LAST BLOG BEFORE WEBSITE SHUTS DOWN: Orthodox jews in Israel know Covid is b-s, reject the lockdown

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Israelis filming some big, fake Covid emergency with the hazmat suits on. Later on, the same guys start dancing to rock music.

Dancing Israelis:

On September 11th 2001, a group of foreigners who worked for a front company in New Jersey were witnessed celebrating the attacks on the World Trade Centers. They flicked lighters, posed for pictures, gave each other hugs and high fives.

No, they were not Muslim terrorist or Arabs. They were Jewish and they were all Israeli. They worked for a moving company which turned out to be one of a series of Israeli moving companies with ties to the September 11th attacks.

The 5 men arrested on 9/11 while still driving the moving company van seen with them,  of which at least three had been jumping around celebrating the first plane hitting the North Tower, have come to be known as “the dancing Israelis.”

One of the first journalist to real push this story was Justin Raimondo of who passed away in June of 2019. He wrote a book about the event.


A smirking Netanyahu getting a fake shot:


Running this again: the Governor of Bavaria, Germany getting the vaccine multiple times, at least six of them obviously fake:


Weird videos on Instagram with Israeli jews partying over Covid… The ambulance was donated by American (NYC) jews to these Orthodox Israelis. Anyway, an  Italian comrade sent these,  which show Israeli Jews, some of them Orthodox (with the truck-tire headgear), making fun of the Covid lockdowns, which they do not obey anyway.



Two actual videos


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Thanks to 1) my readers and 2) reader donations,  I can keep up with what is going on in Israel.

I do so via 1) RT (Russia Today), which covers Israel because millions of Russian-born jews live in IsraHell, or go back and forth between the two countries, and also given the fact that Russia and Israel are fighting on opposite sides in Syria,

2) comments from alert and helpful readers, such as for the story today, but also and especially via subscribing online to Haaretz newspaper in English, a major, liberal jewish paper that is anti-Netanyahu.


“Kha-Aretz” means “the Homeland” in Hebrew. Interesting how the jews have a right to:

— a homeland,

— a huge military,

— they may crush the native, indigenous Palestinians, and drive them off what little is left of their soil, violating all international laws about occupation and all sorts of UN Resolutions,

— their fanatic religion and overt jewish supremacism are fine too.

But white Europeans have no comparable rights. They should be atheists and stop going to any church, hence the Covid lockdowns of churches while liquor stores and casinos stay open!

And white men should have n0 military training under a masculinizing male authority figure such as a drill sergeant, and instead become fairy-voiced, limp-wristed metrosexuals….

Yet Israel has the draft for two years military service for both men and women!

I will republish this sick photo, showing Israelis partying over 9/11 (which killed 3,000 innocent Americans and others), which of course got the American goyim to invade and destroy Iraq (!) for IsraHell, and to kill both Saddam and his two sons for aiding the Palestinians and opposing the jewish entity.


You girls are a riot. Suppose our white girls went to a jewish party dressed up as, say, gas chambers — or SS officers with a riding whip? Would that be “insensitive”? 

The plastic nose cone of the Boeing supposedly punched intact right through the ultra-massive steel beams of both the outside and the central core of the WTC.

Donald Trump himself, a skyscraper-builder, on 9/11/01

The WTC during construction…  I lived in NYC myself and observed the final construction. Inside the massive steel outer cage were even more massive internal pillars. I visited the building in 1975 and its “Top of the World” restaurant that jew owner Larry Silverstein had breakfast  in every day (except for on 9/11, that lucky dog..).


The inner core made the buildings ultra-strong against both high winds and plane strikes in a New York that has three huge, busy airports, and this core enclosed and protected the elevators, the stairways and all the wiring, water, heating ducts, AC, sewage, etc.



200 Americans jumped 90 floors to their deaths, a ten-second fall.


Why would  a person jump 90 floors to a certain demise? Because they were being cooked alive by the steel-melting chemical called nano-thermite, and, IMO, also by a directed energy weapon (set up in WTC Building 7, which came down that afternoon) — its murderous job done of cooking ultra-hardened steel into a strange atomic dust.


That dust was not just from the concrete. People saw beams literally vanish. The ruins smoked for three weeks.


