379 as an independent candidate) to get on the ballot as of  March 19th.

jdn-facing-left-profile-b-w-sarver-garage-2011Are you into whining or winning?


Are you in

for a race we can win?


John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613


tel: (724) 596-4284 (Call me! I promise not to bite!)



I have come to realize that what people want TODAY (as opposed to back just six months ago) from their county sheriff is a law-enforcement officer who is first and foremost on THEIR side — against not just 1) the criminals but also 2) the out-of-control cops and 3) the gun-grabbing politicians!

They want nowadays a man who knows, respects and obeys his OATH to the US CONSTITUTION!

Who will “PROTECT AND SERVE”! Serve us, “the People”!

This is why I seek to run for sheriff, to use this race 1) to win, to get excitement going, and thereby also 2) to get a fire of white pride lit under the butts of our white people who currently have no hero, no leader, and no hope.

With activist Evan Thomasjdn-lansing-evan-thomas-champions-finale


Police brutality — my video on WHY cops, having been retaught by Freudian Jews, now see THE PEOPLE as their enemy to beat down (from around 15:00 to 35:00) SCENES YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE OF MALE COPS ASSAULTING WOMEN, including in once-gentle Canada….




The Occidental Observer


The Misplaced Minister: Ireland and Israel’s Alan Shatter

Posted: 02 Mar 2013 09:35 AM PST
For the past two years Ireland’s immigration policy has been in the hands of Alan Shatter, a Jew and an outspoken partisan of Israel. Alan Shatter, born and bred in Dublin of Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe, has made it Irish policy to increase Third World immigration to the Emerald Isle.
A real Irish face…. Ireland, being on the periphery of Europe, has had a genetically stable population for thousands of years — until Jews like Alan Shatter came along.
irish-girl with shamrocks
As Minister of Justice, Equality, and Defence, Shatter is exerting his considerable clout to skew the Republic’s Middle East policy, formerly supportive of the Palestinians and critical of Israel, toward Zionist aims.
Alan Shatter — classic neanderthalic protruding mouth: https://johndenugent.com/solutreanism/jews/neanderthals-and-semites.
Before Shatter, the Irish government had taken steps to reduce non-European immigration, including abolishing automatic citizenship for children born to foreigners in Ireland and drastically reducing the admission of asylum seekers. Since taking office in early 2011, after his Fine Gael party ousted the ruling Fianna Fail amid Ireland’s continuing economic woes, Shatter has busied himself with increasing the numbers of Africans and Asians resident in Ireland.

