Woodward of Washington Post brags that brain weapons made Iraqis docile; Launch video opener; Vincent Reynouard on the radio; pedophiles in the upper crust yet again

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This is one of the most important videos ever if one is a leader trying to start a movement.
Bob Woodward, the key person interviewed, is one of the two reporters who in Watergate took down the US president Richard Nixon, and he has been a top Washington Post reporter for decades. The W. Post itself is just simply a CIA mouthpiece. By his physical appearance Woodward must be a Jew — perhaps a part-Jew biologically and all-Jew psychologically.
What all this means is that a high percentage of the population, the doom-blobs, cannot be saved. This video is the CIA bragging:
“The Surge [the huge US troop increase] did not pacify Iraq; our brain weapons made them docile.”
You all really need to watch this entire video. It is only 15 minutes.
This is why someone, the leader, needs to “think outside the box.”
And this is why I have been totally justifed in not starting a simple, unsophisticated movement, Duke-style, for “equal rights for whites” and “learn from my video how the Jews control everything.”
When people are docilized, what does INFORMATION do?
Even if miserable, they will NOT be ABLE to revolt! They just sit there, depressed! The nervous system and instincts no longer work!

So any approach has to deeply and radically stimulate the brain to stop being docile.

YOU WILL FIND BELOW just the first few minutes of the Eternal Solutrean movement-launch video, but of course they are immensely important minutes.
As the saying goes: you only have one chance to make a first impression. 😉

IMO, this is why the video style we have developed is essential — to shock the nervous system awake again, and cause fundamental instincts of self-preservation and justified rage to be reborn.

Wikipedia on barium (a key ingredient in chemtrails):

Soluble barium compounds are poisonous. At low doses, barium acts as a muscle stimulant, whereas higher doses affect the nervous system, causing cardiac irregularities, tremors, weakness, anxiety, dyspnea and paralysis. This may be due to its ability to block potassium ion channels which are critical to the proper function of the nervous system.[28] However, individual responses to barium salts vary widely, with some being able to handle barium nitrate casually without problems, and others becoming ill from working with it in small quantities. For example, barium acetate was used by Marie Robards to poison her father in 1993.[29]

The whole video is designed to appeal to young and old, and there is constant action, enabled by using green-screen technology. (The background keeps changing to illustrate my points.)
I also wanted people to get a vicarious thrill out of crushing our foes, at least a taste of that coming pleasure.

A comrade in NYC wrote:

Loved the new video with the chemtrails. Awesome effects! Make more! I will embed this on my website and spread the word.

A comrade and family man from the Pacific Northwest sent $20 and this comment:

Dear John,
I loved the video!  You are showing off your charming and humorous sides, and I feel like this, combined with your intelligence, and, above all, a heart right with God, are the right stuff.  Your smile is very charming and you look youthful, healthy and capable.


(Isn’t that horrible, Jews? 😉 What now of your planned mass-media “John-de-Nugent-is-an-ogre” project? I know that is what you have in the drawer, and ready to pull out. 😉 But WILL IT WORK? ;-))

The whole point of these time-consuming-to-produce videos is to let the people form their own judgment of me as well as of the message.  If they cannot successfully defame me, the message and organization simply will be unstoppable.
A comrade in Cincinnati, Ohio skyped me after viewing the opener:

… The video is great, i love the humor in the intro part, crushing all the names of these institutions. LOL

A graduating high school senior in Connecticut wrote:

I have seen the written content of the launching video on a previous blog (https://johndenugent.com/english/enraged-greeks-blizzarded-by-chemtrails-on-election-day-launching-video) and now also the short opening sampler in the beginning of “The Irish Great Famine 1845-52 and Jewish psychopathology”.

The sheer quality and style of the video sampler put a huge ear-to-ear smile on my face, and immediately had me thinking “this is the kind of video material that will reel in mass appeal, hook-line-and-sinker.

A German comrade and donor wrote (in German, with translation to follow):

Schönen guten Abend, Herr de Nugent! Wirklich gut gelungen Ihr Eröffnungsvideo, vor allem innovativ.  Es hat das Potential, etwas Großes zu werden, das auch jeden mitreißt.

(A very good evening to you, Mr. de N. Really great job, and above all else innovative. It has the potential to become something GREAT that really grabs people.) 

