Enraged Greeks blizzarded by chemtrails on election day; launching video

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[If YouTube videos are out of place, blame it on the Jew hackers at Jewtube. Just click on the link above the video for the correct one.]

I started my movement quietly on April 20th.


Why quietly? Because no new sources of donations came in at all in its wake. You say you want me to do something….. but you really just want to read about the Jews some more. 😉 You still need to make up your mind about them; maybe they are not so bad after all — or mebbe they are — so you better read up on them some more. 😉

As for me, I just filmed the launch video and am editing it now. The text is below. Here is a screenshot of the video footage.

Now read this eyewitness report below from a German living in Greece, which has been blanketed by chemtrails, especially on the recent election day, and note especially his analysis of how chemtrails affect people’s behavior. DO YOU RECOGNIZE YOURSELF? (After reading the wonderful info below you will have a NEW-AND-IMPROVED excuse to do nothing. 😉

“I am being chemtrailed! I cannot open my wallet!” 😉

The key reason to blanket Greece with chemtrails on that day was that many Greeks intended to vote for the almost openly national-socialist Golden Dawn Party, Chrysé Avgé! The seven percent of the vote that Golden Dawn won on the national elections of 6 May 2012 gave the party 21 seats in the Greek parliament, and was the biggest EVER since WWII for an almost openly pro-NS group! (The group is somewhat patterned after that of the pro-German leader during WWII, John Metaxas, who was poisoned to death, using a glass of orange juice, by Jews.) Interestingly, in precincts heavily populated by the homes of policemen, the party got 50% of the vote!

The Golden Dawn flag, based on the ancient Greek symbol called a meander. Nice color scheme! 😉

I wrote a financial supporter:

Well, God bless you in advance for that moneygram.

Of course, the biggest obstacle to these racists sending me money is that they are jaded. They want to read some new and amazing Jew-bashing. 😉

But their mind is not set on converting any of the masses, or on victory, or on making inroads in the public.

I can assure you of this:

When I show people as per this launching video — https://johndenugent.com/english/enraged-greeks-blizzarded-by-chemtrails-on-election-day-launching-video — the one-dollar bill their eyes pop out and I can hear the heels turning inside their brains.

When they look up in the sky and see chemtrails, they will see them with different eyes.

And when they see a church or an image of Jesus, they will think of the Israeli bikini girl nailing the screaming Jesus monkey to the cross and mocking him as He expires.



And the masses will be unable to stay escapist, for these are three things they will encounter now emotionally on a daily basis. They can forget about 9/11 or the murder of Kennedy, or who did the communist revolution way back in 1917…. but an American cannot avoid 1) the one-dollar bill, nor can he avoid looking up and seeing 2) a sky full of white x’es, nor can he avoid seeing 3) churches honoring Jesus, murdered sadistically by the Jews.

Every single video I have done is designed not to entertain jaded white racists, but for good, decent people who are not yet on our side in terms of factual awareness but who have the right leanings, and already are feeling valid suspicions that something is very wrong, as I did even as a child.

And those white racists, sitting on their wallets, having inwardly given up all hope, have never, ever, ever shown a single one of my videos to anyone to see the effect they have. They have given up even trying to convert a single family member or non-WN “friend.”

But I have shown my videos to locals, and they go wow. The Israeli bikini girl left them STUNNED. And they thought I looked every inch like the leader needed.



My first presidential video, released August 2011:
(with the segment on the reincarnation of the humanimals whom we see all about in our apocalyptic time)
The unique God and Spiritual videos:


===============donate, die, cry — your choice

As I risk my life for YOU, this is how YOU can help me to keep firing:
–postal money orders and other money orders that are left blank in the recipient area — or made out to “John de Nugent”
Send them to

John de Nugent

76 Highlands Mall 67

Natrona Heights PA 15065


–sending valuable jewelry or gold coins
–cash in an envelope, even with a fake return address (no risk there!)
–bank wire to an alternate bank account (contact me for details at john_denugent@yahoo.com; one comrade does this every month!)
–PAYPAL (write me for details at john_denugent@yahoo.com)

–gift cards for BestBuy, Walmart, Barnes & Noble bookstores, etc.

I need your donation urgently to pay for the new website and for the editing of the movement-launching video below, which will be the most devastating attack ever on the Fedzilla regime.



Here is my translation of this report by a German living in Greece (original URL: http://derhonigmannsagt.wordpress.com/2012/05/16/bericht-eines-lesers-der-in-griechenland-arbeitet/ ):

Report of a [German] reader who works in Greece 16th May 2012

The election has created a witches’ cauldron here. Employees are being let go at the café I frequent. The refugees appear in large numbers, mainly Pakistanis and Afghans. It surprises me how much the Greeks have put up with. Crime and rude behavior are omnipresent. In Patras itself (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patras) [a major port city in central Greece] a weird scene: at the same location some people are sitting at a cafe and others are grazing for edible food from trash cans.


Some still have something, but many more have almost nothing left. An invitation to a friend to go out for an evening beer is rejected, but with an implausible excuse…. The man has no money … and wants to save face.



It was really bad on election day: a chemtrail attack such as I have never before experience: hundreds of white stripes, leading to haze across the sky. In the morning the sky was still blue, but darker at midday, and then the burning sensation began. Friends who were visiting me noticed this in horror. Their children got a rash, the parents burning eyes and a mucus-clogged throat. Even I looked the next morning like after a bout with Mike Tyson:

thick swollen eyes, burning nose and cough.

The staff notice this mental decline:

customers like zombies, tired, listless, irritable,

and I am the same way.


