ENGLISH William Kunstler hated JFK and defended Ruby; bisexual Barack Obama – murderer of four who knew his secret

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…..Jewish radical lawyer William Kunstler HATED John Kennedy and covered for Oswald-silencer Jack Ruby “TO PROTECT THE JEWS”

Anyone who has read Michael Collins Piper’s magisterial Final Judgment knows with final certainty who was the driving force behind the murder of our last free and independent president, John Kennedy. It was the Israeli Mossad.

Full text here: Final_Judgment

The Mossad, whose motto is “by way of deception shalt thou wage war,” knew that:


1) the family patriarch, Joe Kennedy Senior, was strongly antisemitic, and as US ambassador had tried to keep American from joining WWII on the British side;

Joe Kennedy Junior and Senior and John

PC 79

2) his son, John Fitzgerald Kennedy had written very favorably about Hitler in his published diary;


3) JFK had defended Republican US Senator Robert Taft in his bestseller, Profiles in Courage, for denouncing the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials as a farce;

4) as president, Kennedy had done all in his power to prevent Israel from building The Bomb.

Now here is an additional corroboration to Piper’s book,,,,,

From William Kunstler’s 1995 My Life as a Radical Lawyer, where we learn that Kunstler represented the nightclub and striptease joint owner Jack Ruby, a Meyer Lansky ally, who silenced Lee Harvey Oswald and got Ruby off death row:

Now here is what Kunstler wrote about Ruby….with the sentence below about the “Fair Play for Cuba Association” as pure obfuscation and half-truth. Ruby was not afraid of any pro-Cuba association leading to a pogrom against the Jews!

He was afraid that Oswald, unless gunned down, would prove his innocence, which would then shift the investigation to Kennedy’s real enemies. On orders of HIS boss, Meyer Lansky, Ruby silenced the totally innocent, set-up eccentric Oswald.


Now watch Kunstler, a supposed liberal who nevertheless hated both Kennedys, blast this very Aryan-looking and antisemitic family…………



Awww, poor Castro, who himself is reported to be partially descended from sephardic Jews.

The motive was to get Israel the bomb. The Mossad organized the killing of JFK, which put in the crypto-Jew Lyndon Baines Johnson (mother’s maiden name: Baines, a name as Jewish in Texas as Cohen or Goldberg). (See my blog here: https://johndenugent.com/english/english-russian-and-american-sailors-prevented-wwiii-in-1967-thwarting-israeli-false-flag-attack-coordinated-by-closet-jew-lyndon-baines-johnson)

Johnson then let the Israelis steal 100 pounds of uranium from the NUMEC plant in greater Pittsburgh. See my videos below:



The black Hawaiian (is it Obama himself writing me under a pseudonym ;-)?) Rick Salv (ricksalv808@gmail.com) backed off his death threat but then spewed a lot of overt hate, revelatory of the whites-are-lazy absurdity existing in the noggins of the psychopathic leukophobes.

* * *
You are a bunch of lazy Whites. You and your ancestors didn’t build shit. You sat on your lazy asses with guns in hand while we toiled on the field and built the nation. You should thank for us and for the fact we didn’t kill you off when we did away with your Slavery system. [JdN: Gee, I thought the white Northern Army did that….]

You’re just angry that you lost your seats at the top of the pyramid of White control. Free speech, my ass. You stupid White bastards. Fucking Racists. All you Whiteys ever did and all your fathers did was sit on your asses, Bully Blacks to building the nation that you now claim is yours, and rape little Black girls (servants in your houses).

[JdN:This is a classic ploy by psychopaths, accusatory inversion. ALWAYS accuse others of your own sins. Get them on the defensive with as much cheek and chutzpah as possible. So he tells me that Whites are lazy and Blacks hard-working…………… Gee, how does that explain Germany? Did the Black slaves in Mississippi build Germany?]

You cannot carry on any intelligent conversation about the legacy of slavery and who built this nation because you cannot fuck little Black girls any more without going to Prison where you really belong.

I replied to Rick:

* * *

Thank, Rick. I will put this in the blog. 😉 And thanks for your creative capitalization rules. 😉

So why not go back to your Black Africa? Have you booked your flight, at least to visit??? How come American White nationalists visit or move to Europe but Black nationalists do not even visit Africa????

Tell me, why did Chris Rock joke about how no American Black wants to live in Africa?

