ENGLISH UFO buzzes Jerusalem; South Africa after the end of white government there

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Recovering the angel Amaranth… I am NOT a big fan of rock, but this is well-done.


This music video is actually based on a famous Finnish painting called “The Wounded Angel.” I was at the Finnish National Gallery in Helsinki and the painting pretty much has its own room. When I saw it I could seriously feel chills because I finally understood what this video was really about.



The whole video is worth watching. The sighting took place on the morning of the 28th of January, 2011.

Two witnesses who happened to be at the Armon Hanatziv panoramic lookout over Mount Zion and the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Israel at 1 a.m. managed to film what might be one of the most interesting UFO clips ever captured.

The men notice the large ball-shaped UFO suspended in the night sky and begin to film. At a little after one minute into the clip the UFO descends almost to ground level directly over the Temple Mount. The craft hovers there for a short while and then flickers and shoots upwards at an incredible speed, to the shock of the witnesses.


Is this a Jewish psy-op to scare us into accepting a world government to save us?

A “Nazi” UFO? (See the blog https://johndenugent.com/english/english-the-ahnenerbe-of-the-eternal-solutreans-begins-the-reich-and-admiral-byrd-at-the-south-pole-after-1945)



I resolved long ago that some day, when it became time to start my own movement, it would be based, as Thomas Carlyle advocated, on veneration of the heroes, living and dead, of our people. It would be based on contemplation of their bravery, skill and unselfish devotion to the good of both nation and race.

As the New Testament advocates, let us think about noble and lofty things…and never fall into the trap of just thinking all day long about the sordid Jews, their power, outrages and crimes! (Or obsessing on the degrading acts of certain criminal blacks or Mexicans, or violent, arrogant Turks in Germany, or hate-filled Pakistanis in England, or — in Russia — the swarthy cutthroat Chechens…) Let us study who WE are and who we should be, and what is the divine mission God gave our race.

The Jew is just a footnote in OUR spiritual struggle, a means to test us.

As Hans Schmidt said to me in 1985, the Jew triggered national socialism! We discovered our nature by observing HIS!

In this regard, I recommend everyone see the great 1940 Third Reich film, Jud Süss, and see the true story of how a Jew named Süss Oppenheimer corrupted the duke of Württemberg in the 1730s, increased his greed, and caused a crisis that ended up in…..(I will not betray the ending), but it is clear that the Jew x-rays each individual goy mentally, pondering carefully so as to discover his or her lusts and weaknesses.

Thus this Jew becomes rich and powerful himself in the end, and can carry out his sadistic lust for vengeance and devious conquest….that is, until……

(One of the many things that Dr. Joseph Goebbels loved about the movie was it was based entirely on the factual book by another JEW, Lionel Feuchtwanger! “Your own mouth condemns you!”)

Part 1 of 10


Thomas Carlyle said that nothing raises a people more than having heroes and actively, consciously making a practice of contemplating their lives of sacrifice, skill and the surmounting of both the lower self and external obstacles.

In this spirit, I have translated from French (from this blog: https://johndenugent.com/francais/french-leloge-de-pedro-varela) the following praise of my esteemed friend, Pedro Varela, written by a professor, friend and admirer and sent me by a French comrade:

* * * 

The revisionist Spanish Pedro Varela, owner of Libreria Europa [Europe Bookstore]in Barcelona, jailed since Dec. 12 for his ideas, is a very warm and highly appreciated man who always sees the good side of things. He even remains this way in the worst prison in Catalonia, Martorell, and his morale remains rosy. On February 6 he wrote these lines so typical of his character:

I just suggested to the prison director the establishment  of a “seminar in classical music.”The prisoners here spend their time walking around, smoking and watching television. We will not make them better if we do not raise their cultural level.

To learn more about Pedro Varela, here is the kudos which, on the 16th of
December, Pierre Dortiguier, a professor of philosophy at the Academy of Toulouse, published:

* * *

Pedro Varela: One man, one word. Ein Mann, ein Wort!