Now you can decide for yourself, but you MUST pretend you are NOT a WN when watching it, but instead my actual “target audience”:

…..an average white person who is already leaning our way and has some good instincts, if not all the facts.….


The full text of this launching video is found word-for-word here (scroll down 1/4 to “Opening Video”):




A bright young comrade saw a dis-info video claiming to debunk the “chemtrails conspiracy theory.”

I replied to him:

* * *

Below my email here is more solid info for you on chemtrails.

But in this regard I recall what Conan O’Brien once said — rather brutally — about jokes, and reworking a good joke as a jokewriter for “The Simpsons” and then for his own show.

“When you overthink you start to stink.” 😉 😉

In other words, don’t tamper with the simple truth.

As I said to you last night, the phenomenon of 1) non-evaporating contrails with 2) chemical strands leaching out sideways, and 3) blue skies turning gray with haze — this triple and for-us-oldies very strange phenomenon simply did not exist at all before the late 1990s.
Nor did 4) the skies being criss-crossed with x’s on every blue-sky, windless day. Innocent contrails (from mere jet exhaust, mostly made of steam) are created every day, windy or not, but chemtrails are for the purpose of bombarding population centers, and wind would blow them off-course.

Ironically, it is the Georgia Guidestones which furnish the best indirect proof. “Cui bono?” was what ancient Roman detectives were trained to ask “To whose benefit?” did something take place?

If the goal (as per Commandment One of the Georgia Guidestones) is a zombyizable and then killable population, so as to reduce the global population to 500 million from the current 7 billion, then these chemtrails make perfect sense. Chemtrails benefit the New World Order of the Jews.

In reality, what I honestly think may be happening in your mind is that, as per August Bullock’s book Subliminal Advertising (http://www.subliminalsex.com/) your horror filter may be kicking in, a desire to reject the horror because it is so overwhelming.

The horror filter is a self-defense mechanism in the brain that gives us superficial peace of mind: “Oh well, maybe it’s not so bad after all.” Humans lie to themselves constantly that things are not so bad when they really ARE.

As the wicked Jew Howard Levy, founder of satanism under the name “Anton Lavey,” once said rather accurately:

“Man is the only animal who can lie to himself and believe it.” 🙁

In other words, a human can tell himself a lie, a soothing lie, a self-justifying lie, a lie defending the most disgraceful behavior, and though knowing he is only fooling himself, b-s-ing himself! — he CHOOSES to believe it because it suits his purpose.

In other words, don’t believe everything you think. 😉

Here is another quote:

“Convince me against my will, and I shall believe it still!”

We humans have the free will to choose to believe comforting LIES.

And GOD has the free will to inflict on us the CONSEQUENCES of our inaction, cowardice, incompetence, irresponsibility and wickedness. We are free to choose and God is free to give us the results.

My family hated Roosevelt, and yet off it marched to war after Pearl Harbor.

Every rightwing Republican who hated Roosevelt for the psychopathic liar that he was — yet went off to war in WWII to destroy Germany — KNEW what he was doing was WRONG, in fact INSANELY wrong, and in fact the war against Germany, for the Jews and for the survival of the USSR and Joseph Stalin, was the 180-degree opposite of every value he held dear.

And the many American antisemites in the upper class and the officer corps KNEW that they were thus fighting FOR the Jews by destroying Hitler, the ENEMY of the Jews.

(One reason why D-Day was delayed until June 1944 was to prepare it perfectly, because Roosevelt and Eisenhower knew that the American people would NOT tolerate any mass casualties as in WWI. For example, the British lost 20,000 killed on the first day of the Battle of the Somme. This was unacceptable to Americans, and in fact for that reason — exhaustive preparation — “only” a few thousand Americans died on D-Day, as momentous as it was. A huge percentage of the population KNEW, especially after Henry Ford’s book, The International Jew, came out in 1920, that this was a Rooseveltian-Jewish war — misusing the USA once again to advance Wall Street, the City of London, Jewry and communism.)

But said cowardly country-club Republicans told themselves the same sort of soothing lie: “Oh well, maybe it’s not so bad after all. Hitler sure does shout a lot in his speeches. Maybe he IS kinda dangerous, sort of crazy the way he rants on. And, well, at least the war will finally get us all out of the Depression and fill my order books.”


