Jews and goys: the sicko relationship; Jews as incestuous monsters

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A French comrade sent me this:

Comments from a member of the community no one can criticise — see bio here

Please kindly send to Hervé Ryssen if you can. [end]

I replied:


Watching this video, I was shocked but not surprised that this jew said it is normal for a father to feel lust for his own daughter — (2:24-27) “the majority of fathers are sexually attracted to their teenage daughters” [sic] —  and giving his co-religionist Sigmund Freud praise for his weird “id” theory, which proclaims that we are all full of filthy desires. 

Speak only for yourself, jew!

At 5:30 he says, excusing incestuous feelings, “the concept of the child was only invented in Victorian England.” OMG.

Actually, aside from ethics, normal humans are repulsed by the idea of sex with their own genetics, because our DNA understands that conception with genetic relatives increases the risk of having unhealthy offspring.

At 6:02-06 he pontificates, all jewy “Mr. Expert,” that “the fantasy [of having sex with children] should not be — [and] cannot be –suppressed. It cannot be fought.”

Really, now. This is the classic jewy assertiveness, like saying categorically some lying statement which they know is totally absurd, such as this:

“This is an age of migration. You cannot stop it.”

See Barbara Spectre, the incarnation of arrogant jewish narcissism, saying this all “authoritatively” and didactically to us stupid goys at 4:49-05:22

And he says that because the famous Louisa May Alcott book Little Women referred to children, this means our ancestors viewed children as adults ( = hinting, while not saying, that hebephilia — adult male lust for young teenage girls — is supposedly okay).

I have visited this actual “Little Women” house, btw, in Concord, Massachusetts, and the book has been made into a movie many times. It is truly about innocent young girls reaching puberty and becoming young women, and their dreams, which certainly do not involve sex with their father!)

Watching this video reminds me of what Heinrich Himmler once said:

These two images created by this Vaknin struck me especially.

This, IMO, is partly why jews refuse to move to Israel and continue to live among the goyim — to be “persecuted.” Jews are narcissistic, psychopathic, paranoid megalomaniacs.

This image raises the question if obstinate, jew-loving goyim who refuse to learn from their suffering under jewry are not inverted narcissists.
…..Hervé Ryssen on jews having sex with their own kids

There WAS an evil Adolph (in FRANCE); Margi interviews Hervé Ryssen on the Jews (“infernal machines that will stop only when smashed”), incest and the real Jewish goal


  1. Echoing the Jew Ezekiel Emanuel, the Hindu head of the Minneapolis “Federal” Reserve Bank says 18 months of rolling economic shutdowns are likely. Eighteen months (1.5 years) from now is October, 2021! In the video, he claims that the whole U.S. economy won’t be shut down that long, but doesn’t specify what exactly he means by “rolling shutdowns.” Strange that he’s echoing Ezekiel Emanuel, who did call for a complete 18-month economic shutdown. Maybe they really do plan to keep everything shut down that long, in order to cause maximum chaos?:

    Morgan Stanley publishes timeline for U.S. economic reopening, says it will happen in mid-to-late May at the earliest, and that a resurgence of the coronavirus hoax could happen starting in November of 2021:

    However, this .JPG image of their timeline shows “Wave 1 (Early Infected)” not returning to work until June 30, and “Wave 2” not returning to work until around August 1st (right in time for the August 17th Demoncrat convention, as I predicted). So, their graphic is much more pessimistic than their article which claims “mid-to-late May at the earliest.” Not surprisingly, the graphic also shows a “Potential Second Wave of Infections” starting in November. However, I think they will restart the coronavirus hysteria well before November – probably shortly after the August 17th Demoncrat convention, in order to justify a no-paper-trail, vote-by-Internet system allowing the Demoncrats to steal the election on November 3rd – a system which they are probably already working on:

    Some good news – the garbage-producing, Jewish-owned Hollywood film studios are suffering:

  2. See Daily Mail link at bottom – America’s Latrinos line up to get free food. The first 6 photos in that article are from Santa Ana, CA. Here’s the demographics for Santa Ana, CA – according to the U.S. Census Bureau, it’s 76.8% Hispanic or Latino, and probably much higher than that, since many Latrinos falsely claim themselves as being “White”:

    Most of these Latrinos lining up for free food in Santa Ana, CA are likely either illegal aliens, or descendants of illegal aliens, who shouldn’t even be in the U.S. in the first place. Note the second photo, which shows a brand-new white Lexus with its trunk open, waiting to receive free food. How are these low-IQ brownskins able to afford brand-new cars, while I’m driving a late 1990s car that’s falling apart because I can’t afford to get it fixed, and I’m struggling to even afford food? ‘F’ these freeloading bastards – we shouldn’t be giving them free food and housing, and enabling them to stay here. They should just go back to Meh-hee-coh where they belong. Get out of our country!:

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