Troll regurgitates to Boers the disproven 2014 Porter slanders; my attempt in 2014 to get a run for mayor going in Apollo, Pennsylvania; Trump trouble

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Libel by controlled-opposition “comrades” — believed by the culpably gullible — ruined a potentially viable political campaign in a 98% white town that had been destroyed specifically by American and Israeli Jews.

…the umpteenth character assassination attempt, this time spread from the States to the suffering, leaderless Whites of South Africa

A collaborator with violent-revolutionary-TALK specialist Bruce Campbell and his utterly abortive “American Defense Party” recently launched the latest attack on my character, the seventh in seven months.

First, I wrote this creature:

Dear M[],

Your hate-filled, profanity-reeking screed merely shows who you are, a narcissistic, psychopathic troll. Adolf Hitler would throw someone like you into a concentration camp, in fact, just for using the F-word or “c–ks—-r” in every sentence.

I note you also want to have a fistfight with me. LOL! While that might be fun, I would suggest instead that you apologize for the lies you have told in your recent emails about everyone under the sun, and not just me.

My address is on every single blog, and my phone number, and my house is shown often too in a photograph.

I have worked every job in the book during the 35 years since the Jews ruined my Marine Corps career and got my millionaire father and friend of two US presidents to disinherit me. (

I did not grow up in the trailer park, M, not did I learn to use a ghetto-negro vocabulary at least. I did not learn to, negro-like, challenge a 59-year-old man to a fightfight because he corrected your factually wrongful statements.

My father with US President Ronald Reagan


My father, James W. Nugent, is here just short of calling President Gerald Ford, in the Oval Office, a boneheaded moron for insisting on closing the Quonset Naval Air Station in Rhode Island in the 1970s while spending billion$ on a new out-of-state US Navy military facility. My father lost this battle, and a year later Ford lost his to Jimmy Carter. Ford was known for playing football without a helmet.
[With US President Gerald Ford]

….family photo January 2007

(upper row, l. to r.) John; his brother Todd; his son-in-law Jos Irigoyen;

Carlos Porter’s claim I could make $800 a day as a translator is a ludicrous lie, and HE knows it as a translator himself.


–No company will hire me due to who I am; the first thing people do these days  (and among them, especially employers) is “google” your name – with me they get twenty pages of Jew-bashing, “homophobia,” black crime, anti-muslim blogs and national socialism!

–My key languages, German and French, are not rare and not in demand. They are spoken by dozens of millions of people in Europe, especially the under-40s, who are also fluent in English. Arabic, Farsi, and such languages are in demand, but by the US government and military, who would never, EVER hire me!

–Living in mostly rural Armstrong County, Pennsylvania as I then did (and not in urban, techy Pittsburgh, a 45-minute drive even without rush hour) there was absolutely no tech or international company around that needed a translator.

I have worked, M, since my WN activities caused me to be totally cut off, as a

steam carpet cleaner,

window washer,

shipping room clerk,

newspaper deliverer,


Marine nco,

limousine driver,

convenience store clerk,

accent tutor (see below),

voice coach,

construction site laborer, etc.

(From A house whose foundation I helped build in the summer and fall of 2004 in Aix-en-Provence, France:
Construction work
Near Aix-en Provence in the south of France in 2004, de Nugent learned first-hand by labor under an expert mason the construction of the foundation of a 5,000 square-foot one-story house (made, very unusually for that arid area, of wood). This work included the making of concrete and the filling of cinderblocks; the building of the cinderblock foundation walls, the preparing of the concrete rebar floor, the insulation of the walls and the building and waterproofing of a large cinderblock basement.
This was a National Public Radio interview, conducted on August 21, 2003 by Liane Hansen of NPR with John de Nugent on softening the Rhode Island accent:
* * *
This August 2003 Providence Journal article on the same topic was also picked up by a wire service and run nationwide:
Teaching Rhode Islanders to Tawk Right
By Brooke Donald
August 17, 2003 in print edition A-17
John de Nugent is standing in front of his class with one thing on his mind, the letter r.
Hell eventually tackle the other letters and sounds that elude his students, but for now, he tucks his chin, grits his teeth, shakes his head back and forth, and growls like a dog.
Grrrr, repeat his students, completing their first lesson in how to reduce the Rhode Island accent. The three-hour course, The Great Rhode Island Accent Reduction Program, is designed to help Rhode Islanders put the r back in the cah they drive and take the aw out of their morning cup of kawfee.
With any luck, theyll also soften the aa in god and restore the th to that.
Its not veel smott to tawk with a Rho Dyelinn accent around othaa people, de Nugent chided. [etc.]
He also worked very intermittently from 1981-2004 as a high school substitute teacher in the states of Virginia and Massachusetts and on a longer-term assignment in Coventry, Rhode Island.
A note left for him by three pupils at Swampscott Junior High School, Massachusetts (on Massachusetts Bay) in October 1996.
Academic conference organizer
In 2003 de Nugent organized an academic conference on the topic of a possible axis Paris-Berlin-Moscow of three nations which in 2002- 2003 were overtly opposed to the Iraq war policies of George W. Bush France under its then president Jacques Chirac, Germany under its then chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, and Russia under its then president (and now prime minister) Vladimir Putin. (President George W. Bush had claimed that Iraq under Saddam Hussein possessed or was building weapons of mass destruction, a claim disproved after the US invasion.)


