ENGLISH Radio and TV reviews; Jerusalem coordinates equal 666!

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A New England comrade wrote:

Hi, John! I have been busy with wonderful family gatherings, but I’ve also been remiss in congratulating you on a great radio interview [See link below this paragraph from the Thursday, December 29 blog.] I loved it, and, as always, you have a voice that bends ears to listen and the compelling content to keep your audience rapt.

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Just the radio show:


The whole blog: https://johndenugent.com/english/english-radio-show-on-reincarnation-i-go-on-savewhitepeople-com/

* * *

There is an unguarded, visceral quality to the way you communicate over there and I appreciate that. There is also a distinct sense of action, and I like it. You’re a powerhouse.

In front of a steel mill, in a parka a comrade in Bulgaria sent me…with a smile in a snowstorm 😉

I hesitated to mention, when describing my take on your nice photo the other day, that it’s hard to pair the gentle, thoughtful visage with the hate-mongering vitriol, the hard-charging racist, anti-semite that lies within! 😉

Yin and yang… in your case strong in both. While that might seem rare, it’s only rarely expressed. We all have both forces at work, but few grant both sides expression.And the duality you bring to the table can help draw both male and female energies to the cause.

Most chicks are turned off by “hate speech,” though they may come around to the truth as evidence mounts to dispell p.c. b.s.. Economic strain may also reduce foolish, sacrificial benevolence. Some do respond to the strong, masculine guiding hand. All do intrinsically, but you have to dig through the conditioning that prevents that natural response.

It’s always good to remember that we have more feminized men than usual in our society, and I don’t mean women trapped in men’s bodies [transgenders]. Luxury tends to emasculate our brothers, along with the general societal neutering of our men.

You are uniquely capable of speaking to both energies.

* * *

A comrade wrote me on Facebook regarding my letter to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reporter who wrote a whole bio of a great American without even mentioning his birth and upbringing in Germany (https://johndenugent.com/english/english-a-jewspaper-reporter-is-put-on-notice/):

Excellent letter to the reporter. Any chance that indoctrinated lame-brain will write back??

* * *
Nope, unless to interview me after my movement starts and then do a hatchet piece on me. 😉

In politics the old advice was “never pick a fight with people who buy ink by the barrel” — but my path, based on experience, is one of choosing total confrontation with the jewsmedia.

Except maybe for the first encounter, you can never count on any fairness from Jews, as I saw when the Discovery Channel boiled down four hours of interviews with me about the prehistoric Solutrean people to four minutes, and then called their documentary “Hitler’s Mummies”!!

If they can edit you afterward, they can embarrass you. It is called a “hostile edit.” This is what they tried with the guns part. (They also cut out the part before, when the bisexual jew host exclaimed to me: “Well, we are letting YOU speak!”

….and I saw red and said

“You blasted limey! 😉 [Sorry, British comrades ;-.) His BBC accent was really putting me off, denouncing “the Aryan MAAH-stah race”…. ;-)]

It is American GUNS that let Americans speak. We do not need YOU to LET us speak!!”

Here is that Discovery Channel clip, transferred onto Vimeo, totaling 4 minutes 25 seconds in the original length….


But on their own website the Discovery Channel has cut it even further, cut it twice in fact, seeking to take out anything remotely positive, such as dogs, a Christmas tree, or saying I have a “massive Internet audience”…and the duration now is TWO minutes, 45 seconds, an almost 50% drop!

(Scroll down here http://dsc.discovery.com/videos/solving-history-hitlers-mummies/  to the third segment, “Armed White Activist”)

Note also that they spliced in my answer to one questions as an answer to a different question. My answer about “blond, blue-eyed, conquering people” referred to the Aryans in Europe and Asia with their war chariots in  3,000 BC —

— NOT to the Ice Age Solutreans in America in 17,000 BC……

The Solutreans were not “conquerors” — there was no one to conquer! North America was empty!

But as Jesus Christ said of the Jews in John chapter 8:

Jesus (blue-eyed) in Franco Zeffirelli’s 1977 “Life of Jesus”

42“If God were your Father, you would love me, for I have come here from God. I have not come on my own; God sent me. 43 Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say.