As Professor Judy Wood,PhD ( Jewish, btw) has shown, the WTC debris should have been seven stories high — but was not, because most of it was vaporized as it was coming down. Manhattan’s granite would have transmitted a full, catastrophic literal earthquake to the city of eight million and to the surrounding area (16 mio. pop.) if 1,250,000 tons of steel and concrete had suddenly hit the ground in Manhattan. No Arabs with $1-boxcutters could have fired advanced “directed energy weapons” that were able to turn steel into ash AS IT CAME DOWN.





Next thing you knew, we American (and British) goyim were killing, torturing and raping Iraqis!



Especially important blogs



Right now I am having a severe financial crisis, and had to pay my assistant, Francois, three days late to both write articles and monitor the website.

So he had to borrow funds to feed himself and his child. His next payment will be four days late, at the end of next week.

This is because you send no donations.

Just read.

Donations are down because morale is down.I understand.

But this is the worst thing you can do.

Even the leftist media, such as CNN and its arch-jew reporter Jake Tapper, are now hinting Biden is senile.

This means Biden is on his way out — and Vice President Kamala Harris is on her way in.

Kamala (here with her jew husband, Doug Emhoff) is not senile, nor does she even fake being nice.

Her father was a marxist professor, and she is a marxist herself who cannot wait to start arresting white patriots.

The blog ends right now, today, until donations come in.




….Superb video of Eckart Tolle, in top form, being interviewed by British celebrity Russell Brand

I hope you enjoy the video with Eckhart Tolle and Russell Brand (a guy who is strangely swarthy for a Brit, btw). Brand is no motor-mouth in this video, but really listens to Eckhart  and then he both asks him excellent questions and also offers supportive, thoughtful observations. (Btw, Tolle  studied at Cambridge and the U.of London, and his English is truly perfect.)
I will use this sabbatical time very well. To change whites
THIS one British cartoon told me, who was molested myself as a kid, that the real issues are not about the facts, but about us. That cop, doubtless of the purest English blood, the one arresting the white father on the right, is no better than the muslims or pedos. White skin  only indicates our great potential. (Looks like Enoch Powell there on the left, gesticulating, from heaven, hell, or wherever Tories go. 😉 )



We have all heard of mind control. But this is self-mind-control, when you rule your own thinking, and do what you need to do and do it superbly well.

But Tolle is either politically a liberal (he is childless and married to a Chinese, maybe to prove he is not a nazi) or totally terrified to say what he does know.

One chapter of one of his two bestselling books seems to be very anti-jewish, but he bends over backward to not get specific or even hint  whom he is actually blasting. 😉 But this religion is full of self-pity, victimhood, self-justification, megalomania, paranoia and rehashing old stuff on a daily basis. Which “faith” might that be? 😉


Tolle did not have his sudden enlightenment experience until 1979, yet clearly the odd figure of Yoda in the 1977 movie “Star Wars” resembles the odd-looking Tolle to the highest degree. And Yoda was a warrior and warrior-mentor who helped Luke Skywalker get a grip on his mind.

The coming Aryan religion is what we need to fight and win.

….or we can do nothing and 100% be exterminated.
The blog ends today. Your move. Only action counts in time of war.

My website is being massively hacked, and it requires two monitors to keep it up. One, who studied at Princeton, works 50 hours a week for me for half the US minimum wage.



Starseeds do not need humans. Humans need starseeds. I am willing to fight and die for you, but I must ask you, while staying safely low-profiie, to at least send money. You CAN do that.



Of course, Kamala will know who and where all of you are, and when you refuse the mandatory vaccine and refuse to give up your guns, they will come for you, torture you, and put you in with ten negroes, who will rape you.

(How do you think they broke Holappa in the isolation wing of the Buffalo Federal Detention Facility in Batavia, upstate New York during those 87 days from March-June 2009? With this kind of threat….) 

This negro rapist and the white scumbag rapist will get special privileges from the warden for raping you, which they would gladly do anyway. 


Jew-run French “humor” magazine – this was on newstands: Jesus, blond, f—ed in the a– by an pyramidal-shaped, Illuminati Holy Spirit, f—s his own father, God, in the a— too.  (The white French, with no First or Second Amendment, neither free speech nor guns, are not allowed to be “triggered” by this, or riot, or cut heads off, or do anything at all.)



If Hunter Biden can rape little girls, and get away with it, what does the Deep State have in store for YOU as an adult white nationalist?


We know that Biden’s nominee for Attorney General, the jew (((Merritt Garland))), says he will target and “prosecute white nationalists.”