What is the deeper meaning of this German phrase? It does not mean that a man must hold a ballot in his hands to satisfy the ambitions of those who dupe him. For in moral education, which was the main activity of this once young man who became the owner of a bookshop in Barcelona, the method was to reform the physical, religious, political and artistic health of this uprooted generation…..

…this youth sacrificed on the altar of selfishness by those who share the ideals of the winners of the Second World War: to steal and lie — to steal souls and lie to the senses; and produce nomadic “existers,” deprived of any love of fatherland, and crushed before  any flight upward toward to the sublime.

JdN: The handsome young Pedro in 1989….honoring the famous chancellor of Germany 1933-45 on his 100th birth anniversary.

On that same day, April 20, 1989, in Rosslyn, Virginia, encouraged by former Waffen-SS NCO Hans Schmidt,  I and a dedicated comrade named Mark hung out a gigantic red-white-black German swastika banner from the roof of the brown high-rise office building overlooking Key Bridge. (Below, it is the building above the far right end of the bridge with lines going down it). This banner thus faced my Jew-captured alma mater, Georgetown University, in Washington DC …. during the height of rush hour. 😉

For all Hitler’s serious military, political, moral and racial mistakes (such as his slavophobia), he lived and died a hero. This was I a year later, denounced on jew-television, while running for Congress in 1990 in Tennessee…and about to have the election stolen by electronic vote fraud. Pedro and I have been national socialists (in an old or new version) since our youthful college days.

Thus  Pedro Varela has rejected any ambitions in the muck of rigged electoral politics in which traitors flounder whom history will recall to their eternal shame.

He has from the Spanish side a lofty soul and a strong will, and this is paired with an intelligence that Schopenhauer, in whom he believed, said was a specific gift men received from their mothers.

Clara Hitler and her husband Alois, Adolf’s parents

Constance Colwell Nugent, art major, Rhode Island School of Design, my mother

From his mother, of distant German blood [JdN: whence Pedro’s “second last name” in the Spanish usage, the German name Geiss] he had his attraction for education by art, in the tradition of all the great artists and thinkers in Europe such as Kant and Wagner, and that is what has informed his soul, because without an intellectual and moral base, some interior meditation, the powerful will and the desire for action cannot be well deployed.
I remember his eyes, fixed on the courage of his interlocutor, his group, his audience and keeping them awake, ready to soar to the peaks.

Pedro at a news conference

[JdN: Pedro loved taking his youth movement hiking in his beloved Pyrenees mountains, on the Spanish-French border. The big city of Barcelona is found in the lower-right, near the distance scale. The Solutrean culture of the Ice Age flourished in this exact region on both sides of the Pyrenees. The Spanish region along the coast is Catalonia, and was settled after the fall of Rome by the Visigoths. Its name Cata-lon-ia means “Goth-land-ia.” Catalonia is the wealthiest and most desirable region in Spain, with the most white-skinned people as well in this tanned Mediterranean country.]

NASA summertime photo of this mighty mountain range

Pic [Peak] de Bugatet, Pyrenees

The first time her name was spoken in my presence was at Madrid, and his Madrid youth, I saw from their telling me of their mountain activities with him, had a total and complete education, in both skills and character, and this total education offers a dignity to all levels of creation.

This has nothing in common with our electoral selfishness, and Don Juan politicos seducing the public.No, I found in Pedro Varela Geiss a true mystic, and this was reflected  in what he published in a well-illustrated book Revolutionary Ethics, extolling the various aspects of high moral conduct and the character traits that relate to them.

With him are the mystics, and the great soldiers of the war to end the unjust order
under which we are now suffering, the aiders of the Palestinian people…. We all left his bookstore with this thought: what energy, what loyalty, what education! This is what the Germans call “Bildung”! [JdN: The German word for a “true education” is related to our word “to build.”] And it is this word Bildung that his friends want the reader of these lines to ponder.

He was sentenced to 15 months in prison because he was a great educator, as was
said of Socrates, also condemned by the “democrats,”  and as Christ is presented to us in the Gospels…… In short, he was aiding humanity to triumph over subhumanity, just as the melody, so said the greatest artistic, poetic and musical genius of all time, Richard Wagner, triumphs over cacophony.