Immigration to Ireland from outside Europe during 2011 was twice that of the previous year. Last year, the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service granted visas to 91 percent of the 88,000 non-Europeans who applied for them (citizens of the twenty-six other member states of the European Union can travel to Ireland without having to obtain a visa). An additional 115,000 migrants from outside Europe were given permission to remain in Ireland in 2012, with India, China, Nigeria, Turkey, and the Philippines among the top six countries of origin. To be sure, the number of permits to non-Europeans to reside in Ireland has declined over the previous two years—but only because Shatter’s ministry has been granting them citizenship, at several times the rate of the preceding years.
alan-shatter-CYNICALShatter is aggressively promoting new measures to further increase non-European immigration, including making immigration easier for investors and entrepreneurs and their families. More ominously still, he is working industriously to replace existing Irish legislation on foreign immigration, including applications for asylum, with a bill that will, according to Shatter’s stated priorities for the current year, will radically reform and modernize” Irish immigration law.
Shatter has attempted to veil his immigration policies under the subterfuge of streamlining administrative procedures. After all, while exposed to the same globalist propaganda and pressures as America, the Republic of Ireland is a small and still largely homogeneous nation. It is also a land in which cant about “a nation of immigrants” won’t sell: until only a couple of decades ago, Ireland was a nation of emigrants. And today, Irish unemployment continues to hover at around 15 percent, twice the stated rate in the U.S.
What was Shatter to do? Why play the Holocaust trump card, of course!
Now, Ireland has not been known for its role in World War II anti-Jewish measures. Like most countries at the time, however, including Germany’s fiercest opponents, Ireland was reluctant to accept large numbers of Jewish immigrants.
So, last fall, in a speech in honor of Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish businessman who traveled to Hungary at American instigation in 1944 to impede deportation of Jews to German concentration camps, Ireland’s Jewish immigration czar attempted to justify flooding his homeland with Third World immigrants by attacking Ireland’s World War II immigration policy:
There were many who did nothing in the face of the industrialised genocide and the destruction of European Jewish civilisation. Indeed the Irish Government of the day sat on its hands. And even after the death camps were liberated, the Irish Government denied Jews refuge in Ireland.
It won’t surprise TOO readers to learn that, for all his efforts to pass as a champion of universalist ethics (“It is not enough to bear witness. We must also honor our fundamental moral obligation to protect our common humanity against inhumanity.”), Shatter has been anything but a protector of the Palestinians’ humanity. What may surprise is that, in a nation virtually devoid of Jews, and one which has been more supportive of the Palestinians than most Western countries, the extent to which Shatter has been a strident voice in defense of Israel’s ruthless policies, in the Gaza Strip or on the West Bank.
alan-shatter-WAVING-LIMOAs a member of the Irish legislature, Shatter defended Israel’s brutal 2009 invasion of Gaza. He opposed the “freedom flotillas” organized in 2010 and 2011 to breach the Israeli blockade of the already impoverished Gaza strip, although each of the aid expeditions included a ship from Ireland (although Shatter did a brief turnabout after Israeli commandos killed nine men aboard a ship in the first flotilla). He has opposed visas for members of organizations hostile to Israeli policies, and resoundingly condemned calls for the Irish to boycott performances in Israel as “cultural fascism.”
It would be interesting to know what Ireland’s minister of justice thinks of Israel’s recent strict measures to control and to curtail Third World immigration—but he seems to have maintained a prudent silence in that regard.
Shatter has not merely parroted Israel’s justifications for oppressive policies aimed at preserving Israel as a Jewish state for a Jewish people, he has in effect served as a second Israeli ambassador to Ireland, functioning without the diplomatic constraints of the former.
We may take it, then, that Ireland’s Jewish minister of justice is moved by something other than an abstract sense of fairness that, however misguidedly, invites the world’s “wretched refuse” (as a very influential tribune of indiscriminate immigration once called it) to Ireland’s shores. Seen in the light of his dedication to a dogma that the United Nations General Assembly once declared racist, Shatter’s promotion of Third World immigration, as well as his long career as a lawyer promoting birth control, abortion, and gay marriage—takes on a more sinister hue, as do such recent initiatives as his condemning Ireland’s national television network for failing to depict today’s “intercultural Ireland” rather than the homogeneous Irish people of decades past.
In other words, Shatter has at best dual loyalties—but his double standard on Israel and Ireland would seem to indicate that his loyalty is primarily, if not exclusively, to the Zionist state rather than the Emerald Isle. What factor his Jewish loyalties play in promoting an immigration that is at most minimally Jewish, yet increasingly non-White, to the land of his birth remains an unanswered, though provocative, question. Nevertheless, Shatter’s attitudes are entirely in sync with those of the organized Jewish diaspora communities throughout the West. As often noted in TOO (see also here, p. 241ff), Jewish attitudes on immigration in the West are best explained as Jewish ethnic strategizing motivated by hostility toward the traditional people and culture of the West because of historical anti-Semitism (e.g., Shatter’s construction of Ireland’s role in the Holocaust) combined with fear that ethnically homogeneous populations may eventually rise up against Jews.

As noted, Alan Shatter is also Ireland’s minister of defence.

In that role, he has announced that Ireland will continue to buy arms from Israel. As one of his critics has observed, “It is not unusual for a Defence Minister to be steeped in nationalism, but for the ‘nation’ in question to be a foreign state, and a rogue state at that, must be unprecedented.”
It’s hard to imagine the mirror image of Alan Shatter in Israel. Just imagine one Alan O’Slattery, devoted to promoting non-Jewish immigration to the Zionist state and putting the military and diplomatic needs of Ireland above those of the nation he serves, wielding comparable power in Israel!
But it’s not so difficult to imagine Alan Shatter finding a ministerial role in yet another country. In the eyes of John McCain and Lindsay Graham, Shatter might well be eminently more qualified to serve as U.S. Secretary of Defense than Chuck Hagel. After all, Hagel has the wrong loyalties, and Shatter has the right ones.

Errol Flynn as Robin Hood

Mel Gibson (“when Irish eyes are smilin'”)

John Kennedy, as depicted in profile on the 1965 quarter-dollar coin. Ireland, home of all his ancestors, has or had until recently, by virtue of its location on the edge of Europe, the most stable white genetics of any European country.

Nicole Kidman
67th Annual Golden Globe Awards - Press Room
Grace Kelly
This gene pool is what the neanderthalic Jew wishes to destroy:  https://johndenugent.com/solutreanism/jews/neanderthals-and-semites

Depiction of prehistoric neanderthals; note the sloping forehead, protruding mouth, weak chin and semitic nose.


