Defamation and appeal

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See also this article about how the jews conquered England:

“john d kicks ass” says viewer of our highly praised new show w/Jim Rizoli on “The Nameless War”; Update on Margi’s medical condition & enlightened cancer info from a veteran; Capt. Archibald Ramsay (UK/Scotland) on the jews’ Anti-Gentile War; how jewry does regime change; insidious, psychopathic tactics; non-French ran the French Revolution; the woman who ended its gory REIGN OF TERROR


If you read this article, please keep in mind that Margi tragically died soon after, and it was a STROKE, not cancer, though the doctor put Stage IV cancer down as the cause of death.

Then I began reflecting on the strange chemtrail that exploded like a supernova at low altitude and  directly over our house on August 28, 2022, two weeks and a day before she suddenly passed on. The ER doctor, who did a head scan, told me she had apparently suffered a mini-stroke, which caused her to fall — flat on her face.


I now suspect that the jews not only gave Margi her cancer in 2018, but made it recur in 2021, and killed her via the stroke from some chemical in this never-before seen kind of chemtrail that stopped and exploded directly over our house at low altitude.

Twice before they sprayed extremely low-altitude chemtrails right over the two different houses which she and I had rented in Pennsylvania, one being in the town of Sarver, north of Pittsburgh. This was the house, on two and a quarter acres, and located at 213 Ekastown Road.

This chemtrail went right over the house in 2008 and the jet engine was audible. Look at the strands coming out of that thing.

The other time was five years later, in 2013, and this time it was not one but TWO chemtrail jets that flew directly over our rented cottage in Apollo at 681 Canal Road.

There it is, a kind of chemtrails crosshairs right over our house, on September 3, 2013.

My presence as a white nationalist and national socialist in Apollo had made the jews very nervous. This town was the site of a major Israeli scandal, leading to a cancer epidemic, called in Wikipedia “the Apollo Affair.”

And I was there to report on it,attend public meetings, and wake the white people of Apollo up to what the jews had done to them, kill their loved ones with pain and suffering from cancer.

This involved a secret, illegal nuclear fuel program conducted by a treasonous jewish scientist in Pittsburgh,  Zalman Shapiro, who said in the late 1950s to the Pentagon that that he intended to produce nuclear fuel for the aircraft carriers and submarines of the US Navy.

This seemingly kindly old jewish grandpa caused thousands of white deaths.

But, instead, Shapiro produced 600 pounds of uranium 235, atomic-bomb material, for the Jewish State of Israel, and smuggled it illegally to Israel, violating thereby US policy since the time of John Kennedy of “nuclear non-proliferation.”

Non-proliferation meant that no more countries should get atomic weapons than the four nations which already had nukes — the US, Britain, France and Soviet Russia. This was to limit the chance of a nuclear war, especially in the Middle East with all the hotheads and religious fanatics and hatreds over there.

Shapiro’s front company, which was called NUMEC, the “Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation,” committed criminal negligence and mass murder by dumping radioactive waste at night all over the area, even flushing it literally down the toilet. And whether you know it or not,  or want to 😉 in urban areas the sewage water is recycled, purified, filtered and then reused as our drinking ware. So the white people of Apollo also got radioactive drinking water.

This resulted in a horrific cancer epidemic for the white people of Armstrong County, with thousands dying in their thirties and forties. And a $500 million toxic-waste cleanup bill for the American taxpayer!

This rural Armstrong County, 98% white and full of beautiful hills, streams, woods, and lots of deer, and small towns,

….suffered a cancer rate,  as  shown in this table from WPXI-TV,  Channel  11, in Pittsburgh, that was 20% higher

….than in the highly urban counties next to it, such as Westmoreland County and Allegheny County. Those counties had big, polluting aluminum mills, steel mills, factories, and cars and trucks galore, especially in the big city of Pittsburgh.

Yes, the jews caused an explosion of cancer in what had been a rural, natural paradise.And, I wish to repeat  WE AMERICANS are supposed to pay the US Army Corps of Engineers to do a $500 million cleanup! And decades later, this radioactive site is only 10% cleaned up!

I talked to a neighbor lady in Apollo who lost all three of her sisters in their forties!

I spoke with a waitress who told me that her 19-year-old younger brother had to get a testicle removed due to testicular cancer. I asked her about it and she said he was never an athlete or MMA fighter, and had never been injured down there.