Why is he in jail? Because the judges are terrorized by local Freemasonry, which General  Franco, who also never wanted to recognize Israel and even denounced the Nuremberg show trials, had suppressed. These Masons adjudging the judges not unfair enough in the Barcelona region, they whose rites are accompanied by the flag of the Zionist entity, and  demanded directly and vociferously a prison sentence.

Long live Varela! Long live the true Spain of Varela, the model of a future Europe, great and free!

Write this heroic man here:

Mr. Pedro Varela Geiss
Celda No. 216 MRO
Centro Penitenciario Brians-I
Apartado de Correos 1000
E-08760 Martorell (BCN) SPAIN


I have played golf, and what you see at the very beginning of this video is a serious breach of the ancient etiquette of golf, a game for gentlemen and ladies.


I guess Tiger must be furious at the world for the fact HE cheated on his white wife, she dumped the sexmaniac, and now his play stinks too.

Of mixed black, Chinese and Amerindian heritage, he is no example for anyone. This is a man in full tailspin.


Thank you to all who donate!
Photo in front of the Hotel Penn, Pittsburgh, in October 2008 by Henrik Holappa

==========Obama Creates World’s First Superstate With Low-Key US-Canada Merger

Welcome to the fascist one world government going public. Fascism is global corporatism.
Remember voting “DOES NOT COUNT” and is fraudulent contract ie. a puppet show soap opera program.
Govern-ment literally means “control of your mind “.

