MK-ULTRA mastermind and mind-control Jew Sidney Gottlieb also made poisons

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The saturnine CIA monster Sidney Gottlieb

A comrade wrote:

Here is another cohencidental article which just appeared today on Yahoo, about the chemist (((Sidney Gottlieb))) and his role as the chief poisoner for the CIA:

From the article:

“So it was Gottlieb who concocted all the poisons that were intended to kill Fidel Castro [photo right]. One that was supposed to make his beard fall out, and one that would make him seem disoriented in public, but also ones that were supposed to be fatal. It was Gottlieb who made the L-pills — I learned a whole new vocabulary while writing this book— that means lethal.

Those other fatal pills, when you drop it into someone’s tea they die. Gottlieb made those, and they were delivered to Cuba for use in killing Castro.

Gottlieb made a poison wet suit, which was tainted with a virus inside that would eat away Castro’s skin if he put it on. Gottlieb made a poison pen with a hypodermic needle that was super-thin so that if it was stuck into Castro’s thigh from behind, he wouldn’t even feel it.”


…..Wikipedia on this monster


… comment from a German reader

GERMAN Warum trifft der Coronavirus besonders hart den Iran und seinen riesigen Handels- und Militärpartner China? und meine Theorie darüber, was wirklich vor sich geht – wow, es ist nicht gut

Wouldn’t be surprised if Israel were responsible for it: first of all the cyber attacks and gun attacks on Iranian nuclear scientists, and then Israel is one of the few countries that haven’t signed the Antibiological Weapons Convention.

And if they have released this virus themselves, it is clear that they would be the first to have a vaccine against it.

Apart from the fact that the Jews are then considered benefactors of humanity, you also can make billions of shekels by selling the vaccines top the whole world…….like in the Hollywood film “Mission Impossible 2”:





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