In summary, by repeating the lies of Henrik Holappa, who just recorded another radio show with David Duke in December 2013 (see Youtube), Paid-Off Porter links himself directly to the Duke machine.
And the Duke machine is controlled via blackmail to the feds:
David Duke before thousands of dollars in cosmetic surgery
and after
The Bionic Man 😉

…..Porter half-lies about a hotel loan

On the loan, for the French Alps hotel project, the Jews sabotaged the hotel project by calling all the French banks and telling them not to lend us enough to get it going.
And the lender to me, a lawyer, was making $300,00 a year at [] in Baltimore, and so $40 K to him was not the end of the world.
And Margi and I have been nearly destitute for the last eleven years! How was I to repay that when we ourselves were on foodstamps?
And if I were a miscreant, and had the wherewithal to repay, why did this lawyer not go ahead and sue me?

I have not used these facts to avoid thereby unintentionally destroying the legal career of this lawyer, a closet WN!

 So the Jews ruined the project — making repayment by one WN to another impossible — and Porter blames ME!


I saw the same thing with Porter as with Holappa. After every exhaustive and detailed refutation, and every time-consuming and MASSIVE compilations of facts, scans, links, etc., it had no impact at all. Instantly a “yes, but” came back and then the next accusation followed.
Conclusion: These guys just hate my guts and it is out of sheer, base, mindless, lowdown envy. That is what the curator of said to me two years ago.
So this shameful mindset kicks in: “Convince me against my will and I will believe it still.”


…….Porter twists my Apollo mayoral effort

As for my attempt to start running for mayor of Apollo, Pennsylvania in 2014 (,
…..I stated the truth to Jason Hiecke, a WN braggart closely allied to Carlos Porter who has since closed his AdvancedWhiteSociety website and disappeared or abandoned the cause (as have mysteriously my other defamers, Henrik Holappa and Jason Salyers —, …and the defamer “Joe Adams” of “The White Voice” and John King, his ally in Jasper, Indiana.
Jason Hiecke, SS man
 photo jason-hiecke-burger-king-ss-uniform.jpg
Defamer Holappa is now a dropout, race mixer, and white-wife-and-child abandoner
So is defamer Jason Salyers: dropout, race mixer, and white-wife-and-child abandoner
Part-Latino Carlos Porter gets away with using the n- word, or “koon,” over and over online — which is overtly illegal “hate speech” in Britain, Ireland and the whole EU — because he bashes me. Jewgle always puts his crud on page one under my name, though he has not updated it in two years…………..
The enemy took the threat of my running and winning very seriously in a tiny town of 1500, just twelve blocks north to south,  that was 98% white…..
Apollo High School cheerleaders
….and where Israeli Jews, via the NUMEC nuclear-fuel plant, had given CANCER to almost literally every single family.
Cancer rates in very rural Armstrong County were 20% above those in highly industrial Allegheny County (Pittsburgh) — due to NUMEC.
My next-door neighbor in Apollo, whose son is a Pittsburgh cop, told me all three of her sisters had died in their fifties of cancer, which Jew dumping at night of uranium and plutonium by-products caused.