A REAL Antifa poster in Germany (translated)


The original. The City of Munich (capital of Bavaria, Germany) subsidizes Munich Antifa:


This negro, using a knife for terror, raped two elderly German MEN. He will get a two-year suspended sentence and therapy. Under Kamala, it will be open season and party time for negroes and muslims on all Whites everywhere — outside of Eastern Europe and Russia.


Wichita rape/massacre — you never heard of it?  It was on my website, this very website for which you send no money:

Remembering the Wichita Massacre

Heather Muller, of Kansas German heritage, was kidnapped, robbed, repeatedly raped, forced to engage in unnatural sex acts, shot execution-style in the back of the head, and then run over by a truck and left for dead by her two Black male attackers. The white males were not so “lucky.”

Heather ran naked for a mile in 17-degree weather before she found help, and she bravely refused all medical attention (even though she was suffering from a gunshot wound to the head) until she was sure that her helpers had listened to her horrific story.

Heather said “…Don’t call 911 yet!

I want you to hear this story in case I die.”


Do you really expect me, comrades, to kiss your ass at this late stage? 😉  Kamala Harris will be your slow, horrible death. YOU can help me save you.



  1. Hey, false, jew and Israel adoring “christians”.
    Read carefully this post by Mr. De Nugent and then ask yourselves:
    1) Am i shutting my ears to Jesus my master’s words about jews being liars and spawn of serpents?
    2) Am i therefore by loving jews giving preference to “barrabas” (jews) over my Master?
    3) Do I deserve the Kingdom my Master promises?
    4) Why do i love jews so much in spite of all the horrible things what they say about my Master and urinate on the cross and spit on churches and even on pastors?
    5) Am I being despicable? – after all our beloved bibi himself said:
    “My opinion about christian zionists?…they are scum…but don’t tell them that. We need all the useful idiots we can get right now” – Bibi Netanyahu.

  2. Vedo solo gente che non reagisce…
    Ho pensato, sarà il karma e il libero arbitrio.
    Vedo altra gente che lavora per divulgare la Verità, anche medici di esperienza che si stanno ribellando per questi vaccini.
    Da quello che dicono [] è spacciata; questi anticorpi del corpo possono essere mortali in seguito a qualche altra infezione.
    Credo sia questo il concetto.
    Ma io credo di aver fatto il possibile per tutto.
    Ormai sono tutti in fila per le vaccinazioni.
    E tanti di loro sono stati anche avvisati da gente che non aveva alcun interesse verso di loro.
    Quindi ora cade il mito del microchip…se moriranno tutti.
    Dio cosa può fare ora?
    È tardi…anche se i divulgatori di verità non sono pochi.
    E so che anche tu ti sei sacrificato per l’impossibile.
    Se i terrestri girano la testa non è colpa tua.
    Ah,sto notando un sacco di capelli bianchi,credo sia l’enorme preoccupazione.Vorrei girare anche io la testa dall’altra parte come loro..

    • Transl:

      I only see people who don’t react …

      I thought, it will their karma and free will-decisions.

      I see other people working to spread the Truth, even experienced doctors who are rebelling against these vaccines.

      From what they say [] is done for; these antibodies can be deadly following some other infection. I think this is the whole concept.

      But I believe I have done everything possible for everything.

      They are all lined up for vaccinations now.

      And many of them were also warned by people who had no selfish interest in telling them this.

      So now the myth of the implanted microchip arises… when they all die.

      What can God do now [accepting free will]?

      It is late… even if there are not a few truth spreaders.

      And I know that you too have sacrificed yourself for the impossible.
      If Earthlings turn their heads away, it’s not your fault.

      Awww, I’m noticing a lot of white hair on my head. I think it’s from all my worrying. I too would like to be able to turn my head away from reality like them ..


      My reply:

      I sure do understand.

      Tolle says when people go into a bar, it is to sink down via booze to the animal level and then think about nothing.

      But of course even people who do not understand this truth know alcohol is a crutch, and reflects weakness.

      Our destiny as humans is upward, to think when, and about what we choose to think.

      If six months from now the sheeple are dying by the tens of millions, I will still praise God for respecting their free will, sticking to His principles, and letting people learn the hard way in tough love.

      There could be moaning and grief in every other house, and piles of bodies being burned in high stacks to avoid infection as in Dresden.