Margi took this photo of me in Apollo on September 3, 2013,  ith me standing on the lawn in front of our rented cottage, and the jews even made an x-shape like crosshairs on a rifle using two different chemtrail jets. She had to sit on the lawn and point upward to get this shot.

And this is the main reason why President John Kennedy was murdered in 1963, wh for all his faults, such as being very liberal about the blacks, and his flings with Marilyn Monroe, was our last president who did not obey the jews. The Kennedy family had many, many enemies, but the Israelis especially wanted him dead so they could complete their project of acquiring atomic weapons, which Kennedy fiercely opposed.

In fact, Kennedy secretly admired Adolf Hitler, and was getting very sick of the jews himself, like his father, Joseph Kennedy Senior.

I and Margi were friends with the late, great writer, Michael Collins Piper, a Pennsylvanian himself of Irish and German heritage.  he wrote this book, this masterpiece, Final Judgment,

…which solved once and for all who killed John Kennedy. It was Israel at the head of the line of Kennedy-haters.  Only the jews, as Piper wrote, with their huge control over the American media, the CIA, the FBI, and the Congress, had the raw power to both kill Kennedy and then successfully cover it up.

They blamed a totally innocent Lee Harvey Oswald for the murder, a patriotic former US Marine who loved the Kennedys actually.Believing gullibly that the CIA was a good and needed thing to protect America, an illusion which President Kennedy had come to strenuously reject, Lee became a CIA asset, being paid to do whatever they needed.

He even passed out pro-Cuba, pro-communist leaflets in New Orleans on their request, assuming it was to attract and infiltrate the local communists in that city.

Actually, he was being set up by the CIA to be seen as a communist, a loner, and a nut, and to blame him for the Kennedy murder, and then silence this innocent, patriotic American forever.

The jews then had Oswald killed right in the police station, completely unprotected, and it was done by the jewish strip-club owner Jack Rubinstein, whose name was shortened to Jack Ruby to hide his jewishness.

And thus the CIA murdered their own man. So it was Israel and the top heads of American Jewry who gave the needed go-ahead to all the many enemies of JFK, which included the Italian mafia, the CIA, the FBI, and Vice President Lyndon Johnson, who was secretly part-jewish through his mother, and who planned out the assassination.

Here we see LBJ glaring at John Kennedy one hour before the murder.

and the military-industrial complex, which President Eisenhower had denounced for getting rich off wars and promotes wars, always demonizing countries which the jews hate and cannot control, such as Iran, China and Russia. The MIC wanted a full-on war in Vietnam. And with John Kennedy gone, a war hero in WWII who actually hated war and loved peace,  Lyndon Johnson took over the White House. He gave the military-industrial complex that needless and unwinnable war in Vietnam to fatten the wallets of Wall Street while 57,000 Americans died from Main Street.

Here, now, are my videos about this Apollo-NUMEC-Israel-cancer scandal, and the FBI really stepped up its harassment of me and Margi after this came out in 2012.

Before I go on to part two of this video, I need to explain specifically what the FBI did to me and Margi in Apollo. It was not just about NUMEC and me exposing the Israelis and the American Jew Shapiro of Pittsburgh, who lived her in a jewish neighborhood, for causing the cancer epidemic among his employees and the whole population.

It was not just about the Israelis murdering John Kennedy, who was beloved in Pennsylvania, and like Kennedy, there are a lot of Irish and also Catholics in that state. These were huge and shocking things. If you lost all three of your sisters to cancer just in their forties, and realized the jews killed our sisters, and I know myself how much the cancer victim suffers, because my Margi died with Stage IV cancer, and how much it hurts the whole family, and the round-the-clock care is exhausting, then you realize I could have created a volcano of righteous wrath against Israel over this, both locally and among Whites everywhere.

But what concerned them just as much was that I decided to run for sheriff of Armstrong County.

This was a 98% white county that hated Obama and Blacks in general, an Appalachian county full of Whites of German and Scots-Irish descent, pickup trucks, hunters, fishermen, and country-music lovers.  It was also an open seat; the old sheriff was retiring.


There are three kinds of slanderers in the white-nationalist cause — and it’s not a movement–  Hitler had a movement, but this is just a cause, still. And they are found in any cause the FBI infiltrates to weaken or destroy.