My musical salute to the keltic peoples (from johndenugent.org) in the first five minutes:



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The OLD Canadian flag showed the WHITE heritage of Canada: English (three lions), Welsh (lion rampant), Irish (harp), French (fleur-de-lis) and Scottish (thistle).
The NEW flag shows a leaf full of maple-sugary SAP!
Canadian Flag
Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2013 15:33:35 +0900
Subject: Minorities Rule; Freedom Drools: Supreme Court Curtails Christians Criticizing Homosexuality
From: paul@paulfromm.com
To: cafe@canadafirst.net

Minorities Rule; Freedom Drools: Supreme

Court Curtails Christians Criticizing


Much of the Canadian political and legal Establishment are fantically supportive or abortion and the homosexual agenda — neither particularly good news for a healthy nation — while, at the same time, they are openly contemptuous of and can just barely tolerate Christianity.

Free speech suffered another defeat yesterday at the hands of a six-judge panel of the Supreme Court of Canada. The court ruled on the constitutionality of anti-free speech provisions of the Saskatchewan Human Rights Act in the case of William Whatcott who had distributed leaflets proclaiming his strong faith-based opposition to the practice of homosexuality.
JdN: The ugly Canadian Supreme Court building
Whatcott, the victim of the Court’s ruling, told the CBC (February 27, 2013):

“It’s dreadful,” he said of the decision. “‘It’s a dark day for Canada.’ 


Whatcott said he refuses to pay the $7,500 in damages as directed by the high court. He also says the ruling means the Supreme Court can impose its morals on the rest of the country and limit free speech.
“Canada’s top court ruled vitriolic anti-gay speech in flyers distributed by a Christian activist is not protected by the Charter.

However, the high court, including Chief Beverly McLachlin, gave broad endorsement to the law’s equality protections for a vulnerable minority against the spreading of ‘hatred.’


marshall-rothstein-supreme-court-canadaJustice Marshall Rothstein [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marshall_Rothstein], writing for the 6-0 panel, found two of four flyers handed out by William Whatcott in 2001 and 2002 in Regina and Saskatoon crossed the line into “harmful” discourse, but two did not. …


*** JdN: the four Jews (out of nine “justices”) on the Canadian Supreme Court, and the prime minister who appointed them

Fish, Morris Jacob Puisne Judge 2003.08.05 – Chrétien, Joseph Jacques Jean
Abella, Rosalie Silberman Puisne Judge 2004.08.30 – Martin, Paul Edgar Philippe
Charron, Louise V. Puisne Judge 2004.08.30 – Martin, Paul Edgar Philippe
Rothstein, Marshall E. Puisne Judge 2006.03.01 – Harper, Stephen Joseph



The court said two of Whatcott’s hand-delivered leaflets had “hallmarks” of hatred, targeting gays as a menace that could threaten the safety and well-being of others, referring to respected sources like the Bible to lend credibility, and using “vilifying and derogatory representations to create a tone of hatred.”


‘It delegitimizes homosexuals by referring to them as filthy or dirty sex addicts and by comparing them to pedophiles, a traditionally reviled group in society,’ wrote Rothstein.


The court said the law’s purpose is to ‘prevent discrimination by curtailing certain types of public expression’ but it is tailored, and does not ban private expression of views.” (Toronto Star, February 28, 2012)


Christians are supposed to take comfort from the fact that they can still whisper their views about homosexuals in private — for the moment.


In a typically  Canadian but mischievous approach  the Supremos appeared to be even-handed by striking down two of the four counts and throwing freedom a crumb: “In doing so, the Supreme Court of Canada unanimously struck down a small part of the province’s human rights code as an infringement on free speech and religion. It removed vague wording that prohibited the distribution of material that ‘ridicules, belittles or otherwise affronts the dignity’ of people on the basis of their sexual orientation.”


And they halved Mr. Whatcott’s fine imposed for hurting the feelings of one of Canada:s privileged minorities: “On that basis the court trimmed an original order against Whatcott to compensate the complainants from $17,500 to $7,500.”


However, Canada’s latest victim of state censorship remained defiant: “The ruling was denounced by the man at the center, William Whatcott of Weyburn, Sask., as rubbish. Whatcott said the ruling criminalizes a large part of Christian speech on homosexuality and morality. Unapologetic, he suggested he may put out another flyer on expressing that viewpoint and it will be written in what he calls his usual blunt and forthright manner.”


It may well be that the courts are not the place to guarantee freedom of expression . The political route — changes of legislation — may be the way to go and, eventually, the repeal of Trudeau:s cursed Charter of Minority Privilege.


Paul Fromm


Canadian Association for Free Expression

==============Canadian cops mercilessly harass shoppers
A Canadian wrote me about another outrage:
Yesterday at the store, the young men told us about an incident the day  before.  Some young people had bought their alcohol, 180 dollars worth and put it in the trunk of their car.  The cops stopped them right in the parking lot.  When the young people could not produce the receipt,  they emptied the alcohol right there.
If we cannot produce the receipt for the purchase, we are subject to a fine and for this offence they got a 350 dollar fine.  The same applies to purchases of any kind.  Take your receipt whenever you purchase anything here in Canada.

