December 27, 2016 John de Nugent 0

My site is about to disappear after 102 straight days of hacking. I must get in funds immediately. Please right-click on this audio to play […]

Jews up their two-month hack-attack on jdn.com right after Hitler-Is-Back blog; state police observe my house; excellent new video (me, Jack Sen, Brian Ruhe) on gay takeover of Alt-Right & sieg-heiling Trump by narcissistic publicity hound Richard Spencer

December 5, 2016 John de Nugent 0

Welcome to JohndeNugent.com — ever since my Hitler blog ….Getting kudos on big vid on Donovan-loving Dick Spencer: .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoD3I904L3M . …..Bewildered and oblivious comrade writes: […]