A  friend of mine was the late Ted Gunderson,  a Norwegian-American from the Midwest,

:::and a top FBI agent for years until he retired, got his big pension, and then began using his time and money to expose the evil that certain FBI agents were doing. This is a link to a website honoring him and his courage. Ted was a special agent in charge of huge FBI offices, such as Los Angeles, where he had 600 agents under him. And it was in southern California where Hollywood is, that he began investigating satanic ritual abuse of children, and seeing the coverup. He also was

One biggie the FBI did was arresting only pedophiles among the little people, and letting the big pedophiles go in order to have blackmail on these bigshots and completely control them. There is, after all, no better way to control a powerful man in America than getting proof — via videos, photos and getting testimonies of victims who could testify in an open courtroom that Mr Big rapes kids, because no one wants to go to state prison as a known pedophile.

In fact, part of the FBI likes pedophilic crimes because they can control more VIPs  that way.

Actually, the Mafia and the Kennedys had dirt on FBI director Hoover, too, because it was a big scandal back then to be a homosexual, yet Hoover was a known cross-dresser and lived for decades with another man, Clyde Tolson, whom he made Assistant Director of the FBI.

As Wikipedia says, next to this photo from 1939, with Tolson on the left and Hoover on the right,

“They rode to and from work together, ate lunch together, and often traveled together on official or unofficial business.”[17] Their relationship has been described as “what many considered a ‘spousal’ relationship between the two men”.[18] Some authors dismissed the rumors about Hoover’s sexual orientation and possible intimate relationship with Tolson,[19][20][21] while others have described them as probable or even confirmed,[22][23] and still others reported the rumors without stating an opinion.[24][25] The two men often spent weekends together in New York, Christmas season together in Florida, and the start of the Del Mar horse racing season together in California.[26] When Hoover died in 1972, Tolson inherited his estate of US$551,000 ($3.9 million today), moved into his house,[14] and accepted the U.S. flag draped on Hoover’s coffin. And he died two years after Hoover, in 1974,

And the FBI frames people who did nothing wrong. In 1980, Ted Gunderson became a defense investigator for Green Beret doctor Jeffrey R. MacDonald, who had been convicted of the 1970 murders of his pregnant wife and two daughters. The man is totally innocent; he has been in prison now for over 40 years; and his only crime was he knew too much about a  ring inside the US Army that was smuggling illegal drugs from foreign countries into the US,and so they sought to discredit him by framing him for a triple murder of his own family. In reality, Army individuals hired satanists to do the murders, and one of them admitted it and passed a lie.detector test.

I even heard about this as a kid. Army personnel put drugs in the body bags of fallen American soldiers being sent home from Vietnam.When that got caught, they even slit the soldiers’ dead bodies open and stuffed drugs in them, then sowed the body back up, as if they had had surgery.

Ted himself was in the COINTELPRO program, a  slander program to divide and conquer any group the FBI disliked. This was something Ted was not proud of.

He told me himself that the FBI under J. Edgar Hoover was out to break up some militant black organizations.  His job was to get the different black leaders to hate each other, suspect each other, start infighting, slandering and smearing each other…. maybe  even killing each other. Ted spread rumors that black leader A was sleeping with the girlfriend of leader B, or claim that leader C had said that leader D was a queer who liked taking anal sex and giving oral sex to men on his knees.

It was all pure lies. And, sadly, because people gobble hateful rumors up, proved or not, it worked.

As everyone knows, the powerful, very charismatic black leader Malcolm X, who, btw, became very anti-jewish, was  murdered in 1965 by followers of another black leader, Louis Farrakhan.  Malcolm, who was part-white himself and had dark-red hair, was actually toning down the anti-white rhetoric (as the Denzel Washington movie about him shows near the end) and Malcolm X was thinking more and more about the jewish problem when he was murdered. I am sure the top FBI were high-fiving each other when it was other blacks who killed him.

Malcolm X was growing and evolvingion every way when shot. Listen to this:

And the FBI also framed the white southerner James Earl Ray for the murder of Martin Luther King,

which the FBI itself carried out.

The FBI browbeat him, saying “Either confess right now you killed King or you will get the electric chair.” So Ray confessed, but then retracted his confession, furious at the FBI.