      And I will say: As the jews got you and your kind to do to Dresden in your last life (if you did not fly one of those bombers, if so ordered you would have), so your body is burning now in THIS incarnation. Truly there is justice. And not from a cruel god. God let them choose to trust people whom they absolutely KNOW to be congenital liars! Every opinion poll in every Western country shows people don’t trust the media or politicians. Yet they gulp down like raving fools every single lie they dish out!
      Or like a wife whose husband cheats on her 50 times, and she keeps finding strange perfume on his clothes and strange hairs on his lapels. But the very next time he calls from work and says, “Aww, sorry, honey, I got to work late again tonight at the office — big project I gotta finish up,” she does not accept what this “project” really is — and believes him AGAIN! 😉

      Actually, it is less innocent than that.

      As Margi says, this is what it is like:

      A woman is married to a rich and powerful man and though there is little love, she does have an affluent lifestyle, a nice house, and all her friends.

      She starts to read about the police investigating women disappearing. They suspect a serial killer.

      She shrugs it off.

      She notices her husband sometimes goes out late. But so what?

      One day, she thinks some groceries were left in the trunk of his car. She goes out into the garage to look. She opens the trunk and sees both groceries and also a canvas bag she never saw before.

      Strange, it contains duck tape and also handcuffs.

      Handcuffs…. for what.

      Now comes the dilemma.

      You are married to a monster.

      What do you do? Move out, then go to the police, change your name and move to a faraway city? Your husband knows the judge, the police commissioner, the big lawyers in town and the governor. He could find you — hire a private detective or just make a few phone calls himself.

      No one will praise you for blowing the whistle. It will be the tabloids at your door and “Why did you not report your husband earlier? Did you stay with him all these years for the money? Did you really never suspect anything?” (The tabloid motto is “let’ gloat the rich are miserable, too!” 😉 )

      So you stay silent, and you live in fear he will sense that you know and do away with you too.

      The people of the white, western countries are the wife. The husband, the serial killer, is The Jew System, as we national socialists call it.

      On some level they KNOW.

      And they stay silent as the murdering goes on.

      So more innocent women die. A grave sin of omission.

      But, comrade, my version of Eckhart Tolle and Neale Walsch has not yet been launched. When it is, then we will know if the West is truly doomed if the 99% really lie down after this, and continue baring their throat submissively to the 1% whom they know intends to murder them.
      Isaac lets his own father, Abraham, ancestor of all the jews, prepare to slit his throat, thus obeying his demon god Yahweh so that someday his descendants will rule the world.

      In the end, the serenity prayer is appropriate:

        • Transl:

          Today [my son] cried; he is as angry as me over everything he perceives, he is really smart. It ‘s just a child who uses his head.


          A good boy who has a destiny. 🙂

        • A mix of truth and total lies. Hess and Himmler, jewish???

          Most of the first Microsott team were not jewish and did not look jewish either, esp. not Wozniak (lower-right, Polish).

          Gates’ mother does not look even remotely jewish. The father, yes, maybe, in some photos, but in others no.

          This author ia some high-school drop-out type who wings it with the facts.

          • Ok…ma Gates è demoniaco come i Kazari,anche Jacob Rothschild non sembra ebreo,ma il suo aplogruppo è J2a1(se non erro)come quello semitico in generale.Questa è tra le razze più spietate;eppure provengono dall’Asia minore e dal Caucaso come i primi pastori di capre e bovini.

          • Transl:

            Ok … but Gates is demonic like the Khazars. Jacob Rothschild also doesn’t seem Jewish, but his haplogroup is J2a1 (if I’m not mistaken) like the Semitic one in general. This is among the most ruthless races; yet they come from Asia Minor and the Caucasus as just the first goat and cattle herders…..

          • Sto cercando di farmi un’idea… perché questi bastardi sono finiti in Egitto come pastori che seguivano i grandi Costruttori Kurgan.
            Eppure Abramo secondo Wikipedia appartiene a questo aplogruppo…ma Abramo apparteneva ai mitanni secondo Alessandro.I Kurgan avevano l’aplogruppo R1B.Anche se il faraone (Re scorpione) sposò Sarah,la moglie di Abramo,probabilmente ha mantenuto con la sua prole(Isacco)il suo DNA perché non risulta nei faraoni successivi.E’ davvero incredibile.So che stanno studiando questo particolare aplogruppo J2A1, perché sembra davvero particolare rispetto a quello Arabo semitico.

          • Transl:

            I’m trying to get an idea … why these bastards ended up in Egypt as shepherds who followed the great Kurgan Builders.
            Yet Abraham according to Wikipedia belongs to this haplogroup … but Abraham belonged to the Mitanni according to Alexander.The Kurgan had the haplogroup R1B. ) its DNA because it does not appear in later pharaohs. It is really incredible. I know that they are studying this particular J2A1 haplogroup, because it seems very particular compared to the Semitic Arab.