Have you read my webpages for African Americans? https://johndenugent.com/for-african-americans-part-1

Have you read my webpage on South Africa? https://johndenugent.com/white-south-african-tragedy

Or on psychopaths? https://johndenugent.com/psychopaths-in-power

No…. and the last item might hit way too close to home.

Enjoy your hate, and you will not take away OUR freedom of speech, not in a country with 300 million guns and tens of millions of very angry White people. Read the tea leaves on the Tea Party, and btw, we older white people have military experience.

My country does not need any more militant, racist, White-hating Blacks from Hawaii, not after the proven and obvious debacle of Obama. White America ain’t hiring another beauty like that.

And stop saying we are full of hate. If Colin Powell had run for president in 1992, he would have won hands-down. Even a majority of southern white males said in polls they would vote for him. You see, Powell actually had some achievements in life.




After this video, for the sake of those who wish to read more info, is the text of the opener of the spiritual video.



[scene: me lighting pipe and smiling at audience; music from “Sojourner” by a WN]

* * *

The call of our time is to clear away evil…..and give birth to a cleaner world.”


Is the path to changing an evil world difficult? Yes, but as Soeren Kierkegaard of Scandinavia said, the difficult is the path.


We choose our mission not because it is easy, but because it is hard, demanding everything we can give.”


We love not what we are now as a nation, morally betrayed, degraded and dejected, but what we as Americans can be again:

noble, proud and free, in a nation powerful for good.


It is time for Western civilization to be reborn, for the triumph of our will and the laws of God.


As for me, I am John de Nugent, a former US Marine, whose ancestors came here to American shores in 1635, ….the same person the controlled tv and newspapers, which you sense and know have lied to you for your entire life — to the point that reporters rank in every poll even below used-car salesman and …even tv evangelists… — I am that American the controlled media is now actively defaming me with lies. If you cannot destroy the message, try to discredit the messenger. They will fail.….


You can still choose to believe known media liars, the same ones who beat the war drum for Iraq, and that turning a white nation into a half-black and brown country would make us “stronger.” It has made us “broker.”


But we all know the painful saying:


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”


You must choose, either to trust proven media liars, or to keep listening, to hear me out, and then in the end make up your own mind.


Before I introduce myself fully, and I offer, and explain, with the facts, my solutions for America and the world crisis, I would like you to see some carefully chosen, accurate videos.


As you see them, you will feel great fear. You will fear having to make a gigantic mental change. There is a proverb in France that makes me both smile and cry: “People would rather die than change their habits.” 🙂


…and we see this all the time…


You will fear that if you embrace these truths, you could be ostracized just as I am by the controlled, lying and distorting media, called a hater, antisemite, bigot, Nazi, Klansman and racist.


You will fear trouble from your boss, your liberal relatives, from the politically correct newspapers and TV to which I just referred, from the racial pressure groups run by and for the militant and perpetually angry minorities, and you may fear, in the end, trouble from the Obama government itself….that is, if we can even call the thing in Washington that the illegal alien Obama runs, the non-US citizen Obama runs, the closet communist Obama who lives in our White House runs, yes, as I will prove, the part-Jewish, yes, the bisexual and yes, the quadruple murderer Obama, the guy with that all-American name of Barack… Hussein…. Obama, if you call THAT creature because he lives in high-rent government housing your legitimate government.


I do not. Obama, as I will explain clearly with the full facts, is NOT and has never been the legal president of the United States. And not one law he has signed, now or in the future, is legally valid.


In fact, he is a murderer of four individuals in 2007, three of them black men, Donald Young, Nate Spencer and Larry Bland, who all knew up-close-and-personal that he was and he is a practicing bisexual,

Three “gay” members of Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s church in Chicago, all murdered in late 2007


….and the fourth murder victim was a beautiful white woman and mother of three, Ashley Turton [photo below] who was just burned to death in January of this year, 2011, when her BMW SUV supposedly “caught on fire” in a “freak accident” in her own garage, burning to death as she was backing out of her garage….. Why did she die? Because she knew too much about then Senator Obama’s gay townhouse. [see documentaton at end of these photos]


Her townhouse



But in America, the minorities have totally taken over.

[Leave up on screen as I say the following paragraph.]