Even the King family came to Ray’s prison and told him they knew he was an innocent man who had been framed. In 1997, King’s son Dexter had a meeting with Ray and asked him, “I just want to ask you, for the record, did you kill my father?” Ray replied, “No. No I didn’t,” and King told Ray that he, along with the King family, believed him; the King family also urged that Ray be granted a new trial.In 1999, Coretta Scott King, the widow, said after two mock trials found James Earl Ray innocent: 

“Mr. Ray was set up to take the blame.”

He died in 1998 after 29 years behind bars for a murder which the FBI had committed. He was buried in his ancestral Ireland, having come to hate the US government for what it did to him.


So  Ted Gunderson told me there are three kinds of people who spread slander inside any movement, and the FBI loves them all. One is other leaders, and their close inner circle of followers, who resent and feel jealous about any new leader rising up who would be competition for supporters and donations.

The second group is outright infiltrators. One was Bill Wilkinson,

who actually ran his own Ku Klux Klan as a total infiltrator.

These infiltrators do not agree with our cause at all; they are trained how to talk like us, get friendly with key people, and paid well to come to our meetings and pretend to be new supporters.They learn all they can, find out who doesn’t like whom, and they focus on that, of course. They begin to wreak general havoc, trying to cause the group to split up, or they finally suggest illegal and violent activities so as to get everyone arrested and sent for five to ten years to prison, thus closing the group down, both leaders and followers. These are called agents provocateur.

The third group is people who do believe in the cause, but are “turned.” That is, they have to start working for the FBI, but do so only under extreme threat.

The FBI tells you how they know the judge, and they will find a black jury to convict you, and then you will get, 2, 5, 10 or 20 years in prison for some crime they will frame you with, or maybe you did not pay all your taxes four years for mowing a guy’s lawn, and so get “You are going away for a long, long time unless you cooperate.”

Oh, and you might not even survive prison, because we’ll be sure to get you put in “general population” in the prison, and the black guards will let all the black inmates that know that you are a vicious racist and a white supremacist who hates all Black people.

At that point in the interrogation, a lot of white nationalists just cave in. No one wants to be raped, or, as they say, punked, by ten negroes.

And not every white man in prison is going to be rescued from the blacks by a Jack Reacher:

Now, all this is relevant, because three white nationalists attacked me a decade ago, smearing specifically my character, and not my racial or political views, because for that the FBI has an army of paid liberals.

The FBI goal was that white nationalists would turn against me or at least “hear something,” and while not ever checking it out to see if it is true, the doubt that has been planted remains, and they never,  ever support you…because they “heard something.” Yes, if you heard it from somebody, or read it online, it must be true. 😉

Of course, other white nationalist leaders think this gossip about a competitor is a great thing. They may even spread it themselves while covering themselves by saying “I don’t know if it is true, but I think you should know, and, uh, please don’t reveal that I shared this with you.” And then your good buddy “shares” this valuable info, which is pure slander, while not even vouching for it.

Will any of these characters come to you and give you a chance to defend yourself? Nope. You just see people who used to be friendly suddenly giving you dagger eyes, though you have done nothing different.

And this is part of the spiritual sickness of earthlings. Their egoic mind wants to look down on someone else to feel better about themselves, and the more the person is a loser, the more they love gossip. Heck, some women even buy Soap Opera Digest at the checkout counter. That is gossip about people who do not even exist. 😉

And giving credence to unfounded gossip certainly goes against how they want to be treated. Everyone has seen courtroom dramas on tv. First, there is the presumption of innocence. In a criminal trial, the prosecutor presents his supposed evidence you are guilty,and the the defense can pick this evidence apart, and if you are the person accused, you re  glad that your lawyer and you can say your side of the story.

None of this happens in gossip. You hear just one side. It is unethical, unfair,  immoral, and shows no love for the truth. It is how the FBI works to destroy white nationalism, by slander.

There are two things you doubtless also know, 1) the defense has the last word. The prosecutor speaks, summarizes his case, and then says “I rest my case.” Then your lawyer jumps up to defend your innocence. Then the jury retires to the jury room to deliberate, and if all 12 men and women do not unanimously find you guilty, you go free. The evidence is supposed to be very strong before the government can take your freedom.

And we all know this, and that it is a good thing if you are the one accused. So why is there no due processs with vicious slander?