44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

45 Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me! 46 Can any of you prove me guilty of sin? Then if I am telling the truth, why don’t you believe me?

47Whoever belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.”



Here is a fact to shake anyone up, especially those familiar with the famous Book of Revelation at the end of the New Testament, which prophesies that an Antichrist will arise, bearing the number 666 — and then no one can buy, sell or eat without his permission and having his mark on them.


As crackpot as it sounds, watch this:
Add up the longitude and latitude of Jerusalem, using the numerical designations on a world map of geographic locations, a system invented in 1884 —
….over 1,600 years after the Revelation was written. (The ancient and modern Jewish capital is Jerusalem, at the center of which is Mount Zion.)

Do it, do it, do it! — and when you add them together they actually do sum up to exactly and literally 66.6.Wikipedia on Jerusalem (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerusalem)

(Coordinates: 31°47′N 35°13′E):31 degrees N plus 35 degrees E equals 66, and 47 minutes N plus 13 minutes E equals 6

Actually of course, 47 + 13 =  60, but in the Kabbalah’s bizarre numerology system, which like the ancient Roman numeral system has no zero, but starts instead at “one,” zeroes absolutely never count, not in Kabbalah. So 47 + 13 =  60 =  6.

To repeat, the Revelation was completed in its modern form before 200 AD, and longitude and latitude were created in 1884.
I have only two possible explanations:
1) Revelation is predicting by some real divine power that the Jewish nation, once re-established in Palestine, becomes itself the Antichrist, which many hate-filled Jews also believe as French comrade Hervé Ryssen has pointed out in his books, and the Austrian Jewish novelist Joseph Roth (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Roth) stated exactly this in hate-filled defiance…. we Jews are the Antichrist.
(Actually, he said it coyly. He wrote that those ghouls who strip money and jewelry off the corpses of those slain on battlefields are the Antichrist, but this was a broad and malicious hint, for it was very well-know in Central and Eastern Europe that it was a Jewish “specialty” to rob the dead on goy battlefields.)
The other explanation would be:
2) The Jews had seized, by their money, terror and blackmail, such control over the scientific establishments of Britain and America by 1884, which I believe they had even back then, that they could demand that the coordinates system be set up using Greenwich, England as the center in such a way that Jerusalem became 666 so as to express their hatred of Jesus, his religion and the white Europeans who believed in Christ or merely who were antisemitic.
The Book of Revelation is  ascribed to the Apostle John, said to be Jesus’ “favorite disciple,” and Jesus on the cross asks John to care of his mother, Miriam (Mary) after His death,
The Gospel of John is overtly antisemitic, the ADL in fact calls this Gospel “antisemitic,” and I think it would be the first Bible book they would like to ban — before banning the whole New Testament and Christianity itself as an “antisemitic, violent, intolerant hate cult.”
Whereas the three “synoptic” gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke (which repeat much of the same events) refer to Jesus denouncing, not “the Jews,” but various groupings among the Jews, such as “the Pharisees” and “the Sadducees,” or “the Temple elders,” by the time the Gospel of John was written, forming thus the last gospel to be written, the Jews had incited the Roman government into horrific persecution of the Christians. Jewry defamed Christians as 1) seeking to overthrow Rome, 2) hating the whole human race, and 3) as drinking blood and eating children at their Last Suppers in acts of unspeakable depravity, kind of how the Jews today say the Germans of 1933-45 were depraved mass murderers.
Rome then put Christians into colosseums where lions ate them, bulls gored them,  and they were set on fire as human torches. Others were tortured and beheaded. When I lived in Aix-en-Provence, France, I saw in 2004 a chapel for a Christian saint who was decapitated by the Romans at that spot (and was said to then have picked up his head and walked away defiantly to a church, where he placed his head on the steps and then his soul went to God). To be a Christian was to preach love and forgiveness, yet face extreme governmental horror — because of the Jews.
Some Christians were devoured by lions, and others were set on fire as human torches.
Saint Ignatius is eaten by lions in the Colosseum in AD 107.
In the Gospel of John, the attitude toward the Jews who were defaming them to Rome and triggering their gruesome deaths is correspondingly much harsher, and we find again and again this remark:
“Jesus said TO THE JEWS….”
In any case, whichever interpretation one prefers to the question above, the fact that remains is this:
The official, scientific, geographical coordinates of Jerusalem add up to 666, the “number of the beast.”
And now here is Aaron Russo, a courageous patriot, Jewish-born, and a great music producer (http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Russo) who around 1994 woke up to the NWO, discussing how a Nick Rocḱefeller told him that the NWO plan was the “cashless society” — but what that means is putting a bank chip, a cash chip, under everyone’s skin.