My goal was to turn that town antisemitic because the Jews, by callous radioactive dumping, had killed their relatives! It is much easier to get whites riled up at blacks, mexicans, gay marriage or gun control. The real issue is awakening whites to the Jews!
In fact, I myself was risking my life just staying in that town but I did it for the white cause! None of that mattered to Porter or Hiecke.
But the feds took it all very seriously.
–getting four landlords/motel owners to throw Margi and me on the street in one year
We were given thirty days to get out of this rented cottage at 681 Canal Road which I had strenuously cleaned up for two months in the fall of 2012; mysteriously, the house remained unrented and unsold for many months after we were told to leave, though the landlord couple was also living in the edge themselves.
How was this couple (she a struggling baker in a depressed town, and he a road-crew foreman) able to make it without our $600 a month rental payment? They were still paying the mortage note off themselves! ANSWER: IMO, the Jews or feds or some fed asset probably slipped them the money to make up for losing the $600 a month we gave them.
In the end, I was even thrown out of this miserable place — note the oil-spotted corridor carpet
A room with no phone, fridge, microwave or internet (tv also not hooked up)
I opened cans of cold food since I had no money to eat out and no way to cook.
Cigarette holes in the blanket
To stay in Apollo and run for mayor, I put up with hell for months.
I gave up a life of wealth for our race.
–cancelling, my donations program (just as they recently hacked my Stripe acct, and before that cancelled my PayPal account)
–intercepting a payment by US mail so as to try to get me in serious legal difficulties; then the cops lied to me they had gotten the payment after all when they had not (hence the refund, see below) and I threatened to hire a lawyer and go door-to-door with the truth of felony theft of the US mail by the Apollo, Pa. postal clerk himself.
If the Apollo PD got my payment, then why was the money order never cashed and the USPS issue a refund? The town was covering for the crooked postal clerk who had torn my payment envelope up.
As for the mistake of the mayoral race being in 2016, not 2015, the mistake was by the Armstrong County board of elections in Kittanning. Why would I make such a mistake? I spoke with a female employee there and asked her when the next mayoral races for Class C towns (the smallest) would be. She said in 2015. If I cannot trust the board of elections to know, whom can I trust? And why would I lie and deliberately embarrass myself? Obviously the truth would come out and soon either way. Duhhh!
Anyway,  I began talking up the idea in Apollo, and no one contradicted me on it being 2015. And why did no one contradict or correct me? Because they did not know or care.

The truth is the mayor of a Class C town in Pennsylvania such as Apollo, population 1500, has relatively little power. The town council runs the town and the town council president run the meetings — not the mayor. What the mayor does is supervise the police department (a few part-time officers) — and that is the only thing he or she does.

So literally no one in Apollo was highly interested in the mayoral election or knew it was in 2016.
Mayoral salary (the only one in the town government)?
A thousand a year.
End of story.
And now Porter says I should have refunded donations. Hah — first, I got almost none, thanks to his and Holappa’s slanders, and two, does he demand Jeb Bush refund donations, or Ted Cruz, or the supporters of Britain remaining in the EU? SINCE WHEN DOES PORTER EXPECT ALL CANDIDATES WHO DID NOT SUCCEED TO REFUND DONATIONS? iF THAT WERE THE CASE , ONLY MILLIONAIRES COULD RUN.
And no, Carlos, you are not legally a candidate in Pennsylvania until you get the ballot signatures and they are approved. And anyone can say they are a candidate but legally you are not until you get the requisite signatures and the board of elections approves them.
Then only do THEY declare you are a candidate.


The FBI offer this to every pathetic WN dweeb:

“We will aid you to crush WN rival X,

because we cannot control him,

but we can and do control you.”

Let me now add another link about your and yours, M:
You work for the Jews. You defame — and then move on to another defamation and then another, and then another, and then another.
Finally you propose violence.
John de Nugent


…..To some Boers

I wrote as follows to a group of Afrikaners over in South Africa to whom he had defamed me:


I have no desire to continue any dialogue with the paid troll. Many of you may be aware of the tragic Cornelia de Wet case (photo) now in RSA, where three White men (white Afrikaner cops) viciously betrayed this Boer woman (it had to do with persuading her to hide bombs in her house for a Boer uprising) and she is now facing 15 years in prison, after she already was raped in prison by Blacks during her two-year initial sentence.


I am highly aware of South African events, and I understand and read Afrikaans as well, aided btw by my fluency in the somewhat related language of German. Here is one of my key essay on RSA:


There is no question that the Jewish enemy infiltrated the Broderbond [a secret male organization for Boer power] and the NP [the National Party, which began apartheid in the 1940s and ran SA until 1994], and other organizations as well that once had fought for the Boers, and they kept the HNP tiny. (I used to correspond with Jaap Marais.) [The HNP was the sincere but small and underfunded party that tried to stop the turnover to the Black communist ANP organization of of Nelson Mandela.]
I must say, and this is no surprise, that the White movement in America is also massively infiltrated.
The Jewish tactic is always the same: “divide and conquer.” Cause infighting. And most of all, launch attacks on the character of any potential leader.
The hallmark of a paid troll is that 1) he attacks numerous individuals, not just one, as X (whoever this person really is) has done, and 2) he never acknowledges that any charge was factually refuted, but instead launches a new attack, changing the subject.