The answer to the positive cover stories, the soothing self-told lies and the horror filter kicking in is to start this Eternal Solutrean Agency, expand it, get foreign allies too, and get ready to get the bastards. For it is action which makes people able to face the horrible truth. People can face anything if there is a way to DO something about it.

And the truth is that the NWO is preparing a mega-killoff. But the counter-truth is that through the Eternal Solutrean Agency it will be the NWO leaders who will die a horrible death, hated and jeered by all mankind, and it is we who will gloat as they perish unmourned and their carcasses are tossed into unmarked graves.

Have a good weekend. 😉


* * *

I am convinced that this video — together with the new website being designed now, thanks to donations — will answer the most urgent questions:
1) WHO is causing the worldwide suffering and WHY are they doing this?
2) What is the plan of relief from these fiends?
3) Who will lead us?


–postal money orders and other money orders that are left blank in the recipient area — or made out to “John de Nugent”
–sending valuable jewelry or gold coins
–cash in an envelope, even with a fake return address (no risk there!)
Send them to

John de Nugent

76 Highlands Mall 67

Natrona Heights PA 15065


–bank deposit (contact me for details at john_denugent@yahoo.com; one comrade does this every month!)
–PAYPAL (write me for details at john_denugent@yahoo.com)
–gift cards for BestBuy, Walmart, Barnes & Noble bookstores, etc.
–debit card bought at Walmart for $3, put some money on it, and send it me with the password, or send me the password in an email afterward
06/09 @ 10:39 : Horsham, GB
06/09 @ 10:39 : Szigethalom, HUNGARY]
06/09 @ 10:28 : Sunnyvale, California, US
06/09 @ 10:04 : Morocco, MA
06/09 @ 09:34 : Alexandria, Virginia, US
06/09 @ 09:20 : Mission Viejo, California, US
06/09 @ 09:16 : Bilston, GB
06/09 @ 08:57 : Mugla, TR [TURKEY]
06/09 @ 08:53 : Mountain View, California, US
06/09 @ 08:51 : Austin, Texas, US
06/09 @ 08:48 : London, GB
06/09 @ 09:39 : Atlanta, Georgia, US
06/09 @ 09:37 : Barcelona, ES [ESPANA = SPAIN]
06/09 @ 09:37 : United Kingdom, GB
06/09 @ 09:31 : Los Angeles, California, US
06/09 @ 09:23 : Launceston, AU[STRALIA]
06/09 @ 09:21 : Cairo, EG[YPT]
06/09 @ 09:18 : Den Helder, NL [NETHERLANDS]
06/09 @ 09:18 : Houston, Texas, US
06/09 @ 09:18 : El Dorado Hills, California, US
06/09 @ 09:17 : Calgary, CA[NADA]
06/09 @ 09:17 : Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania, US
06/09 @ 09:16 : Luton, GB [GREAT BRITAIN]
06/09 @ 09:16 : London, GB
Tower Bridge
06/09 @ 05:44 : Rosemead, California, US
06/09 @ 05:42 : Santo André, BR[AZIL]
06/09 @ 05:41 : Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania, US
06/09 @ 05:40 : Oakland, California, US
06/09 @ 05:39 : Nanticoke, Pennsylvania, US
06/09 @ 05:38 : Aliquippa, Pennsylvania, US
06/09 @ 05:38 : Woodbridge, Virginia, US
06/09 @ 05:33 : Wolcott, Connecticut, US
06/09 @ 05:28 : Saint Louis, Missouri, US
06/09 @ 05:19 : Berlin, DE [DEUTSCHLAND = GERMANY]
06/08 @ 09:33 : Simi Valley, California, US
06/08 @ 09:25 : Athens, GR
06/08 @ 09:21 : Newbridge, IE [Ireland]

Boy Scouts and scoutmasters in Newbridge, County Kildare, Ireland…. some nice keltic faces.