This realization is because the Greeks are more attentive, but at this level [of chemtrail bombardment] they are also all the more paralyzed and depressed by knowing chemtrails for what they are, not help but part of an offensive against the Greek people themselves. Likewise, the weather is going crazy; we never saw such antics. Secretly people think some kind of explosion by the people is coming: we await the big battle. No matter who is in power now, support in the population is close to to zero. Could it be that soon bullets will be flying here?

==================black perp, white victim

Video series…..wow, searing…. See especially the third video in the series with Reverend Manning!


Negro chucks American flag on busy highway


Negro at postal service repeatedly steals hundreds of $$ and gifts sent by loved ones to US servicemen in the war zone and gets six months SUSPENDED — when he should have gotten 20 years for “stealing from the mail” as a trusted USPS employee!


A lady comrade sent me this; http://www.wtsp.com/news/watercooler/article/256102/58/Woman-attacked-while-ordering-lunch-at-drive-thru and opined that “things seem to be heating up.”

I replied:

I looked at that link about the blax attacking a white gal at the McDonalds drive-through.

Bad karma going to a McDonalds drive-thru for five years, not even walking in. (That would be exercise, after all.) Finally it caught up with her. 😉 I wonder how much this gal weighs? 😉

But on a more serious note:

I believe that two things are going on with the blax:
1) the CIA types are paying their agents in the afro community to spread hate, and heat things up, just as you said, because they want, after an intended economic collapse, terrible racial incidents to result — this to justify martial law, disarming whites and enacting hate-speech laws. Just image a scenario of hostile races competing for scare food, jobs and shelter….. with guns about and lots of drugs, too….
2) I suspect, after all the flash mob incidents last year, that the NWO, using chemtrails to make a matrix that HAARP can activate, has zeroed in on the electrical frequencies (and the brain is very electric, hence the electroencephalogram) in the typical black brain, and is “cranking up” the activation of the anger centers of the negro brain.
We know nowadays a lot about where in the brain anger, love, humor, disgust, etc. are located. And as my blog has proven, even The Washington Post, which for decades has been the house organ of the CIA, has admitted, in a major article in January 2007 (http://johndenugent.org/english/english-dissidenticide-%e2%80%94-and-mental-torture-by-zog-the-washington-post-sort-of-confesses/), that the regime knows how to affect people by firing a neuroelectric weapon, make them feel suicidal, and otherwise manipulating them. And that article from 2007 reflected the “state of the art” that is now over five years old…..
I think the NWO is doing practice manipulations now so that when they wish to unleash a race war — in the wake of economic collapse, when people are competing for survival — they are experienced in plugging in the right “settings.”
Beyond that, just as whites have their nature, negroes will be negroes. ;) wink A considerable percentage has always been violent and psychopathic, and as with Albert Schweitzer then, the Rhodesians and South Africans today can write volumes on this delightful people.
Rudyard Kipling opined in his famous poem “The White Man’s Burden” that nonwhites are “half devil and half child.”

Take up the White Man’s burden—

Send forth the best ye breed—

Go send your sons to exile

To serve your captives’ need

To wait in heavy harness

On fluttered folk and wild—

Your new-caught, sullen peoples,

Half devil and half child.


Take up the White Man’s burden

In patience to abide

To veil the threat of terror

And check the show of pride;

By open speech and simple

An hundred times made plain

To seek another’s profit

And work another’s gain.


Take up the White Man’s burden—

And reap his old reward:

The blame of those ye better

The hate of those ye guard—

The cry of hosts ye humour

(Ah slowly) to the light:

“Why brought ye us from bondage,

“Our loved Egyptian night?”


Take up the White Man’s burden-

Have done with childish days-

The lightly proffered laurel,

The easy, ungrudged praise.

Comes now, to search your manhood

Through all the thankless years,

Cold-edged with dear-bought wisdom,

The judgment of your peers!


Source: Rudyard Kipling, “The White Man’s Burden: The United States & The Philippine Islands, 1899.” Rudyard Kipling’s Verse: Definitive Edition (Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1929).


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The launching video is in two parts, the opener and the closer. In between is corroborating and elaborating material, in my well-known blog style of text, still photos, videos and captions.
======================OPENING VIDEO
.YT “All great empires in the world” music – this music plays repeatedly throughout both the opening and closing launch videos..

.* * *
.This is John de Nugent, a former US Marine. My family has lived in America, helped build it and fought in its wars for 373 years — maybe a few more years and a few more wars than even your own illustrious kin. 😉

My family gave the land in the 1600s from its orchard to build this,

….the first Baptist church in North America, in Providence, Rhode Island. Somehow I graduated from Georgetown University with high honors; .

I found the study notes one day from Bill Clinton, lost while chasing a fat girl. 😉


.Before I begin, I ask you: when you look up, and you see these stripes all across the sky, they obviously are not clouds…..

If you think these are normal clouds, then I cannot help you. Turn off this video now and go back to eating your Twinkies, enjoy your teevee and sugary coke, and be one of the millions of Walmart people..


They obviously are also not just jet exhaust from the burning of standard jet fuel, which is called “JP4.” Look at the long, threadlike strings coming off them, in this photo I took of what I saw right over my house in Pennsylvania.


That is a chemical, a strange chemical. The sky, let me tell you, had been a beautiful and perfect blue before, and yet within 20 minutes it was full of a gray haze.



Ands just why is this stuff sprayed always on days without wind? https://johndenugent.com/images/jet-spraying-fat-dual-chemtrails.jpg


Normal passenger jets fly every day, including windy days, but this stuff is sprayed mostly on windless days, because it is meant specifically bombardment our cities, where most people live, so there cannot be wind to blow it off the target, off the targeted cities.