Margi and I took in a Finnish kid in 2008, a WN named Henrik Holappa, who spent eight months in our home, and we spent $2,000 on a political-asylum lawyer for him. When Obama had him arrested in March 2009, they broke him in prison and he then became “theirs.”



Then he began attacking me as a con man, mentally ill, a coward — the entire Carlos Porter attack also.


After both I and Margi had written him and refuted each charge, he moved on to yet another attack. No acknowledgement was ever made that he had lied and been carefully disproved.
After I spent so much time refuting each Holappa charge, he just moved on to a new attack. I think at this point he is just a troll. I found it suspicious that when he was expelled from the US back to Finland the Finnish authorities dropped all three indictments against him? The authorities never drop charges relating to ‘hate speech,’ but they might use them to get leverage over the person and then make a deal with them.


Finally, in November 2013 (, more and more certain that Holappa had a deal (a hostile deal, of course, made under pressure — he is a genuine WN) with the enemy, I had an open confrontation with him, a kind of duel online, he was utterly disproved on every one of his accusations (se the climactic end of the thread), and then he called us on Skype, via webcamera, and confessed that he did indeed have a hostile deal with the Finnish police to attack me in order to stay free of further prison time.


All this and other issues are thoroughly discussed in my articles, which I sent to the troll, but then he whined that I had not “answered his charges.” Well, his charges are a mere repetition of the Carlos Porter defamations, and they are answered — in full detail — at the links I provided to him and to you in the group email.
Here they are again:
nerd-Extreme_Computer_NerdIf there is one thing I learned since March 2009, it is that trolls are paid to eat up all a potential leader’s time with refuting their constant accusations, keeping them on the defensive, and spreading gossip because a certain kind of unspiritual person really likes vicious gossip and personal stories about prominent people and their supposed scandals and purported weaknesses. The more a person him-or-herself is a lowlife, the more they believe and really want to believe that others are as just they are: liars, greedy, and obsessed with sex, cars, fame or money, and backstabbing their friends to get to the top.
As this article states clearly, government-hired trolls are paid to attack, and nothing you say will or can possibly dissuade or deter them, because they would be fired if they let up.





It is not about true or false, and it is not about the facts of the case, but about the Jewish-run police 1) paying them to attack potential or actual leaders online or via emails, and/or about 2) them staying out of jail, and threatened indictments “going away.”


I would have to say that the most ignorant and vicious accusation is that I am a coward.


No coward would lead a four-man unit of NS stormtroopers in full uniform onto the campus of his own elite university and confront it over its 1) promotion of a homosexual student group and 2) prohibiting an anti-abortion group. All hell broke loose against me after that, including from my millionaire father, a friend of two US presidents.


This article bears reading.

In the second video here you can see me confronting the US Army.

(It is also found here: ENGLISH The NUMEC scandal bursts open again in my town of Apollo, Pennsylvania)

The same courage I bring to fighting for White American rights I will bring to the fight for White South African rights as well. It was Jewmerica that destroyed apartheid (using WHITE TRAITORS) and it is an Aryan America that must now awaken, learn the harsh racial lessons from the SA tragedy since 1994, and rush to help the Boers to survive and regain full power over their lives, prosperity and freedom. All South Africans of all races will benefit from the White man regaining control of his own life.
John de Nugent

……Contact and support

We need a new Aryan religion, Virtus, because right now whites are rotten to the core and especially white nationalists, who are in hate mode not just against other races but against each other.



There is no one the feds and Jews fear more. I have proved it to you.

Two Bushes and Obama against JdN


But maybe we should all just kick back and wait for Trump to save us. 😉

The one with three kids married to Jews and who just endorsed the Diane Feinstein gun control measures:


You have to ask yourself — why do the Jews hate John de Nugent so much?



1 Comment

  1. Jason Salyers’ black girlfriend rather looks cute 🙂 nothing wrong for him to live in an interracial relationship. I’ve dated two black African girls and back in 2009 July had a one night stand with a black Cuban girl 🙂 once you go black you never go back 🙂

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