 It looks like life is good in the honkies’ hood……. The Black president and the Black attorney general, in charge of enforcing the laws, do not enforce any federal laws about Mexican illegal immigrants or about homosexuals. These two buddies just announced they will no longer enforce federal law defining marriage as a relationship between a man and a woman, and the reason is obvious; they support the homosexual agenda.

This is an issue that really bothers me. I was molested by homosexuals and bisexuals as a child, and it had a devastating effect on my life, until at age 49 I found the courage to get counseling for that horrible and humiliating experience. At Georgetown University, I became knows as the man who stood up quite alone to the Gay Students Alliance in 1979.


According to the respected and fact-based former US Navy officer and National Security Agency official Wayne Madsen, who has one of the most respected blogs in Washington DC

[Wayne Madsen photo], both males are members, as well as former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, who is now …..the mayor of Chicago….. of a Chicago homosexual club, a “gay” bathhouse, called ….”Man’s Country,”

on North Clarke Street in the northern section of Chicago.

Another location for drugs and homosexual parties involving Obama was the Purple Hotel in Lincolnwood. Rahm Emanuel’s townhouse was also used, in 2002, for gay parties and for Barack Obama’s use. When Obama joined the Congressional Black Caucus as the only black US senator, other members of Congress were stunned that he wore clear nail polish.


I recommend that you watch this video, by a black talk show host, with Wayne Madsen, a former NSA official and now a whistle-blower, or you can fast-forward through its 26 minutes to come back to my speech to you.




05:26-47 “And this came from people in the gay community……..total hypocrites.”

And three black homosexual men were murdered in a 40-day period in late 2007, so many that gay blacks in Chicago feared there was a serial killer out after them, but what it was was people who knew something about Barack Hussein Obama.

In 2007, Larry Bland was killed by a shot to the back of the head on November 17, 2007.

and Donald Young,

the choir director at Obama’s black-nationalist church, Trinity United. Both men knew about Barack Obama and were affiliated with his church, the same one run by the racist preacher, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, who gave the infamous “God damn America” sermon, by which I am sure he meant not Black Americans but, most likely, White Americans.

Video: Wright “God damn America” [use almost whole things, including final scene, just cut out end credit] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hPRs5jnjtLo

==========================RESUMING OPENER TEXT

It is time, Americans, for new, and true, leadership for our nation.


In fact, it is time that we take out the trash……..


That fear of persecution that you will surely experience as you watch the videos that follow is absolutely, one hundred percent justified on the one hand. If you continue to listen to me, and if your mind opens, and your heart grows in courage, in the end you will enter with commitment on a path that could and probably will get you into hot water.


But this is a time for heroes. There is no more avoiding it.


I offer you two outcomes simultaneously: tears, poverty, sweat, and sacrifice, and possibly the Obama government will seek to murder you too, as it murdered those three black men and that white mother of three…. and I also offer unto you a good conscience, a meaningful life, the journey of the hero who overcomes his weaknesses and his selfish fears, the appreciation of Almighty God who can grant you eternal life — or cast you into hell — and the love and respect of good people around the world and of all true, and that means courageous, Americans.


And you will by your sacrifice help give birth to a new world.


The Romans called this journey “per aspera ad astra,” through exasperations to the stars. It is a trip out of hell to the heights. This is the path we choose as the Eternal Solutreans…..


I summon you to the courage to open your mind, open your heart, and face clearly a life of sacrifice, persecution and even death, in order that the white peoples of this world, and beyond them all God’s decent children of each and every race, may survive and be free and safe, and so God will bless you as an individual with a soul, and not judge you with the evildoers, or spew you out in disgust, as Jesus Christ warned, as lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold.


I will show you in this video, if you dare go on, the hard proofs there is a God, that there is a higher world, that you have a soul, that this life does not end at your physical body’s death, that your soul is being observed and judged at this very instant, and finally this fact, that you will face the consequences before the Vast Being that created time, space and a billion galaxies, of your moral decisions.


At this decisive moment in human history, you might hesitate, panic and then run from the truth and from the battle with various excuses and what are called, in psychology, your “positive cover stories.”


What is a “positive cover story”? It is when selfishness, cowardice and irresponsibility win out in a person at a key fork in the road of their life, and of course they do not want to admit to themselves that they prefer to stay on their knees, and that they want to let others fight and make all the sacrifices. They sense the message they just heard is both true and urgent, but they still reject it.


But to save their self-esteem, they eagerly embrace what the government and media tell them their high and noble motive in surrendering is.