Here is a 2005 NASA photo of massive spraying over the southeast of our country, America: https://johndenugent.com/images/nasa-chemtrails-southeastern-usa-10-2004.jpg



And it is not just over the skies America, but also over our neighbor Canada. Here is one of these weird chemtrail clouds over Edmonton, the capital of Alberta province, and all this stuff has to be breathed in by you  and me as it becomes a haze and then descends to earth.




And the same chemtrails, these chemical trails, are seen over Germany, Italy, Britain, Australia and other countries. This is international! So some international group is doing it!



Now here is part of a video by esteemed researcher and author G. Edward Griffin: (use 00:00 to 01:49 – ending with his words “a milky white…”)


What is happening is that the government is using a CIA company called Evergreen and also various cut-rate airlines in Europe such as “EasyJet,” out of Britain, to spray the poisons arsenic and barium, plus aluminum. And why?



1) to make you chemically into a zombie, who becomes listless and puts up with everything, and yet on the other hand acts constantly irritable toward others. In other words, get us  the people fighting each other and not the government that is causing the mess. Divide and conquer.

2) to transform our atmosphere into a matrix where a giant array of government antennas in Alaska, called HAARP with two As, H-A-A-R-P







…can trigger tidal waves,

Caption: 2011 Fukushima tsunami — 20,000 killed





….and mile-wide tornadoes.


Caption: This is a satellite photo from space of the Joplin, Missouri 2011 tornado from satellite, an F5. 161 dead — $2.2 billion in damage. Look how big that system is.



They are planning something terrible for most of the human race. They are planning something terrible for you. Their goal is to wipe out 90% of the planet while they hide in underground military bases, then re-emerge to rule over the 10% that are left as their terrified slaves.  

How in a democracy, of the people, by the people and for the people, can the government just spray the people with no vote on it being held, and put mysterious stuff in your nose and lungs without your consent?

[Still playing this music]




The answer is that this government is no longer our government at all. Its behavior proves it. This is another group altogether inside the US government. And it is inside many other governments. It is an international secret network.

As for my country, your country, our America, I do not care if those who are doing this wave our own American flag back at us, trying to hypnotize us with our own symbols to tell us they are the legitimate authority…



….and they show a government logo with some stylized eagle on it. .

What they are really doing with their eagle logos is flipping us the bird.


And now I ask: why it is that since President Roosevelt, and the year 1935, the US dollar on the back shows a Star of David over the American eagle?

It used to be a random pattern of stars to depict the thirteen colonies that fought for our freedom and made America. Here is an 1898 US quarter-dollar. Notice the random pattern of the stars, like an actual constellation.

Caption: This was 1782 design approved by Congress, with a random star pattern


But now the Great Seal of the United States clearly shows the Star of David pattern.

Here is the Star of David.

And here is the Israeli flag!

Is this what the Founding Fathers wanted, who gave us this country — to have the Star of David the Wall Street Jews squatting over the American eagle?!?! Did your fathers and grandfathers serve for that?


A Harvard Medical School expert on sociopaths and psychopaths wrote a book in 2005 that has been translated into 11 languages, The Sociopath Next Door.

What is a sociopath? They are born evil seed. They are not like their brothers and sisters. As children, with no encouragement from their environment, they torture animals, as George W. Bush did,

a frog exploder, among other things, they set fires deliberately, and, to express hatred for their bewildered parents, they deliberately urinate in their beds. They can never be cured, they are sadistic, born monsters, a truly terrifying alternative kind of human being, a devil in the body of a boy or girl, and not one has ever been cured.


Worst of all, they play on the compassion of others; they seek to excite your pity and get you to help them as they lure you into their web by taking advantage of your kindness.


And no psychopath in the history of medicine has ever been cured, not one! For they are not sick, they are not ill, they are happy and well-adjusted, doing the sadistic things that turn them on, and they snicker and snort over how they tricked you. They are happy, and have no desire to change whatsoever.

[Still playing this music]



It is a chilling subspecies that only resembles physically a human being. But are they just serial killers, slashing women, or abducting, torturing and murdering kids? Some of them do all that, like Ted Bundy,


or the pedophiles, but not most of them.


They go into other things, into the higher strata of society, where far greater harm and sadism can be done and enjoyed, with the power to wreak pain on many more victims. Martha Stout, PhD, who studied sociopaths for 25 years, wrote that the higher-IQ sociopaths do not usually become serial killers. They go up into politics, media, banking,

Caption: Do you remember Gordon Gekko from the movie “Wall Street”

finance, corporations,

medicine, religion, and the police and military, any place that can give them authority.

They elbow aside everyone else on their way to the top. And then their natural sadism comes out once they have the power to cause suffering and degradation to the decent majority of the country.

Here is a brain scan of a normal person, by Adrian Raine of England, an Oxford graduate and now a professor at the University of Pennsylvania. While viewing a photo of a fatal car accident, the red dye in the experiment reveals in the brain centers for emotion the compassion and feeling for others that a normal subject feels.

But here is a brain scan of a psychopath watching the exact same photo. The blue dye shows ice; absolutely no empathy for the tragedy and suffering of others.

Now who controls our media, government, Wall Street and Hollywood?


[Still playing this music]


I will let the Jewish writer Joel Stein, of the Los Angeles Times newspaper and Time magazine explain.

Here is the key information on Joe Stein on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joel_Stein

Joel Stein

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Joel Stein


July 23, 1971 (age 40)



Joel Stein is a journalist who wrote for the Los AngelesTimes and is a regular contributor to Time magazine.