But if the chip is turned off (kind-a like lacking “The Mark of the Beast” in Revelation), you cannot buy food, water, clothes or anything!

In the Soviet Union, they declared you had “lost Soviet citizenship.” Then it was illegal to employ or hire you. You could not get any government benefits, or an ID. You began to starve, and then they hauled you off to the gulag for “social parasitism” –begging!



Eternal Solutreanism is the creation of a new, elite white people out of the dying white civilization.

It is named for the Ice Age Solutreans who invented the first modern technology in 17,000 BC, discovered and settled the Americas, and survived the mass die-off of the Glacial Maximum during the Ice Age!

We believe in


That means a new kind of democracy where all have a voice, but through a new voting system the best of our people have the most say, not the dregs who only watch TV. You can get up to 50 extra votes for good character and achievements, and up to 50 additional votes for knowledge of the issues. There will be no political parties, going far to the left or far to the right, just single-issue and pragmatic campaigns on specific topics.

It means the certainty of reincarnation and that we come to this earth by choice to be severely tested, so we can grow from animal self-centeredness to nobility, self-sacrifice, heroism, beauty and power.


We want strong and loving families, masculine men and feminine women, and adorable, well-behaved, well-loved children. All male Eternal Solutreans must study female psychology, and appreciate that women incarnate the great, universal energy of yin, feelings, dreams, peace, love, forgiveness, caring and compassion.
And all female Eternal Solutreans must study male psychology, and respect the mission of men, yang, the need for logic, reality, work, power, punishment, strength, honor, duty, and sometimes even conflict.
We are creating a new folk out of the doomed white masses, the best of the whites, and we reach out to all others of whatever race who oppose with us the psychopathic cruelty and corruption that we find lurking in all races, but most egregiously in the worldwide, organized crime family that is called Jewry.
=================how to donate

The Solutrean Agency operates on a very tight budget, and if everyone reading the blog were to donate $10.00 per month, we could function comfortably. WHAT I ALSO NEED NOW ARE BIG CONTRIBUTIONS!

The Zaks and Henriks and Jasons tell me I need to do more lively videos — so here they are, with many hours of video editing work I have to pay for, and now will money come in? Please! Bitte schön! S’il vous plaît! Por favor!

Part one — explaining the “coming attractions” in the God video


Part two — escaping a life of “quiet despair” for one of meaning


Part three intro and one out-of-sequence interview…


A comrade wrote me after the recent videos:

If you had a TV show (historical, informative) I would watch it. Keep up the good work!!!!!

Comrade, that is exactly what I plan — JDN-TV online, every night!

John de Nugent




[25 miles northeast of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]

God, as a Marine I hate kissing your ass. I would really rather kick it! 😉

Please feed the Marine. 😉


–Cash in an envelope

–Blank money order (put in $ amount, not your name or to whom)

–MoneyGram (send from a Walmart or elsewhere — very easy to do: just give them the cash and my name and they give you a reference number to send me.)

(NO more PayPal — the Jews there have blocked the account and are sitting on $228 in contributions for the most specious reasons. They also canceled the PP account of my longtime ex-girlfriend, and even the account of a Marine officer buddy of mine who merely had sent me 75 cents as a test money transfer!)

Support the man the Jews hack, defame, and seek to financially strangle.

THAT IS THE MAN THEY FEAR, the one talking to the real people, and creating a fearless, truly Aryan racial religion — for the surviving and the thriving of our people in a just new order!


Vive la France to a comrade in the land of my Norman ancestry:

..and viva Portugal! This was really touching….


and thanks to a Canadian from “the True North, proud and free”……

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