          • La razza Cro-Magnon dei Kurgan ha commesso tanti errori,sono stati anche sanguinari come si racconta degli Annunaki, però è la nostra eredità!
            Non credo abbiano mai fatto pasti di Feti come racconta la Bibbia,non credo la fazione di Odino,piuttosto quella di suo fratello Enlil/Cusch/Seth.
            Si,Odino era Mizraim(Osiride)che fondo’ tutto l’alto e basso Egitto.
            Poi entrò in guerra con suo fratello per le tavolette del Destino e per il Trono.
            Dopo la guerra fu esiliato come Lucifero e parti’ per le fredde terre del Nord(Svezia)e fondò Asgard.
            Suo figlio Marduk(Adamo-Baal)si rifugio’ nell’attuale Sumeria e costruì la torre di Babele;invece il culto di Seth/Amon prevalse in Egitto;basta guardare i nomi dei Faraoni.
            Ci furono sempre guerre tra loro,per tradimenti,uccisioni,adulterio,incesto…
            Tutto questo ha creato una divisione tra il culto di Baal e quello di jahve’.Insomma non erano proprio Angeli…ma questi pastori di capre e bovini forse hanno approfittato di questa Divisione per prendere potere scegliendo il culto di Seth e di Amon;potere che hanno acquisito con il tradimento di Mosè,che non era fratello di Akhenaton ma fratellastro.
            Ecco perché Gesù praticava il culto di Baal/Marduk.
            Questi pastori di capre e bovini hanno una storia tutta loro;probabilmente eseguivano anche questi rituali sui bambini con l’avvento delle Religioni.
            Infatti il culto di Cusch/Seth è quello di Allah…
            Solo questa razza semitica poteva praticarlo,insieme a quello di jhave’.
            Ecco perché esiste questo sincretismo tra questi due culti.
            Questi Semiti hanno sempre approfittato delle nostre “Divisioni”…Ecco come è nato il nuovo Ordine Mondiale.

          • Transl:

            The Cro-Magnon breed of the Kurgan made many mistakes, they were also bloodthirsty as the Annunaki are told, but it is our heritage!
            I don’t think they ever had Fetus meals as the Bible tells, I don’t think Odin’s faction, rather that of his brother Enlil / Cusch / Seth.
            Yes, Odin was Mizraim (Osiris) who founded all of upper and lower Egypt.
            Then he went to war with his brother him for the tablets of Destiny and for the Throne.
            After the war he was exiled as Lucifer and left for the cold lands of the North (Sweden) and founded Asgard.
            His son Marduk (Adam-Baal) took refuge in present-day Sumeria and built the tower of Babel; instead the cult of Seth / Amon prevailed in Egypt; just look at the names of the Pharaohs.
            There were always wars between them, for betrayal, killings, adultery, incest …
            All this created a division between the cult of Baal and that of Yahweh ‘. In short, they weren’t exactly Angels … but these goat and cattle herders perhaps took advantage of this Division to take power by choosing the cult of Seth and Amun; they acquired with the betrayal of Moses, who was not Akhenaten’s brother but half-brother.
            This is why Jesus practiced the worship of Baal / Marduk.
            These goat and cattle herders have a history of their own; they probably also performed these rituals on children with the advent of Religions.
            In fact, the cult of Cusch / Seth is that of Allah …
            Only this Semitic race could practice it, together with that of jhave ‘.
            This is why this syncretism exists between these two cults.
            These Semites have always taken advantage of our “Divisions” … This is how the new World Order was born.

          • Wiki:

            Mary Ann Maxwell [la madre de Bill], è nata a Seattle, Washington, il 5 luglio 1929, da James Willard Maxwell (Nebraska, 1901-1960), un banchiere, [4] e sua moglie, che ha sposato nel c. 1927, Adele Thompson (1903-1987 circa, probabilmente nata a Enumclaw, Washington). [5] [6] Suo nonno paterno, James Willard Maxwell (1864–1951), fu presidente della National City Bank di Seattle dal 1911 al 1929 e direttore della filiale di Seattle della Federal Reserve Bank di San Francisco.

            Wiki (ital): Il nome “Maxwell” (che suona molto britannico) è stato assunto da questo ebreo, Jan Hoch.