Now here is Joel Stein discussing who runs Hollywood, in the LA Times of December 19, 2008, and this article is still on the LA Times website. Here is a screenshot of the title of that boastful article:


In the article, Stein gloats that eight out of eight heads of major Hollywood studios are Jewish, and he names their names, in a country that is just 2% Jewish. The final sentence of his article concludes this ways, and again this is a screenshot from the LA Times of his actual article:


What a beaut. And just two years earlier, he was slandering our fighting men in the field. On January 24, 2006, the Los Angeles Times published a column by Stein under the headline “Warriors and Wusses” on the topic of supporting our troops.


Stein said:

“I don’t support our troops…You’re willingly signing up to be a fighting tool of American imperialism…”

What a slander! All of our young troops signed up to defend America, and maybe grow up a bit, get some discipline, and also make a living in this bad economy where the jobs are being sucked off to China!


What they are fighting for, by Stein’s own admission in the LA Times, is not any kind of American imperialism, but he admits it is the Jews who control the country! If the Jews control the media, and Hollywood, and Wall Street, and the government, as this Jew says, then they control the “American imperialism” too!


Is it for the benefit of Americans? Or is the media beating the war drum for Iraq, Afghanistan and now Iran, three muslim countries opposed to Israel, so our boys will die to fight Israel’s wars?


A defiant and major Jewish author wrote a shocking book in 1934, and here it is on Amazon.


[Still playing this music]


Samuel Roth hated gentile society, and especially the FBI, because he was imprisoned between 1936 and 1939 in a federal penitentiary for distributing pornography and again was in prison for the same crime between 1957 and 1961…..

Roth lashed out in one of the most brutally honest books a Jew ever written, This 1934 book Jews Must Live, has the subtitle: “The Persecution by Israel of the World On All Frontiers of Civilization.”


In other words, we Jews persecute you non-Jews.


This book can be obtained on Amazon, btw, and there is a big article on him on Wikipedia, defending his right to sell pornography, and making him into a heroic champion of free speech….


Now here is one quote:

“Our major vice of old as of today is parasitism. We are a people of vultures,

living on the labor and good fortune of the rest of the world.” – Samuel Roth, Jews Must Live, page 18.


Roth further said: https://johndenugent.com/images/samuel-roth-quotes-jews-must-live.gif


I bring you however as an American also the wonderful news – that the challenges we face today – and they are actually even more serious than you think – can and will be conquered.


First, there is scientific proof of a God who is real and who loves us, and rules this universe. This is HIS universe, and the evil men on it are but specks. Our soul never, ever dies, and we have many lives on this earth, all a proven fact – with 2,500 cases researched in full at the University of Virginia Medical School. My videos [gesture] completely explain this.


Second, we now realize how to restore the one thing Americans know they lack, willpower – willpower in our own personal lives, and how to restore also the willpower in our nation — to make the drastic changes necessary before it is too late.


A wonderful future is ahead, I will explain it, but first we must figure out how to take out the trash. You know it — and I know it. And that’s why you are watching. Only one-third of the American people supported the American Revolution against the British Empire, but that obviously was enough.


The Eternal Solutrean Agency [gesture to flag]

is an international organization I have founded to respect our people and liberate them from another international organization that is strangling our liberties, and we shall do whatever it takes, no matter what the cost, to accomplish this goal, just as, in the chain of generations, our own ancestors fought for our freedom.


The greatest virtue is the love of truth, wherever it takes us. Now what this means is that if you understand as a general principle, as even the mentally challenged do, that the government and media lie, you must now apply that realization to a specific case, that is, to the latest human target of those lies. Of course you are hearing terrible things against me, because I am a committed, experienced, skilled fighter against the Jews on our earthly home that we share together. They control the media, and so it spews lies against the enemy they fear most.


And the Jews now misrule our beloved country of America, bringing it down by huge bribes, media brainwashing, and blackmail of our officials, and police and military officers, high and low… and worst of all, by a national network of organized pedophilia – child-molesting and child-murdering adults who, once involved in the network, one orgy at a time, are photographed there, captured forever on film, that film is stored away for future blackmail, and these officials cannot quit even if they want to.


The Jerry Sandusky pedophile case, involving a football coach at Pennsylvania State University,

.who was molesting innocent kids for 13 years, is just the tip of a massive iceberg! The current governor of Pennsylvania, who was attorney general during those years, did no arrests. A friend of the governor said: “He handled it right. He had to let Sandusky molest more boys so he could build a case he would not lose!” You know what will happen: Only Sandusky and maybe a few more small-fry will go down, to please the newspapers and the short attention span of the public, The big boys will get off again! And Sandusky will be warned to keep his mouth shut in prison.


I was molested myself and I know whereof I speak,

and that is why I have a fire in my belly until there is protection for our children, and death without pity for the proven, incurable subrace that consists of the repeat molesters of kids!


But the worst thing of all is how these sex crimes are used to blackmail the highest levels of our government and turn key officials into slaves of their blackmailers! And I can also tell you this general truth: that among those who become courageous whistle-blowers,

Courageous journalist and Pulitzer Prize winner Gary Webb

Caption: His book exposed the CIA-crack cocaine connection


Caption: Then he “COMMITTED SUICIDE” in 2004…..two shots to the head


exposing the takeover by evil of our country, many are being murdered all across America, and every week; framed and sent to prison, and murdered once in their cell; their suicides are faked by Uncle Sam’s agents; heart-attacks and strokes are caused by poison in food when you leave your house; and car accidents happen that are no accidents.

For 32 years now, to the left and the right of me, I have seen good men go down. You ask: can Americans really keep a huge secret? Oh they certainly can, if in fear for their lives, or if their family’s life is threatened.