They tell you: it is not at all… that you fear being crushed, ridiculed and rejected by our controlled society. No, it is because you “reject hate” .. and yet my message as an Eternal Solutrean is pro-White, not hate, and the truth is that it is the minorities who express active physical and verbal hate and attack us WHITES, and are visibly overrunning our country. Just go out for a walk down your street! Are Whites invading Mexico? No, but Mexicans are invading America!


Another “positive cover story” is “I would help you, but if that ever got out, I would lose everything, and I have a family to take care of” — as if the American Revolutionaries such as George Washington did not have his Martha Washington at home, and a huge and prospering farm in Virginia he could lose, or as if John Adams did not have his loving Abigail Adams at home, who also needed, and wanted and missed him when away, and wished him to stay safe.


But those men understood what today the persecuted Professor Robert Faurisson and the incarcerated historian Vincent Reynouard understand:


Before I was a husband or father, I was a man. And the task of a man is to see the bigger picture, the greater trends of society, and what the future would bring in terrors if we held back now, and not just saw what my wife sees, that is, the practical here-and-now, the bills and the kids, the whole treadmill of normal life.


As these two persecuted European scholars and heroes have written, before I was a husband and before I was a father, I was first of all a man. I will always be a man, to the day I die, and what a man does is he fights.


He repels attacks on his society; he destroys the aggressor; he makes the world safe for future generations. He thinks ahead and he sees even bigger issues than kids, bills, soccer practice and oil changes…. 😉


And of course there are many women who also grasp these things well, that she cannot tie a fighter down, and that the highest love a man can show is to risk his life to create a safer world… where white women and white children are not in danger.


Such a woman is the worthy descendant of Martha Washington or Abigail Adams, for she supports her husband’s bitter mission. She knows what real love is, and it is not just French restaurants, flowers and saying “I love you.”


It is: husband, make my world safe.


There are times when a man has to fight, and, as Patsy Cline once immortally sang to women, “stand by your man.”

(Version by Carrie Underwood)

It is then for you, as a man, to face the stern call. You must exercise your sacred right, granted you by God our heavenly Father, and not by the fake government of any Obama, to be a free and dignified human being, and to use your brain as a true American, and to say:


A real American, in his heart, is a revolutionary. That is why we broke from the king and the British Empire. He does not fear the government: the government is to fear him. A real American thinks for himself.


….He is no brainwashed slave of Brainwash-ington or Jew York!


I invite you to feel this alongside me:


I am a spiritual descendant of those first American revolutionaries, I will overcome and reject all government and media programming: I am sick and tired of their lies!


If their values are so good, why is America, once mighty, now in economic and moral shambles? Why should I go along with the times when these times stink!


In psychology, there is the concept of the horror filter; it says people flee mentally from the thought of terrifying realities and awful realizations into the cowardly path of escapism. And this course is disastrous.


If a woman finds a lump in her breast, she better get it checked out right away. If a man finds blood in his urine, he better see a doctor immediately. When danger looms, you cannot say “it was nothing.” You have to do something!


This is because running from reality never makes reality go away. It just festers, and grows worse and worse.


No one who runs from the battle that is coming and unavoidable can still call himself an American. This government we have today is not AMERICAN! They can wave our flag — I repeat that it is OUR flag, not theirs, and I swore to defend it as a Marine, unlike Obama who never served in uniform — and they can sing “God bless America” all they want, and show us some bald-eagle design on the coat of arms of some governmental agency as much as they want; but that does not make that government in Brainwashington into our America.


It is all one big Matrix.


They are misappropriating the sacred symbols of a nation that is OURS. They can brandish an eagle, but what they are really doing is flipping us the bird!! 😉


A key group, which I will clearly identify, has infiltrated completely and taken over, totally, every single branch of our government from top to bottom.


This regime on the Potomac River today, as proven by its actions, is now 100% an enemy government that opposes everything that the proud word “America” means.


It is my duty to both encourage you to the good, and to warn you that a wrathful God awaits you if you desert your people, after and despite receiving all this information ahead, in our nation’s hour of need. A loving God awaits you if you do what you must as a real man, or as a loving, caring woman, if you do your clear duty so our children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, and we ourselves, do not end up on a nightmare planet, of police state fear and arrests, economic slavery and poverty, food and weather catastrophes, and finally, as I will explain, their wicked and even publicly announced plan, yes, plan for a massive genocide designed to bring the world population down to 500 million obedient work slaves. …..