February 8, 2011
Obama Creates World’s First Superstate With US-Canada Merger

In a shocking coup d’état said to rival Nazi Germany’s 1938 Anschluss (German for “link-up”) of the Austrian Republic, the United States this past week effectively took control of Canada creating what is being called by Russian diplomatic officials as the world’s first 21st Century “Superstate”.
The United States announcement of this “merger” between these two North American Nations was made February 4th by a posting on the WhiteHouse.Gov website of President Obama and which, in part, says:
“Today, President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Stephen Harper have directed the creation of a United States-Canada Regulatory Cooperation Council (RCC), composed of senior regulatory, trade, and foreign affairs officials from both governments.  In recognition of our $1 trillion annual trade and investment relationship, the RCC has a two-year mandate to work together to promote economic growth, job creation, and benefits to our consumers and businesses through increased regulatory transparency and coordination.
They have directed that the first meeting of the RCC be convened within 90 days by the relevant agencies in the United States and Canada.”
Concealed in the “diplo-speak” wording of this historic agreement, however, is the complete overturning of the sovereignty of both the American and Canadian peoples laws and regulations they have lived under for centuries, but which will now be “melded” together with no votes allowed by either of them ever again.
The shock and uproar in Canada over their Prime Minister’s, Steven Harper [photo 2nd left with Obama], signing away their sovereignty to the United States is unprecedented, but the same cannot be said of the American people who, according to Canada’s National Post, have not been allowed to know about it, and as we can read from their article titled “The security perimeter imaginarium of Dr. Harper”, and which, in part, says:
“The New York Times didn’t mention the Harper-Obama agreement (though it did quote some remarks the Prime Minister made about Egypt). There was a story inside the Wall Street Journal, but if any other U.S. media reported on the meeting and press conference, I can’t find it. There is no hint that the US Congress is interested either.”
Equally as shocking were the Canadian government’s deliberate actions to keep this merger secret from their own citizens, and as we can read as reported by the Toronto Star News Service in their article titled “Canada kept U.S. border talks under wraps” and which, in part, says:
“The federal government deliberately kept negotiations on a border deal with Washington secret while it planned ways to massage public opinion in favour of the pact, according to a confidential communications strategy.
The 14-page public relations document recommended that talks keep a “low public profile” in the months leading up to the announcement by Prime Minister Stephen Harper and U.S. President Barack Obama. At the same time, the government would secretly engage “stakeholders” — interested parties such as big business groups and others — in a way that respected “the confidentiality of the announcement.”
In advance, the government departments involved — including industry, foreign affairs, international trade and citizenship and immigration — were to “align supportive stakeholders to speak positively about the announcement,” according to the strategy prepared by Public Safety Minister Vic Toews’ officials.”
One of the “supportive stakeholders” in the merger of Canada with the US is called the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE), who in their statement supporting it said, “This is the kind of government action that we in the business community have been seeking for years”.
Canada’s Pacific Free Press, however, has slammed this merger for what it really is, a capitalist corporate takeover of both the United States and Canada, and as we can read as reported in their article titled “New Harper/Obama Border Deal about Corporate Power – Not Security and Trade”:
“The Corporations behind this deal own the politicians who signed it, and the media that are telling us ‘how good it is’.
The CCCE is the secretive umbrella group that represents Corporate Canada.  The CCCE is the banks, big oil, the drug companies and manufacturers and retailers and all the rest; the people and corporations who own our country.  Many believe they ARE the  government of Canada.  They are the ones behind this deal.
Also in the Border Deal:  A new ‘Council’ will ‘harmonize’ regulations between Canada and the United States (google: Regulatory Cooperation Council):
The Corporations want ONE SET of business-friendly rules for Canada and the United States, they want control of the rules and regulations that govern us, and that is what this deal is largely about.
Where is the Corporate Media?  Where is the CBC?  All silent – under Corporate orders.
Where are the Unions?  The Environmental Groups?  The Council of Canadians?  The Social Groups.  The other Political Parties?  We are allowed to hear nothing from them either.
This powerful new agreement will further undermine our democracy, it is all about Corporate Power and Wealth.
Here in Victoria BC, our main Corporate radio station, CFAX, tells us the new border deal will be good for security and trade and nothing to worry about.  That is just Corporate Propaganda, but only that one message is put out.
The border deal will ‘protect us’ from terror.  That’s how it’s being ‘sold’, but in fact we are getting in bed with the number one terrorist nation in the world today, the United States of America; a nation that is also bankrupt and may be nearing social upheaval. Even worse, this deal gives more power to Corporations which have neither heart nor soul and who will happily see us ruined if it means increased Profit for them; we know this because it is what they do everywhere in the world.  Why is Stephen Harper signing us into secret deals with these lunatics?
The new agreement will make it easier to cross the border.  This is the other selling point for the deal, but of course the ‘tightening’ of the Canada/US border was done to give us ‘a problem’ that they are now going to solve with a new border around us – which was the Corporate Plan all along.
These are the kinds of games these lunatics play.”
The great British Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965) once said, “Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.”, and which, sadly, appears to be the case with this historic merger between the US and Canada as those who know and care won’t be heard, but those who do will reign in tyranny over those who live their lives in ignorance.
And yes it is true, and worth repeating, “These are the kinds of games these lunatics play.”
© February 8, 2011 EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.


SOURCE: a website (http://deathofjohannesburg.blogspot.com/) by a white South African who remembers how the country looked under apartheid: safe, rich and clean. 100,000 blacks a year illegally and very voluntarily entered South Africa, swimming past crocodiles on the Limpopo River, to get into the country, working and living there under apartheid, which was racial separation (“aparthood”).

Blacks and whites worked together but lived in separate locations. The original apartheid plan, destroyed by the Jews who took over behind the scenes, was to create separate ethnic states (like US states), not just separate neighborhoods, all under an efficient white-run federation.

The prime minister who wanted total geographic separation — with semi-independent black countries — Hendrik Verwoerd, was suspiciously assassinated right on the floor of the parliament in the 1960s.