* * *


Caption: John Lear, former CIA pilot, 19,000 flight hours, winner of every flight award by the FAA, and son of William Lear, inventor of the Lear jet

0:03:06- 0:03:43, starting with “You know, the deal, the way security like that works is, when they give you clearance, and you’re deep inside…” and ending with “…We won’t kill you. We’ll kill your wife, your children, your mom, your dad, your parakeet, your dog…”)

* * *

What the regime and the media fear is four things:

  1. as they have proven over and over, they fear me, shutting down even my bank account



Caption: Jewish Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg

four YouTube channels,

three gmail accounts

and a discussion thread online where I had 290,000 views;

  1. they fear the anti-government truths being spread over the Internet about 9/11, about Obama, and about martial law, the preparations for mass arrests and the seizing of our guns;
  2. they fear the First Amendment to the US Constitution, guaranteeing that God gave us the right to freedom of speech – to criticize everyone and everything, with no sacred cows, not even Barack’s dear friends, the homosexual lobby, and
  3. they fear the Second Amendment, guaranteeing that God gave us the right as citizens to bear arms and defend our freedom and our families.

It is the Jews who control Wall Street:

Goldman Sachs

Caption: CEO Lloyd Blankfein

JP Morgan

Caption: CEO Jamie Dimon

and the Federal Reserve bank

Caption: Ben Shalom Bernanke

……and with their immense power it is they who did the horrific crime of 9/11,

and before that they killed President John Fitzgerald Kennedy,

using Lyndon Baines Johnson

Caption: The young Lyndon Baines Johnson

Caption: LBJ White House portrait

.whose mother, Baines, was Jewish,

Caption: Lady Bird Johnson, Lyndon Johnson and his mother Rebekah Baines (Johnson)

because Kennedy would not let the violent Israelis get nuclear weapons.

[I am still elaborating the video photos on the below.]

And they control our government today, and Barack Obama himself

is a Jew through his white Jewish mother,

Caption: Ann Dunham and Barack


Caption: Ann Dunham high school photo

….who was a communist, and posed for nude pictures for a black porn novelist.

The Wall Street billionaires with the Jewish names know that I will give everything to bring down their tyranny over this country and all mankind — before they enslave and kill us all.

Caption: The Georgia Guidestones demand world population drop by 90%


They want a slave planet for the Jewish master race. The only Nazis that have ever lived have been the Jews themselves. And no, Hitler did not kill six million innocent Jews.

First, as I will prove from centuries of evidence going back to the time of ancient Rome, no Jews are innocent, and no, he never killed millions of them.

But as you will find out, he should have executed en masse the leading Jewish criminals, and the world, free of Jewish power, would have been a much happier place today for you and for me, free of pornography, poverty, pedophiles, and the endless, pointless wars that make them rich.

All over the world, and the media hides this from you, but it is found faithfully on the Internet, scientists

Caption: Germar Rudolf, almost 4 years prison


Caption: Wolfgang Fröhlich, 6 years prison

and historians

Caption: David Irving, 1 year prison


….are being thrown into a prison cell for years

Caption: Mannheim prison. Germany

Caption: Josefstadt prison, Austria

Caption: publisher Pedro Varela, Spain

……because they have proven scientifically that the whole gas-chamber and Holocaust story is a lie, made possible by Jews running our media and spreading that lie, over and over, until we start to believe it by sheer repetition.







Pictures of dead Jews at the end of the war….


….prove only that the Germans had no food or medicine left as the Allies crushed it!

Caption: German civilians, Nuremberg 1945

And this entire despicable hoax was designed to manipulate Germans and the Americans….

…….to extract billions in guilt money from German and American pockets for Israel, and make all whites in the world ashamed, and cough up the dough because we did not do enough to save the poor, persecuted Jews in World War Two, who never harmed a fly.


Ask the Palestinians about that one!

Ask the American girl Rachel Corrie of Seattle, Washington….

crushed to death in 2002 by an Israeli bulldozer while protecting the home of a Palestinian doctor!


As Jesus said:

You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”


But you must get down on your knees, propose to the truth, and marry that goddess……

…..and love and be faithful to her as the greatest helpmate you can ever have, and the most sacred thing you can love on this earth, the truth.


Otherwise you will die in your sin, this nation will die,

and all that run from the struggles ahead will face the judgment of a God who is more real than anything you now know,

and you will also face my organization if you are a despicable coward, a traitor or collaborator.


There is no more running from reality. This is the most sacred time in all of human history. America began in revolution by men who thought for themselves. This is again a time for heroes. This is the time to wake up and smell that burning coffee!


And now watch this video, “9/11 solved in two minutes.” It is taken mostly from the BBC in England, and from a series of reports by a star FOX-News-Channel reporter, Carl Cameron,

……that has now been deleted from the FOX News Channel website. “9/11 solved in two minutes.”

There is so much more you need now to learn.

Now please go to my websites, and I have three of them, all identical, because they are constantly being hacked by Jews– johndenugent.com, or johndenugent.org or democratic-republicans.us – and there you will see

  1. my explanation of what is really happening in our world, and
  2. the plan to restore our once-great, proud nation to what our Founding Fathers fought for, an America that was, and again shall be, the land of the free and the home of the brave, with good jobs and good wages, no more Great Walmarts of China,

3) and no more Mexicans inside our country taking our jobs!
We did our own work for thousands of years!

Then after you read that, and see my videos, I will be back with another short final video and where we go from here.



=================CLOSING VIDEO

[Again playing this music]


My friends, after viewing the opening video, and then after reading carefully the corroborating text, and viewing the photos and videos, now you know. Now you are now on “death ground.”