And even if there is a proper trial the jews can come in with bribe money for witnesses, for judges, and even for the governor of the state, who commuted a death sentence to life in prison for a convicted jewish rapist in Atlanta, Georgia, the businessman Leo Frank, in 1913.

But this was so Frank could get a new trial with a bribed judge. A kind of Harvey Weinstein of his day, Leo was used to getting his way with female employees at his sweatshop,

a pencil factory, because the girls feared losing their job.

But 13-year-old Mary Phagan

would not have sex with this loathsome jew, and he raped and strangled her, then tried to pin this atrocity on two of his black employees.

But the jury did not buy it and found him guilty of murder.Five levels of the US court system all confirmed Frank’s guilt, including twice the US Supreme Court.

But the big New York jew money kept pouring in and two lyear later, they bribed the governor of Georgia, John Stanton, so Frank could get a new trial.  Fed up to here, the top citizens of Georgia finally got out their pistols, poured into the prison, took the jew out and lynched him inMarietta for killing little Mary Phagan.

In the very fair trial, both sides had used top lawyers and fully presented their case for weeks on end.

Now it was time to carry out the sentence. The slander was by the jews, saying via their jewspapers that the whole state of Georgia was full of bigotry, and poor Leo was a victim of antisemitism, and half the country, hearing only the jew side, of course believed this slander! But it was too late for Leo Frank. And to the credit of the white Georgia jury, they berlieved the word of a black janitor over a white, jewish businesman. There had been many a case of northern carpetbagger jews forcing sex on white,Christian southern girls! But the lynching was not impulsive, but to carry out the just sentence of the  court, as confirmed by every higher court.


Getting back to the three main smearers of my person, I immediately suspected that they had cut a deal with the FBI to get out or stay out of any prison that is full of negroes, mexicans or muslims, and that deal was to slander me all over the Internet.

One of them was Don Black of Stormfront,

….who was a Ku Klux Klan leader when arrested in 1981 and put in a federal prison for three years for trying to overthrow a Caribbean island country called Dominica for money.





A lot of stuff can go on behind a federal prison wall and it might even be taped later on for blackmail. The famous white nationalist leader Tom Metzger, a fearless and charismatic man who once had a big organization (his was Tom with his son John)….

and may God rest Tom’s soul, had wisdom and vast experience as a white activist. In 1980, he won the Democratic Party nomination for the U.S. House of Representatives with over 40,000 votes in a San Diego-California area district. In fact, Tom interviewed me twice on his show, and his noteworthy question was:

“Can we trust anyone who has been in the federal prison system?”

In other words, what kind of deal do the feds made with a WN who totally is at their mercy?  In fact, you might not be raped or killed by blacks. They can just poison your food, or give you the wrong meds, or not enough, or not on time, and wear you down until you die, or you cave in and agree to work for them.

Anyway, it was Don Black who began smearing me in 2009. I had the biggest thread in Stormfront history by one person, entitled “Apocalypse of the Psychopaths.” This one thread had 264,718 views. 

It was about how many psychopaths are not serial killers like Ted Bundy but rise through ruthlessness and backstabbing  co-workers to become heads of businesses, movie studio bosses, Wall Street moguls, Chiefs of Police, army generals, and even some people in the white movement, but I never attacked Black or even hinted at it. I had never had any conflict at any time with this man, and had only met him twice, and everything was fine.

With no warning, Black banned me in March 2009 from Stormfront, then froze the thread so no one at all could post on it, and then he deleted it. Now this was at a time long before Andrew Anglin and other fresh, new faces had come along, in the 2010s. So Don Black had the dominant website back then. I had 5,000 views a day, and the next day he cancelled me, like a jew at Facebook or YouTube, my views dropped to zero, and my work was offline. This website was born out of that deplatforming,

But, hey, orders are orders.

Ths segués onto the next smear and some suspicious timing. In 2008 Margi and I had been in close contact via emails and Skype with a very brave and idealistic young national socialist in Finland, Henrik Holappa. He had been protesting the gang rape of Finnish girls and women by muslim immigrants, especially Somalis, who are the absolute worst of the worst, African muslims.  Henrik also admired my service in the US Marine Corps and told me how both his grandfathers had fought the Soviets as allies of the Germans in WWII. My wife and I were both very, very touched, especially as Margi herself had suffered violence twice in Washington DC. Henrik was standing up for the safety of white Finnish women.