06/08 @ 08:46 : Ellenwood, Georgia, US
06/08 @ 08:45 : Owings Mills, Maryland, US
06/08 @ 08:35 : Albrechtice Nad Orlici, CZ [CZECH REPUBLIC]
06/08 @ 08:34 : Burbank, California, US
06/08 @ 08:34 : Rohovladova Bela, CZ
Very cute Slavic girls from this city in Moravia, members of a firefighting team (EMTs?)
06/08 @ 08:30 : Gorna Oriahovica, BG [BULGARIA]
06/08 @ 08:28 : Zaventem, BE[LGIUM]
06/08 @ 08:24 : New Kensington, Pennsylvania, US
06/08 @ 09:31 : Newark, Delaware, US
06/08 @ 09:28 : Mannheim, DE
06/08 @ 09:27 : Ypsilanti, Michigan, US
06/08 @ 09:19 : Freeville, New York, US
06/08 @ 09:18 : Anderson, Missouri, US
06/08 @ 09:15 : Marquette, Michigan, US
06/08 @ 09:14 : Natick, Massachusetts, US
06/08 @ 09:12 : De Bilt, NL
06/08 @ 09:11 : Istanbul, TR
06/08 @ 09:11 : Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania, US
06/08 @ 09:11 : San Fernando, California, US
06/08 @ 08:12 : Port Austin, Michigan, US
06/08 @ 08:12 : Nairobi, KE[NYA]
06/08 @ 08:06 : Frederick, Maryland, US
06/08 @ 08:06 : Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania, US
06/08 @ 08:04 : Surrey, CA
06/08 @ 08:03 : Mumbai, IN[DIA]
06/08 @ 08:03 : Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania, US
06/08 @ 07:57 : Sint-genesius-rode, BE[LGIUM]
06/08 @ 07:55 : Vanderhoof, CA
06/08 @ 07:54 : New York, New York, US
06/08 @ 07:52 : Waterbury, Connecticut, US
06/08 @ 07:51 : United Kingdom, GB
06/08 @ 07:51 : Killeen, Texas, US
06/08 @ 07:51 : Lakeland, Florida, US
06/08 @ 08:00 : Bucaramanga, CO[LOMBIA]
06/08 @ 07:44 : Algeria, DZ
06/08 @ 07:43 : Buenos Aires, AR
06/08 @ 07:29 : Kenosha, Wisconsin, US
06/08 @ 07:24 : Oslo, NO[RWAY]
06/08 @ 07:10 : New York, New York, US
(Actually in Las Vegas ;-))
06/08 @ 07:08 : Rio De Janeiro, BR
06/08 @ 06:54 : Nynäshamn, SE [SWEDEN]
06/08 @ 06:50 : Oslo, NO[RWAY]
06/08 @ 06:50 : Berlin, DE

The Reichstag. Vladimir Putin, as the new president of Russia in 2000, made a point of making his first foreign trip to Germany, not to the US or Britain, and of speaking in fluent German for 15 minutes to the German parliament. The Jews have been monitoring him closely ever since. Now they are complaining he is sending Russian helicopter gunships to Syria….

One of the very bravest of the European revisionists (who recently emerged from ten months in prison in France), suffering the severest form of family ostracism (denied the right to see his own very beloved children), and facing financial hurdles, yet indefatigable in the pursuit of truth, is Vincent Reynouard of France.
His magazine, Sans Concession (“No Concession”), has now come out in over 70 issues, ripping the Holohoax and all the sub-hoaxes to shreds, though this is illegal in jewish-occupied France!
Reynouard is an engineer by education and was a (beloved) mathematics professor in high school. Here in 1997 his pupils protested when he was fired under the 1990 Fabius-Gayssot Law prohibiting all disproving of the Holocaust myth. The upper sign says “Give us back Reynouard!” and the lower: “Don’t mess with our teach’!” 😉
The latest issue is on Hans Frank, the NS governor of occupied Poland, who had a nervous breakdown after his arrest by the Allies, tried to kill himself, nearly died, and then at Nuremberg apologized for “Nazi” crimes that he had never committed, seen or even heard of before — and then was executed anyway!
Vincent impishly discovered a shocking symbol of “intolérance” in the very courthouse where he was being tried. 😉
I met Vincent in Belgium in 2007, proud and loving father of a big family, and afterward said, with Shakespeare (Edward de Vere):

He was a man, take him for all in all, I shall not look upon his like again. (Hamlet, 1.2)

— C’était un homme auquel, tout bien considéré, — je ne retrouverai pas de pareil. (trad. VICTOR HUGO)

His website (translated by Google into rough English:
Original site in French: http://www.phdnm.org/
The excellent radio interview in English with host Carolyn Yeager (two hours):


His address for sending your contribution (and you can send cash; he gets it)
C.P. 1528
CH-1820 MONTREUX (Switzerland)
Castle Chillon, Montreux
His email:


Vincent was held at this Belgian prison, “Forest”……
..and then this one in France, “Valenciennes”……

A New Weekly Radio Program from Carolyn Yeager


Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn Yeager, Live, June 9, 2 to 4PM Eastern (11AM -1PM Pacific) on The White Network.“Interview with Vincent Reynouard”

The well-loved (and hated), high-profile French revisionist Vincent Reynouard will help Carolyn inaugurate her new daytime program on The White Network. Vincent will tell us about the latest developments in his life and work, the on-going persecutions against him by the French government (unfortunately), and why aggressive historical and holocaust revisionism is essential to the struggle for freedom.


See you then,


Carolyn Yeager

This program will be available for download at carolynyeager.com as well as at The White Network shortly after the live broadcast.
* * *
His lovely and courageous lady friend Marie Bruchet, who delivered a speech for him in Teheran, Iran recently (he is not allowed to leave France while on probation) may assist him during the show. (Vincent’s wife left him and denied him access to his nine children after he went to prison!!! — so of course he has been forced to “move on” and found in Marie a wonderful new lady — and fervent supporter and assistant. Her liberal parents then ostracized HER…..and remember that in France for being a heretic you are not just shunned but can go to PRISON as well!)
Here again is the link to the radio show with Vincent Reynouard:


The Horace Mann School (http://www.horacemann.org/) is a very elite prep school in the Bronx, next to Manhattan.
(I attended two such schools in my home city of Providence, Rhode Island, the Episcopal St. Dunstan’s — no longer extant — and the Quaker school Moses Brown.)
It is now the latest school with such a scandal.
All such furors, such as the current Jerry Sandusky trial, serve to warn the many pedophiles in high places in our government, media, entertainment, police and military:
I posted this comment below the article, and it got a review of 21 “thumbs up” and no “thumbs down”):
I am serious that there needs to be a death penalty for acts of pedophilia. I was molested as a kid and had nightmares for 49 years from it — from the betrayal and the mind-bending cruelty and degradation — until I finally got counseling.
But before that it had harmed me deeply, hurt my relationships, helped ruin my marriages, devastated my self-esteem and success in life and indirectly also affected my children. Pedophilia has a ripple effect that can go on for generations.
And it is a deliberate crime, carried out with planning, cunning and organized cover-ups. Since 89% of pedophiles recidivize, I say with all due reflection that they should be terminated just like rabid dogskneel down and a bullet in the head. Tens of millions of Americans have suffered lifelong damage as I did from these evil monsters in human form.
What they do springs from cruelty and sadism toward our most precious resource, our children.
I can say that being molested, and thus experiencing child molesters, had ONE silver lining. I was able to write — with the authority of first-hand experience — my most important article, on the monsters in human shape called PSYCHOPATHS:


And when you see my fierce though half-joking expressions in the opening video, let me tell you that there are people out there who need to die and I want to be part of it, the Great Cleansing of the Earth.
Your support will enable me to finish the launch video, redo the website……of which this is the new banner…..coming soon to a website near you 😉 ….
…..and with your sacrifice and courage, we will turn this great idea into the Eternal Solutrean Agency. The misery level is right to launch this! The whites need REAL hope and change!

1 Comment

  1. “Every rightwing Republican who hated Roosevelt for the psychopathic liar that he was — yet went off to war in WWII to destroy Germany — KNEW what he was doing was WRONG, in fact INSANELY wrong, and in fact the war against Germany, for the Jews and for the survival of the USSR and Joseph Stalin, was the 180-degree opposite of every value he held dear.”

    * * *

    John, if he’s still alive there is living out in Wolvey, Warwickshire England my ex-caravan park landlord, Mr Harold Rusted by name. When I last saw him, in 2008, he was 82 years old, an ex-WWII Allies (British) vet from their war with Rommel & Co. in North Africa, circa the early 1940s… and during one of our conversations, he said:

    “Do you know what Mark, I fought for the wrong side.”

    That’s coming from the mouth of the sprightliest, sanest 82-year-old White man I’ve ever met.

    And do you know what? Harold was right.

    My mother’s father also fought out there, in North Africa, as one of General Jan Smut’s South African onsignees… as ‘a boy in a bubble’ … a tail-gunner… but sadly I never met him)

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