            Maxwell è un cognome scozzese ed è un nome abitativo derivato da una località vicino a Melrose , nel Roxburghshire , in Scozia. Questo nome fu registrato per la prima volta nel 1144, come Mackeswell , che significa “sorgente (o ruscello) di Mack” ( dall’antico pozzo inglese [a] ). Il cognome Maxwell è comune anche in Ulster ; dove è stato, in alcuni casi, adottato come forma alternativa del cognome Miskell . Il cognome Maxwell è anche usato come cognome ebraico, sia come adozione del nome scozzese, sia come americanizzazione di uno dei numerosi cognomi ebraici che suonano simili. [1]Il cognome Maxwell è rappresentato in gaelico scozzese come MacSual .

            Interessante: il principale procuratore britannico a Norimberga nel 1946 agli atroci processi per “crimini di guerra” era un David Maxwell-Fyfe, che assomigliava a questo. (Il suo punto di vista originale era che tutti i principali leader NS dovrebbero essere fucilati al momento dell’arresto.)

            Scriverò un breve articolo su questo argomento.

      • Ovviamente tira fuori quello che potrebbe essere utile,la storia dei nazisti Ebrei no e tutto quello che potrebbe girare intorno, è sempre la stessa storia.

        • La Grandezza di Odino è rimasta impressa nei popoli indoeuropei.
          Punto primo:”Perché ha salvato la razza umana dal Diluvio causato dalla cometa Burcle.Punto due:”Perché la sua Religione patriarcale aveva assorbito la cultura matriarcale della società di Vinca.
          Non ho dubbi su questo.
          I Ghiacci di Asgard hanno purificato questo grande Essere Umano e Leader.
          Oggi i Kurgan hanno imparato qualcosa dal Giardino delle Esperidi e dal loro Esilio 😉
          Uniti si Vince!:)

          • Transl:

            The Greatness of Odin has remained etched in the Indo-European peoples.
            Point One: “Because he saved the human race from the Flood caused by Comet Burcle. Point Two:” Because his Patriarchal Religion had absorbed the matriarchal culture of Vinca’s society.
            I have no doubts about this.
            The Ice of Asgard has purified this great Human Being and Leader.
            Today the Kurgan have learned something from the Garden of the Hesperides and their Exile
            United you win! 🙂

  3. Me de Nugent,

    Sorry to see you go, sir.

    I’m only loosely based in this community but have started to understand what the Nazis stood for (the things that will permeate the rest of modern history from here on out due to the truth).

    I’ll do my best to archive your site on certain websties,, etc)

    You have done great work and I will do my best (as you have with Hitler’s) to spread the best and most poingnant message of these people to help aliven and awaken certain aspects of humanity.

    In the end we will have had our positive influence.
    There will be nothing left but turth.

    Can I show you something I made of you works (never mind the url title I know it says catbox but I don’t think of your work as being worthy of that placement but the site is just called that and makes a good image hoster):

    I shared this around (this is your early solutrean essay:
    This is the video you did during that documentary and I made a small section out of it containing a infographic:
    I made this about a joke regarding Ep-Shtine (Epstein):
    This is about Jews using mouths on infant’s penises after Bris: (Warning: Graphic)

    Thank you for your work Mr De Nugent.
    send my best to your wife (as I wish she recovers and/or experiences from her illness as best (and/or) painlessly as possible.
    She;s a great lady to stick by someone as controversial as you (maybe that woman who looked like Kirsten Dunst may not have accepted you for who you are).

    Thanks for your work.
    You gelped wke me up to some of the truths, wake me up to some of the lies I was told since quite young: I visited a Synagogue in 5th grade, I watched “The boy in the striped pyjamas is 7th grade, and I read “The diary of Anne Frank (most likely written by her father) in 9th/or 10th grade english.
    They attempted to indocrinate me but I never bought it.

    Thank you for doing your best to spread the truth and shed light on the truth.
    The darkness is all powerful until you light, so much as, a match.
    Only then does it exist in the corners of the room…
    THen it’s time to shine the light where the darkness receded…

    When you life a rock and the creepy crawlers scutter, that is what it’s like to shine your light…
    Do not recoil, you are doing just as is necessary.

    Thank you, Mr de Nugent,
    Sincerely: Avernde

    • im’ sad to see John go too -i donated in the past. I just can’t agree with the christ worship he has going. Jesus was the ‘king of jews’ and i don’t see any evidence he was an aryan. As i see it christianity was the trojan horse that allowed the jews into our lands to undermine us. Nice work with the catbox files brother.

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