Finland is also full of blond children…and the African blacks go nuts over Finnish women and girls.

And Henrik told us how he had been jailed several times for hate speech by SUPO, the Finnish version of the FBI. The clincher was that a policewoman (and he gave me her business card when he came to see us in America) told him he would get up to four years in a maximum-security prison with Somali and other muslim rapists, drug dealers, and murderers, and this woman warned his mother:

“Your son will have no future in our society.” In other words, just a long, horrible prison sentence, a felony record, then unemployment, being broke, having no job, no wife, and no life.

Margi and I talked about it, and so I called him and invited him to come to America, stay with us, and apply for political asylum as a person who had done nothing wrong under American law and was persecuted only for his opinions. So he did, in July of 2008. We had a great time, and I showed him how to blog online. He started his own blogsite in Finnish

and exposed openly, which he could not do in Finland, the jewish control of the Finnish media under a horrible, ugly, fat scruffy jew named Aatos Erkko, the tv and newspaper baron who pushed open borders and white guilt.

I will never forget this image Henrik showed me, from downtown Helsinki, the capital. The most beloved, traditional hot breakfast food in Finland, is an oatmeal porridge.

Holappa gave me the following information.

”Elovena” is the name of a beloved brand of hot-breakfast oatmeal porridge. It is a kind of “institution” that we Finns, like the Scots, who also love oatmeal, use to start the day right. And we like to see this pretty girl. She is not supposed to be Miss Finland, but a wholesome girl who embodies our qualities. This is the “Elovena” box as it has looked for many years. It has not changed much since 1925.

Each year a different wholesome Finnish girl is also chosen for TV, newspaper and billboard ads – always a classic young Finnish girl who embodies the look and spirit of Finnish womanhood. But now, for this beloved brand, the Jews have chosen a new “Elovena” for 98% white, Scandinavian Finland.

As this Negress with “attitude” glowers down on the pedestrians below, with no smile on her face, the text says, in a harsh imperative use of the verb, implying a military command: “ACCEPT ANOTHER POINT OF VIEW.”

Had the Finnish sentence started with Hyväksy, it would have been a polite suggestion, i.e., “Why not be open to a new viewpoint?” Omaksu, however, has the peremptory tone in the Finnish language of “Get used to it!,” “Deal with it!” or “Face it!” — like an officer giving you an order. (I was in the Finnish army for three years.) It is the tone of saying: Hold your position at all costs, sergeant, even if it is being overrun and it comes to hand-to-hand fighting.

“Get used to it. Get used to me being in your country”

And now what do we see? The field is gone, and a veiled muslim girl is on the box!

The hilarious thing is that Finland has never oppressed anybody, or any minority, or ever co0nquered anyone, or had any empire or colonies. In fact, it was under the rule of Sweden and then Russia, and then was viciously attacked in 1939 by the Soviet Union in the famous “Winter War.” (After fighting very bravely, the Finns lost some territory.)

So the new excuse for bringing in Blacks and Muslims is that the white Finns are not having enough kids (while the tv and NWO trash the white family on a daily basis) so Finland needs more African and Afghani immigrants to pay the social security for the old, retired Finns and man the high-tech Finnish economy….. Of course.

This was Henrik and I in the lobby of the law office of Attorney Valerie May of Pittsburgh, after Margi and I paid $2,000 for herto be his immigration and political-asylum lawyer.

Henrik also wrote excellent articles for my Stormfront thread about Finland, the muslim gang-rape problem in all the nordic countries, and even about a Finnish super-soldier in WWII, Lauri Törni, who became a captain of ski troops, fought deep behind Soviet lines, and won the highest medal of Finland, the Knight of the Mannerheim Cross. In September 1944, he joined the Waffen-SS, was captured by the Soviets but escaped three times.

Then he came to the US, changed his name to Larry Thorne, joined the elite Green Berets of the US Army, rose to the rank of major, and fought in Vietnam, where he apparently lost his life in a helicopter crash by the Vietnamese Air Force. However. while the bodies of the crew was found, Thorne/Törni’s body was not located, and he remained an MIA from 1965 to 2003, when his body was identified and buried, as the only former Waffen-SS officer, in Arlington National Cemetery.