As Thomas Paine wrote in December of 1776, during the first American Revolution: “These are the times that try men’s souls.


The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.


Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheaply, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value.”


I offer to walk you, as this audiovisual work progresses, through each step of the process of obtaining the real facts and facing up to what they mean, your own inner calling.


In the end I offer you leadership, exactly that which in your heart you hoped was somewhere out there, the leadership, plan, values and organization for our liberation and a better world.


I hope you will grasp, by the end, my victory plan — for the total renewal of our civilization, on a new and much more solid basis, and you will truly understand the program to get us there.


I hope you will join me and others in a partnership at the same time to obtain a new and sacred meaning for your life on this earth.


Now please watch these videos, perhaps several times, …and please prepare for takeoff, ..put your mental tray table in the full upright and locked position, and buckle your seatbelt….. 😉


You will see a short video first on pride in our European, white heritage, which for centuries we Americans identified with. Years ago, a Japanese travel agency asked a Washington DC hotel to send them a brochure promoting their hotel, with a group photo showing the friendly, professional staff.


The hotel, being politically correct, sent a group photo back that was 75% black, like the staff of any Washington DC hotel these days. The Japanese faxed back saying, “Black people okay, but we need a brochure that shows real, regular white American people.” The American hotel called and the Nipponese explained right back, politely but firmly: “We Japanese tourists do not fly 16 hours acrossa-a Pacific to Amedika to see black Afurican peopuu; Japanese want to see and meet reaw white Americans. That is for us America, the real America, white American peopuu; that is what our customers want to see in Washington.”


So…… the white male executives put on chef’s hats and the white female executives put on room service maid uniforms….and they called in some white friends from across town, and they put on red bellboy outfits, and they took a new group picture, almost all-white, for the Japanese. 😉


At least the Japanese, whose economy has boomed despite having NO minorities, just pure Japanese and hey, I thought a country had to be diverse to succeed, but I guess NOT, and China likewise is not racially diverse and their economy is obviously BOOMING, these Japanese remember something very common-sensical that tv-brainwashed whites have forgotten:


It was white people [photo] who built America, who cleared the forests [photo], farmed the fields [photo], and wrote the Constitution of the United States.


Having set this up, now here is the first video, a video saying White people have every right to be proud of their great achievements in the past, by Mjölnir.


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…..Even ultra-liberal Connecticut has HAD it with Obama’s gun control.

Both cops and citizens say “we will NOT obey this unconstitutional law infringing our right to keep and bear arms.” http://www.wnd.com/2014/03/citizens-revolt-refuse-to-register-guns/

Btw, Hitler had no fear of the German people; in fact, they loved him; and he enacted laws that were pro-gun!!! https://johndenugent.com/hitler-germany/gun-rights-supported-by-hitler-crushed-by-roosevelt

…..Would you like to donate to the real deal?

I need your financial help to run for president and finish MY SACRED ARYAN SCRIPTURE FOR US AND OUR TIMES. Both must be done. Race is something, but it is not everything. Most of the scum-bags I know today are WHITE. How ’bout you?

“And so he [the Jew] advances on his fatal road until another force comes forth to oppose him, and in a mighty struggle hurls the heaven-stormer back to Lucifer. Germany is today the next great war aim of Bolshevism. It requires all the force of a young missionary idea to raise our people up again, to free them from the snares of this international serpent…

Due to his own original special nature, the Jew cannot possess a religious institution, if for no other reason because he lacks idealism in any form, and hence belief in a hereafter is absolutely foreign to him. And a religion in the Aryan sense cannot be imagined which lacks the conviction of survival after death in some form. Indeed, the Talmud is not a book to prepare a man for the hereafter, but only for a practical and profitable life in this world. -Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

jdn-facing-left-profile-b-w-sarver-garage-2011Others have been making big sacrifices. See my donations log: https://johndenugent.com/donations-log

–March 13, 2014 $20 in cash from “Richard,” and an excellent little booklet from our British brothers on the Fourteen Words.