Sun Tzu, the ancient Chinese military genius,


wrote in 300 BC in his masterpiece, The Art of War:

Troops fight best on their death ground, for where there is no escape, survival comes only from fighting for victory.

Let us review the facts of the relationship that the white nations have had with Jewry:

In the early 1600s the Jews brought the curse of the slave trade to America,

and the race problem.

In 1694, the Jews took over banking in the mother country of England.

After the Battle of Waterloo in 1815, the Rothschild Jews, by a stock market swindle, scooped up the third of the British economy that was not already theirs.

They triggered the Irish famine that killed millions of innocent Irish men, women and children.

They triggered the American civil war that killed 750,000 white Americans.

They started the 1917 communist nightmare that mass-murdered 40,000,000 white Christian Russians,

plus the tsar

and his beautiful family.

They provoked and prolonged World War One, which killed millions more whites.

[Again playing this music]



They incited World War Two which killed 20 million more.

They dragged out, and made sure we as white men did not win, the wars against communism against the racial Asians in Korea and Vietnam.

They took over our media. They took over our economy.

They murdered the first Secretary of Defense, Navy Admiral James Forrestal,

….throwing him out a window to his death.

Caption: Israel critic Forrestal “fell” from the 16th floor while “depressed”

They murdered the President of the United States, John Fitzgerald Kennedy,

…..our last real president who was really in charge, then they murdered Senator Robert Kennedy

and then John Kennedy Junior, an investigate journalist, by causing his plane crash.

They stole 600 pounds of enriched uranium in Apollo, Pennsylvania to build their nuclear hell bomb while hundreds of Americans died from cancer from the nuclear waste they dumped.

They changed the immigrations laws of America so the Third World could pour in and overwhelm the native white Americans.

They assaulted on the high seas the US Navy ship USS Liberty, killing 32 American sailors and officers and wounding 170 others.


They engineered the downfall of President Richard Nixon.

Using their tool Ronald Reagan, they began setting up a police state under Oliver North.

They murdered former CIA director William Colby.

[Again playing this music]


They assaulted the American people in the Oklahoma City bombing, which killed over 180 men, women and children.

Caption: The purpose of Oklahoma City was to discredit government critics as murderous extremists; Timothy McVey was 100% a government agent himself and after his “execution” the hearse backed out of the prison totally empty — no coffin inside.

They killed 3,000 Americans and others on September, 11, 2001.

They brought about more police state measures under two Jewish secretaries of Homeland Security.

Caption: Michael Chertoff

Caption: LESBIAN Janet Napolitano (mother’s name: WINER)

They murdered former NFL player Pat Tillman as an Army Ranger in 2004 when he asked too many questions about Ben Laden.

They have promoted homosexuality, divorce and drugs that have destroyed our family structure.

They have introduced vaccines that have given our children autism and ADD, and put lead into our air and fluoride into our water to make our children sluggish and our adults suppress their justified outrage.

They have twisted our textbooks with racist lies that the white people who made this country are criminals who took this land from the Indians when the exact opposite is true. The Indians descend from those who murdered US!

They have filled our music, tv and movies with filth.

They have finally snuck a non-US citizen into the White House, an arrogant, incompetent, black bisexual Jew and murderer named Barack Hussein Obama.

They have built a gulag of death camps around America for liquidating all who are against their government.

Caption: these are not buildings; they are boxcars, 10,000 three-story boxcars, parked around the country at railyards

And now the Department of Homeland Security has ordered 400 million rounds of .40 caliber ammunition to slaughter the American people.

They have taught the police to despise the people of our nation and act brutally toward them.

They are groping our private parts at airports, or demanding of us that they may take porn x-ray scans of our bodies.

They are banning all forms of religion except their own in public life.

They are promoting the abortion of perfectly healthy babies.

They are telling women to hate men and stay childless, working and studying forever, and induced men to loathe women and become playboys who prefer to sit and watch porn rather that start families and father our next generation.

They have turned our industry and economy over to a hostile enemy country, China.

They have committed repeated acts of treason against the American people, and high treason by murdering its leaders.

They are planning the genocide of most of America and of the entire human race, with a slave planet as the final goal under a Jewish master race.

We were at peace with that Jewish people, and welcomed them innocently into our country, our businesses, our media, our schools and our homes.

Caption: Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook

We have given over $100 billion to their outpost called Israel in the faraway Middle East, which never brought to us any benefit, only to them.

The facts now speak for themselves. The people of the United States are forming their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and safety of our nation. Always will we remember the treacherous character of the onslaught against us.

No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated assault, the American people, in their righteous might, will win through to absolute victory.

I believe I interpret the will of the American people correctly when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost, but will make very certain that this form of treachery, by a people we took in out of pity and compassion, which turned against us and sought our destruction, shall never endanger us again.

Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory and our interests are in grave danger.

With confidence in the armed American people, and in the segment of the members of our armed forces and police who take seriously our Constitution and the oath they have sworn to it – with the unbounded determination of our patriots, we will gain the inevitable triumph, so help us God.

I ask that the people of this nation declare that, realizing now the unprovoked and dastardly attacks by Jewry upon our unsuspecting country, a cunning state of war for generations has been going on — and that we recognize that it now is in its full, climactic and final offensive, a war by the agents, jewish and gentile, of the Jewish Empire against the people of the United States.

Your duty as an individual American is first, to buy all the firearms [gesture] and other weapons needed to defend yourself, your family and your freedom.

You must buy food and store it away.

You must meet with others to prepare for the common defense, and gain more knowledge of the enemy, is past, and his strategies today.