But then, just as had happened earlier in that decade to the German-Canadian Ernst Zündel when he came for freedom of speech to America, and then also to Germar Rudolf, a German Holocaust revisionist, the federal government agency ICE (Immigration and Customs Control) concocted for Henrik as well the most ludicrous claim that he had violated his visa. Henrik, just like Ernst and Germar, was arrested, and then all three were sent back to Europe.

Now Ernst and Germar both were arrested in Germany when they got off the plane and put on trial, getting many years in a German prison in Mannheim for denying the Holofraud.

But, somehow, NOTHING happened to Holappa, who had been blasting the jews,  denouncing the blacks, bashing the muslims  and glorifying Adold Hitler…. Lucky guy!

The Finns had been very much after him, which is why we invited him to come to America, stay with us, and apply for political asylum, since he feared unjust prosecution. I assumed the worst — that, just as with Germar and Ernst, afterexplusion, the Finnish police would arrest him when he landed at the airport in Finland to pay for all his supposed “crimes”:

And they were:

1) copyright violation (Henriki had sent a photo of a black jazz musician with two blond women adoring him) from a Finnish newspaper website, an ad for the black musician’s upcoming performance in Helsinki, to an American friend, who in turn posted it online; because the American had posted this  “without written permission of the Finnish newspaper”; HENRIK was to get six months in Finnish prison….)
2) “defaming the African community in Finland” (LOL)
3) inciting racial hatred
4) lying to police
5) harboring a fugitive (the German patriot Gerd Ittner, a fine comrade with whom I have been in contact, and who had stayed at Henrik’s apartment in his city, Oulu, when he was a fugitive)
6) aiding a fugitive to escape


So Holappa was kept in solitary confinement for 86 days –March to June at a federal facility in Batavia, New York state, near Buffalo.

I wrote him twice or three times a week, and he wrote back too, in pencil. Our relationship seemed just fine…

But then Henrik informed me by letter that all  the charges in Finland against him had been DROPPED!

Well, that was great for Henrik, but, umm, was it for ME? WHY exactly, unlike the Germar and Ernst cases, had the jews dropped all the charges? What had Henrik in return given THEM?

And  then I thought back to the week in March when Holappa had been arrested.

…in the exact same week that Don Black had attacked me out of the blue and begun to terminate my gigantic thread on Stormfront….. What a coincidence!

So it really came as no great surprise when Holappa, free as a bird in Finland and with all the charges dropped, suddenly launched a huge character attack on me in March of 2011, two years after his arrest by Homeland Security.

I had noted something curious on my website about David Duke, who had meanwhile taken Holappa under his wing….

Duke gets federal prison, then early release. He gets arrested in Prague, then released the next day. Arrested in Cologne, Germany, and then also released the next day. It’s just enough velvet-glove persecution to give him “cred” as a martyr with the totally gullible. With other white nationalists, they throw the book at them.

Alfred Schaefer, a Canadian citizen and former IBM executive, got four years in Germany for this:

His sister Monika, who was attending his trial, was arrested outside the courtroom and got ten months in a German prison in a group cell with jabbering African women for a video which she, a peaceful violinist, who was born in Canada, had recorded in English on Canadian soil!

But David Duke got the kid-glove treatment, and as for his acolyte, Holappa, all the charges were dropped. Gee, did the jews just turn nice on the antisemites, or just on certain ones?

And then another white nationalist chimed in, Carlos Porter, repeating all the slanders of Don Black and Holappa.

The funny thing about Porter is that while bashing me, he was living in the European Union, yet never got arrested for “hate speech,” for “denying the Holocaust” vehemently on his website,

….or for constantly using the word n-i-g-g-e-r and even “coon”!

No legal problems at all.

Few know that Carlos Porter stupidly renounced his US citizenship in 1984. This was his US passport after it was cancelled at his request by the US Consul in Luxembourg, a tiny country located between Germany, Belgium and France.

All of us understand the disgust and shame one feels over the crimes and wars committed by the US government around the world for generations, and especially how the US has become Israel’s bodyguard and hitman, crushing country after country that opposed the jews.

All these countries were devastated, with hundreds of  thousands killed — before and after

But this renouncing of US citizenship made Porter a stateless person, and since 1984 he has no rights or protection from any country. He admits that he lives as a stateless refugee in the European Union as long as they permit  him to do so. He is thus utterly at the mercy of the police and government of whatever country he lives in, whether Luxembourg, England or Ireland.