I had not heard about this “law”!  Last night when I left, there were two cop cars in the parking  lot.  Well, we will educate the people.  We immediately started telling the people about this and by word of mouth it will spread.  I will prepare a note today and send it to my email contacts and get the message out.

One man told us this:

When the new recruits go into police training in Saskatoon, they  literally wipe out anything in their minds and re-program them.  Now I don’t know if he meant Saskatoon [JdN: capital of Saskatchewan province, out west] because the RCMP [Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the “mounties”] have always trained in Regina, Saskatchewan, however that doesn’t matter as he was definitely talking about the Canadians and not Americans.  It seems like they all go through this kind of training which would explain their brutal behaviour.

I replied:
Un-frigging-believable! To pour out $180 dollars in product on the street — and then slap them with a $350 fine!
In the States (not that I am glorifying all Americans, far from it) still, this cop action would be unthinkable!
The way people hate cops now down here, some would just pull out a pistol and starting shooting them DEAD if they poured out $180 worth of product they had PAID for on the street because they “had no receipt.”
I can think of one typical American I know, who is law-abiding, and never used to hate the police, but now  he hates cops with a truly violent passion, and woe to any cop who might try to bully him, beat him, threaten, or just “diss” him.  His widow will be crying that night. Peopöle are almost ready to EXPLODE DOWN HERE.
This is the defiant spirit I see in more and more Americans, openly confronting Homeland Security:

This country, the US, is full of some zombies, yes, but it also contains some very, very angry white men. This is why I am not overly pessimistic. Yes, many are dumb and numb,  but not all. The thing is to channel their anger into productive activities.

Rex Murphy: Choosing self-esteem over freedom of speech



 Rex Murphy | 13/03/02 | Last Updated: 13/03/02 1:47 PM ET

Welcome to Canada, land of never-speaking-ill-of-a-marginalized-group free-ish speech. You can say what you like in Canada — to yourself, in a low voice. According to our Supreme Court, free speech is secondary to the right not to feel offended.

I join with Andrew Coyne (see his column from Thursday) in expressing bewilderment at one particular statement from this week’s decision in the case of Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission v. Whatcott — the one where the Justices write:

“truth may be used for widely disparate ends.” What an eerie caution.

The court wants to make sure that disreputable forms of truth can’t serve to get Canadians off the hook for hate speech.

After all, truth is such a wily, insidious, sly concept. Allowing Canadians to use it any way they please … why, that way lies anarchy and uncomfortable dinner tables.

Four hundred years ago, the great Francis Bacon described this relativist attitude: “‘What is Truth?’ said jesting Pilate, and would not stay for an answer.” His contemporary, Montaigne, wrote: “Truth for us nowadays is not what is, but what others can be brought to accept.”

Truth is either the centre of law and life, or law and life both are the worse for its not being so.

The term “self-esteem” might have been foreign to Montaigne and Bacon. But they would have lamented how self-esteem — or its group equivalent — now gets more play than truth. There’s a fair dollop of therapeutic chatter in the Whatcott ruling, a resort to vague nostrums, such as the idea that

“hate speech” might “oppose the targeted group’s ability to find self- fulfillment?”

So might bad weather, or bunions. What, really, is that phrase supposed to encompass?

Moreover, how can group “self-fulfillment” be measured? Is self-fulfillment a legal right?

There have been, in recent decades, any number of commentators pointing out the follies and failings of our human rights commissions and tribunals. In rendering their judgment on Whatcott — which arose from the machinations of this same human-rights industry — could not the Justices have offered some view on the often outrageous manner by which this industry operates?

The Court was silent on the manner by which human rights tribunals stack the deck in favour of the offendee against the alleged offendor. The victim-complainant is given all manner of succor and support from bureaucrats. The “offending” party, on the other hand, is left to bear the time and burdens of hearings and rulings. Often, he must go out and get a lawyer, at his own expense.

Nor did the Court offer any real guidance on why our tradition-tested and tradition-hallowed rights — such as freedom of speech and religion — now must be displaced or diluted in favour of new more politically correct axioms.

Moreover, why does the overbearing modern notion of tolerance seem to involve so much … intolerance?

And why do some Canadian citizens — the “designated groups” we hear so much about in human-rights jurisprudence— now effectively enjoy more rights and more protection than other Canadian citizens? Lady Justice is not blind. She’s now winking at subsets of the population, while pretending to be fair to all.


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