If the Internet goes down, it means mass arrests of patriots are next.

If a pandemic disease is spread, it is the enemy government that spread that disease, seeking to justify a police state by itself promoting panic and killing millions.

If a massive earthquake or tsunami strikes our nation, it will be their puppet government inflicting it, using the sinister HAARP weapon coming out of Alaska and the toxic chemtrails filling our skies.

If a nuclear weapon is exploded by supposed terrorists, it is the Jewish imperial government itself that will have ignited that device.

The final purpose of any catastrophe is to generate panic, take your guns under emergency decrees, and round you to take you to a slavery and death camp you shall never leave alive.

I am confident that the American people will take every appropriate measure to resist tyranny and destroy those attacking it. And in the end, government of our own people, by our own people, and for our own people, shall not perish from the earth.

Our founding father Benjamin Franklin said: Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God.

We know that our souls are eternal, our destiny is power, justice and glory, and however long it takes, and whatever the cost in treasure, tears and blood, this generation too will carry forward the torch, as did our ancestors, climb up and stand atop the mountain of final victory, and survey below a just and happy world, of prospering families; beaming, running children; wives, sisters and mothers planting gardens of flowers without fear.

It is the devils who shall be buried in the dirt and the flowers that shall bloom in their place.

We will live because from this moment on, there is no more ME; there is only WE.

We worship, in both life and death, the sacred trinity of God, duty and truth.

Misery is in ME, the power is in WE.







================HUMOR …really funny….so true….


Men Are Just Happier People!
What do you expect from such simple creatures?
Your last name stays put.
The garage is all yours.
Wedding plans take care of themselves.
Chocolate is just another snack.
You can be President.
You can never be pregnant.
You can wear a white T-shirt to a water park.
You can wear NO shirt to a water park.
Car mechanics tell you the truth.
The world is your urinal.
You never have to drive to another gas station restroom because this one is just too icky.
You don’t have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt.
Same work, more pay.
Wrinkles add character.
Wedding dress $5000. Tux rental – $100.
People never stare at your chest when they’re talking to you.
New shoes don’t cut, blister, or mangle your feet.
One mood all the time.
Phone conversations don’t need to exceed 30 seconds flat.
You know stuff about tanks.
A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase.
You can open all your own jars.
You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness.
If someone forgets to invite you, he or she can still be your friend.
Your underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack.
Three pairs of shoes are more than enough..
You almost never have strap problems in public.
You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes..
Everything on your face stays its original color.
The same hairstyle lasts for years, even decades.
You only have to shave your face and neck.
You can play with toys all your life.
One wallet, one pair of shoes, one color for all seasons.
You can wear shorts no matter how your legs look.
You can ‘do’ your nails with a pocket knife.
You have freedom of choice concerning growing a mustache.
You can do Christmas shopping for 25 relatives
On December 24 in 25 minutes.
Men Are Just Happier People
If Laura, Kate and Sarah go out for lunch, they will call each other Laura, Kate and Sarah. If Mike, Dave and John go out, they will affectionately refer to each other as Fat Boy, Bubba and Wildman.

When the bill arrives, Mike, Dave and John will each throw in $20, even though it’s only for $32.50. None of them will have anything smaller and none will actually admit they want change back.
When the girls get their bill, out come the pocket calculators.

A man will pay $2 for a $1 item he needs.
A woman will pay $1 for a $2 item that she doesn’t need but it’s on sale.

A man has six items in his bathroom: toothbrush and toothpaste, shaving cream, razor, a bar of soap, and a towel.
The average number of items in the typical woman’s bathroom is 337. A man would not be able to identify more than 20 of these items.

A woman has the last word in any argument.
Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.

A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband.
A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife.

A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn’t.
A man marries a woman expecting that she won’t change, but she does.

A woman will dress up to go shopping, water the plants, empty the trash, answer the phone, read a book, and get the mail.
A man will dress up for weddings and funerals.

Men wake up as good-looking as they went to bed.
Women somehow deteriorate during the night.

Ah, children. A woman knows all about her children. She knows about dentist appointments and romances, best friends, favorite foods, secret fears and hopes and dreams.
A man is vaguely aware of some short people living in the house.

A married man should forget his mistakes. There’s no use in two people remembering the same thing!

============final note

—– Forwarded Message —–
From: John de Nugent
To: [a high school student]
Sent: Tuesday, 22 May 2012, 10:57
Subject: your desire to serve

Dear Stephen,

I am most happy to read your email below. I have thought often about you. Though we have seldom spoken, it was always with depth.

I was not surprised but still so very honored and happified 😉 wink to read the below:

I’ve decided that continuing on with college “education” is totally out of the question. Not when chaos is on the horizon, when there’s a tyranny to fight, when there’s an endangered race to save, and when there’s a John de Nugent armed and ready to lead us through it! B-) cool


I imagine you have seen the content of the launching video on my website now: [this webpage]


This summer I have three other young people who want to come out here (and perhaps study in Pittsburgh as well) from New Jersey and easternmost Pennsylvania, and like you they have a deeply spiritual basis to our racial struggle.

Only those who “get it” with reincarnation grasp this is not primarily a racial struggle, but a soul struggle between good and evil, light and darkness, and the white race is not some god, or race of angels (LOL!), or any kind of end in itself, but merely a carrier of the light, truth and beauty we live for.

And even if the whole planet blew up, and it might, our souls would go on, redeemed by sacrifices and reincarnating on another world!

To answer your specific question, what I need urgently is video editing, lots of it. It makes me nauseous that I have done so much vital God video filming, last October in fact, and it is still sitting there unedited. My editor for the God videos that now appear on the website was a mercenary and when Homeland Security harassed him, he up and quit.