The US government, btw, continues to prosecute former American citizens who have renounced their citizenship, to seize their funds, to arrest them, etc.; so the US government will still go after you as an ex-citizen,  but it no longer will protect you.

I’ll run that cancelled passport photo again with this caption:

I remember the case of a British man who, in July 2016, was sentenced to 180 hours of community service, work without pay, just for criticizing Islam and for writing the phrase “Britain first”!



The wife of David Duke’s minion Jamie Kelso accused me on Facebook of pedophilia!


Now as for Carlos Porter’s screed against me, it is always found on page one on Google under my name, though not updated in years. So however is it that Carlito, living in the UK or Ireland, which both have strict hate-speech laws and rigorously enforce them, gets away with writing “nigger” and “koon” right on his website?

Here  it is: “coon” once and “ngr” four times.

Koon, nigger, niggerbridge, nigger….


So  I ask you: Is attacking me Carlito’s “get out of jail” card?



Just asking for a friend. 😉

Now look at the case of Nick Griffin, whom I know and admire, and have had over to my house for dinner.  Here he is with a bodyguard in front as Antifa throws a brick at him.

Griffin is a graduate of the great Cambridge University, one of the top three universities in the world, a married man with a nice wife, Jackie, and  two sweet daughters. He was a tireless activist and then a very successful chairman of the British National Party, which used to be very strong and growing in the Britain, until infighting took it down. Nick was even elected a Member of the European Parliament from northwest England.

So Nick got indicted in 1998 for “inciting racial hatred” and put on trial,  and  for what? He had simply published crime statistics, verbatim,from an official British government crime report. The report showed the number of violent crimes and which races committed them. Nick certainly never used the n- word, at least not in the pamphlet 😉 though Carlos Porter ha no fear to do so. Nick was indicted, tried, and given a nine-month sentence and a 2,300 pound fine (around 3,000 dollars US), but our Carlos somehow escapes arrest for open hate speech.

Mr. Porter apparently has friends in high places which you and I, and Nick Griffin, and so many others do not have,and they have gone to prison. Wolfgang Fröhlich in Austria, an engineer,

….wrote a scientific paper refuting the supposed “Nazi gas chambers.” Well, he did twelve years in prison for “denying” the Holocaust, but Porter can do so with no repercussions.

And I suspect that as long as Carlito slanders me, that he will continue to be a teflon white nationalist to whom no indictment can stick.

Oh, and a final note on Henrik Holappa.

He actually left our movement entirely, and wrote a whole book about it, and how he rejected hate and Adolf Hitler was the worst criminal of the twentieth century.

But then again, though six feet tall, he weighed just 130 pounds…..

….and did not want to be raped or killed by negroes in a Finnish prison, and who could blame him?


In 2013 he called me on video using Skype and a webcamera, with Margi listening and partially observing, and he apologized for  attacking me, saying I “had every right to hate him,” adding,  however, that the war between him and me “must go on” and that I should just “strike back hard, as usual.”
Margi and I had really liked Henrik, and here she was with him while walking the dog:
The way he said it suggested that he was absolutely in a trap and could not get out. I felt he was actually, sincerely, apologizing to me, and he regretted betraying us.

And in 2018, after leaving our cause totally, and marrying a Chinese woman, both of which shocked his white former comrades, he called me again on Skype video, with Margi right there.

This time he apologized in a very humble way and said his wife, a sincere Buddhist,


….had told him he must do this. She is a pretty woman, and comes across as very nice. She came on camera with their baby.

I was touched, and I told Henrik, who had been like a son to me in 2008 and 2009, that I forgave him and I understood.

But when I asked him to also retract what he had said against me, slanders which Carlos Porter uses, he said “I cannot.”

And now that he is a family man with a wife and baby, he has even more to lose than before. Prison with negroes and muslims would be even worse now for a married man with a family to support, two sweet females who love and needs him.  And every little girl needs a dad around to tell her all about men.  😉

And as for marrying out of his race, I do not like it, but the Chinese are obviously an advanced, industrious and intelligent race, and their women are not radical feminists like many white women of today. I actually know three white nationalists who are married to Asian women.

I told him: “I understand, Henrik. And the French have a saying: ‘Comprendre, c’est pardonner.’ To understand is to  forgive.'”