* * *

Monday, December 29, 2008

Amongst the emails I found a batch from some crank, with a batch of pictures mainly from the lower Fox Street end of Johannesburg, near the old Anglo-American head office. With these pictures he was trying to persuade me that the city was actually wonderful and I was just a liar etc. etc.
Well, as anyone who is familiar with Johannesburg knows, of course the part of the city around the AAC offices and lower Fox Street is almost (but not quite) the same as it always was.
In fact, one could actually say that the whole city used to look a bit like that.
The fact that private enterprise has managed to more or less keep that one section like it was, merely emphasises the mess of the rest of the city!
Anyway, the one valuable thing that my crank friend did send me, was a picture of a ‘rescued’ building in Marshall Street. This, he said, was proof that the city was being rejuvenated.
My original picture looked like this: (taken in 2006)
According to my IDASA friend, the same corner now looks like this: a cheap restaurant, which nonetheless has a coat of paint:
Now I Though, let’s give credit where credit is due, that is an improvement, even if that is a ‘restaurant’ in which I would not want to eat.
But then to my astonishment, the very next picture my IDASA friend sent me was this one, which is the building right next to the ‘refurbished’ eatery. You can see the end of the ‘restaurant’:

Oh dear, it seems as if the slum was not quite eradicated after all! Tough luck, IDASA sock-puppet, try again next time! Still, thanks for the effort.

These pictures above, by the way, should be clickable through to larger size and better definition. I will soon be starting to replace the pictures on the rest of the site in the same way, so that those of you who want better definition pictures will be able to get them without having to email me.

I would like to do an update on the images (that is, if the electricity stays on in Jo’burg long enough to recharge my camera batteries) the next time I visit. Anyone who wants, in the meantime, to take any pictures and send them to me at the above email address, please do so and I will post them.
I have just added a whole batch of new images to this blog. There are far too many to fit on one page, as I have done till now, so I have split them up into their own pages.
Please visit them — you won’t be disappointed — and each page as a link back to this “Death of Johannesburg” Main Page so you can navigate back here and and have a look at the next set.

The new galleries are:

Three Castles Building, Marshall Street

A Drive Down Anderson Street

The Cartlon Hotel

The View from the Gauteng Legislature

A Drive Down Jeppe Street

The Johannesburg Bus Depot

The Jewish Museum, The Great Synagogue and OK Bazaars

Joubert Park – Then and Now

A Drive Down Marshall Street

Oppenheimer Park: The Vanishing Springbuck

A Drive Down Troye Street

Death of Johannesburg – Eloff Street and Others

Von Wielligh Street and Others

This is What Remains of the Wits Drill Hall….

When the Queen of England visited South Africa in 1947, the official reception for her was held at the Wits Drill Hall, 95 Anderson Street.
For decades, the Wits Drill Hall was a famous venue and even a tourist attraction in central Johannesburg.
Councillor Carol Milner, Ward 66, City of Joburg has sent me the following pictures and commentary: “95 Anderson Str, Joburg CBD has been like this for a at least a year. We have told the Council and told us that they will be using it for Emergency Services but it’s still standing (or barely).”

Welcome to Bree Street, Johannesburg, Where Gold (Used) to Lie in the Street, Now, it’s Just Rubbish

Bree Street is one of the main thoroughfares running through the city centre of Johannesburg, from east to west. It runs right through the CBD, and used to be one of the major economic centres, as well as being a residential area.

Today, as you can see, it is a slum, another shattered, filthy, ruined monument to the “New South Africa.” Pictures courtesy of MZ, who made this hell run down Bree Street. Thanks MZ – send more (and that goes for any reader anywhere else as well).


  1. “Welcome to the fascist one world government going public. Fascism is global corporatism.”

    One of the most mis-used terms is “fascism” … “Fascism” ….

    The lower case version is a non-doctrinaire generic term I define as “unified for effect” — essentially, things work well when ‘fascist’ to a large degree.

    The upper case version — “Fascism” — is best described as Mussolini’s form of government, where Big Business, Big Government, and Big LABOR rule in consultation together, with final arbeiter being Il Duce. Corporatism to Benito was a different animal entirely from what we have today… more akin to the idea of a ‘co-operative’ — and definitely not a legal ‘person’.

    Because Big LABOR has been effectively destroyed, particularly for the White working class, what we have today is much worse than than that implied by “fascist/Fascist” …..

    Centralized WorldWide Feudalism

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