I have another person but he is moving forward at a snail’s pace, not even answering my emails or skype inquiries. The launch video was filmed last week and has been sent off, but will it be rapidly edited and readied for the public to see it?

I think we are getting to an extremely dangerous time, comrade, the end of all free speech online.

It seems there has been a massive purge of white racialists in the US off Facebook, YouTube, PayPal, gmail, etc. I noted the purging of all my things, but then other comrades began reporting the same purge of their sites and services. I think the one area where I am an exception is in having my bank account closed by fiat, with no justification given.

If we take this private Internet shutdown sitting down, then, as I have predicted on my blog several times, the privatized end of free speech in our country via the fiat decisions of Jewish CEOs is coming.

That is, there will be no hate-speech LAWS — Tea Party-sympathizing military and police officers would object to that — but just private companies will be designating our writings and videos as hate and banning them.

The final stage would be this:

The Internet Service Providers (Verizon, PacBell, Comcast, Cox Cable, etc.), ban us for “hate,” which violates their “TOS” [“TZerms of Service”]. There would be a private ban on access to any of our websites…. We could no longer see them. Hosts would be pressured to no longer host us. And there would be a refusal to carry our emails. (Four of my gmail accounts have been closed.)

And it would all be via private corporate decisions….. The First Amendment would still be in force on paper, but private companies would declare that they are legally private persons and as private persons they have the FREEDOM to reject being FORCED to carry our “hate.”

Then we are back, comrade, where we were before the Internet, with no more mass media to spread our message. From 1978, when I entered this Cause, until around 2001, whn the Net and broadband began awakening America, Americans just read jewspapers and watched jew-teevee as their main news sources, and when we tried to open minds up they looked at us like aliens speaking a foreign tongue.

The difference is that in the bad old days of total Jew media monopoly, we nevertheless were still a 90% white country, heterosexual to the core, with two-fisted, masculine cowboys as role models. Million of those whites had guns and military experience, and there were 75 million physically-fit baby boomers. And people actually learned about the US Constitution in school.

Now we are a 49% white country, and the average white age is 43. Many of those whites are not only gunless but too fat to fight or even to run.

Now I am certain that without the Net we would have had a second and much worse 9/11-type event already and then full martial law.

The white race is hanging now on the thin thread of the Internet.
Yes, the economic implosion is angering people, but without Internet-based exposés of why this is happening — the Jews and the Zionist NWO master plan — and without the rise to prominence of a genuine leader with a vision and plan even the direst misery will not lead to any mass movement. People do not lead themselves. Our species is programmed to follow leaders. We have a division of labor in humanity where a few lead, others manage the program, and the masses follow and are in fact happy following. “Just tell us what to do!”


So we really have to get this going and soon.

Here is my prediction:

Within a few months the Jews plan to begin refusing access to our websites and to carry any more “hate speech” emails.

Then we will disappear off the Internet.

Then they will engineer the second and bigger 9/11, which in my opinion will be, as per my closing segment of the launching video, 1) an Internet virus shutting down most or all of the Net, 2) an epidemic or 3) earthquake-tsunami combination, caused by HAARP, or 4) all of the above, and then 5) Obongo will declare martial law, and arrest and kill every white racialist in the United States, after negroes and mexicans have raped them.

I would certainly appreciate any help you can render now and in the nearest future.

And I must get financial support. I cannot start this movement from my current location. It would be literal suicide.

What we see is paralysis of willpower. Between obesity, chemtrails, fluoride, bisphenol-b in plastic bottles, cell phones and Internet addiction, people are just staring at their approaching doom. I am not afflicted by this. You are not. The spiritually awakened hear the message and wish to act.

The others are doomed and they have in fact incarnated in order to die a horrific death. The blobs we see today in America are the reincarnated cowards and collaborators of many previous generations, including those who knew about Henry Ford’s and Charles Lindbergh’s campaigns against Jewry, back when they were highly admired, famous, beloved public figures, and yet those blobs said and did nothing.

Then they flew off to bomb Dresden. Yes, yes, the “Greatest Generation”…..turning women and children into living human torches, then the Red Army came in and raped the survivors.

We must answer only to our own soul, though a thousand fall to our left and ten thousand to our right. And we will win by aligning with the force that created all things, for whom evil men like Jews are mere bacteria to kill with bleach.

I am more than ever convinced of my “psychiatric diagnosis.”

It is literal, clinical, major depression, paralyzing the willpower.

And I think it is one reason I suffered being molested as a kid, so I myself could fully plumb the depths of what clinical depression feels like, that feeling of hopelessness and “what’s the use?”

Objectively, though, I can say to any purported WN:

How mentally ill to be a defeatist!

We now have the convergence of incredibly favorable factors:

1) a totally discredited and loathed political caste

2) terrible economic suffering

3) the Internet is here and thriving, OUR mass media, to expose the truth in a way impossible before the year 2000

4) 2,500 cases proving reincarnation so people need not fearing dying for something noble and necessary — for they will come back!

PayPal sent me an email a month ago saying it would release the $228 they have been holding for eight months.

I called them and they say they sent it on the first of May. I said “So it is now three weeks later and why has the money still not arrived? From what country was it sent?”

“From the United States!”

“So where is my money?”

“Well, the check was processed on the first.”

“What does ‘processed’ mean?”


So I am reduced to begging vile Jews who hate my guts to send me my own money.

Am I a white supremacist? No. White skin means nothing to me. Only Aryans, nature’s nobility of character and loyal commitment, count to me.


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