To thank Richard, I will run this photo again of a brave Afrikaaner girl:


–March 13, 2014 two books in French by Vincent Reynouard and G.-A. Amaudruz on the farcical Nuremberg “War Crimes Trial”

–March 10, 2014 $20 by check from L. P., Michigan

–March 7, 2014 $1,250 loan from W., Washington DC

–March 1, 2014 via Amazon: DVD “Chariot of the Gods” (von Däniken) and Joseph Farrell book, The Cosmic War from G., Australia


–March 1, 2014 $40 via credit card from Will S., Madison, Wisconsin

–February 28, 2014 $500 loan via Greendot MoneyPak from J., Tennessee

–February 25, 2014 $50 via credit card from Michael in Germany

–February 21, 2014 $400 via credit card from J., Australia

–February 21, 2014 $300 via MoneyPak from R., Washington DC

–February 18, 2014 20 Euros from H.W., Hofheim, Taunus, Germany


–February 17, 2014 $200 from R. in Tennessee via MoneyPak

–February 17, 2014 $200 from R. in Tennessee via MoneyPak

–February 13, 2014 50 Euros from Annette H., Leipzig, Germany


–February 12, 2014 $88.88 by Greendot MoneyPak from D., Arizona

–February 9, 2014 $160 by credit card from J., Australia

–February 5, 2014 from Darryl in Australia via credit card $50


–February 5, 2014 from Germany:


–February 3, 2014 $35 via Greendot MoneyPak from Peter in Florida

–February 1, 2014 $10 in cash from Mary, Tennessee

–January 31, 2014 $10 by credit card from Eileen in Maryland

–January 28, 2014 $10 from W.L., Oregon

–January 25, 2014 $50 from L.P., Illinois

–January 24, 2014 $10 from T.B. New York

–January 22, 2014 $25 from Theresa (California?)

–January 16. 2014 $250 via credit card from J.K., Australia

–January 15, 2014: spiral device, DVD, 10 Deutschemark coin, regular-sized book and thin book, from T.W., Germany

..January 15, 2014 Two books from Y.D., Miami, Florida

–January 14, 2014 50 Euros from H.S., Germany

–January 13, 2014 $50 cash from “B.N.” pseudonym, France



How about you?

John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613


(724) 596-4284

This is how you can help financially:

Easy click with a credit card!


Authorize.Net Merchant - Click to Verify
Online Payments

Or, if in the US, just buy a MoneyPak at any Walmart, Kmart, Rite Aid, CVS or other drugstore, put money on it and send me the amount and PIN number on the back (scratch it of like a scratch ticket) by email or phone call!



postal money orders and other money orders that are left blank in the recipient area, or made out to “John de Nugent”



sending valuable jewelry or gold coins

cash in an envelope, even with a fake return address (no risk there!)




PAYPAL (write me at john_denugent@yahoo.com for more details how you can do this, since PP banned me….)

checks made out to “John de Nugent” now that I again have a bank account, in fact, via STEALTH, I have now two. ;-)


John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613


(724) 596-4284


Just buy a MoneyPak at any Walmart, Kmart, Rite Aid, CVS or other drugstore, put money on it and send me the amount and PIN number on the back (scratch it of like a scratch ticket) by email or phone call!


Whites ARE waking up but they are cowards. The gun sales and prepper movement show they do “get” it. But they are not organizing to do anything in a concerted effort. I have to get my movement off the ground as the IMO only man with presidential caliber. I have to be a counter-president.

Otherwise, this bolshevik bisexual will continue squatting in our White House, signing executive orders. The most ominous thing by far is his purge of admiral, generals, colonels and Navy captains. These are the men who take their oath seriously that he is sh–c—–g under specious excuses.


The day WILL come when it is too late.

It is like this:

1) The country is now (yes, now) majority non-white though Whites are still 60% of voters

2) Non-Whites vote Democrat

3) Dem politicians vote gun control and hate-speech laws

The day will come when non-white Dems permanently get a lock on the White House, Congress, Supreme Court and the governorships and state legislatures, then they will disarm the Whites and kill the men, boys, and older women, keeping the pretty younger women alive for rape.

Non-Whites smell weakness. Many are merely intelligent animals.

As Chesty Puller (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chesty_Puller) famously said in Korea (where my father also served):

“Our country won’t go on forever, if we stay soft as we are now. There won’t be any America—because some foreign soldiery will invade us and take our women and breed a hardier race.”[19]

(From: Davis, Burke (1991) [1962]. Marine! The Life of Chesty Puller. Bantam Books. ISBN 0-553-27182-2, page 237)

It will take a United States Marine to do this, who is mentally tough and ready to wade through blood.


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